Keep Your Mind Wide Open


Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life - this is what you are here for.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.



New Era Conversations #14 – Working with the Magisterial Mission – Jan. 10, 2014

Teacher:  Machiventa Melchizedek
Calling candidates to the Magisterial Mission
Altruistic motivations are preferable
Money as a motivating force
Susan’s community team project – addressing individual needs
Addressing the three core values in meeting needs
Adding the co-creative factor in community work
The non-contact factor in society
Celestials use measurements of soul growth and receptivity of the mind
The importance of centering before team meetings
The difficulty of mortals conceiving of a God who cares for each mortal
The direction of the vignettes project
Machiventa’s closing statements
TR:               Daniel Raphael
Moderators:  Michael McCray (MMC) and Susan Bryner

January 10, 2014

[This is a partial transcript for public distribution.  The rest will be published at a later time, per Machiventa’s instruction.]
Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Michael and Nebadonia, we greet you from the beautiful world of Urantia.  We are most grateful for this wonderful opportunity to speak to our mentors, which always enlarges our horizons of intellectual and spiritual growth.  Our intention for this session is to provide our reading audience with more information for their growth and anticipations about the future plans for our world.  Thank you and amen.

Calling candidates to the Magisterial Mission

MACHIVENTA:    Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.  (Group greets him warmly.)  Thank you for your greeting.  It is good to be here with you once again after the Christmas and New Year break.  Our plans are developing very nicely; we are bringing together people who are unlikely candidates, from your perspective, to become enjoined and engaged in our work.  Many of those who are being drawn in truly do not know about the capacity or capability that we are presenting to Urantia.  It is not necessary that everyone understand the context of the Magisterial Mission, or the Teaching Mission, or The Urantia Book, for them to become effective participants and co-creators with us.  It is simply necessary that they have good intention and they see there is a larger connection of all existence in the universe, and that there is an omnipresent, omniscient understanding and knowing that is all powerful to engage all circumstances, both personal and universal.
It is important for each of you to remain open minded and see others for the potential that they may bring to our work, rather than being prejudicial or having an ingrained bias due to some preconceived notion about their ethnicity or race, or education, or social circumstance.  You will find that throughout all our work we are accepting of all people and all circumstances who are inclined to help us.  Those who wish to create havoc and to wreak disruption in the world, we do not engage; they have their own angelic and Thought Adjuster connections—if those are still intact—to help them regain a sense of balance and contextual relevance to their lives in the management of this world.
MMc:  These people with diverse backgrounds that you speak of, are these the people that you might use money as a motivating force?
MACHIVENTA:  No, definitely not necessarily money.
MMc:  Okay.  Would you tell us more about your plans to use money as a motivating force?

Altruistic motivations are preferable

MACHIVENTA:  Let us continue on with the more altruistic motivations first, as that is a more general way in which we prefer to engage those who work with us.  People who have commitment to higher ideals are surely those who fit into the category of altruistic contributions, those who have made a commitment to assist the planet with material sustainability or in some social way to uplift societies, whether that means whole cultures, or simply a family within a small village—or the whole village itself.  The work of Christ Michael and myself and Monjoronson rests upon the shoulders of individuals who subscribe to higher ideals.  Those individuals are service motivated, who see themselves as growing spiritual organisms in God’s Universe.  We wish to use all those who are capable, for they will learn the most; they will see the connections between service and growth; they will see the connections between their wholeness and the growing wholeness of their societies; they see the wholeness and the trans-generational continuity within their own families that have brought them to where they are and where they will assist their children to aspire and reach to higher levels of cultural growth and spiritual development.  In many cases, that may be initiated and begun in a church setting, but many times it is not.  More mature minds come to the realization that everything is connected and that there is an “all in one and one in all,” that as the one affects the whole, the whole then affects the individual as well.  This creates not only a philosophical holism in the minds of these individuals, but a spiritual connectedness to all that exists.  So, it is in this the train of continuity we wish to use with all these efforts.
As I mentioned last time, money is the last holdout, the last respite for attracting people and motivating groups of individuals to participate in this work.  Even then, many of those who will participate due to an influx of funds will oftentimes leave before the end is seen; they will go on to another job or another situation, or seek greener pastures, wherever that might be.  We are quite well aware that the influx of money usually creates far more problems than it creates solutions.
Now, your question concerning money?

Money as a motivating force

MMc:  Would you tell us more about your plans to use money as a motivating force?
MACHIVENTA:  We spoke in generalities last time, and as specific as we care to go at this point.  Would it not be wonderful if there were some plan for regeneration of the societies, the civilization of your planet?  Would it not be wonderful if there were some mechanisms for doing that?  Would it not be wonderful if there was a means of empowering positive groups to grow to participate effectively with each other through common, philosophical goals emplaced by pragmatic organizational plans and organizational development? Money then becomes only the initiating factor to help develop those joint organizations that would eventually become profit-making centers.  No, we do not care to get too specific about money as you have an affinity for dollars and cents, which is “mine,” which is “yours” and how I can get “yours” into my pocket.  We are not cynical about this; we are simply very well aware of the difficulties, those pitfalls of human thinking that concerns possessions, materiality and particularly money, which is the acme of materialistic thinking.
MMc:  Oh yeah.  I can appreciate that.  Does anybody have any questions for this gentleman?
Susan’s community team project – addressing individual needs
Susan:  I do have a couple.  Machiventa, I would like to talk about a couple in relation to the secular team that I am working with.  We are entering into that time in which we are beginning to distill our discussion of values from the conceptual level to a real and stated level.  The discussion you had with us during our last session was of great assistance to me in broadening my understanding of the three core values.  As I began to view this “striving to become more” as a driving force that is coded in our DNA, I could sense the intricate connectedness of the three values and a positive feedback system.  I’m beginning to see how placing the highest value upon these driving forces within each of us will drive our civilization.  It will drive the health and well being of my children, my family and my community.  So that’s where I’m at, at the community level. 
One of the questions that arise for me, out of this, has to do with the recognition that people in my community—or any community—are at differing levels in attainment of these needs.  Some are still struggling to secure their physical needs for food and shelter, others have adequate food and shelter and they are focusing, as you said earlier, on their need for security, steady employment, gaining the resources to care for their family, then there are others of us who are blessed with this already and are driven more by social desires, and so on.  So, as a team when we set out this design or create a plan, we will need to take all this into account.  I’m questioning where we begin with this and hoping that you might speak to me about how best to keep this in mind while we address the specific problems in the community. 
MACHIVENTA:  Yes, I would be glad to.  This one has helped us in what we will deliver to you.  He too, has struggled with these values—you call them the “driving force.”  These three values are the driving force of every individual, and they are interpreted in a hierarchy of needs, as was described by some of your psychiatrists and others in the past, who described a hierarchy of needs.  Those who have less have more basic needs than those who have much.  Some live in houses which are not well insulated and which have need of better plumbing and electricity, and so they seek a better shelter, whereas some people live in a gargantuan house, and have no concerns for that. 
So, as you work with this, you will see that the three core values of social sustainability express in all individuals according to their need.  Where some people have need for better shelter, others do not; where some people have need for learning how to be a clerk, working with a teller machine, for instance, or an adding machine, others have this capability already in their mind and are aspiring to other levels.  You are beginning to think as a community planner; you are beginning to think in holistic terms, and that is how we wish you to proceed, if possible.  We know that specific community programs that are funded, can only address certain need levels of individuals within your community.

Addressing the three core values in meeting needs

We wish you to think in terms of these three values as also assisting individuals to understand where they are in their lives; to think in terms of these three values and how they express in their own lives.  You, for instance, are well cared for.  The three core values have been evident in your life for a long time and have been well fulfilled.  You, as a spiritual aspiring individual, have learned the lessons of ethics and morality and have a social conscience, so that now, you have come to the level of service in your soul growth.  When you begin to see this level of spiritual development within individuals, then you can begin to develop community plans that help various levels of individuals at their need level, while taking advantage of those who have developed wisely and grown well, to become of service. 
You, as a planner, would need to know and become acquainted with individuals whom you estimate have completed their levels of inner growth, have a social conscience.  Are they ethical? Are they living morally?  Do they make good moral decisions?  When you see these individuals, then you can call upon them to be of service, because their work with their Thought Adjuster and their Thought Adjuster working with them, will deliver them to you, to work with you in service.  You, as a community planner, with your committee, your team will need to view your community as to where there is the greatest need.  Do most people in your community have a social conscience to know what is appropriate social etiquette, and the rights and wrongs of social conduct?  Is there a need for moral growth, development and instruction?  Is there need for ethical growth, development and instruction?  On the other hand, you may be asking what is holding a group of your community, your populace, back from growing and developing into their potential?  This may become an area that your team would be interested in developing.
Your question is most difficult as you are beginning to see the level of service that could be provided in a holistic community.  You are far behind the curve, but you are seeing more than almost anyone in your nation sees in this holistic, spiritual, material, social way of living.  It is daunting to be in your shoes, we know. 

Adding the co-creative factor in community work

You would be best served as you prepare your team to work together.  Take a few moments of reflection, contemplation and meditation, asking the question, “What do I need to know? What needs to be revealed to me to assist this team in moving forward, and what do the team members need to have revealed to them to move forward in a constructive way?”  It is here, dear one, that you will find us working co-creatively with you consciously and unbeknownst to your team members, upon your request.  You provide us with the material eyes and material mind to assess the needs of your team, to integrate their thinking and to move forward with an effective planning process and effective project.  It is here where the tire meets the ground, boots on the ground, so to speak, where we and you work together to devise a workable, productive, effective program for a segment or the breadth of your population in your community that achieves goals that we wish to see achieved, and you and your team needs to see achieved.  I have spoken very broadly here in answer to your question.  I hope I have not confused you.
Susan:  Thank you; you have spoken broadly, and it has touched on where the answers are when essentially my question was probably, “Where would we begin in the planning process when there are these multiple levels of need and expression of the inner drive that are the three core values?”  One of the things I think I understood out of this was we start, perhaps, at the basic need, the lowest need, but we do this with people who are at a different level, obviously, in their growth.  I think that that was understood.  But…

The non-contact factor in society

MACHIVENTA:  Let me speak a moment to that, if I may.  I apologize for interrupting you; it is a thought that I do not want to vaporize in this one’s mind, and that is there is a level of individuals in every community who are unserviceable, who, no matter how much you help, they will not improve their circumstances in life.  They are the unworkable percentage whose mind mechanisms are incomplete, or unworkable, whose social maturity in learning is so defective as to not be able to use any learning or growing positively for their self-maintenance later.  You only need to make your services available and let them enter into working with you, rather than trying to force-feed every individual who has a need.  There is a certain dropout factor or non-contact factor in every society, who will either not come to your services, or will refuse them, or will not use them effectively.  Do not feel guilty about this; simply make your services available.  Those who come — some will use it wisely, and some will not.  Again, do not feel guilty about those you cannot serve, or who refuse to be served.
Susan:  Thank you.  That was an important thought to include in this process for me and for our team.

Celestials use measurements of soul growth and receptivity of the mind

MACHIVENTA:  Yes, you have your businesses and your foundations, incorporations, [that] have measurements which determine the return on your investment, whether your investment is effective or not, and so we also assess the effectiveness of our programs in the same and similar terms, but with different measurements and ours is soul growth, receptivity of the mind function of individuals, which we can quite exactly measure.
Susan:  I think this is helpful and I’m going to again, as you say, let this percolate.  There is going to be another meeting here soon and I’m struggling with how I distill the conversation, the discussion about values to these three core values, which I know will come.  You are telling me to take my time to ask for help and to meditate on this, and to ask my team to be brought to this.  I’m going to trust this process.  I’m very excited about the next step.  I don’t have any more comments, unless you do.
The importance of centering before team meetings
MACHIVENTA:  What you are experiencing is vital to us, that you begin to engage us consciously and to trust that we will be of assistance to you, directly, by working with and in the minds of your team.  Some of your team are spiritually connected and some are not so much, but we can work with all of those who actively do not reject us.  The possibility of assistance from us is very real.  Do you use some sort of centering process in the beginning of your team meetings?  It does not necessarily need to be a religious invocation, calling upon God and the Trinity to be of assistance, but some moment of centering, which you may call “come to center,” as you have practiced before, a time of personal reflection of intention for being there at your meeting.  This is all in the form of a question.
Susan:  Yes, we do; we actually do have someone who is of a great spiritual nature and recognized by all.  He leads us in a prayer with those intentions and everyone seems to take a moment and center around that.  As you say, not everyone is really spiritual, but that has been honored and I think it has worked.
MACHIVENTA:  Excellent!  What we are seeking in this moment is a moment of “no thought,” a moment of open thought where we… (Laughing.)  It is a signal for us to enter.  Do you understand me?  (Susan:  Yes, I do.)  A point at which we can most succinctly and quickly address each separate mind during that vacant period.  When minds are busy making agendas and thinking and doing and teaching and telling and connecting in their mind, even during prayer, that creates a block for us to enter their minds at that time.  But, if you could engage your spiritual leader of the group to offer the members a five or ten second break in their thinking of “no thought,” that would be wonderful for our work to work with you in this way.
Susan:  Great!  I will do this; thank you.
I have two questions that have been given to me by my brother.

The difficulty of mortals conceiving of a God who cares for each mortal

He asks, “I know it takes almost an infinite number of rain drops to fill an ocean. But without each rain drop there would be no ocean. It is this sense of smallness and vastness that makes it so difficult for us to conceive of a God that cares about each raindrop. My question is:  How can we help our brothers and sisters break through this thought barrier of insignificance to believe in a creator God that loves us individually and wants to be in personal relationship with us?”
MACHIVENTA:  A wonderful question!  This was all about the life of Jesus.  Christ Michael as Jesus brought a new testament, a new paradigm of belief, whereas in the Hebrew belief God was “out there” and impersonal and so they viewed and talked with God as an impersonal God.  Jesus came to reveal to humankind that God is personal, that God is deeply personal and that God is there for you and with you, and that you are the expression of It in mortal lifetime, that without you, God cannot [experience] Its universe as completely as when you are in union with God.  You are materially God’s eyes and ears to experientially engage the material world, which God as an eternal God cannot do.  God has bridged the gap between eternality and materiality through the mind of you, through being present within you as a fragment of Itself to be there literally, personally with you in your mind. 
Your acceptance of that in conscious personal relationship is essential for God to fulfill Its completeness.  Thus, when the human mind, human personality begins to appreciate that they are necessary and needed by God to fulfill Its completeness, that makes the relationship between the individual and God much more palpable and much more necessary as a fulfillment of God, which in fact also fulfills the individual in their lifetime and their spiritual ascendant journey.  It is all about the personal; it is all about God being personal.  When people see God as “out there” and distant as the ocean of all, then they have difficulty relating to It and they are simply swimming in the sea of Godness, which is not personal—it is still impersonal.  And so, it is necessary for the person to “hope” that there is a God who is personal, to “believe” that God has the capacity to be personal, has “faith” that God does want a personal relationship, and further “trusts” that this relationship does in fact exist.  All of this leads to the individual eventually “knowing” God from actually experiencing that personal God within them. 
Susan:  First “hope,” then “belief,” then “trust,” then experience.  That’s wonderful!
MACHIVENTA:  Hope, belief, faith, trust and knowing.

The direction of the vignettes project

Susan:  Thank you, for him.  His second question:  “I sense that there is almost a spiritual instinct that is drawing each of us to the Father, but it seems our rational minds by and large are inclined to doubt and deny all things spiritual which ironically only leads to loneliness and despair. So how can we as light workers motivate our brothers and sisters to seek God in the stillness and to develop a conscious conversational relationship with Father when any thought of being alone with God only exacerbates their fear and anxiety?”
MACHIVENTA:  This is the most difficult juxtaposition that exists in the human/God relationship, and this thought of separateness or separation, where sometimes individuals come to know God through the ecstatic joy of gratitude, the infinite dimension of gratitude of feeling and sensing God within, the joy that is expressed in living in God’s world, of appreciating flowers and children and insects and sunlight and the seasons, and knowing that it is all coordinated and orchestrated by God.  And, so this person is drawn to God through this ecstatic gratitude and appreciation, the joy of presence of being in God’s universe.  However, there are those who cannot express God and know God in God’s fullest presence until they have gone to the depths of greatest despair, that which approaches the extinction of themselves, in fact.  There are some who cannot go to those depths without finally reaching to God to save them from the morass of their own rational thinking.  It is the capacity of God, the Thought Adjuster, who provides that instinctual “knowing.”   That effervescent presence of God cannot be made manifest until there is acceptance within the rational mind that there is a possibility that God wants to love them, no matter how despicable they feel about themselves, or how desperate and lonely they may be. 
It is upon that rock that the ego must be broken, the rational mind must accept that they are incomplete and can only find completion and wholeness in the joy of oneness with God.  Those individuals of the third category, rests upon that fence of belief/disbelief, knowing and unknowing, certainty and uncertainty, that equivocating mind that cannot accept or reject with finality, and it is this mind that your brother wrestles with, that those who are in great despair will of necessity come to know God, either in this lifetime of finding completion, or as they transfer themselves to the afterlife and find that recognition there.  Those in the middle ground who equivocate, they are the ones who know and don’t know.  Your brother has done his job, his business of being an evangel of God by presenting the truth to them, whether they accept or not is not his business, and his displeasure and unhappiness that they do not whole-heartedly accept as he has accepted is not his concern.  He has done his part; he has done his business and this is the great difficulty of Fundamental Christians that want the other party to totally know and accept the joy of God and knows with certainty that God exists, and embrace the evangel with that certainty.  His job is complete; he has brought the message to them and the responsibility remains the others’.  His own difficulty in his own service is the crux of this:  He must know that he is the messenger and he has pronounced the message, just as the Mormon angel, Moroni, trumpets from the peak-tops of churches to spread the word to all humankind.  Your brother is doing his job and doing it miraculously; he must rest assured that he has done his job and not equivocate and doubt that he has done his job.  Simply accept that he is doing it and doing a very good job at that.  We hope that this message helps him and helps you understand this more thoroughly.
Susan:  Thank you.  I’m feeling like you are saying that he is blowing the Shofar; it’s not up to him to motivate.  (Machiventa:  Exactly.)  Those are all the questions that I have at this time, and I’m going to turn this back over to Michael.
MACHIVENTA:  Questions from any others?
MMc:  Well, I have a considerable number of questions that I’m prepared for to help our audience define and understand the strict concepts that you’ve given us in the past.  Because so much of this of today’s session has been essentially closed, or will be closed until sometime in the future, it might be best since we are almost an hour and twenty minutes into this, we save those questions for another time. 
MACHIVENTA:  That is your choice.  Let us work this for another twenty minutes.  It sounds like you have a unit of thought that you would like to go into at one time to complete them all in connection with each other?  If you wish to do that at a later time…
MMc:  It’s going to take me—with your explanations—it’s going to take longer than 20 minutes, I think.
MACHIVENTA:  Then let us hold those for next time.

Machiventa’s closing statements

MACHIVENTA:  I have enjoyed this session very much.
You, dear one, Susan, as you work in your community, you too will be gaining insight and confidence in working with us consciously, as you hear through the mouths of your committee members, your team members, the insights that we have shared with them that make sense to them and make sense to the other team members.  It is not that we are making marionettes of you at all—certainly we do not—we simply offer your minds the most  appropriate and most optimal references and insights that you can move forward with.  Nonetheless, the human mind, the human decision, the human will can pick and choose what it wishes to express and share.  All of you are beginning to see how we work with you through your conscious willingness to work with us.  When you will to give us the latitude to work with you in your minds, then we do and you see evidence of that in your lives then, through yourself and through others. 
Thank you for this opportunity to be a revelator to you, a teacher to you, a master to you, and as your Planetary Prince and Manager as well.  There were many here in attendance today, watching, observing, listening as you were thinking and observing your own thoughts in this process.  We have learned a great deal, as we will learn so much from those we mentioned earlier in today’s session.  We send you our blessings, we anoint you with our touch, and know that you are living evidence of Christ Michael’s work in your world today.  Good day. 

Montague Keen - January 19, 2014

Charles de Montesquieu

As humanity continues to awaken to what has been done to subdue and control people, and what is planned in order to keep them under that control, vicious attacks are now being made on those who took it upon themselves to awaken others to the light of truth.

My own dear wife is under such attacks from two quarters. They are using sleep deprivation, nightmares, and stress. This is being done with microwave and scalar technology.

Her possessions are being tampered with. Water is leaking from the house, there are electrical problems, car problems, and of course, the computer has been hacked. This is used to prevent Veronica from replying to emails by making it impossible to forward information. Instead, a message appears on screen to warn her of a spurious threat. The computer refuses to print certain letters and the printer does not work. In the house, the heating goes off, the lights switch themselves on, and more and much more.

Part of their plan is to produce sceptics, in order to condemn the work my wife does with me. They will use the usual sceptics that are always wheeled out on these occasions. Veronica and I, once heard R W tell C F that "Being a sceptic is very lucrative, you know." That tells you everything you need to know about such people. They intend to use the same tactics on Veronica that they used on David Icke. Icke knows only too well, what they are capable of. Sadly, they infiltrated "THE PEOPLE'S VOICE" into which he had put so much energy. Now, it is up to all those who stand for TRUTH to ensure that it will survive.

Please forgive me but that had to be said. Now, down to our own issues.

The response to our request for volunteers for the Ley Line Project continues to amaze us. Magnificent is the only word to describe it. It has broken all barriers. This is most certainly a first. This will PROVE that when people come together, everything is possible. Mark has laid out how we will proceed. It has taken time and effort to come up with a plan of action, but this we have done. We will very soon notify you of the date that we in spirit have chosen, to carry out the cleansing and restoration of the energy of your planet. You will do it. Have no doubt about that. It is meant to happen and you are the people who were chosen to carry out the actual exercise. There is a large number of people who will do this through MEDITATION: this gives everyone an opportunity to be involved in this historic task.

The timing is right. Spirit waited until the right people were in place and sufficient numbers were awake in order to guarantee its success. In the future, you will be able to tell your children and your grandchildren that you took part in freeing humanity and restoring light and justice. Stick rigidly to truth and do not be swayed by threats of repercussions, for there are too many of you and they did not expect this. Your strength is in the numbers that are now awakened. The Light that you are creating is revealing all the secrets that have enslaved you. Every day since 2014 began, revelations occur that shock and disgust you. Sadly, this has to be taken on board and dealt with. You have to know the truth about what is going on all around you under the veil of secrecy. It is only when all this is faced that you will be able to establish a society that is safe for everyone. Then, all the false barriers will come tumbling down and peace will be restored.

You are living in very exciting times. We are watching your every move and guiding you forward. Your world has not known peace for such a long time that you have come to accept that wars are inevitable. Now, you understand the real reasons for creating war situations. Right now, they are trying to create "A NEW PEARL HARBOR" TO SCARE ENOUGH OF YOU INTO BELIEVING THEM AND AGREEING TO WORLD WAR 3. But they will not be successful this time. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. False flag events are now so obvious. But, as you know, they stick rigidly to the same old formula, every time.

Soon, they will have to come to terms with the fact that their time is up, their reign is over, and it is time for them to leave Planet Earth in peace. Humanity has suffered enough at their hands.

Consider what you have to look forward to when the energy is flowing freely for all mankind, enabling people to live life on Earth as it should be lived, with clean air, good wholesome food to eat, and uncontaminated water to drink, with a sky which is clear of chemtrails. Banks will never again hold humanity to ransom.

Your actions will bring all this about, peacefully. Should you encounter problems, then you can achieve all this ENERGETICALLY. Remember, it is the intention that counts.

Believe in yourselves. You can do it !

Mark is laying out our plans before you today. Do study them. A lot of thought and effort has gone into them. It is important that you understand fully what is expected of you. We will all work together on this project.

Veronica, my love, you chose this path before you returned to Earth. You have undertaken such paths in many lifetimes. I never leave you. I constantly prove this to you. These attacks are just the last effort to hold on to power and control. Good people will stand by you, and be there for you. Just as I am, my dear.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


Illawarra District, Australia. 
Machiventa Melchizedek. 
Subject: “Consider Your Function II.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Machiventa: “Good day. This is Machiventa. I bring you greetings from those of my order, and from my many helpers. By appointment from Michael of Nebadon, I was declared Planetary Prince of Urantia in my own right. What does it mean to be a Planetary Prince? It means that I am in charge of directing progress on this planet in so far as our Celestial Superiors are allowing me to do so. It means that I am a Teacher. The Head Teacher, really, in charge of the curriculum. My other duties are complex, but of no consequence here and now. 

“My message to you on this day deals with your function as receivers and transmitters off celestial messages. It is important for you to realize that all teachings are passed by myself, or by one of my order to ensure it be clear, and as close to perfect as possible. All teachings are perfect according to the rules of the universe, and recorded in simple language of whatever nation. Remember, it is between you and your Celestial Teacher that the final lesson is inked onto paper, or recorded. Sadly, any imperfections are entirely on your part. 

“All transmissions are the product of co-creation between the Celestial Teachers and their human counterparts. You are equally involved with your Teachers, and therefore you may be sure you have the right to make more clear, here or there, the odd word or sentence. In receiving your messages you must be in a meditative state, sufficiently so that you clearly comprehend the lesson from beginning to end. I know you will fully comprehend it, but then you must also present it in its most understandable, simplest of gramar. 

“Not one of you receives your messages in quite the same manner, as much depends on listening skills, mid mind (soul) development, even your ready vocabulary and a basic understanding of the concepts put forward. The latter is our responsibility in finding the (human) receiver to suit the lesson to be taught. Some of you wordsmiths are so entrusted with this work of co-creation that you are provided with series of concepts for you to put into language, not unlike your translators must decide which words to use to convey the meanings. 

“When making you ‘the composer of the message’ from mere impressions we transmit, ‘the universe’ allocates to you a greater part of ‘the good to be done’ in distributing our messages. To assist you in your work, we use great care in making the lesson flow naturally, as well as using common language. What we are engaged in are spiritual experiences, common teachings, nothing mystical, down to earth. Beware of transcripts jumping from one subject to another, lessons hard to understand, and those marinated in magical terms.” 

“This is Machiventa, looking forward to also hear from you a little more often. Have confidence. I say, Goodnight.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4805 Your Thoughts Create, January 20, 2014 

God said: 

Have mercy upon yourself. Change your thoughts. Do not dwell on the insufficiencies of life. Dwell on all that you have been given. When you find yourself in a negative frame of mind, change the framework. Undo the heartache that you have engaged in. Find something better to think about. Dissolve the supremacy of the negative. You don’t need to keep it. Do not think that you are being honest to keep it. You are dishonest to keep what does you no good, and doesn’t do good for anyone and doesn’t do well for the world. You are a contributor to the world. Do you really wish to bombast it with what keeps it from being the Paradise it belongs to be?
You are not here on Earth to dwell on what is painful to you. You are not here on Earth to dwell upon yourself. You have bigger fish to fry.
Get on with your life. Depend less upon other people for your emotional sustenance. Other people can be negative when they choose. That is their business, not yours. No longer try to change anyone else or everyone else. Let your discontent go. You have enough to do to take care within yourself. If you wish to cure the negativity in another, cure your own. What you desire another to be or do, be or do yourself.
You would like everyone to respond to you cheerfully. Then respond cheerfully to everyone. Stop taking offense. You offend yourself. You would like everyone to be a good sport. Be a good sport first. Uplift others, and you will be uplifted.
The end of negativity is at hand. Be the first to know this and live accordingly. He who reacts negatively to negativity is old-fashioned. Fashion yourself anew. You do not wear clothes from earlier eras. Why wear old thoughts? Why keep old habits of responding when they hold you back from the freedom of love you so desire? When someone propounds negativity, this is a sure sign for you not to.
When you bake a cake, you bake a cake that you like. You don’t bake a cake that you don’t like, and yet you may well have been filling your mind, your beautiful mind, with thoughts that keep you stuck. Contrary to what you may think, you are not stuck in situations. You are stuck in your old thoughts. The same tune runs through your mind. Find some new tunes. Find some new thoughts.
Life is meant to be anew. And you are the one who has come to save yourself from the past. Slap yourself on the back and get moving into the world of your dreams. You are the one who sets the scenes of your life. You choose the colors. You choose the design. Oh, yes, you are a designer. You are the designer of your life.
When you find yourself in a bad mood, change your mood. Be the first one to change. You can elevate others and the world, or you can pull others down or even put them down. What would you do that for? It sure doesn’t put you in a brighter light.
You may well have to tell yourself the opposite of what you have been telling yourself. If you are feeling dreary-hearted, you are the one who has to do something about it. You can’t wait for a knight on a white horse to come in and sweep you up and protect you from yourself. You have to be your own knight and carry yourself away to a greater mind-set. Dear Ones, come up here with Me. I make room for you. C’mon.


Updating the Chakra System By Archangel Michael


Updating the Chakra System By Archangel Michael

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

Your chakra system is your gateway to and expression of the Creator's universe, it is your source of spiritual and energetic nurturance and enables a constant flow of the Creator's light to support your continued existence in oneness with the Creator. All aspects of your chakra system are continuously altering and evolving, even their purpose can change as the vibration of energy within and around you heightens.  Your chakras are personal to you and act as a personal connection and expression of the Creator through your being. Sometimes when you experience blockages in certain chakras this can symbolise the area in which your connection with the Creator needs to be contemplated and enhanced. For example, if you have a blockage in your heart chakra then it may be that you have issues with connecting with, receiving or expressing the love of the Creator so there is a need to connect consciously into the chakra to decipher that which the chakra wishes to share with you concerning your connection with the Creator. Remember that your greatest purpose upon the Earth is to express and radiate the purest vibration of the Creator's light, love and consciousness. Anything that is hindering you in doing so is asking you to glimpse an aspect of the Creator that you may not be familiar with or may be fearful of because of past circumstances. You then are presented with the most precious gift, a new focus and understanding of the Creator and a new pathway to gain a deeper unity with the Creator.

Your chakra systems are akin to energy gateways, pumps, distributors and collectors, they are tools in which you can anchor the vibrations of the Creator upon many energetic and physical levels of your being. Therefore preserving their purity and strength is essential if you are focused upon embodying your soul and the vibrations of the Creator.  Each day you can invoke the purification, cleansing and strengthening concentrated light of the Archangels to flow through your chakra system to maintain and preserve the purity of your chakras and therefore retain a high vibration of light within your entire being.

'I invoke Archangel Michael to oversee the cleansing and purification of my entire chakra system. I ask to receive the concentrated light of the Archangels focused upon the purification, cleansing and strengthening of my entire chakra system. Let the energy I receive be born from love and fill my chakras with the blessings and expansion of love. Let all unneeded energies created by me or accepted by me and held within or around my chakras to be erased completely and absolutely. It is my wish for my chakras to expand and strengthen appropriately so that I may embody and express through the purest vibrations within my chakras the light, love and consciousness of my soul. Let the Archangels support me as I free my chakras from limitations, experiencing any shifts within my chakras as blissful easy processes of awakening. Thank you.'

Imagine that I, Archangel Michael, stand behind you orchestrating and instructing the concentrated light of the Archangels to be absorbed and to flow throughout your chakra system.  As you experience the deep purification process let yourself focus upon your breathing, as relaxing the body will allow for any shifts to take place with greater ease. When you are ready allow yourself to focus upon your soul light which can often emerge from your heart chakra. As you allow your soul light to radiate throughout your chakras notice how empowered, expressive and expansive your chakras and their expression are.

With your focus upon your spiritual evolvement and awakening the truth of the Creator within your being your chakra systems and their purposes are constantly evolving, even the colours and sound frequency of the chakras can alter considerably even from day to day. Your chakras constantly update their energies as new shifts in energy and consciousness are obtained within your being but also by humanity and the universe. It is at this time that I wish to make you aware of the shifts and updating that is occurring within your chakras so that you may be conscious and attune to the process taking place. At this time the Archangels have been given permission to oversee, assist and inspire many new activations for souls upon the Earth.  The Archangels are accepting this responsibility so that many Ascended Masters upon the inner planes can work on a more general level re-attuning the Earth and the universe of the Creator as one. The Earth and the universe have always been connected but the Ascended Masters are being guided to create new pathways of light from the Earth to the inner planes and universe of the Creator due to the speed at which humanity is evolving. In the past when Ascended Master's ascended they discarded their physical body, moving into their light body they travelled into other dimensions and the inner planes to continue their journey of growth. In doing so they created pathways of light likened to tunnels that assisted more and more people to ascend from the Earth. It can be likened to a new road being built.  The more pathways that the Ascended Masters created the easier it was for others to raise their vibrations and achieve the same, they allowed for higher vibrations of light to be channelled into the Earth but they also assist in creating areas of high vibrational light upon the Earth that would inspire others and allow for a space to be accessed that already had a strong attunement to the Creator thus making the shift of ascension easier. It is the same when you meditate in the same room for a long period of time, the room and its surroundings hold a high vibration and so if people enter the space who have never meditated before they will be supported to do so by the energy created.

Due to the ascension process of souls evolving and many souls being able to remain in their physical bodies after ascension the process and demands of ascension have altered meaning that many of the pathways created by the Ascended Masters are no longer needed. Now from the inner planes the Ascended Masters are creating new pathways of light from the Earth into the universe of the Creator. Not only does this mean that higher vibrations of light are able to penetrate the Earth and your being, it also signifies that there will be sacred spaces upon the Earth or energy consciousness that can be accessed to support the new process of ascension and attunement with the Creator. While the Ascended Masters are achieving this, we the Angelic kingdom are inspiring and overseeing the activations of light within your being. This is why we ask you to be consciously aware of the updates occurring within your chakra system.

Golden petal like energies are forming from the hearts of the Archangels born from a vibration of freedom of love. These golden petal like energies coil themselves into a funnel shape as they connect with each of your chakras, entering into your chakras with the smallest part of the funnel first.  It is as if the golden petal like energies have umbilical cords connecting them to the hearts of the Archangels. As the golden petal of a funnel shape anchors into one of your chakras, it begins to draw and pour a great volume of light from the hearts of the Archangels into that chakra thus updating the chakra with consciousness, pure angelic vibrations of love and a freedom that can only be born from supreme and pure love.  This is a process that you can allow to occur during meditation simultaneously to all of your chakras. You may then experience that each of your chakras becomes or holds the vibration of the angelic kingdom, with the consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love this may cause a deep and powerful opening and expansion of your chakras allowing the light of the Creator to pour with great abundance throughout your being, flooding your entire being with light. Not only will this raise the vibration of your chakras but it will also activate a deep remembrance of being of service with and from a space of love allowing you to integrate this vibration throughout your entire being and reality.

Updating your chakra system is focused upon allowing you to experience the Creator more fully within your reality. While it assists to be conscious of the process there isn't a need to fully understand the process as this is different to being aware. You may wish to use the invocation below to support your conscious acceptance of this updating process of your chakras.

'I invoke Archangel Michael and all the Archangels to surround me completely as I gain a meditative state of being. Please protect and oversee my process at all times.  I call upon the light of the Archangels to penetrate my being and chakra systems, let the golden petal like energies from the heart chakras of the Archangels anchor into my chakras simultaneously like funnels of golden light. I allow for the light and consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love from the Archangels to pour into my chakras allowing for a deep expansion and experiences of freedom born from love to be sensed and accepted within my chakra system and entire being. Please ensure that all the energies I need to accept to be anchored within my chakras to aid the next stage of my spiritual ascension and my conscious awareness of my inner truth to emerge.  Please support the abilities of my chakras and process of expressing and radiating the truth of the Creator. Thank you.'

Simply allow yourself to breath and relax being aware of your senses and the energy around and within you, until you feel the process is complete.

Please know that the Angelic Kingdom is supporting you tremendously at this time of your ascension.

With Angelic unconditional love,

Archangel Michael



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May your new Path {4 it is ever new} be filled with 'Beauty,
i.e., intelligence - self-knowledge - self-awareness - discipline -
active Love - wisdom - trust - faith - devotion - courage & 24/7  effort ...

'Don't judge, B-fair, forgive others, forgive yourself. 
And this is just the beginning to Unity Freedom Peace Joy & CoCreation --

'Overcome your 5 senses, be generous, do no evil
and have no hate. Have equanimity towards everything.

This is how you will destroy your dense heavy limiting  False Self, your fearful selfish/greedy separating self-centered & deceiving Ego, and discover who you really are, - not your body, not your mind, not your profession, not your wealth or pedigree, but a spark of the Divine, - as we All are ...

Find time for silence, find time to meditate - self-inquiry always ...
