Isis' Message of the Day -
"You have somehow earned yourself, in God's eyes, the honor of being present at the the inception point of the next
evolutionary leap for mankind. You are part of it. You are co-creating it. This is the future of all medicine, all scientific
research, and all religion. You are standing in the watershed of the next thousand years. In the last 15 minutes you have
already made an alteration in your consciousness and abilities that makes things that were previously impossible to you possible.
And you also have a way of transferring that consciousness, those abilities, to anyone who has any level of willingness, receptiveness,
and trust, in 15 minutes. You now have to give, at your discretion, God's gift to humanity."
~ Bayard ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Feel us. Imagine that we are here in front of you. Imagine the details of us. Your imagination assists
you in your communication with us. It opens the door to the communication. So, again, imagine us standing in front of you.
Do you see our light? Do you see from where we send our love? Imagine we are sending love from our heart to yours. Feel it.
Experience it. Fill your self up with our love. Feel it in the cells of your body. Feel it in the warmth of your heart. Be
at peace. Teach only love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic
intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer
and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right
to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you have found all kinds of channeled information about 2012 and this is wonderful, because you are bringing
it forth for yourself in order to sit with it and see what your truth is about the year 2012. It does not have to be anyone
else’s truth; that is their truth. But you choose for yourself what feels true to you and what you want to experience.
SaLuSa: It Will Not Be Long Before Governmental Changes Take Place
Through Mike Quinsey
August 13, 2012
There are as usual mixed messages going around, but they are of a far more positive nature and it is in those that you
should place your confidence and your energy. The problem that still exists is that some people still resurrect the old prophesies,
not realizing that times have moved on. Had you not lifted up your vibrations, they may well have still been valid. It is
not to say that all old ones are invalid but you should look for your information from current day prophesies. Even so you
need to be aware of disinformation, and if any message does not radiate Love and Light then it should set aside. The same
could be said of those messages that concentrate on possible catastrophes, without balancing them with a positive outcome.
So be on your guard and also remember that regardless of what changes to the Law are proposed, very few will ever see
the light of day. It is for example like the present arguments over the gun law, as even if the anti-gun lobby get their way
they will never achieve their goal. It will not be long before governmental changes take place, and new Laws and amendments
to the Constitution will be rescinded. That will eventually apply world wide as with each step your freedom will be returned
to you. It will not fully happen until after Ascension, but at least any draconian or unjust Laws will have been removed.
Responsible people certainly do not need great restraints upon them, and we shall make sure you are made free of them as soon
as possible.
There is some consolation as a result of the delays you have been experiencing, as the more people that are confronted
by the actions of the dark Ones, the greater is their understanding of what they are doing. It galvanizes them into action
and helps maintain a balance so that matters do not get out of hand. As a result the mass consciousness has risen in leaps
and bounds and has ensured that the dark Ones are doomed to failure. Indeed, they are at their wits end and no longer have
the power to achieve their plan for world control. We wish that they would go quietly, but there are still pockets of resistance
that would do anything rather than concede defeat. However, it is what they will eventually have to accept as their time is
Meanwhile we eagerly await the possibility that a Leader somewhere will see the way clear to announce Disclosure. It
is likely that if it does come about that a country like China will be the first to do so. Regretfully countries in the West
are still largely under the powerful influence of the Illuminati. They are scared of the repercussions if the go ahead, and
fear is a strong factor where such decisions are concerned. We simply require our presence to be officially acknowledged
at a top level, so that the world is aware of it. Of course millions of people already know of us, and have seen our craft,
and bear in mind it is well over 60 years since we first set out to make ourselves known to you.
We know you tire of the continual waiting, and we applaud your understanding and patience. You can be consoled by knowing
that we are a hairs breadth away from fully coming out into the open, and of course taking the opportunity to meet you. We
have an initial celebration planned and still intend to flyover your main cities so that more people can see our craft. We
may also invite your own Space Fleet to join us, and that way you will have one of the last great secrets revealed. It will
of course be a demonstration of peace and in no way connected with any military connection. War and all things connected
with it will be removed or disabled, as there is no place for them in the future.
Now more than ever we need you to concentrate on Ascension, with your highest perception of what you believe it to be.
As the last few months pass by we do not wish you to lose your focus, because as more of you come together in unity you are
strengthening the power of the Light. There is clearly no prospect or indeed any reason why you should, but we want to see
the Light finish this cycle as the formidable power that it is. It will sweep away the last remnants of the old energies that
have held the old paradigm in place. It is no longer suitable for the New Age that is taking shape, and the new one is going
to rapidly take its place.
You have already given power to your visualizations where free energy is concerned, and its introduction will present
no problems. You are ready for new technologies and they will immediately overcome many problems you are presently experiencing.
The beauty of using free energy is that it never runs out, and you can use as much as you want. There are clearly exciting
times approaching and that is where we want your focus, and leave the clearing up to those who are appointed to do it. Believe
us, the changes will come thick and fast once we can get started. Everything is prepared now, and in spite of what you may
see as enormous distribution problems, that presents absolutely no difficulty to us.
Do not forget that you have your personal cleansing to do, and as the higher energies lift you up they will reveal long
held emotions and problems that have been left uncleared. Often they relate to unresolved differences where the people involved
will not concede their position, when forgiveness would solve such issues. That Dear Ones is the key to moving on, and it
is only the ego that is likely to hold you back. You have got too used to exerting yourselves over others, and you find all
kinds of reasons to do so. You sometimes pick on those who are weak, mentally retarded or disabled, and must see them for
what they really are. They are souls exactly like you who have chosen tough incarnations for their evolution, and should be
treated with equal respect.
Sometimes souls take on problematic lives so as to inspire others to lift up. They give you the chance to show how far
you have evolved, and both of you can advance as a result. Take whatever opportunities come up and prove what it means to
one who aspires to live their life with unconditional love.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask that you keep the Olympic spirit going, and it will create a new level of unity around
the world that will be lasting.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the
advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and
then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March,
2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *
Coming, Going or Somewhere in Between?
by Sarah-Jane Grace
July 30, 2012
It seems that there are days that feel overwhelming and days that feel distinctly underwhelming, but most other days
are spent trying to find balance as we oscillate between the two. We are in a state of flux and shift, and at the moment we
seem predominantly focused on trying to find balance and remain steady as wave after wave of new energy and new consciousness
floods the earth. Understandably we can feel empowered and focused one day, but then lost and confused the next, but without
really knowing why. Such rapid shift is intense, but it seems necessary now as we shake up all that we know in order to find
It is all too easy to feel disempowered and teasy* during such radical change, for we can feel frustrated and thwarted
as we try to get from where we are now to where we want to be. There is a sense of breakthrough though as many of us are beginning
to see over the fence to pastures new; and we can see, smell, taste and even touch our dreams. Yet, to know where we want
to be and to see it is still not quite the same as living it and being it, for until we live it fully we cannot be free of
where we are now.
In other words, if we focus on our dreams, our present doesn’t simply evaporate, for we remain in the present moment
(there is no escaping that!) so we need to move our awareness fully back into the present moment in order to re-centre. Whilst
we may be lucky enough to know what we want from life, it is what we have now that is important. Of course, we may not have
the life that we want, but it is the life that we have, and we cannot simply forget this as we head towards pastures new.
We are all creators, and how we think and feel shapes our lives, but when we see the future more readily than the present,
we need to ask ourselves what we are running from. Are we trying to escape the reality of the present moment because it simply
doesn’t serve our highest good any longer, or are we trying to run from the present because the feelings are too intense
and uncomfortable? Either way, it seems important to acknowledge the present moment, not as a way of ignoring where we want
to be, but as a way of bringing ourselves more to life so that we can live a more conscious and enriched existence. If we
spend our lives chasing all the time, how can we find stillness and balance within? How can we touch happiness or bliss if
we spend our lives running for the hills?
In some ways, this all boils down to how we think about life. Do we feel like pawns in a Universal game of chess, feeling
powerless to bring about change? So many see the obstacles and limitations around and wear them as badges, partly to justify
being stuck but partly to hide behind them (avoiding the fear of the unknown etc.). After a while, the challenges become the
force that shapes life, and with each passing day, the world feels smaller somehow. Yet, it is our circumstances and our challenges
that carry the greatest gifts in life, for they reveal our strengths and our true character, and they remind us that we do
not have to remain powerless victims of circumstance.
Life can be tough, it can be hard, and yes, sometimes indescribably bad things happen; but we have a choice. We can let
such events define us and take control, or we can lean into these experiences to find our Selves. Whilst we cannot always
stop or change the course of events in life, we do have a choice as to how we deal with them. We can find ourselves or lose
ourselves, we can acknowledge the pain or deny it, and we can run away or walk right through.
Of course, such experiences can bring anger, fear, denial, pain, rage and so much else to the surface, and these can
consume and take over if we allow them to. All these feelings are valid and need acknowledging, but it is important not to
give them power, for that depletes us on so many levels.
Life events and circumstances make up a part of who you are, but they do not make you nor do they complete you (but we
each have a choice in this regard). In many ways they play the role of ‘button presser,’ for they reveal you to
you. In other words, they shine a light within and show you the Truth of who you are.
It is time to realise that our life is our own and taking ownership of this may feel daunting, but at the end of the
day, until we take responsibility and let go of the crutches, the excuses, the obstacles and the fears, then we can never
be fully alive; for in order to live life fully, we need to accept responsibility for the choices we make. Whilst we walk
the path with others at our sides, we need to be accountable to ourselves and stop seeking others to blame when things go
wrong. We need to stop being dependent on others to lead the way or to take responsibility for our choices.
Life is a gift, and in order to live it to the best of our abilities, we need to choose to be fully alive and conscious
in the present moment. This may invoke fear and anxiety, but when we move beyond the fear and step fully into the magnificent
flow of living consciously, then we realise that we are Whole. When we are Whole, everything changes, for fear no longer has
a hold over us, and we move effortlessly into the role of creator as we re-shape our lives from the inside, out.
With so much happening on so many different levels, it is no wonder that we are feeling discombobulated and teasy, frustrated
and uneasy! Yet, at the same time, when we are honest and open, and acknowledge these feelings and we somehow feel more balanced
and centred. Of course, riding the currents of such unpredictable shift is not easy, but if we can live more consciously in
the present moment, embrace ourselves as creators, accept responsibility for life, and realise that our life experiences bring
us strength, then we can begin to regain our sense of Self and feel less like bits of driftwood on stormy seas. When we become
One within, we become One with the flow and with everything both within and around us...
*Cornish for irritable (thank you Fiona!)
You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included. Thank you
for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace * Copyright © 2006-2012 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved *
Archangel Michael: Be Ready to Help When Asked
channeled by Ron Head
August 1, 2012
Never before have so many of you had such an opportunity.
Good morning on this marvelous day. You are feeling a new energy in your solar chakra and are wondering why it
has just hit you. You are correct that it is connected to this message, but not that it is due to the content.
We have always attached our energies to these messages, but now we are stepping up the volume and also attaching new frequencies
and information. You will find and enjoy the results when it is the best time for you. This is true for yourself
and all who read this.
As of this time, we, and I include all who are involved in aiding you in this endeavor called ascension, are pulling
out all the stops. It is time to do this and you have been well prepared if you have given permission for it to be so.
If you are just reading this now and are surprised by such a statement, do not think you have missed the boat, as you say.
Your permission will have been given long before this date. Many of you are well aware of the change which has been
going on internally for some time now, some more aware than others. If you are among these fortunate ones, prepare yourselves
now for exponentially greater and more rapid change from this day forward.
Many must be made ready to reach out and help those around them who are willing but need a little help, a little hug,
a little nudge, or even a great deal of healing and love. Be ready to become able to help when asked.
We advise that your egos be not involved here. Being first in some things does not automatically imply first in
all, and in any case, there are no firsts and seconds in reality. Consider it a privilege to have such opportunity.
If you are feeling these things for the first time, and are not sure of yourself, we tell you that, in truth, it is not your
first time. You will soon enough understand that you have a long history of this kind of service.
Look inside deeply and begin to grasp who you are. Reach out to the loving ones around you and feel the deep and
abiding connection of oneness and the compassion toward all which is present and building.
There is, at present, much confusion about what is occurring now. Some is planted intentionally, and some is the
result of overblown expectations. We advise keeping one’s expectations in check and focusing on what you are able
to control yourself. In this way, you will never be disappointed. There is immense reason to be excited now both
by what is happening inside of, and outside of, you. Simply encourage the first and observe the last and you will not
be discouraged in the least.
Never before have so many of you had such an opportunity for growth and expansion. We promise that the next few
months will bring personal changes that will take your breath away. Focus on these things. That is your main purpose
in being here at this time. Let those who are involved in the events you are observing handle what they have been entrusted
with. Be involved in your own lives. That is what you are entrusted with. Believe us, that will be quite
enough, and it is every bit as important.
There is an awareness inside you growing now of an unexplainably immense and powerful loving force. Would we be
amiss in telling you that you are feeling your own true self lovingly and joyfully coming closer and closer your awareness?
How often have you heard that you should love yourselves? Now you are beginning to feel your Selves loving you.
Love them in return and see what happens.
We thank you for giving us the chance to speak with you this day. Know that we are with you until we speak again.
Good day.
Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter
it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: * Ron Head can be contacted at: *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™
Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days
a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
* * Please create harmony by giving others
credit for their work.