Keep Vibrations High 2 Give Life Meaning |
Isis' Message of the Day -
Thinking lack creates lack. Thinking prosperity
creates prosperity. I want all of you to Light up your life, your country, your state your world with the prosperity. You
can change worldwide deficits by doing this. Change consciousness about prosperity . . . "You have the power to do
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
==================== Dear Ones! Life is about Living. How many Times
did You Smile Today? How many People did You make Laugh? How many People did You Go Out of Your Way to Bring Joy? As You Go
Out of Your Way to Bring Joy to Another Person, that Joy Comes Back to You. As You make Someone Laugh, their Laughter Comes
Back to You. As You Smile, You Receive a Smile Back. If You Wish More Joy in Your Life, then Look to Being the Bringer of
Joy. If You Wish More Love in Your Life, then Become More Loving. If You Wish to Live in a More Loving World, Start with the
World that is Around You Everyday. Bless the Hearts of Those around You and You become Blessed. Be About Joy and Bless Your
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * *
SaLuSa: You Are Destined to be Great
Beings of Light
April 11, 2011
Stick to your principles and follow your intuition,
as your beliefs and thoughts are bombarded by so many different sources that claim to know the future. Some are simply misguided
but those that seem acceptable are sometimes clever pieces of disinformation. Bear in mind that the dark Ones are well aware
of Ascension and the events leading up to it, and they play upon a scenario that largely fits your beliefs. However, they
intentionally look to cause confusion in your minds, and once doubt creeps in they have succeeded in their aims. Naturally
there are also some sources that are genuine, but have a different idea as to how the end times work. Their approach can be
influenced by what they desire to take place, and this is more likely with religious beliefs. If you are satisfied that you
have a truthful source you can generally speaking accept what is given to you. However, still question it until you are satisfied
that it fits into your mindset and that it is of a positive nature. The truth will normally feel good, whereas dubious statements
often make you feel uneasy.
For many years you have been fooled and lied
to so that governments could carry out covert actions without your knowledge. The times of automatically believing what you
were told have long since passed, but because of the deliberate confusion and fear laden messages you may find it difficult
to determine where the truth exists. Again we come back to your intuitive powers and if you rely upon them, by and large you
will not go far wrong. Trust has to be earnt, but so few politicians have been consistently honest. But when they are, their
words stand out and carry the ring of truth. Because of these problems, it is planned to shake up the whole political establishment
and eventually do away with party politics. Too much time is wasted on confrontation and decisions made for political gain,
instead of doing what is best for all people. Changes will ensure that only those politicians that sincerely desire to give
their time for the betterment of their people, will be appointed to positions within a new government.
The time for reviewing many systems and policies
affecting the people will soon arrive, and it is all part of regaining your sovereignty. As a new civilization emerges, it
is you who will be treated with respect and your needs placed at the top of the list. Great wealth that is in the hands of
so few will be re-distributed so that all share in abundance. The days of the elite are numbered, but they will be treated
fairly like every one else. Such changes will pave the way for your eventual Ascension, which will subsequently lead to a
time when money will be no longer required. When you can create for yourself all that you need to exist, you will no longer
be reliant on others for your welfare. The experiment called duality has pitched you against each other, and being successful
in competitive situations has often come down to who has been the most powerful. This will also cease in favor of co-operation
and the sharing of all of the New Earth’s treasures. In this respect the Earth will be honored and treated as the wonderful
loving host she is to the Beings who travel with her.
Up to now you have been allowed to use Mother
Earth for your raw materials, but even so you have destroyed many locations with little thought for the environment. Lessons
have since been learnt, and it has to be understood that she is a fully conscious Being that needs your love and full consideration
for her well being. The previous lack of understanding has led to Mother Earth having to take her own action to cleanse the
Earth, and restore it to its pristine condition. Consequently she rumbles and shakes, with the resultant changes arising from
earthquakes and other happenings. We of the Galactic Federation constantly monitor such situations, and we do whatever is
allowed to minimize the effects where you are at risk. We work largely unseen, but look forward to the day when we can do
so quite openly and often with your co-operation. From a karmic point of view we can only go so far, as it is important that
you realize the consequence of your actions. We speak here not just of direct damage, but where it has been triggered by the
reaction to negative energies produced by Mankind. These have for example often resulted from wars, and gone deep into the
Earth causing disturbances to the balance of natural energies.
As your consciousness levels rise up, so you
will also take a step nearer to understanding how the new you will live in the future. It will be so different and have little
resemblance to how you live now. Importantly there will be a better understanding of the creative power around you, and you
will harmonise with it. By then you will have learnt how to correctly use such energies, and become an independent Galactic
Being. You will also become a Christed Being able to fully express your Love and Light. Be assured that you are destined to
be great Beings of Light, and will move nearer to that manifestation as you rise up through the higher dimensions.
We trust that you will understand the need to
cut your reliance upon material acquisitions, and know that in time you want for nothing at all by creating for your needs.
Humans become very attached to their material belongings but as with the passing of the physical body, you cannot take them
with you. Yet in the Astral Realms, you can recreate by thought any item that whilst on Earth was to your personal liking.
It follows that after Ascension you will not only be able to create, but have more extended skills than previously. Take for
example your delight in dressing up, and know that you can “think” into being whatever you wish and change it
as often as you like. What can be created can also be “uncreated” just as easily, so there is no waste. The higher
you go, the creations become more perfect and radiate light all around. Color and sound go hand in hand bringing an array
of beauty and perfection not found on Earth at present.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and place in your minds
concepts and ideas that will prepare you in readiness for Ascension and beyond. We will do more as time moves on and accompany
you well beyond it. We Are All One in this great Galactic adventure that is just beginning. God Bless You All.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey Polaris: April 2011: The Underground Wave
Channeled by Karen Murphy =====================================
Rolling beneath you right now are the reverberations
of what has now become years of foundational activity. This manifested physically last month as the devastating and planetary
game-changing earthquake and tsunami in Japan, but continues still as movement underneath, behind the scenes, and growing
momentum for supported global change. Are you ready?
Whether or not you feel you are now in a position
to assume the mantle of your life purpose and to step firmly onto your path, rest assured that yes, you are ready. As a member
of a global community, you are already engaged in what it is you need to do in order to play your part in the overall whole
and to weave in your thread in the global communal tapestry of creation. How do we know this? Simply because we are all connected,
now more than ever and increasingly on a conscious level -- the world response to the Japan tsunami brought that to bear clearly.
Understand that no one need be consciously aware of this connection – it exists regardless of individual awareness and
will continue to be strengthened by world events.
What does this mean to you, to your family, to
your community, and to the planet? Things are moving underneath at a rapid rate. You may feel off balance, as if you are spinning
at a different rate than the planet’s motion. Vertigo. Uncertainty. Wanting to feel the ground firmly under your feet.
Relationships strengthen considerably or move farther apart in a widening chasm. Political polarization continues, while each
end of the spectrum becomes more aligned with itself. Communities strengthen intention through shared experience or begin
to fall apart. People make rapid and often dramatic changes.
If you feel personally off
balance at any time, try this:
Sitting quietly and comfortably, breathe down
into the soles of your feet. Allow your breath to gather there, and really feel your feet. Notice any sensations of warmth,
tingling, pins and needles, vibration, or nothing at all. After a minute or two, send this gathered breath down deep into
the center, the core, of the Earth. Feel your breath traveling deep and far. Feel your connection to the solid surface beneath
your feet. Continue noticing any sensations. Allow your breath to touch the very center, the core, of the Earth and then bring
that breath back up through your feet and into your heart.
Understand that this underground wave will test
you to the very core of your being. If ever there was a time to tune in and listen to your heart, it is now. The constant
roil of the wave will unground you, rip you from the moorings that you thought you had, and make you feel as if you are required
to find a new lifeboat, new moorings, a new vantage point from which to retire from the world and be safe.
Go within this month and listen to your heart.
Feel your heart beating. Start from there. It
is all you have, but there are untold riches within your own heart. There is an infinite space within. Just breathe. Feel
your heart beating. Remember that you are alive, you are in a body, and you live on this planet. This month, that is enough.
This is a month of significant and dramatic shifts. Expect new job offers, moves to new homes, relationships ending or beginning, projects begun or ended. Strong ups and downs are also possible on a number of levels, as biorhythms fluctuate and energies supporting the physical, mental and emotional cycles run rampant this month. Pay attention to your personal cycles, both within a day and over a longer period of time, and expect change. Notice what foods or activities precipitate a drop or increase in energy, focus, or feeling, and adjust your activities according to how you would like to feel. This is a very good month to get in closer touch with your own personal rhythms. On a physical-spiritual level, there is an increase
this month for many people in the overall sense of being connected on a global level. In the aftermath of Japan’s tsunami
and shared radiation exposure increases through seawater dumps, cloud seeding, and atmospheric absorption, there is a greater
sense of being connected on all levels, that what affects one affects many. This is not an accident and will have far-reaching
cumulative effects as choices and decisions on regional and national levels begin to be made with the overall global community
in mind. Although these increasingly mindful choices may not be occurring consciously, rest assured that the overall trend
is fast moving toward considered choosing based on the needs of the global community.
You may be moving through periods of intense
fear, uncertainty, loss, loneliness, or other intense emotions this month. The sense of underlying uncertainty brings whatever
you have been holding on to up to the surface. Understand this and look to these emotions are your teacher. Allow them to
free you. This is your opportunity to see your patterns and to learn from them. Look within and love yourself, love your fragile-yet-strong
Sharing your journey with others in your life
has an amazing healing quality and helps create a sense of connection that will assist in rebuilding your new foundation of
Affirmation: I AM alive.
Relationships will be sorely tested this month as people struggle to find personal safety. It is easy to project and then go onto a blaming space with the people closest to you. I feel uncomfortable, and you are here, so you must have done something to cause this! Understand that of course you are closely connected to the people near you. You cannot help but be affected by their fears, by their pain, by their journey. If you are feeling unbalanced, unsafe, and unloved, look within rather that at those around you. Your safe place in any relationship begins with your Self. Look within at your own heart and work from there. Remember that those around you hurt and are as
afraid as you are. Hold space for them to move through their own journey by looking within at your own heart.
Affirmation: I AM the root of compassion for
those around me. I am loved by loving more.
Communities continue to form and dissolve as people react and respond to the energies within them. Understand that these are growing pains, a necessary part of the overall collective journey we have embarked upon, and try to hold compassion for the journey of those around you. Trying to bend people to your will and make them respond in ways that feel better to you will not work. In this case, think of yourself as the willow: strong and yet resilient bending to the wind and rain yet ever standing. As with personal relationships, try not to make
any hard and fast choices this month about whom to ally yourself with or about how you will proceed within community. Try
to be the willow. Find your security, again, by looking within. Breathe and breathe compassion into the spaces around you.
Remember that whatever you see outside you is a mirror to that which is within.
Affirmation: I AM holding space for the
evolution I desire.
Global Politics
As internal fears mount, polarization and fear-based alliances continue. Expect pettiness, quarreling and name-calling as the global collective begins to examine and eventually move through and dismiss childishness in relating. This is a lengthy process, however, and this period of childishness in global relating will likely last a while. The underground current, the roiling wave, will mount in intensity regarding global politics and you may expect some surprising changes later this year as the balance of power among nations continues to shift. Economic pressures create additional movement opportunity. It would not be a surprise for complete 180-degree reversals to occur on policy or war-making from several previously regarded “power” countries, especially the U.S and European nations. Affirmation: I AM ever mindful that the
choices I make affect the world.
Earth Changes
Had enough yet of nature’s capriciousness? It is not over yet, not by a long shot. Still to come this year is a major event that affects a large population: earthquakes and volcanoes are the strongest potential. Beyond that, expect nature fun like greater-than-normal temperature fluctuations, strong winds and hurricanes/typhoons, and unusually high amounts of regional rainfall. These extreme events affect people on a visceral
level – when your home and community are threatened, it is difficult to feel safe. Even if you are not the one being
directly threatened by events that occur outside your ability to control them, the collective energy of fear and uncertainty
has its affect. You have already seen this with Japan, and in fact those effects have not yet reached their pinnacle.
You can again reconnect to the foundation you
are building by looking within to your heart and its innate wisdom, and imagining yourself as the willow, flexible yet resilient.
Remember the enduring nature of humanity. Tap into the timelessness of the space deep within the planet. Breathe and remember
that the world breathes with you.
Affirmation: I AM as old as the Earth.
Global Spiritual Changes
The collective growing pains of a species feels like an unendurable burden sometimes. It is not your load to bear. Set it down and allow yourself to move into a space of trust. Things are changing. You are a part of this. Your work, your life, your breath all makes a difference. But beyond this? There is no obligation to bear the burden of holing space the collective evolution of humanity unless you look within and find that this is indeed your path. Just because you desire something does not mean it is your path to create it. Sometime, simply breathing and being alive is enough. The deeper you move into your own humanity, with all its messiness, the greater a positive effect you can have on the collective consciousness. Let you breath be enough. Polaris is a being of energy
* *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you get to the place of being
able to step back from the drama and just behold, there comes over you a great peace that the world does not know, but that
you know deep within yourself. Each time anything comes to you that would suggest other than wholeness, allow yourself to
step back and to take that deep breath and to be the beholder.
Visit our website: *
The Meaning of It All: Keep Your Vibration High
by Ann Ulrich Miller March 2011
We heard in 2010 that the year 2011 was going
to be filled with mind-blowing events. So far that has been a fact. World events have escalated into civil wars in the Middle
East, an assassination attempt on one of our congresswomen in Tucson, and unions challenging state governments (beginning
with my hometown of Madison, Wis.). In my opinion we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg for 2011.
This morning’s disturbing headline on my
Internet home page read “North Korea threatens to attack United States”! How alarming is that?
But, you know, even with all this “bad
news” going on, I’ve managed to maintain my personal level of well being. Even with all the drama, my higher self
knows that there is a divine plan and that everything is happening for a reason... often one we can’t see at the time
events are unfolding.
There was a period in my life where I was proud
of the fact that I didn’t have TV. I chose to keep my head buried in the sand, so to speak, and ignore the drama going
on in our world. I thought that by doing so, I would keep my vibration high and not be influenced by events and opinions that
would only serve to drag me down to a level where my light would dim.
Last November, for the first time in a couple
of decades, I subscribed to cable TV. Since knowing Doug, I’ve allowed myself to become more educated about what is
happening around me. Whereas before I had a one-sided view of war, politics and business affairs, I am now seeing a broader
perspective and have moved from the Left into the Center, where I can weigh the checks and balances of both Left and Right.
There are leaders and influential groups of people
in our world who are causing hardships for many. We elect politicians to govern us in a way that we hope is for the highest
good of all, and yet we are continually disappointed when they let us down. They promised to represent us, and then they seem
to get sucked in by lobbyists or their own agenda. As I look around at the world’s leaders I can see that power is an
addiction and deception is prominent.
I begin to wonder, will we ever have a world
of peace where love dominates and we are living in the “Golden Age” our ET friends have proclaimed? The Old Testament
in the Bible talks about the years of tribulation, and we are certainly experiencing those now, in my opinion.
My message for this month pertains to keeping
our vibration high so that we can continue to not only exist in this troubling world, but make headway in bringing about a
brighter future for all. I believe that if we can keep our own vibration high, our light can shine and the world will be better
because of it.
How can you do this? How do you keep from falling into victimhood or drowning in the well of self-pity and despair? It’s quite simple really. Take the judgment
off of it. In Suzanne Ward’s book, Voices of the Universe, a young man named Richard who knew he was going to be killed
soon (he got the message from his spirit guides), made this statement:
“All judgment of others is self-judgment.
All forgiveness of others is self-forgiveness.”
When I read that, something in me clicked. When
truth hits home, it’s like a spiritual orgasm (if you’ll excuse the expression). Of course! It’s when we
judge others’ actions that we separate ourselves from the All. And when we can remove the judgment from every person
and every situation, we are lifting that heaviness from ourselves... it raises our vibration. It raises it to such a level
that nothing seems to bother us any more. We can look at all the dramas being played out and acknowledge them, but not be
affected in the same way as before.
I’m not saying that we are immune. Since
we are all connected in consciousness, we can’t help but be affected by everything going on. However, by keeping our
vibration high, it’s like water off a duck’s back. We can acknowledge it, then let it go.
Contrary to my friends’ warnings, television
and world awareness has not brought me down. Instead it has made me more aware. And when I have “those days” when
insecurity grips me, or I’m in a bad mood (I am still human, after all), I take measures to raise my vibration using
the tools I’ve gathered through the years.
These tools include calming my mind by listening
to high-vibrational music, doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping), deep breathing, and especially talking to
God and calling on my guides, and being grateful for everything in my life... being grateful for the opportunity to be on
planet Earth at this crucial time in its history, and experiencing all that is going on as we head into what is supposed to
be a major shift in consciousness and transformation.
I’m glad I’m here. And I’m
doing all I can to keep my vibration high. I invite you to join me and take the judgment off the situation at hand, and do
whatever it takes to live from your heart and follow your own guidance.
An article from the March 2011 issue of The Star
©2011 (all rights
reserved) Ann Ulrich Miller, editor of The Star Beacon. Her Space Trilogy novels are available at *
HEAVEN #3790
Love's Turn Has Come
April 11, 2011
God said:
Love is not a production. Love is the background.
It is the setting of the drama or comedy. Love is omnipresent. Love is not what you think. Love is more than you think. You
cannot isolate love any more than you can isolate Me.
Love needs no insulation. Have you attempted to insulate yourself from love? Love is not like driving a car fast on the freeway. Love police do not exist. You need not look over your shoulder. The only thing following you is love, and love is ahead of you too. You are the love you are speeding to. Love can drive slowly down a lane. Love can pause yet never stop. Love can speed, and love remains. Let Us praise love. Love betokens Heaven where Oneness is seen, where Oneness is evident, where love relaxes and loves without taxing itself. Heaven announces itself by its glorious love. There are trails of love all over the place, yet love does not trail behind. Love is the engine that could. There is nowhere love cannot go. There is nowhere love is not. There is no mountain that love cannot reach, no ocean that love cannot cross. There are no mountains, there are no oceans. There is only love manifesting itself in all the ways it can think of to catch your attention. Here is love. Right here, love is. Love mounts itself from your heart, and love soars. Vroom. Watch that love reach high in the sky. Watch that love land and rise again. Look at that love go! What is there that love from your heart cannot do? Love can cut through steel. Love can surrender, and as love surrenders, it rises. Make your decision to love. Say to yourself: “I am a Being of Love. I do not have to turn love on. It is already on. I just have to take care that I do not turn the love in my heart off. Nothing, nothing is to turn my love off. Nothing is to stem the flow of love to and fro my heart, the giving of love from my heart. My love is the fulcrum of the Universe. There cannot be too much love. I am speaking of love, that emanation that encompasses all. Love may fly and love may alight, yet my love is not flighty. My love is for all. Where is there that my love should not be? Let my love, yes, this love in my heart, let it sweep all in its path. May my heart pump love everywhere to everyone. Nonstop love is flowing from my heart now. Fresh love. Renewable love. Sustainable love. “There is an entourage of love in the world. One loving thought leads to another. One loving act leads to another. There is an onslaught of love in the world, and nothing can stop it. Love’s turn has come. Love is rising from the depths to the surface. High or low, only love is, and now only love will be seen and touted. Love is not an act. It is not an accumulation. Love is a free sprite that I cannot escape. This is love. This is my love. This is God’s love. “I give up. I am surrounded by love. Love has captured me. And now my heart is free to give love everywhere. My love is a stowaway. My love is behind every door that opens. Now I am ready to just let love be. I am love, and I will be love, and that’s all I will be. I am that. I am love.” Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty * * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria * Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator
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