Keep Your Heart Open |
When your heart feels hardened,
put your hand over your heart. When you place your hand knowingly on your heart to melt the hardness, you will begin to feel
the hardness melting. Yes, put your hand over your heart with pure intention, and your hand and your intention will do your
bidding. Whatever the situation, you
do want to have the tightness in your heart lessened. It is going to leave anyway. Whatever event seemingly hardened your
heart would fade eventually anyway, so make it sooner. You don't want cramping in your heart, your beautiful heart that I
intended to stay open. My instructions that came with your heart were to keep it open and warm and palpable. You look to justify the hardening
of your heart. You justify well. Yet what does it come down to, beloveds? Does the situation really matter in life? If you
had to write down three dire situations, would this one right now that causes you such heartache, would it be on your list
of three? Unlikely. The hurt will recede as so many other incidents have done and have been forgotten. If this current event does
not merit your misgivings, why dissect it then? Simply let it go. It's not worth a tuppence of your heart. There may be those who have
even hardened their hearts to Me over events far greater than the little scenario you are excruciating over now. Far greater,
and, yet, even so, that restriction of your heart has no merit. You, perhaps, may have asked Me to stem the tide, and your
will is not done. Dear ones, it is possible that the tide followed its own natural bent before you even asked, for time cannot
be marked in Heaven. Only Eternity in Heaven. Walmart has rollbacks, but
even Walmart can only change a price ticket today. It can't go back and change the ticket on a day that has already rolled
by. It is necessary in life that you roll with the punches. You can do that now where time is measured on Earth. Miracles abound, and yet patterns
in the relative world have been set in motion. You do not really want Me to be in the mainstream of the relative world, buoyed
by waves. It is not that My mind has been made up, and yet you wouldn't want Me to be changing My mind all the time, not even
for you, for what else might be left in the wake of what you want? Of course, you want your loved
ones to live forever, and, of course, they do, yet not in the body that you have become accustomed to. You didn't want to lose your
job, and yet something was wound and unwound, and you are out of work. Despite the darkness and havoc you see, there is more
to it. Don't be put off when I say that you are growing and there yet may be something good for you in this. You say you are
sure there couldn't possibly be, and I say, "Do not put a shroud over your head. Take it off, and look from a different point
of view. Columbus would not have discovered America unless he set out to look for something." Even the situation against
the grain of your heart that may be going on now, even this minor squall in your heart, you can look at it differently and
accept its blessing and stride forward with peace in your heart and good will for all. |