Michael: Kite Flying
Through Carolyn Ann O'Riley
December 30, 2011
Welcome! Welcome!
Welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. The clouds seem to be lifting a bit around you similar in appearance to the sun breaking
through the clouds right after a long thunder storm.
You have done
much clearing and that is as it should be. Clearing is a forever on-going project as you are constantly under construction
and evolving My Beloveds.
The Creator
is sending you each down a Royal Purple Etheric Light Shawl to drape around your shoulders. This My Beautiful Beings of Grace
is to remind you of the You That You Really Are. You are this noble Deep Purple Color, My Beloveds and you each hold countless
eons of scholarly training and knowledge. With your permission in your imagination feel this etheric Royal Purple Light Shawl
softly drape around your neck and shoulders. Feel the warmth of love that it holds for you and the appreciation for your countless
hours of service as a Light Worker on the Earth Plane.
Wear the shawl
for as long as is comfortable for you. Remember to put it in a place where you can use it again and again and again. It is
very soothing.
The Creator
wishes you to know that you are deeply loved and your service is appreciated. Your work has moved many negative blocks that
have popped up. Your continued assistance is needed to go forward in love. Unconditional Love eventually clears the way and
releases all blocks My Beautiful Beings of Light.
The way forward
My Beloveds is very much like flying a kite. You must constantly check the weight that the kite is carrying on its tail to
make sure that the kite stays aloft. You My Beloveds are this beautiful soaring kite. Your Higher Self is the Master on the
ground directing your movements and giving you more string so that you can soar in the glorious breeze. If at any time there
is to much debris on the tail of the kite it can’t stay aloft.
With negativity
still lurking around, it requires constant daily clearing on your part My Beloveds. The negativity is like a sticky gunky
substance that hangs on and must be ethereally cleared so it will not impact your day to day experiences My Beloveds.
time to get creative with your clearing My Beautiful Beings of Grace. In your imagination see this giant oval shaped sphere
that has many bands of color inside it perimeters. This is your Energy Essence, your Energy Fields, it reaches out in all
directions many feet all around you. Then look closely and realize that you have black balls of tarry gunky stuff that are
scattered around these beautiful bands of color. If some of you have not done any clearing in a while some of these bands
themselves could be almost covered by this substance. Realize that this stuff is negativity, thought fragments, hurts, fears,
slights, shame, guilt, others feelings about you, labels that you have assigned yourself or that others have assigned to you,
self-sabotage, old out dated belief systems or old out date programs that no longer serve your highest good and the list can
just go on and on. This is like your etheric trash bin, if you will, that no one has emptied for quite some time.
Daily in your
meditations or during your prayers ask for your Angels and Spirit Guides to help you clean your energy fields of all of this
debris and stuff. This debris when not cleared will drain your energy banks and because it can stress your energy vibrations
and wellbeing it too can also make you physically ill. So if you would like to visualize this debris in your energy fields
like imaginary chains you drag behind you filled with all this stuff including regrets, should have been’s, will be’s
and broken dreams, un-forgiveness and the like, you can see that the chain trail can become quite lengthy and burdensome.
Ask your Angels
and Spirit Guides to help you clear this debris. See them using a vacuum cleaner on your Energy Fields if you like or whatever
cleaning instruments you prefer visualizing in your imagination to remove the stuff. This will leave behind your brilliant
bands of glorious colored light frequencies.
Perhaps you
have realized by now that constant clearing and cleaning will keep your Energy Fields cleaned and your vibrations raised so
that those of like vibrations can intersect with you and bring you new possibilities, help with dreams, missions and gifts.
If you are
constantly being bombarded by lower vibrational beings this could be the reason for those interactions. Even if you were originally
a very high vibrating being, if you have all of this debris around you in your Energy Fields your vibrations will be pulled
down by this debris.
Clear it daily
and know that your highest vibrational good will be served.
this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey.
Arrange yourself
in seated position or lie down so that you are comfortable. Keep your legs and arms from crossing if at all possible, as this
blocks the flow of energy. Cover yourself with a light blanket if you chill easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed
for a while as you journey within yourself through meditation.
Close your
eyes and take a comfortable deep breath, then comfortably exhale as hard as is possible. With each in breath, you are breathing
in love and renewal. With each out breath, you are breathing out fear, frustration and doubt. Take another comfortable deep
breath in and comfortably exhale just letting all the stress go. Take another comfortable deep breath in and then just exhaling
letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all frustrations of the day.
Feel your body
relaxing from the top of your head down to your toes. Give yourself permission to feel the calm and peace. Your muscles are
feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.
Direct your
ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not
to participate. If it helps you to visualize your ego self by identifying it as a symbol or as an object please do so.
In your imagination
ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of White Light by praying mentally something like this
“My Creator I AM asking for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I am experiencing the
very highest of vibrations during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself
My Creator from anything that is not for my highest good on this journey. I am thanking you in advance My Creator for assisting
me by sending this Ray. I am visualizing the ray in my imagination now coming down through the corner of the area where I
am meditating. It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”
The Creator
has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an Iridescent White Ray plus a Red Ray and One Golden Fluid Ray for this
journey. The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel; permeating
throughout all of your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all corners of the actual area that you are meditating
in. The rays then are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through
you again and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic rays are in a continuous circular
motion while you are in meditation.
You are now
divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your
My Divine Beings
of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling secure and safe.
Breathe in
deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being protected & divinely guided into this
meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual
heart beat and feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment.
Breathe in
deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you
now. The Angels take your etheric essence hands and guide you out of your physical body. The Angels then direct you into your
Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has been stationed to stay with your physical essence until you return from your
meditation journey.
You are seeing,
feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are with
you now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra. Your Angels and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To
My Highest Guidance Within”. You have located the Golden Door and now you turn the etheric spiritual door knob, opening
the door as you cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure.
You find yourself
in a White Marble Corridor. Your Angels are awaiting you. Today you will have the awesome experience of being a white diamond
shaped kit, you are told. The Angels guide you down the hall to the twentieth door on your right. The label on the door says
“Kite Meadow”.
You open the
door and find the label was accurate. You cross over the threshold and find yourself being blown by the breeze as you step
into the meadow. You can see a forest of trees off in the distance and to the left you can see the little wooden bridge that
takes you to your very own Crystal Palace, but today you are going to be working in this windy meadow.
you is another group of Angels carrying your Kite outfit. The outfit is actually funny looking, it is shaped like a cylinder
to fit over your body and all around the cylinder is a shape of a white diamond kite.
There is even
a tail attached to the bottom diamond kite point. You are now dressed in your kite suit and realize that you can’t really
walk very well in it. Your Angels and Spirit Guides are finding your attempts at walking to be rather humorous. They have
their cameras out taking pictures for your Heavenly Etheric Scrapbook. The Angels tell you that this will help you remember
when you are sitting in front of your Counsel of Elders in your Life Between Lives going over this incarnation’s life
review that there were some moments of light hearted humor. You just burst out laughing as they show you the digital pictures
that they just flashed of you in this outfit.
Your Higher
Self walks through the door and out into the meadow wondering what all the laughing is about. Your Higher Self has been waiting
for your visit to help you remember the feeling of the wind lifting you up and soaring to your infinite possibilities.
Your Higher
Self remarks with humor and deep unconditional love that this isn’t one of your better looks, but it will serve the
purpose of allowing you to be lifted up by the wind.
Your Higher
Self has brought with It a set of tuning forks rolled in a brilliant red velvet bundle. Your Higher Self unrolls the bundle
of tuning forks on a picnic table beside you. The Angels are now projecting all around for your own visualization your Essence
as a multiband colored Energy Field shaped like a giant egg. You are seeing the black spots and debris that has been discussed
earlier. All of this debris has also been depicted for your visualization attached to the tail of the kite.
You realize
quite rapidly that your kite self will never fly with all that weight holding you down. The Angels bring out an Angelic Hoover
Vacuum Cleaner and begin immediately
vacuuming your
Energy Fields. You see all the debris being sucked into the vacuum cleaner. As the stuff goes into the vacuum cleaner the
vacuum grows blacker and blacker and heavier and heavier. Finally the Angels are all finished with the Energy Field and you
can really see the difference not only in the surface area itself but also in the tail of the kite. Your Angels immediately
vaporize the black junk that has been sucked up by the vacuum cleaner.
You still see
a great deal of stuff however connected to the tail of the kite. Your Higher Self addresses this part of it. The tuning forks
are connected to your Chakra System, your Higher Self relates, and this Chakra clearing exercise will help clean that area
with your sincere intent for it to be so.
You give your
intent and your Higher Self begins at the base Chakra with the base Chakra tuning fork. The tuning fork calibrates the tune
and with your intent also disburses the debris that has collected there. Immediately you begin to feel a difference in your
body as well as see the kite tail become shorter and clearer.
Your Higher
Self continues up the Chakra System activating the tuning fork for each Chakra. What a difference you feel this making in
your body. You begin feeling lighter and lighter and lighter. As the last Chakra has been cleared the wind picks up. With
all of this debris being removed from you and the tail of the kite, the kite lifts off. You feel yourself rising higher and
higher into the air. The breeze is playing with your kite tail and it too is dancing in the breeze. You feel so light and
free up in the air dancing with the breeze as the wisps of breeze take you to and from.
Your Higher
Self has unwound some more of the string that allows the kite to rise higher into the air. You are feeling so amazingly unbounded,
free and unattached to all on the Earth Plane. You are floating and flying without a care in the world knowing that you are
unlimited and have all the potential in the Universe. You realize that nothing can stop you from your highest potential, except
yourself and a possibility of a bunch of debris in your Energy Fields.
You love this
feeling you yell down to your Angels, Spirit Guides and Higher Self. Your Higher Self yells back that you deserve all good
things and it has been a pleasure to help you remember that you have this amazing unlimited potential.
You continue
to do loopy loops and soar here and there. In a few moments however you begin to feel a tug on the string. Your Higher Self
starts to rewind the string as you are drawn back down to the meadow floor. It doesn’t take but another minute or two
for your Higher Self to have you back down on the ground. You are however glowing and filled with such joy to have been able
to have this experience and remembrance.
You tell your
Higher Self how much you appreciate being able to have this wonderful journey. Your Higher Self smiles and tells you how much
love there is between the two of you and that you can return at any time, now that you have remembered the way.
Your Angels
help you out of your kite outfit. You are still feeling totally cleared of debris and thank them all profusely for assisting
you to clear out all of that stuff.
Your Angels
and Spirit Guides lead you back over the threshold, back into the hall corridor. You instantly find yourself back in the White
Marble Corridor where you started.
You catch a
glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror. You notice how brilliantly you shine, you just can’t stop smiling and
thinking about soaring in the wind. Your Angels lead you back across the threshold of the Golden Door Within, back into your
Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your spiritual Essence back into your physical form.
Take a deep
breath to help you reorient as you wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are ready open your eyes. Go about your day remembering
that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your
highest most appropriate potential. Listen for those first thoughts that pop into your awareness and know without a shadow
of a doubt that you are receiving daily spiritual guidance.
Beloveds you
are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.
I Am Archangel
Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.
This Message
was Transmitted Through & Transcribed by Carolyn Ann O’Riley.