Keep Your Balance

Keep It Simple



Hilarion's Weekly Message, November 15, 22, 2009
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Once again, I greet you, Beloved Lightworkers!
As most of you have discerned, we have quickly moved into Higher octaves of energy which is causing even greater purification within each of you than before. Hold fast and keep on keeping on! Daily affirm and decree the Light and you will be able to traverse these energies with greater ease. Many of you need to remember to drink more water at this time. Some of you have been feeling stuck in old energies, some have been releasing great sorrows and sadness, anger and frustration. Do not judge yourselves for these thoughts and feelings, for this is part of the process of refining your physical selves to accommodate your Higher Selves. Let these feelings process through you and keep a firm vision of the greater Light that you are.
Learn to laugh at yourselves in your processes, for laughter automatically lightens the load you may be carrying. Your sense of well-being is not dependent on outside circumstances, rather it is an internal affair. We understand that sometimes it just seems that you must wallow in your feelings while in the process of releasing them. This is quite acceptable Dear Ones, for you are in a physical body which is going through tremendous transformation, and sometimes it will be affecting your equilibrium and sense of balance. We stand in awe of your great capacity to withstand and integrate the massive amount of energy that is being infused within each of you.
Humanity stands at the brink of great evolution. The very atmosphere is pulsating with the promise of something better that is just beyond the horizon and indeed, it is so. Everywhere, the highest potential for all is just waiting to be fulfilled. It does require willful intent on a daily basis to hold to this vision, for as yet you have the great cleansing processes to contend with.  But if you continue to persist in these endeavors greater good is accomplished for yourselves and Humanity, for your Brothers and Sisters are beginning now to Awaken and the paths that you have walked are now set for them to follow. Many there will be who are seeking and what they are seeking you can help them with.
As the days go forth it requires each of you to maintain your vibrational level and stay in your highest integrity. Each of you knows that being a Lightworker is not just talking Love and Light …each of you have experienced the many, many hardships in your lives that have sorely tested you in all ways, and always you have chosen to hold fast to your Light, no matter what you have prevailed, and when someone talks blithely of your great Work as something of no consequence just walk away. There is no point in trying to plant seeds and cultivate a garden in the same old patch of infertile ground. Find yourselves fresh soil and create your Garden of Eden and in this way those who treated you of no consequence will someday in all likelihood follow in your very footsteps.
Walk always with humble heart for you inherently know that the way forward requires the simplicity of focus and clear purpose and you know that it is as simple as that. Each of you knows that you are individual sparks of the Creator and are part of the Oneness of Life. The most minute action can and does affect the whole. That is why the admonition to love thy neighbor as thyself in previous days, for your neighbor IS yourself . . . a part of the Oneness of Life that you all partake in. This will make more sense to you as your consciousness begins to remember your purpose and origin.
Keep your daily lives simple, enjoy each moment and begin to relearn to connect to the wonder of Life around you. It has always been there but as a whole. Humanity has been conditioned to give their attention to non-life enhancing ways of expression and have simply forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the ‘box’ they have existed in for many lifetimes. Take heart, Dear Ones, for the veils of forgetfulness are lifting and remembrance comes to all in ways that reflect each individual, and the ‘boxes’ are being replaced by the "fields of unlimitededness.”
As ever, we are always with you and you do not walk alone.
I AM Hilarion
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
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