Isis Messages Of The Day {Saturday}

Isis' Message of the Day -

"It isn't difficult to make a mountain out of a molehill, just add a little dirt."


I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Beauty and love are two words we use frequently. When one focuses on the beauty around one, it helps put one in a state similar to love. This is a way to help you shift your state of being. Love is a magical state of being. When one is in the state of love, everything becomes more vibrant and alive. Life becomes filled with wonder. Life is enjoyed and experienced to the utmost. Beauty and love are two words that can change your life; two words with a lot of power despite their gentleness. See the beauty. Feel the love. Bless your hearts.

Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     

Heavenletter #4242
God Bless You
July 6, 2012
God said:
Every time you make an error, congratulate yourself, for you are seeing progress in the making. Chalk one up for yourself. This is wonderful news. Your perception has already changed. It has changed right before your eyes. You have wanted to grow. Oh, how you have wanted to grow. And now you see your growth in accelerated photographs. Splendid. You learned something. You are really charging ahead.
Congratulating yourself applies to all arenas of error, from copying a phone number incorrectly to turning your back on love. No longer clap your hand to your head and say: "What a dummy I am. How could I have been so stupid."
Now smack the palm of your hand with a kiss. Bless the hand that made a typo. The fingers of that hand have been typing tirelessly for you. Applaud them.
And if you have made a misconduct with your heart and regretted it, put your hand over your heart and tell your heart you will give better service to it next time. If your heart wants to take a leap, tell it you will give it free rein. Tell your heart if it has an impulse to greet a stranger, you will do it. Tell your heart you will no longer stop yourself. Tell your heart you will know better than to be shy any more. Tell your heart you will follow it even though you don't know where it will take you. Tell your heart: "Even if I should fall flat on my face in the terms of the reaction of the world, I am glad I followed you. I am glad I got out of the rut I have been in, and have been in for so long, I thank you, my heart, for opening yourself, and I am grateful to myself for allowing you to pull me along."
And when you don't follow your heart, clap yourself on the back just the same. Say to yourself: "Well, Joe, I am proud of you now. Now you wish you had followed your heart. You wish you had done otherwise. Now you wish you would have gone to the right instead of to the left. Now you wish you had been bold. You are wonderful for this! You are splendid for this. You have made a big leap in awareness. By golly, you are doing GREAT!"
Is there another way that's good for you to talk to your heart and to yourself?
If you fall down and break your leg, say, "Whoopee! I broke my leg! I was going somewhere, doing something, and I broke my leg! I am a wonderful person who goes forward. And so I fell. Now I am a wonderful person who will sit in a chair with my leg up for a while, and I will walk with crutches. How fortunate I am. I only broke my leg. I could have broken my neck. And my leg is mending, and it will be as good as new."
And if your leg is not going to be as good as new, congratulate yourself on that too. There is a blessing to come from this, even when you don't know what it is. Keep your eye on the hidden blessing.
Remember the tale of the lame boy who had to have great courage and face everything because he couldn't run like the other boys?
Do you think it is corny to think this way? Tell Me, please, how do you think you should be thinking? Complaining? Protesting? Blaming the curb or Me?
Come now, you fell. Now you get up. Congratulate yourself, and bless your leg, and bless your life, and bless yourself, and say: "God bless you."

Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  * 
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the energy that goes before you to make the crooked places straight is not separate from you. It is your energy, your divine energy that you emanate and put out forward in front of you. Sometimes it seems like there must be a miracle at work here that you don’t think you can do, but in truth, you do put that energy out. You see, you are much greater than you have been taught. You are much greater than generations have believed. But as you are now approaching the end of the cycle and you are coming to the very top, the apogee of the circle as it would be, you are beginning to take hold of, “I Am,” the power of I Am.
Visit our website:  *    
SaLuSa: You Have Been Protected By Us For Eons Of Time
Through Mike Quinsey
July 6, 2012
Do not let your guard down after such a long time lifting yourself up into the Light. At present there is much disinformation being spread, but not always deliberate and sometimes by people of good intent that are simply uninformed. Also strong beliefs are difficult to change when often they are planted in your mind at a very young age. Those that have sought to mislead you have been very clever and even altered your history to persuade you their teachings are correct. We will therefore have quite a task on our hands to put right much that is given to you as factual when it is false. This also applies to the sciences that have made their proclamations without understanding the more spiritual aspects of life and how they fit in. Your intuition is, and always will be your best guide, but by all means consider any source of information that you are comfortable with as a means of verification.
When we give you our accounts of your history, what will be decisive is the fact that we can back it up with absolute proof by way of introducing you to people who can relate events first hand. We can even go back in time and show you an actual replay so that there can be no argument as to the facts. Some of you will be allowed to go back in time into any period of your history and see with your own eyes what happened. Not only that but you will also understand what is being spoken. Be assured that in time only the truth will remain, and of course you will have made great advancements in your knowledge.
Our coming is to bring you the truth and that will help create Oneness between you, whereas at present you are very much divided. A most important area is concerning the many religions and their attempts to place you under the One God, but lack the true understanding or facts to be able to do so. The truth will be given by the Masters who will speak to their own, but it will show that each set of beliefs will have to be greatly amended if they are to bear some semblance to the truth. If some souls cannot make those changes to a more enlightened state, they will naturally be allowed to continue to pursue their old beliefs. We know that in time they will realise that if they are to move on, they will have to look beyond them.
There are souls who have been taught that extraterrestrials are devils in disguise, and are out to get them. Whilst Galactic history shows that there were wars started by evil entities that invaded or destroyed planets, you are in  no danger of that happening now. You have been protected by us for eons of time, and we have been given the authority to control who is allowed to visit Earth. We are of service to the Universe in God's name and are called the Galactic Federation of Light for good reasons. As we have informed you previously, there are exceptions when for karmic reasons contact has been allowed with the Greys, but even so they have never been a real threat to your world.
When we introduce you to members of our Federation you will find no reason to question their purpose for being here. Our whole demeanour has been one of approaching you in peace, and in no way will our conversations or manner pose the slightest threat. As has often been pointed out any advanced civilization with the intent to take you over, could have easily done so. That is right up to quite recently as you are now more able to protect yourselves. In fact recently we repelled an invasion that was a last ditch attempt to take you over. The Light on Earth attracts a lot of attention and certain dark groups have tried their hardest to prevent your Ascension, without success. We will say again that Ascension is by Divine Decree and absolutely no one can prevent it from taking place.  Our presence is also intended to ensure that only the minimum interference takes place.
So Dear Ones, your Ascension is not dependent on the many changes that you are aware of that are beginning to happen. They are to advance you very quickly so that you are prepared for a new life that is befitting of souls that have risen into the Light. You are required to make good the damage and destruction of Earth so that Mother Earth is also ready to ascend. In that task we are already prepared to make short work of the extensive cleansing that is required. It presents no problem at all bearing in mind our advanced technologies.
We know of your frustration at the delays in getting everything going, but it has already commenced if only in a small way. The preparations are complete and as always it is the timing that is critical, but as you know, there is a final date by which it must start at full speed. So do not worry as you have yet to experience the ways in which we work, and they will astonish you when you realise how fast we move. You obviously tend to see the challenges based on your own abilities, but remember that the Galactic Federation are thousands of years ahead of you. We are in control of your future and promise you a glorious victory over the dark Ones.
We might give hints at when a major event is about to occur, but we have learnt that Humans are prone to take them as certainties, hence the uproar when they do not happen. Plus we cannot always tell you the reasons for delays, and we do have to be prepared to change course at short notice as circumstances necessitate. All that you really need to know is that come what may, we will keep our promises to you. We realise that your patience has worn thin, and we can understand it as you have quite rightly expected action by now based on what you were told some time ago. However, we reiterate all proceeds well and in the end we do not anticipate any lasting problems. In any event we are ready for all possible permutations of what is needed to bring you safely through the remaining period to Ascension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the mere mention of arresting top members of the cabal brought about a new feeling of hope. After all conditions on the Earth were deteriorating quickly and heading for a complete collapse of your civilization. You re-acted positively to the good news and it gave you a lift knowing that those responsible for your circumstances were going to be removed - and so it is.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *   
Archangel Metatron: The Ability of Acknowledgement and Acceptance
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 29-06-12
July 5, 2012
The shifts in energy and light at this time affect your existence at a physical level in numerous ways, it can feel as if waves of energy are influencing you in one way and then another. The energyvibration that is anchoring and being created on the Earth at this time is equalling the vibration that was experienced by the civilisation of Atlantis. This means that the energy vibration is extremely alive, potent and able to aid manifestation with greater potential and stimulus upon the physical reality.  Quick energy vibrations are descending onto the Earth from the Creator's soul but what is even more wonderful is that quick vibrations of light are activating from within your being, integrating into the Earth. What I am sharing with you is that you and many souls upon the Earth are leading the way in the Earth's ascension process. It is you who is accessing the quicker vibrations of the Creator and anchoring them into the physical reality; it is you who are activating sacred vibrations within your being, sharing them lovingly and generously with the world and your reality through simply intention and radiation of light. I wish for you to realise how spiritually powerful your position on the Earth has become, you are guiding, leading and assisting ascension on both small and large scales which I feel needs to be recognised and celebrated especially by you.
You may or may not realise that you have sacred vibrations that are exuding from your being at this very moment, you can imagine these as ancient long forgotten ribbons of light awakening and shinning from your being. Do not underestimate the work that you are doing at a physical and unseen energetic level to aid and support the ascension on and of the Earth. Please, I ask that you value yourself for this every moment of your day, even if your personality and mind tell you that you are not making a difference, listen only to your heart and soul.
With the high and quick vibrations of light filtering into the Earth and awakening from your being this can increase your alignment with the Creator but if challenges need to be overcome and acknowledged then the extra frequencies of light can cause an imbalance or a feeling of being unaligned.  I bring this to your attention because I wish to share with you the two greatest tools that will assist you in your ascension process on the Earth; these are the ability to acknowledge and the ability to accept. These are abilities that you learn from a child and may not seem to you are super human or even soul powers but if you can understand, integrate and expand your abilities of acknowledgement and acceptance you will allow yourself to awaken more fully to the vibration of love, peace and complete soul and Creator fulfilment.
There are many situations, feelings and people that you accept every day, it is often somewhat easier to accept your outside reality than it is to accept your inner reality. Acceptance of your inner reality is key at this time as it will allow you to create the outer reality that you wish to enjoy and experience. The process of acknowledgement is just as important, acknowledgement is a realisation, awareness or a knowing. Acknowledgement stems from your intuitions and is the confirmation given by your intuition. It is impossible to say which will flow first, whether you need to acknowledge energy or first accept it. Both abilities focus upon confirmation of an energy or experience, which symbolises embodiment. Through the process of using or becoming aware of your abilities to acknowledge and accept while walking upon your spiritual path you are able to embody the energies, vibrations and wisdom that you hold and that the Creator radiates, in truth becoming one with all that is the Creator.
I wish to assist you in using these two abilities to expand your perception of the abilities so that you may awaken, grow and develop the truth within your being. With the process of acceptance and acknowledgement you can open yourself up to the vast and limitless energies of the Creator through what may seem as mundane process of acceptance and acknowledgement on the Earth. Not only will you be able to connect on a deeper level with the great expanse of energy within you but you will be offered experiences of acceptance and acknowledgement at a higher vibration of light. Remember that both of these abilities symbolise confirmation, you will be able to confirm many energies within your being  at an expansive awareness as if confirming the vibrations of higher dimensions within your being, therefore allowing yourself to embody the expansive energy of the Creator.
It is my wish to focus your attention on certain areas of your reality in order for you to develop your abilities of acceptance and acknowledgement. The first area that I believe requires attention is your acceptance and acknowledgement of yourself as a physical being on the Earth, in truth to be comfortable in your own skin. With the confirmation of acceptance and acknowledgement of who you are, what you have created at a physical level, you allow for a great process of healing which is simply an awakening of light and consciousness within your being. This focus may seem somewhat old and that many people have spoken about being comfortable in your physical body but I am bringing this to your attention now as I believe that it is a key that when mastered can free you from many physical habits and perspectives that limit your spiritual power. I know that you are aware that your thoughts create your reality and that you can choose the thoughts that you wish to create, you are given a great volume of power and freewill which isn't being used to its greatest extent. With the ability to create the reality your experience you also have the ability to mould and manipulate energy. Your physical body is composed of a slow but obviously progressively quickening vibration of light. This means that you have the ability to alter your physical body and in truth change your physical body into anything that you desire. Please open your mind to this perception as it will allow for the limits of your mind to dissolve further.
Before you contemplate altering the energy and the appearance of your physical body to satisfy your mind and desires, I wish for you to focus on the abilities of acceptance and acknowledgement. When focusing upon your physical body it is interesting to first acknowledgement and then accept as this holds greater influence on the physical slow vibration.  It is also interesting to acknowledge what the boundaries of your physical body are, where does your physical body start and end? Do you consider your mind, habits and emotions to be a part of your physical body? Maybe with the acknowledgement of the boundaries that isolate your physical body you may begin to see your physical body more clearly. Ask yourself how does my physical body act, react and influence my physical and spiritual reality. Very often you will have some areas that you wish to alter but mostly your physical body offers very little influence in your daily reality, it is the mind and the emotions that predominately influence your image of yourself and cause you to feel unsettled or sometimes uncomfortable in your own reality. If we begin with the physical body then we can learn the abilities of acceptance and acknowledgement at a physical level meaning that it is easier to integrate into a mental and emotional level.
I am not asking you to judge yourself; it is my wish that you always treat yourself with the utmost respect, love and honour. Rather than acknowledging areas that you like about yourself and that you do not like about your physical body I wish for you to simply acknowledge yourself. When you acknowledge yourself without attachment or judgment then you open yourself up to the greater flowing light of the Creator within and around your being.  I will offer you a very simple example.  You may acknowledge that you have a hand, you may have had a hand on your physical body since your birth but you acknowledge your hand and all that it does each and every day. You acknowledge your hand with respect, love and honour and then you accept all the needed influences and the existence of your hand and so you have accepted your hand. You could open the process of acceptance up to a quicker vibration of the Creator's light by asking or accepting the most divine energy vibration that your hand could exist as. This is extremely powerful if you are able to achieve the same for all aspects of your physical body because not only will you be able to breathe higher divine energies and possibilities into your physical body but you will begin to appreciate your physical body, understanding its use and purpose therefore acknowledging and accepting your physical body to open yourself up to embodiment of the Creator at a physical level.
I hope you are able to grasp that an ability of acceptance and acknowledgment in your reality and for your being, especially your entire being, will open you up to realising yourself as the magnificence of the Creator, but also will allow your entire being to make the necessary shifts that are needed for your further realisation of yourself as the Creator.
The process of accepting and acknowledging your mental and emotional bodies, their actions and influences in your reality can be slightly more difficult but if you begin to become aware of what is your mental body and how it affects you, then you can again for a little while hold an awareness of isolation of this energy for further understanding. When I speak of isolation of this energy I am speaking of putting our entire focus on to the energy whether it is the physical, mental or emotional bodies. There is a need in the process of acknowledgement to observe the mental or emotional body with love, respect and honour, free from judgement. For example, you may realise that your mind is creating scenarios in your mind where you are arguing with friends or having to defend yourself. Observe or realise this. You may realise that you have a fear of your friends discovering your truth and so wish to deflect their focus from you. Accept that this fear is within your mental body and accept a divine higher energy of the Creator to replace the energy of fear. This can be achieved with a simple intention.
This process can appear quite complex but if you simply begin to become aware of your ability of acknowledgement and acceptance realising its power then you will find that your understanding of the abilities also flows.
With acknowledgement and acceptance of your divine and entire manifestation,
Archangel Metatron

May you walk in the love and light always,


Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *    
Looks like now my email server is now saying they no longer support my operating system. So if you don't hear from me you know why. I will see if I can upgrade it.
In the Light of the One I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
    "Lady of the Light"
In the Service of the One Creator
* I am a representative of the Galactic Federation from Sirius
* The Christ within me salutes the Christ within you.
* I honor in you the Divine that I honor within myself and I know we are ONE.
**Only LOVE can Save the World  **
** Save the World One Random Act of Kindness at a time  **