The New Scriptures
As Given by
Chapter 12
by Kathryn E May, PsyD
September 6 2013
Creator has spoken. You have been given the New Commandments for Ascension. These carefully stated Universal Laws
need no interpretation. There are no hidden meanings or mysterious inferences in these words; they are simply the True expression
of our Creator, giving us help to carry us through the coming days. No person on Planet Earth will be exempted from
these Laws, and no person will be excluded from the privilege of Ascension except by their own choices.
Why would anyone want to be excluded from this glorious opportunity? It is a simple matter of being willing
to accept the existence of a life after death, and accepting the idea that you are each in charge of your own destiny.
In addition, there are many who have subscribed to the religion of scientific exploration, which requires that nothing is
believable which cannot be seen and touched by the five senses. This limited view has achieved much in terms of understanding
the physical world around you, but it cannot offer understanding of the mysteries of life in higher dimensions.
Many people have become so rejecting of anything that sounds like “religion” that they will reject these
teachings simply because they have Our names on them. To them, you can say that it is our desire to end the practice
of all “organized religion” in favor of a direct conversation with each of you personally. There is no requirement
that you adhere to any cult-like organization or any elaborate set of rules of behavior beyond what you read here. We
do not wish to gain “converts” to a particular practice or belief system. We want to teach you how to reconnect
with the God in you - your sacred I AM Presence. There is no need for any other guidance outside yourself.
We also wish to introduce you to the Heavenly Host. This general title refers to all the Enlightened Beings
in spirit form, From Prime Creator, Mother/Father God and me to the Archangels and the Ascended Masters who are old souls
working with Us to help you along your path. They are beings with much experience and expertise in the ways of 3-dimensional
life and they understand well what will be required for you to complete your Ascension.
Beings have not often been spoken of in the Bible or other writings except in relation to their Earthly incarnations, except
perhaps for me and my Mother, Mary. Kwan Yin’s popularity in Asia is an exception. Thanks to his work to
establish the Prosperity Funds to rescue Planet Earth from economic slavery, St. Germain is becoming more well known in the
Western world. Their influence is profoundly felt on the surface of the planet, even if their presence is not acknowledged.
These are the Ones who guide and look after you, and their encouragement and direction can be felt by anyone whose heart and
mind is open. You generally refer to their messages and interventions as “intuition.”
These are your family, Dear Ones. They have looked out for you for eons. Many of you have worked closely
with them during your time between lives and even now, during your sleeping hours. You too are able to travel, to leave
your bodies and visit higher dimensions. You may remember dreams from childhood when you talked with God, or when you
saw those who had passed on. Children, of course, are closer to their hearts than adults who have been acculturated
to the denial of all things “extraterrestrial.” You will laugh when you arrive in higher dimensions and
find how tiny your peephole to the cosmos has been.
Now let us discuss your approach
to sexuality. We have at times encouraged a rather straight-laced approach to sexual behavior because of the especially
lascivious attitudes present on the planet. We have tried to balance the extremes when necessary, but as a culture you
have matured to a degree.
There are still objectifying attitudes, especially in the media and on the internet, but it
is time for you to step into a more reasonable, open-minded approach to understanding your sexual drives and your reproductive
We in the higher dimensions have no moral judgments about who has sexual relations
with whom, except where children or women in captivity are concerned. You have free will, and will learn your lessons
well by making your mistakes and reaping the results in your own lives. Many a good marriage has been destroyed by infidelity,
but have you ever noticed how frequently the “wronged” party moves on to another, more satisfying relationship,
or how often both partners find lasting love after the breakup?
We see you caught up in
your passions, your temptations and your lapses. We sympathize with you, because the sexual drive is very strong in
your species, and partnerships are best strengthened and lengthened by a fulfilling sexual relationship. Unfortunately,
many religious teachings, in an effort to control people through their sexual feelings, have created the impression that God
despises sexuality, especially if it is fun, and not for the purpose of reproduction. This is nonsense. You were
given this gift of sexual pleasure to enjoy, and to share in a loving relationship. I do not need to tell you that sex
with a stranger is unsatisfying, unfulfilling and downright strange.
Sex has been described
by some as the “glue” that holds a relationship together during the hard times. This is true. The
strains of everyday life, issues of money and raising children in a culture that is hostile to them - all contribute to feelings
of discontent and frustration which can be soothed or worsened by the feeling tone of the partnership. An admiring mate
(whether married or not) can be a tremendous help when life strikes a blow, and a comforting sexual encounter can heal almost
any difficult challenge. We wish you Love, and in a partnership, that means physical Love.
Much has been made of the idea that homosexuality is considered a forbidden abomination in God’s eyes.
This is not true. There are now many on the planet who took on the challenge to come to this life in the body of one
whose sexual impulses had been modified to create attraction to others of the same sex. It has been a courageous contract,
one which guaranteed difficult emotional adjustments, challenges to one’s self-esteem, and sometimes physical threats.
Those who volunteered for this life challenge knew they would be confronting the common belief systems, especially those of
the fundamentalist sects. This was our desire - to create a situation which would eventually result in exposing the
hatred behind bigotry, just as was done during the Civil Rights era.
The Western World
has moved very quickly, in relative terms, to adopt a tolerant attitude toward alternative lifestyles. We are pleased
with this rapid change, and are grateful to our courageous brothers and sisters who put their lives on the line to make it
happen. It has forced the hand of those who were rigidly attached to their religious dogma, opening a crack in the armor,
you might say.
As more and more people defend their friends who are gay, who live loving
and productive lives in partnerships that are every bit as stable and nurturing as their heterosexual counterparts, and as
their child-rearing expertise has proven equally supportive to children who might not otherwise have a stable home, the world
has had to acknowledge that gay people are not so different after all. You see, in terms of opening doors to tolerance
and Love, this was a dramatically successful experiment.
Now that the Reptilians have
left the arena of global financial systems, there will also be a rapid shift in priorities, as people who are tired of “the
rat race” are at last able to reduce their hours to find satisfaction in family life, creative endeavors and service
to the community. With the war machine winding down, there will be enormous amounts of money available for the amenities
which make life more comfortable and more fun. Charitable funding is already on the increase, and will begin to be felt
as an engine of productivity in the arts, in music, drama, dance and other creative endeavors.
A new respect for artistry is already beginning to be felt, as the same-old gyrating, scantily-dressed popular music
stars lose their luster by comparison with truly talented singers and songwriters who bring their heart-felt songs to a public
that is hungry for real meaning. The Reptilian preference for peddling cheap-and-tacky in every area of life is now at an
end. Humanity will now rise to the level of artistic expression which has been seen before, when beauty and excellence
was celebrated, as in the European Renaissance, and the height of the Greek and Roman period. What a pleasure it will
be to see galleries and museums, parks and homes filled with the astonishingly beautiful creations of which humankind is capable.
You, our Dear Ones, will have the opportunity to explore your true desires, and it will create a new freedom in your
everyday lives that will quickly flow over into new attitudes toward anything which is restrictive or oppressive. This
is the new opening of portals to higher dimensions having their effect. You, the first readers of these words, are on
the forefront of the movement to free all from psychological oppression, the last bastion of 3-dimensional imprisonment.
You will very quickly reclaim your right to think for yourselves, experience your own feelings and decide for yourselves whether
you feel the Presence of your loving Mother/Father God, whether you too can hear my voice when I embrace you and speak softly
into your ear.
Faith is not blind, Beloved Brothers and Sisters; it is based in experience.
You read these words, you feel the Truth in them, and you feel relief, because they are simple thoughts that express what
you have always known in your heart. These messages will only be upsetting to someone who has been convinced to blindly
accept something they do not truly feel, but have adopted because someone made an internally consistent argument that appealed
to their ego/brain. If your religious beliefs make you feel superior, they are wrong. If they make you feel shame,
they are mistaken. If they make you feel fear, they are coercive. If it makes you angry or anxious when others
do not agree with you, you are vibrating at a low level, and you need to raise your Love quotient rather than invest in defending
a set of ideas or principles, no matter how right you may think they are.
These Truths
I give you now are timely because of your preparation for ascension. In earlier days, it was timely to emphasize other
principles because of the conditions people were living under. You have evolved, you have access to far greater information
because of your internet, and you are more familiar with the basic concepts of astronomy, physics and economics. The concept
of space travel, for instance, is not entirely strange to you, even though your governments have made every effort to keep
secret those things which are becoming common knowledge to the entire populace. There are few individuals who have not
seen space craft in their skies, and the sightings are increasing daily.
The institution
of free education for all through high school, while not a perfect system, has created a populace in the Western World and
parts of the Far East where 100% literacy is the norm. Compare this to just 150 years ago. I am now able to talk
with you about the waves of plasma energy from the Central Sun in the center of the Universe, and you read on. When
we mention that your DNA strands are being activated, you have enough familiarity with the concepts to discuss it and ask
Even the ability to write these words in English and expect to have an audience
far beyond your shores is a remarkable phenomenon. You see, this is why we need a new version of the Scriptures.
Much of the old writings are in language which now sounds stilted or unintelligible, and much has been skewed over time to
satisfy the desire for restrictive, dogmatic teachings with which to frighten and control people. Many of you are familiar
with “A Course in Miracles,” which is a large work which I dictated about 40 years ago. It is difficult
for many to tackle, and far more complex than the simple and direct words I give you here. Now is the time for clear,
definitive answers to pressing questions, a time to reach the greatest number of people possible. Now is the time for action.
As you read these messages, allow the feelings of my heart to speak to you. Let the Love of Prime Creator speak
through these pages. Let Mother God’s tenderness and Father God’s strength flow through your veins.
Then feel Mother God’s feminine strength and Father God’s masculine tenderness soak into every cell of your body.
Feel the Light and radiant expression of Love I feel when I connect with them and with Prime Creator. I send the great
expression of tenderness and joy which is the essence of our beings to you, Beloved Ones. Feel our embrace, our admiration
for you as you raise yourselves up, and rejoice with us. It is truly a magnificent time to be alive.
I love you all, my Brothers and Sisters of the stars,
I am your Sananda/Jesus.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Aug. 31, 2013, 9 PM EDT
Copyright © Kathryn E.
May, High Falls, New York