"With aching heart and crying soul do they whom
lay beneath the rock-like rubble, 'neath fallen houses and twisted steel which, once made of man, no longer to present them
any shelter now.Yet, those broken slabs of mortar with bended rods of iron, no more than prisons truly reflect upon they whom
now entrapped within with cold and lifeless feel. Where once these meager and temporary shelters stood, with solemn intent
as homes or space, built then to harbour them a place of rest or lay. Now, those shelters fallen low entombing all below with
rubble, rocks and debris, befitting only as funeral pyre and also ready graves on earth do surely be. How so in transit then
is mortal flesh as all that stood for home now falls to dust, broken stone, lending all to bend low on wounded knee."
Life indeed IS so transient and life is indeed
but a mere fleeting glimpse of a prefixed scenario, pledged to be played out by the many 'willing participants.'
What price is paid for following 'Fates' grand pathway of expression is ever of course open to debate or question. We
all move in cycles and circles and as we offer to 'finalise' a final act within that grand theatre or play, do we then I AM
SURE, step into a realm or space that is so clearly defined and without any blemish or shadow of a doubt! Here, in this space,
is truly realised the nirvana of being, as the perfection of the universal life-force balances out so evenly or with such
equilibrium - nothing but total exactness or perfection is created and realised.
This is indeed the way of things and those that
were 'blessed' to transition at the very time the 'earth did shake' went home with pace and far easier drive. It is sadly
so that those remaining will experience more a prolonged road home and it is with these that our hearts and souls reach out
encompassing them in such 'heavenly blankets' of crystal pure love. Affording them the fortitude and the strength to work
their precious ways through pain filled times as their own radiant transitions come into blessed view. And God 'smiles' indeed
ever on each and every one, as their 'Inception' point is finally, sacredly realised, and do angels wings protectively enfold
them, oh, with such so precious love and emerging joy. Taking them by the hands and leading them the way to the haven and
heart place of resounding peace and joyous, gentlest recuperation.
The hearts of all mankind are opening wide
and wider still, as the love and deep compassion enfold each one.The force filled energies around the world and within the
heavens encompass and enfold each and everyone and every- thing as the Haiti capital now stoops and submits to times of sadness,
and to times of immense and radical change.This is where, once again, the nations of the world UNITE BECOMING AS ONE, and
all with sincerest divine intent step forward in one accord, with but one singular loving intent and purpose as the merging
of so many marry forth the sister/brotherhood of all Hu-man kind. In times of strife are the troubles eased by the many fellow
travellers within and upon the planet, issuing forth the message, WE ARE ALL TOGETHER in these times, and for all times hence.....
What greater love has Hu-man kind than the love
of it's fellow travellers when occasions arise that are so distressing or challenging to the hearts and souls of all
upon and within the planet. There is an inner call in each and every one of us, relating to and recognising the calamitous
catastrophe, that having had effect on one part of the world's populace has an immediate effect as the rest of the world realises
that what is happening in Haiti and to the many dear souls there, is also and INDEED HAPPENING TO THEM ALSO. As we grow ever
towards the Oneness of being can we then no more turn the blind eye, so to speak, for we recognise within our very heart and
souls that it is happening to US, the Oneness - how can it not be.Our hearts are opening ever wider and it is but one of the
'gifts' that Haiti is offering us right at this now moment of time, as she moves though her own transition - on many levels
of being.
Send out your loving embrace in the shape of
prayer or affirmations utilising a world wide affirmation or our own magical self's. Focusing our divine power unconditionally
and unadulterated, sending to the Haiti capital itself or to the mighty crystal heart centre of Mother Earth, where beloved
Lady Gaia awaits your blessed emerges, as she and her loving consorts are in a prime position to redirect this precious gift
to exactly where needed, from minute to minute. She awaits your call with open arms and wide open heart for she too, as we,
seek to love and caress, not her own aching body, but all those in physicality, whether Human or animal, for all living things
ARE AS ONE. Let us together stand united, with one heart and one mind, working for the good and the betterment of the planet
and for all upon and within her. For so it is...
Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind,
for Mother Earth and for an ever united kingdom.
(c)2010 Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal
Mind. * 17 Viking Ct, CT10 1RF, England, UK. 20.7.07, 01843- 866875 * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * (please copy and share, affording due
credit to it's source, and also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine)