Joyous Days!

Joyous Days Follow Restless Nights
Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas
January 3. 2010
Joyous days follow restless nights as the dawn grows even brighter and ever more illuminating to the ones that are moving through these testing times of ever continuing ascension processing. An ongoing sequence of events that is leading the multitudes now on their own respective journey of enlightenment, as the sun shines ever more brightly in the morning skies. Those clouds that scurry though the heavens on the winds of change grow sparser and clearer as the redeeming morning light blesses the beginning of each most splendid day.Each day is welcomed with an anticipation that 'something good' is about to happen and the acceptance beams broadly as the fulfilments become ever more pronounced and persistent.
There is an air of self sufficiency and self realisation as we feel the gentlest of caress of those long tender fingers from the angelic's, that lovingly journey by our sides, and whose presence is so graciously accepted and honoured. It is another of the myriad of gifts that we feel so blessed to receive as it is with joy and privilege that these are so gratefully received.To catch the glimpse of an accompanying one whose presence is but fleetingly perceived, out of the sidewise vision, is ever uplifting enough to spur one on just that little bit more deftly and fleet of foot! To catch the so subtle fragrance of an exquisite aroma that our unseen friends share is yet again an ever uplifting gift and gentility of perfection, as it were. The magical moments that we share with 'guides and helpers' as they lend forth their caring uplift and tender interactions of love.
Each day blossoms forth in and ever resplendent kaleidoscope of colour and imagery as the birds fly on high and the scented flowers and trees lend their energy of vibrancy and gentle healing. How blessed we are to be cosseted by our beloved Mother Nature, in her many and resplendent roles of expression as we are enwrapped in so much supportive natural energy that can only but nurture our very souls. How blessed we are to be in her ever loving embrace as Father Sun beams forth with such passion and power those light beams of such splendid array of crystalline vitality, empowering us with an abundance of warmth and seeding our very hearts and souls with spiritual nourishment and upliftment. How refreshing are the showers of rain that kiss one's face in such virginal caress, lending forth ever favourable life giving sustenance to each and every one and thing, upon and within the blessed planet. How truly blessed we surely are.
As we allow and inwardly digest these so precious interactions of nature and Hu-mankind, then do we see ever more clearly,how truly joyous are the days that dawn after the restless nights, perhaps, that have been obligatory to walk through in these latter days of somewhat testing times.We walk the path of  'goodness and of grandness' and engrace all that 'bad' is in a blanket of white love and blessings, incorporating the violet flames of transformation to ably assist and supply all needs of alchemies. We call upon the angels in their multi myriad forms of colour and tones, whom, assisted by the devas and the elementals, ably and continually working with the elements in all manner, shape and form, and so blessed we indeed are to be enjoy their precious and loyal assistance and expertise.
As the pace heightens, and it is deemed rightful that is most surely shall, then will we also be invited to expand and extend our services, many-fold, in our own joyous days of greater input, thereby leaving behind those restless nights of yesteryear, they disappearing into ageless infinity. These years of greater input and continuing expansion and expressiveness will indeed continue and we will, as once before, have a need to fasten our seat belts and go with the resplendent roller coaster ride that we know so very well - yet this time, yes   this time - will we be more in tune with the ensuing ride than perhaps before.  We will still have to be in total trust and be sure that which is ensuing is most surely in THE HIGHEST OF GOOD for one and all, and have to place our full faith and trust as we pick up apace! ALLOWING and ACCEPTING that which is in flow, so to be - with we as the helmsmen/women and KNOWING that the ride is on track, at the divine right time and divine right pace - It is perfect!  
Basic necessities include as ever the continuing cleansing and clearing of all toxins from the body physical, plenty of clear water with unadulterated foods that will assist our body physical and not defile it. Natural foods and natural    everything are the only permissible intake that our bodies require and will in truth depend upon, blending all our  physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies into a natural balance and healthy exuberance which is the natural state of the body and the Light Body, so to be! We notice the continued usage of the word - NATURAL - and this is not merely by chance.To be one and part of the natural state of being, to be one with Mother Nature herself, to be ever in natural alignment with the beloved planet and all upon and within her.To be always in a natural state of being, at one with food-stuffs and water, at one with all life forms upon her, to be at one and totally natural for we are to be ever at one with the Planet Earth in balance and substance. Therefore enabling us and our precious physical space suits, if you will, to be strong, fine tuned and very much a perfect physical counterpart to the ascending and readying planet and to our ascending and readying divine selves.
We and Mother (Earth) Nature are always to be finely attuned and in the most NATURAL state of being. Our highest and divine inner selves will ensure the NATURAL physicality to be healthy, vital and ever supportive to one and all. Joyous days will surely follow the restless nights of old as we grandly locate our true selves in it's finest natural state of attunement. Our Light Bodies, too, are assisted grandly and assuredly by these natural assets of health / wealth as our countless off planet sojourns and journeys are greatly assisted by the overall attunements that we can afford her. We are blessed to be here on this grand adventure that the Universe and beyond are party to. Let us here and now simply follow our 'gut' feelings and 'accept' only the best, and therefore 'allow' only the best and most natural loving care of us, of Mother Earth, of God Itself, to be ever foremost in our hearts, minds and souls.... and so it is.
