"My God, why have You forsaken me?"

{The Art of Dying}





JESUS: And the Great Shift Within
{As it will be with all of us, as we pass-on}

    Consider for a moment the Jew called Jesus. He's on the
cross, being crucified and seemingly at the point of death.
Recorded history will say--and not accurately, by the way--that
he cried out, "My God, why have You forsaken me?" He didn't
say that, actually. What he said is "Where have You gone?"
Jesus the master felt a withdrawal. He felt all of the guides, all
of the entities that he counted on, were gone. All of the wisdom
drained from his body. He felt the darkness and the blackness
invade him. It went through the bubble of security that he had
counted on all of his life, as the Master of Wisdom and Love that
he was, and he cried out for help. It was noted, transcribed, and
given to you. It's history.
    Now, did you ever ask yourself how someone so close to God
could have had such an experience? Just when he needed his
entourage the most, they left! Let me tell you this: What he ex-
perienced was a nonlinear shift of energy. He was taken to zero
for jusr a moment . . . just a moment, so he could go into some-
thing called ascension. Then it all came back. Unrecorded was
what happened after that. You didn't know what happened next.
You didn't hear him go "ahhh." It wasn't recorded, you see? The
love of God poured into him, with more power than he ever had
before. That's the way it works, and for a moment he blamed
himself as the Human he was. For just a moment ... for a mo-
ment . . . just a moment, he questioned his faith.
    Let me tell you about a precious woman whose whole life was
lived under the umbrella of compassion. The older she became,
the more compassionate she became. And she is one of you [in
your modern times], and her name was Mother Teresa. I would
like to tell you about this woman. Did you know she died in
sorrow? You might ask, "Why would such a woman, who was
so close to God, die in sorrow? With all the things that she had
been doing, with the reverence that had been placed upon her
very name, allowing for sainthood itself, why would she die in
sorrow?" It's because she was a linear Human Being who did not
understand the shift of energy upon her.
    Years before her death, along her path, her energy shifted.
She had earned it, and it went to zero for a moment. The old
station she used to tune to was gone, and a new frequency was
there, begging her to change the way she did things so she could
find it and be joyful, with more power and compassion than ever.
But she didn't understand. She thought that she had been left
alone--lost her connection.
    Why would God do such a thing? Why would God depart
from a saint of compassion? And I'll tell you the truth: God never
did! What happened was that she misinterpreted the change of
energy. It's the same thing that is happening in a general way
right now. It's going away slightly, so it can come back strong
with new attributes. And this compassionate, beautiful woman
did not understand that she was being asked to tune to the next
station, literally change the way that she meditated, the way
she contacted Spirit. She would have to go around the protocol
 she had been trained in and speak to the master directly. But she
 stayed with her teaching, and nothing happened. Her training
 in an older energy kept her in a prison of protocol, and then she
 died in sorrow. Oh, but she never lost her compassion, for that
 was her gift right to the end.

"True victory is gained over
the defeated bodies of
vanquished passions
and baser selves."

Somewhere over the rainbow Our Hearts are One.

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