Knowing Your Soul Path


MARY MAGDALENE: Knowing Your Soul Path and Soul Agreements

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel

On November 7, 2013 

Question: Do we each have an individual path that we have already decided upon before our birth or are things changing as time moves on? For instance, maybe God planned to use us (those of us who pray to surrender our lives) in one way, but with the way things have gone, could better use us in an entirely different way? What is the best way to serve God and the highest good of all involved?


Mary Magdalene: Thank you for your question. This has to do with the process of what beings decide before taking on an incarnation and how that affects them in their incarnation. It is true that before a being incarnates on the third dimension—on Earth, as the example we’re talking about right now—that individual makes very specific agreements relative to what they want to experience in their lifetime and how they want to serve. They decide how they want to make use of their spiritual gifts and their spiritual energy, for the greater good of many. This is what you might call living your life purpose. It is a combination of both furthering your own personal soul growth through your incarnation, and also bringing energy and manifesting for the greater good of many beings while you are incarnate.


In general, souls do make soul agreements before they incarnate. The major events of your life are chosen at that time, prior to your birth. However, within that there is a great deal of space for your free choice during your lifetime and your incarnation as to the more day-to-day aspects of what you will be choosing in your life. You also have choice, to a certain extent, as to the ways you will be fulfilling the agreements you made. So it is a combination. There is free choice after you incarnate, and it is also true that you have exercised your free choice as a soul prior to incarnating. Some of what you are experiencing in your Earth life is the continuation and the fulfillment of those choices at this level.


However, one of the challenges in the Earth plane is that you do not remember this process. You do not remember the soul choices you made. For many, it is a confusing process to have clarity about what your soul path is and to feel confident that you are on your soul path.


There are two things I would suggest that are most helpful in knowing and being clear about your soul path, and being confident that you are following your soul path. One is to be very connected to your heart and to allow your heart to guide you. This is something that I have spoken about before. I talked about this in depth in the book that I gave through Mercedes, Mary Magdalene Beckons. That book contains many messages from me about how to be in your heart. This is very important for many people at this time.


What many people don’t understand is that it is not simply about desiring or intending to be in your heart. That must be supported by your very real relationship with your body, your sexuality, and your emotions. Your degree of development and mastery in these three areas will greatly influence your ability to be in your heart or not. So I have urged many times that people focus on and become strong in these three arenas, handling anything that you need to handle that is not full and strong in these areas.


The one that is most challenging for people, in general, is the emotional arena and the way that people respond to emotional pain. I have given great instruction through Mercedes and through the book that she created out of my instruction, which is available to people to help you in that area. I again urge people to make use of this to help you to stay in your heart, which will inform you as to what your true soul path is. It’s confusing if you are coming from your mind. Your mind is important and your mind supports you in many ways. But your mind is not capable of having the kind of clarity at the soul level that your heart does. This is why being strong in your heart will be a great support.


The other reason that being strong in your heart is a great support is because it allows you to open to your higher self. Your higher self has access to your soul wisdom and your soul path. So once you are strong and able to be stably seated in your heart, you will be able to make this connection with your higher self. And your higher self can help to give you the information you need as to what your soul wants you to be doing.


It is not so much that there is another, separate being, who you might refer to as “God,” who has plans for you as to what you should be doing for your soul work or soul purpose in this lifetime. It is your higher self that will be guiding you. Your higher self is an aspect of God manifesting individually for you. You will understand over time that God is not a separate being somewhere else who is directing the play of events here on Earth. Everything that is here, everything that is manifested is an aspect of God. You are an aspect of God. All is an aspect of God. Your higher self is the part of you that remembers this most clearly. Your higher self can help you to remember your God-self and know your path as your God-self. As you grow spiritually, this will all become much clearer. But for most beings at the third-dimension, this tends to be a confusing area.


Opening to your higher self will help you to have the clarity you need. This is a very important part of the transformation that all beings are in the process of right now. Opening to your higher self will help you to move into the next stage of spiritual growth that humanity as a whole is prepared to move into and is in the process of going into at this time. In whatever way you are able to connect with your higher self, that will help you.


For most people, this will involve a progression that requires that you first have the ability to open your heart and to live from your heart. Within that step, there is a progression of doing things that allow you to be in your heart—mastering the areas of your body, your sexuality, and your emotions so that your heart can open and you can become stable in living from your heart. On that basis, you will find an ease in opening to your higher self. And your higher self will begin to guide you.


This is the most personal form of your guidance in God. It does not come from a separate God who is in charge. Your higher self is God, and this is the aspect of God that is most directly accessible to you.


I offer you my fullest blessings and love, and support you in your process. I urge you to strengthen whatever needs strengthening. And of course, I am not just speaking to you. I am speaking to all beings in saying this, that all may become full in living in their heart and connecting with their higher self, which will give you the wonderful gift of understanding what is right for you in each moment of living your path in God.


Blessings to you my dear one.


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An Empowering Time of Transition for One and All by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
Within your being is the most beautiful light like a beacon unfolding gradually beaming with greater strength into your
awareness, cells and entire being. Your soul is appearing more and more within your physical manifestation upon the Earth,
attracting all that it needs to be fully present within and throughout your being. A deep cleansing is occurring within all levels
of your being as you prepare for a greater and more profound birth of your soul into your reality and magnificent presence
upon the Earth. The birth of the soul is occurring within every being upon the Earth, it has been a continuous process for
some time now but the end of 2013 and the year of 2014 marks a profound birth of higher aspects of each person’s soul
within their being. This will have a powerful impact upon the way in which you perceive yourself and the reality around you,
even the way in which you perceive the Creator. A major shift within your being connected to the soul is waiting to occur but
this shift requires tremendous courage from you in your entirety as well as a new conscious focus upon linking all the aspect
of your being on all levels of the Creator’s dimension as one to achieve a high frequency alignment which merges all
aspects of your being especially all aspects of your soul in a supreme divine unity. This unity will allow for a new stream and
flow from the Creator which will completely alter the energetic patterning of your being and body as well as revitalising you
with the supreme light of the Creator.
I spoke much of a stronger  experience of unity in 2012, the unity you created especially between humanity; souls upon the
Earth is still even now permeating your cells and altering your consciousness, this permeation allows for a new experience
of unity to evolve. Imagine there are aspects of your soul on all levels of the Creator’s universe, even within the source of the
Creator there are aspects of your soul, other aspects are scattered existing in diverse and different civilisations upon the
stars, planets and dimensions of the Creator’s universe. It is now time for all aspects of your soul to reinforce their eternal
connection becoming conscious of the divine unity with all aspects of your soul, thus allowing all aspects of the soul to
simultaneously experience the divine flow of the Creator. This is likened to all aspects of your soul being simultaneously
embraced in profound love of the Creator encouraging all aspects of your soul to fully experience love and share it
throughout the many soul aspects. A circuit of love will begin to flow activating all aspects of your soul, creating a greater
whole.  As your soul aspects become closer and exist in unity and deeper oneness then a deeper love than has ever been
experienced emerges. Your soul within your being and wherever else it resides within the Creator’s universe increases in
power and connectivity with the Creator thus stepping into manifestation with tremendous strength and integrity as the soul
takes its rightful place within the bodies of men and women upon the Earth and all other manifestations of the Creator. With
the powerful presence of the soul gently charging forth it carriers with it a profound love experienced from all aspects of your
soul and soul group uniting as one in a deep oneness of love with the Creator. The new vibrations of united soul love is given
by each person as a gift to the Earth and its reality at this time and throughout 2014 thus elevating as if through supreme
determination the Era of Love upon the Earth so all may exist in and experience the love of the Creator.
‘May all exist in and experience the love of the Creator.’
This is an affirmation gift that I share with you now; it is the dawning of an age of love. The affirmation when said by you is a
request to the Creator not only on behalf of you but for all souls upon the Earth and throughout the Creator’s universe to
awaken, unity and experience the love of the Creator, moving beyond suffering and pain into freedom. Allow yourself to
experience and acknowledge how powerful your request is and how influential it is for the evolution and ascension of all. This
affirmation when stated out loud with an inner silence and a powerful integrity can alter the experience of all bringing peace
to the past and profound love to the future.
The time upon the Earth is a very powerful time, do not force or push yourself or your spiritual growth in anyway but allow it to
unfold as you realise that your conscious awareness of yourself, all that you are and the Creator is emerging as you move
truly from darkness into profound gleaming light. This is to say that you are moving away from your attachment to the
darkness within you into a secure and eternal existence into the light which has always been present within your being.
In this time when it is only as if you are on the very verge of true experience of the love of the Creator, there only lies before
you more ever growing and expanding experiences of the Creator’s love. It is true though that as you stand at the verge of
this most wondrous time of experiencing love that the deepest and darkest aspects of yourself must emerge. No longer can
pain, suffering or aspects of the ego hide or remain silent or influential within your being and consciousness. An unloading of
your unneeded energy and all that doesn’t resonate with love is necessary at this time before you are able to proceed further
into your experiences of the Creator’s love. For some this will occur before entrance into 2014, for others it will be a gradual
process maybe even continuing throughout 2014. It is important to not perceive this unburdening as a negative experience
but more so as a final initiation of the old era of learning through suffering and pain allowing you to truly step through the
threshold into experiences of the love of the Creator.
Let your focus at this time be directed towards your soul and its many aspects, also towards your soul group. Remember
that your soul has many extension aspects; some may exist on the Earth or the inner planes throughout the Creator’s
universe. During meditation begin to call upon your soul aspects to unite and to be embraced simultaneously in the love of
the Creator in order for a deeper unity of love to form.
‘I call upon the Creator, my guides and loved ones upon the inner planes to surround me in your loving support and
protection. I call upon all aspects of my soul to become consciously aware.  I ask that I, as an aspect of my soul and soul
group, am appropriately and divinely consciously connected with all other aspects of my soul and soul group. With a network
of energy and unity flowing between us, we call forth the Creator to simultaneously embrace each aspect of my soul and soul
group for a deep and profound experience of love, the love of the Creator. As we vibrate in and as love let the same love that
all aspects of my soul and soul group experience permeate all manifestations of my soul in all lifetimes, past present and
future. With the love of the Creator growing a divine flow of the Creator and current of love erupts sending fusions of
supreme love to all aspects of my soul. A deep unity of love is now experienced. As a result of this my entire being is
revitalised with supreme and divine vibrations of love, while shifts and alterations aligned to love occur within all energetic
levels of love. ‘
Know that in truth you are connected to all beings, all beings are charged with the love of the Creator as you experience a
continuously deepening oneness of love with all aspects and levels of your soul. Imagine, sense or acknowledge that a
supreme divinely altering flow of love is like a current emerging through your being, akin to a complete rejuvenation and
‘In and with the present of my soul merging and higher aspects being born within my being, I allow all deep settled
unneeded, negative or dark energy to merge with ease, understanding and awareness in order for me to experience true
freedom from the past and the past consciousness of humanity. I am aware of the deep healing process I am moving
through and choose to exist in profound love eternally and in every present moment.
I am now in the presence of my soul; I honour and love my soul unconditionally. ‘
Then simply sit in contemplation and meditation observing all that arises and the energy flowing through your being.
‘I am that I am, I am the Soul that I am.’
Such a powerful time you are experiencing now upon the Earth, a time that makes way for a new form of living as and
experiencing the love of the Creator.
With eternal love and support,
Archangel Metatron
