Isis Messages Of The Day 8/20/12


Isis' Message of the Day -
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message

Archangel Michael: The beginning of a huge step forward
Once again this day we greet you with news of great change.  Many of you are wondering what is happening.  Please maintain your centers and we will explain.
You have been told of the nine days of vastly increased energies, and you know of the alignment of the planets which has occurred.  Now it may seem at first as if everything is falling apart for you.  Actually what is happening is that the things which still need to be cleared for you are surfacing from their hidden corners of your beings.  We have told you of the possibility of this, as well.  Do not become involved with these things.  Hold your centers and observe, yes.  And then release them from your attention and allow them to go on their way.  Send them back to Creator.  You have no need of them any longer.  Replace them with all of the unconditional love you can breathe into yourselves.
This is the beginning of a huge step forward for you.  Allow the new self which you have carefully crafted to handle it and you will step past it quite well.  We see many of you doing just so, and are once again smiling as we see your surprise with yourselves.
Allow this time to go by.  It will be a bit unsettling, perhaps, for some.  But the person you will find yourself to be at the end of this period will be worth the slight troubles you will encounter.  If some of the things you are experiencing seem more troublesome, then realize that time is short now and you have much to accomplish.
We tell you once more that the real focus during this time is your own ascension.  Were everyone attending to this, all of the outside circus that tries to draw your attention away would soon disappear.  It will be dealt with.  You need not give it more than the attention it deserves, which is not much, unless it comes directly to your door, and that happens to very few.
Realize now that your reactions to what is occurring in your own life are the most important thing for you at this time.  In most cases, no reaction beyond release may be the best.  In others, you may find acceptance and gratitude appropriate as newfound qualities are discovered.
We will see you through and help you as you request, as we always have done.  We wish nothing other than to be of help.  Feel our nearness to you now.  Good day.
Received by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:  * 
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
If any of you have loved ones or friends who have deceased the body and then they come to mind and you think of them, you say, “Oh, but that one is gone.” That one is not gone. That one is very much with you, and the reason that you think of them is because they are right beside you knocking on the door of your mind and asking to be remembered, wanting to have conversation with you.
Visit our website:  *    
SaLuSa: We Intend to Uncloak More of Our Craft
Through Mike Quinsey
August 20, 2012
For you the greatest discovery is that your consciousness levels have risen quite considerably in the last few years. Knowledge is useful but not in itself your passport to Ascension. Through living the highest concept you have of yourself, you are setting your goals to become that which is your destiny. You are also helping raise the levels of the Mass Consciousness, and that attracts even more souls so that in the end a large number of you ascend. You will also find that you can rise above the pull or attraction of the lower energies. They are no longer part of you when you seek a higher expression of yourself. What did satisfy you in this lifetime is no longer necessarily fulfilling, as you have become more sensitive to that which is creating discord or discontent.
You will continue to disassociate yourself from the lower vibrations, and that can also affect the nature of your friendship with other people. You will seek those with whom you find harmony and can share your outlook on life. You will understand that it is a natural separation, as you find it easier to share your joy and happiness with like kinds. The third dimension has long exalted the "joys" of drugs, alcohol and sex, all of which when excessively used become highly addictive and lower your vibrations. The dark Ones are aware of this and encourage such indulgence, as it takes you away from the real issues in your life that you should be concentrating upon. Certainly you came into life to experience, but many of you have become locked into the lower aspects and do not move on.
As you know by now, like attracts like and you draw to you those souls that are very likely at a similar level to yourself. The choice often is whether you pull each other further down, or are able to uplift each other. Naturally there are karmic issues often involved, but for every soul that has "fallen" there are always opportunities to make your way back. Never look upon yourself as unworthy or beyond help, as it is always there if you take the first step to lift yourself up again. In these end times many souls have taken on several challenges to enable them to be ready to ascend. It is the final clearing of karma collected over many lives, and sometimes you have to be strong to clear it. With Ascension in mind every effort you put in is well worthwhile.
You will sense when you have overcome your challenges, as a sudden calmness enters your lives and much relief is experienced as though a great weight has been removed from your shoulders. Often it involves other souls with whom you have had to make peace, and have been unable to move forward until an act of forgiveness is achieved. Set judgment aside and forgive and forget, as the lessons from it will remain with you so that you continue to learn from that experience. Look upon life as play acting and realize the once the curtain comes down you all become friends once again. In the future such problems do not exist as the dimension you will be in, is one of complete harmony and balance.
With your Ascension approaching very quickly bear in mind that it is not dependant on the physical changes taking place on Earth, but there are essential steps to be taken if Mother Earth is to be ready for her own Ascension. Ascension is ongoing and cannot be prevented from taking place, it is a process of Galactic proportions in which you nevertheless have an important role. Once you move forward everything else can also do the same,  and you can look at it this way as the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to make it complete. It is why Space Beings from all over the Universe assemble to witness your Ascension.
Various actions are making progress, and we closely monitor how they are proceeding. Be assured whatever needs to be completed before Ascension, will be done so, even if we have to play a bigger part than initially thought necessary. We are under divine instructions to help you be ready at the appropriate time, and are in co-operation with many other Higher Beings. No source has deemed it necessary for you to do it all yourself, and it was always going to be a joint effort. After all, we have been with you on and off for thousands of years, drifting in and out mainly to assist Mother Earth. With the demise of Lemuria and Atlantis you might guess that they were times when our expertise was required.
Your civilization was not necessarily certain to end its cycle without a calamity, and a number of times came close to annihilating itself. You did in fact what earlier ones did, and became enamored with power and weapons of mass destruction. It results from a lack of appreciation of how dangerous nuclear devices are, and a scientific fraternity that will experiment before first understanding what the results are likely to be. When the first atomic bomb was exploded, your scientists knew there was a chance it could blow up the world, but still went ahead. Normally you have to experience the stupidity of your waywardness, otherwise you would not learn from anything you do.  However, when your actions have threatened other civilizations we have had to intervene.
The advent of your Nuclear Age was a clear signal to the Universe, that you possessed the ability not to just blow yourselves up, but also Mother Earth. This time round it was not going to be allowed, as all souls were to be given an opportunity to ascend. We know that when you look around you, you are convinced that some souls are unaware of what is about to happen. We will however assure you that before incarnating into this period of time, every soul was made aware of its importance. Even although some souls elected not to ascend, they still wanted to experience the energies. It is the reason why you need not concern yourself about others, as they will end up exactly where they are meant to be by their own choice.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will mention that we intend to uncloak more of our craft, so that you are aware that our great fleet is all around you. What you will see are members of the Galactic Federation of Light getting ready for more open displays. It is an act of friendship on our part that is done with our blessings for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  * 

Bio Mike Quinsey

(Born Nov. 27, 1934)
I am told I am a young looking lad of 77 (78 November 27, 2012), which I put down to healthy living, and an ongoing interest in life. 
I have two sons, Alan and Colin who have both done me proud. My wife Cathy keeps me on my toes, and I am lucky enough to be married to an excellent cook. To her credit, she tolerates my interests which take up a lot of my spare time, which is mainly reading, and since I retired in December 1999 I have moved more into the Computer world, giving me the opportunity to circulate my articles and enjoy the multitude of websites available. 
My education was at my local Grammar School, I never hit the high spots, but it proved to be a good grounding for later life. I have always found myself in electrical or mechanical companies, in Sales or Service, and had my share of management positions, spending my last 30 years as a Sales Representative. 
Pastimes/hobbies are writing articles, and occasionally giving talks on my pet subjects covering ET’s, UFO’s, Healing and Spiritual matters. I love my garden and the roses in particular. I help keep my fitness by still playing in competitive Table Tennis, some 47 years altogether. 
I found my spiritual path in the late 70’s through The Atlantean Society, ran my own Branch soon after, during which time I started a section called The Universal Network that supported Tuella and her work with Ashtar. I then started Galacticom Europa to cover the messages from Ashtar through Carole Hall. In conjunction with all of this, I produced my own magazine called the 'Messenger.' During this period I had my most convincing UFO sighting, one of several all told. After these activities had ran their course, I returned to giving talks, until the mid 90’s when I became Editor for a local magazine called Quest, which is devoted to spiritual growth and enlightenment. All of my experience is now embodied in my work for the magazine, and this website.
My affinity is with ancient Egypt and Atlantis, having found the readings of Edgar Cayce of considerable help. I am told I was a High Priest in Egypt, but have no waking memory of this or any other incarnation. 
I believe that I will like many, many others, go through to Ascension without dying to Earth. It is after all, a physical Ascension.
Saul: Not All of You Will Awaken in the Same Moment
Channeled by John Smallman
August 19, 2012
Humanity’s awakening is at hand.  Of course you keep hearing that, because it is a fact.  Within the illusion however, time often seems to drag slowly and relentlessly onwards without an identifiable destination or purpose, as pain and suffering continue to plague your lives.  Time is illusory, and in your perception it generally slows down when you want it to pass more quickly, and it passes more quickly when you want it to slow down.  That in itself should demonstrate very clearly to you that it can only be illusory.
Reality is constant, without inconsistency or imprecision of any kind.  It is perfect, clear, transparent, and authentic, just as God created It.  Reality has no need of time, and within It there is only the eternal now, the permanent moment in which God and His creation exist eternally.  While you remain apparently enslaved within your illusory time-determined reality, that is an idea that is totally inconceivable to you: everything must have a beginning and an end; any concept other than that seems utterly insane.
Since the Big Bang, or whatever other beginning you choose to believe in, it seems that everything has been moving away from that point towards a final disintegration, because nothing lasts forever.  And yet, modern physics has shown that all that does exist in your illusory reality is composed of energy which is indestructible.  This presents you with quite an enigma.  Nothing lasts for ever and yet nothing can be destroyed.
Each one of you is pure energy and therefore indestructible.  Your bodies age, decay, and disintegrate.  Then you lay them down, but you return to the spiritual realms.  The vast majority of you have had many, many lives during which you have been continuously evolving, sometimes very slowly, while at other times it may well seem that what had unfolded and been learnt in one life was lost in a later one.  However, every life you have led has been a learning experience, and although the knowledge learnt can remain hidden for long periods, nothing you have learnt is ever lost.
Over the last seven or eight decades, humanity’s spiritual evolution has been accelerating very rapidly, bringing you forward to this point, where it appears to many that all that remains is for the military-industrial-corporate-insanity conglomerate to complete its destruction of all that enables life to exist on the planet as it continues to expand without let or hindrance.
However, it is also the point where you are about to awaken into the realization that you are all one with each other and with the Divine Source of all consciousness – awareness, aliveness, sentience, intelligence – and into the wondrous state of euphoria that that realization will deliver.
Thus it is very difficult for you not to be hugely distracted by the extreme contrast between the enormous and apparently insoluble problems facing humanity and the world, which are being constantly discussed on the mainstream media, and what you know is about to happen.
Nevertheless, you are the Light-bearers — the ones who chose to come and assist humanity in its awakening process.  And because of the task that you have taken on you have infinite help and assistance from all in the spiritual realms to ensure the success of this divine plan.
You really do know, deep within yourselves, that this is your task and that your success in bringing humanity to wakefulness is divinely guaranteed.  The divine Will is for you all to awaken, and therefore no other outcome is even remotely possible.  However, not all of you will awaken in the same moment.  This is not a contradiction!  The field of divine Love enveloping humanity is going to bring about sweeping changes in the way in which you relate to one another – very suddenly.  For those who have chosen to awaken, this will be the moment for which you have been waiting so patiently and with such excited anticipation.
For those who, for the time being, have chosen to continue in the illusory reality to which you have all become so acculturated, the world will change just as suddenly because the corruption, dishonesty, betrayal, and conflicts between self-serving individuals, groups, and organizations (political, corporate, industrial, religious, etc.) will cease instantly.  This new environment will be one in which all karma, judgment, negative destiny, expected restitution, or just deserts will have been dissolved.
A peaceful world will be born in which cooperation and new technologies will be combined to resolve all the problems that have previously divided man against himself.  All will live abundantly and happily in creatively stimulating and inspiring environments of intense beauty as they continue their onward journeys towards awakening.  However, these changes will not be apparent to those ones who choose a slower path!  It will just seem that this new system of honesty and transparency has always been the way in which relationships have been conducted.
On the other hand, for those who awaken instantly, the contrast will be startling, inspiring, and uplifting.  It will be what they have always yearned for.  They will have the option of continuing to experience the illusion – a truly enjoyable and enticing dream world – or continuing with their ascension process to new and inspiring dimensions far beyond anything you can possibly imagine in your present state.  Whatever your stage of evolution, the fast-approaching future is going to bring you joy and happiness of an unparalleled nature.
With so very much love,
Jesus: The utter joy of returning to your natural divine state
Your awakening is a done deal.  Nothing can prevent it from occurring exactly as divinely intended.  Many of you are anxious, wondering when you will see some positive indications in the physical environment of the inevitable arrival of this momentous event.  You are all accustomed to drama – earthquakes, floods, revolutions, wars, accidents – and may well be expecting your awakening to be equally dramatic, possibly preceded by shocking or amazing revelations trumpeted by the mainstream media.
This is not the divine way!  God is Love, Peace, Compassion, Joy, Bliss, and any other loving Reality that you sense or feel – and every one of Those is experienced within yourselves.  The external world is illusory; Reality is within.  It is within yourselves that you will experience your awakening, and when you do, it will be amazing!  Looking outside is a distraction because it is an imaginary environment made up by your collective human consciousness.  When you awaken, it will be gone!
To awaken is to know yourselves as one – with each other and with God.  In your present dream state, filled, it seems, with fascinating and enticing distractions and billions of individual beings, it is impossible for you to conceive of the wonder that awaits you on awakening.  You can, at present, only conceive of situations and events that you experience through your bodily senses, and the extensions to them that your science and technology have provided.
When you awaken, none of those means of thinking, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling will be necessary because you will know and experience All That Is, God, Creation, Reality directly – no intermediation of any kind is required.
It is very difficult for you to get a handle on this because you are so fully acclimatized and accustomed to dealing with others, individuals or groups – separate entities in bodies.  In Reality there is no separation: what one knows, all know.  And yet there is identity, in so far as all are aspects of one loving God, creating and communing together.
It is impossible to describe to you the utter joy of returning to your natural divine state.  It has to be directly experienced.  Some of you have had inklings of what this means when you have read about the ecstatic experiences of mystics throughout the ages who tried to express in words what it is like, and a few of you have had your own brief encounters with the brilliant Light of God’s Love for you in altered states of consciousness or during near-death experiences.  But those experiences are just teasers, nudges, calls to lead you on towards your permanent awakening.
Those of you who have had those experiences were overwhelmed by Love, by ecstasy, by the sense of the Presence of God, and although you knew in that moment that you are never judged but infinitely loved, you also knew that that was not the moment for you to return Home permanently, that you still had work to do, just by remaining among your sisters and brothers who are struggling to find their way out of the illusion.
Nevertheless, your experience removed all fear of death; in fact, it removed all fear — and you were filled with a permanent and constant love for all humanity. That love shines out from you continuously, affecting everyone with whom you interact in any way at all, and your duty, your task, as you are well aware, is to continue sharing that love indiscriminately at all times.
Within the illusion vast changes are happening all across the world as the field of divine Love enveloping you seeps into every heart that is the least bit willing to allow It in.  Never before in human history has there been such an outpouring of love and compassion by humans for humans.  Previously, the amount of love truly shared was small, but over time the indestructible seeds it planted have grown, and they are now flourishing vibrantly as they engage with God’s divine Love field embracing the planet.
These changes remain almost totally unreported by the mainstream media, and yet Love is flowing boisterously, ebulliently, and irrepressibly across the world – everyone will be swept up in It.  And as It becomes the prime energy and all attempts to maintain unloving attitudes and behaviors collapse, you will all experience the most marvelous inner changes that It encourages and promotes.
You are not frightened individuals, left alone and abandoned in a terrifying and threatening environment by a fierce and judgmental god; you are divine beings of immense power, created in Love by your Father, for both His eternal joy and yours – and only temporarily lost in an imaginary world of your own construction. That is His Will, and It will not be constrained in any way.  Continue to share the Love in which you are enveloped, and know that you can never be separated from God — with Whom you are eternally one.
Your loving brother Jesus

About Me

I have been taking dictation from my friend Saul since 1995. He is a spiritual entity whose messages over the years have been inspiring and uplifting for me. In them he refers frequently to “Full Consciousness.” Now seems to be a very good time to start sharing these messages via a blog. I hope you find them of value. * *
Messages from an elder brother Jesus. I hope you find them of value. * *    
The Secret, 3-Step Process for How-to Have an Easy, Sensationally-Amazing Life
by Meredith Murphy
August 13, 2012
Before you read this article, I want you to make sure you're sitting down and present to yourself.  I kid you not and if you trust me, please take me seriously on this.  You will be glad you did and probably feel an enormous impulse to send my flowers!  I love peonies, by the way.
The reason I say this is that I'm about to reveal something very simple and wickedly brilliant.  I didn't invent this, so it's not like I'm tooting my horn, it's just I noticed it.  It's one of the secrets that's hidden right out in the open!  The most tricky kind.  I'm sure I'm not the first person to consciously catch-on to this.  It's part of how things work, that's all.  And actually, because I live with this knowing, I'm perfectly fine tooting my own horn whenever I feel the impulse. Because of living this process, I know I'm fabulous.
Warning!  This process is so simple, that you may be tempted to dismiss it.  To read this and then go get a latte.  Don't be silly.  That pattern of encountering truth and then blowing right past it is the problem behind most things in our lives we are tired of and wish would change.  That's how it is with stuff like this--we think that incredibly amazing results come from effort, some magical process of knowing that we don't have, or from birth.  This one actually kinda is a gift from birth, so that part is maybe true.
The thing is, everything in life is up for grabs.  Not just now, while the world is going through a clearly chaotic band of trans-formative reshaping.  But always. To take advantage of this, you have to snap yourself out of the routine and open your heart.  So we're going to start with a self-assessment here to decide how much fabulous-ness is going to flood into your life when you learn this secret process.   Read this and then see how you feel:
I am so blessed.  Day after day I am amazed at what an incredible life I am experiencing.  I've created so many ways to feel good and to live freely.  I am still dreaming new experiences into being and the ongoing expansion and creativity is exhilarating. 
Okay--how was that?
Do you resonate?  Are you like, "Damn straight Meredith, right there with you arm in arm and skipping!"
Wonderful. I'm so happy for you!  Don't you just want to jump up and down about it?  Me too! 
On the other hand, if you felt sad, angry, irritated, happy for me but envious or even! rolled your eyes...that's okay.  For all of us--the choir and the just grumpy and everyone in between, I will now amplify the truth: there is an easy path to everything stupendous in life--be you.  BUT, there is a catch! (You knew it! didn't you. Ha!  Of course it can't be this easy or else everyone would have already done it!)  Okay.  Let that cynicism that perpetuates the status quo be recognized, we're going to carry on.  The catch is this idea modified: be you--no more, no less.
Sometimes it's bumpy to get started on this path, especially when you realize you haven't trained right for it.  You get pissed off because now you're trying, and a an entirely new life doesn't materialize overnight and you give up. Sound familiar? What often happens is that each time this urge to truth in living emerges you make a go at it and discover, or see again, that there are so many parts of your life that you created, in essence, as a compromise with who you really truly are that it's Overwhelming.  There it is.  That's the problem for so many of us: it's Overwhelming.  This is solved by Step 2 below.  So no fear.  You can do it.  Breathe.  Come back to center.  Open your mind, connect to your heart again.  Moving on.
This process will honor your elephant of a question of HOW to close the gap between where you are and that incredible you waving back at you from the frontier of your existence.  You know, that version of you that you feel so clearly and know is the perfect weight, oozing joy from the ultimate soul-mate romance and always happy.  The one that is even at times seeming to take joy in teasing you with how gloriously sunny and unblemished life is and you just want to say, sometimes, "Screw you!"  Or when it's really discouraging in life, "Please, just go away!"  Well it's okay.  Take the high road.  The many costumes and less-than-good-fitting situations in life probably served you in some way for some time.  This process deals directly with these kind of feelings and in a very practical ways.  You can begin to change your life the second you're done reading. No lie.
Now, back to those icky things you Hate and want to immediately stop doing because they're so Not you now, and yet they seem to make up so very much of your day!  It's so overwhelming to look right at this because then you feel like someone spun you around until you're dizzy and want to barf.  Listen closely: you're going to initiate a poised, ritual dismembering process and those things are out!  You can do it.  Just act it out until it feels natural.  For starters, bless all these things even though you hate them, because they're going.  Do this with extreme appreciation.  Start relating to these like parts of life like old friends with whom you've arrived at a natural parting of the ways.  Old friends who you never imagined would hang out with you and then they did and then you kinda noticed you weren't having that much fun with anymore.  Because in essence, these old situations helped you navigate life until you were ready to take the steps you're now taking.  They bridged the gap.  Now though, you can relate to them like people who you loved to watch movies with in the past, and who are now about to move to another continent! How convenient!  That's what's coming and there's no stopping it because you're now committed to you!  So smile, be nice and bless these situations and relationships as you imagine waving good-bye (and good riddance--oops!  Was that my inside voice?).  Then get about the 3-step process and change things. It will feel super good to throw away or even burn these too-small shoes little by little, and wiggle your toes while laughing your best hauty laugh in front of the fire!  Look forward to it!  There's no rush and there's no anxiety if you do it gradually--it's kind of decadently delicious!  How amazing.  The key is perseverance and devotion, allegiance even to your authentic life being liberated, which points right to Step 1 and 2!
Step 1: choose to be you, no more, no less.  Choose.  Not "prefer" to be you. That's what you have been living, as in "I really love coffee ice cream but I'll take rainbow road if you don't have it, I don't care."  No--you actually do care about this.  Choose to be you.  Make a decision. This means, as Tony Robbins so brilliantly expressed eliminating all other options.  Yes~! No more of anything that isn't you.  "OMG!" Your heart screams while racing, "That means putting all my eggs in one basket!?!"   Yes.  That's exactly what it means.  And that wasn't your heart--that was your lizard-brain!  The part of you that is constantly ready to do battle with anything that looks, smells or tastes like the painful past.  Re-assure him that his stubborn attentiveness is about to get a new job!  He'll be great at it: helping you stay on the path of what feels right!  He's like the perfectly trained every-vigilant personal assistant.  Okay, so now you're both focused on the same target!  Excellent.  You don't have to drop everything instantly. In fact, you don't want to unless there is only one thing left and even then, maybe you want to ponder the path out of that.  You might even go have a glass of champagne with your lizard just to celebrate this new alliance!  You want this to be fun and feel good and because you've made a declaration of your intent and are going to stick with it, you will get there.
If there are many constructs that create your experience that are your way of bridging your soul and the world when you felt unable to be your real self, you will need to gradually dismantle these.  Remember to clean up as you go and then treat yourself as you make progress.  Glance at the rear-view mirror and wave a quick goodbye at these remnants of the more limited life you used to live then return to imagine, magnetize and build replacement constellations of being.  That's fun!  And it's how you actually create change--you put your attention on the more genuine forms of expression, the ones that fit you better, and you love them into being by showing up on the path of creating and recognizing them day after day as they emerge into form.  You accelerate this by expecting each day to see more and more of your inner vision reflected in your experience.  Expecting wonderful of course figures in here! You allow yourself to do this at a pace and level of intensity that's exhilarating and builds your confidence in having what you want. This is self-love expressed as mastery!  Not sure you can do it?  Of course you can.  Just show up.  You can learn it as you go.
It's quite astonishing to discover what you can create if you just choose to live in alignment with your heart and perpetuate this focus over time.
This is Step 2: Persevere.  This means you allow this orientation to your new life to guide your choices.  That's all it takes...because when you live your OWN life, you soar. Achieving an elevated experience within your human life happens organically as you just stay the course. 
"But How does this work?"  Recognize that's the fear-lizard creating anxiety while he just lies in the sun.  Don't let him outwit you.  He's old human DNA, you're evolved.  He's useful, but not cutting edge rocket-scientist material.  Your soul-heart litmus test of "does it feel right," is, however, brilliantly reliable. So comfort him with the reminder about what all great artists know and just deal with: choice creates anxiety.  It's normal. Change creates anxiety.  It's normal. Letting it stop you? Not normal. Dysfunctional.  Stuck.  Blocked.  You don't have to Rambo-through things. You simply acknowledge your anxiety, remember your commitment to yourself and walk through the nervousness, and even the cold sweats, releasing the dead weight by continually reminding yourself that you matter. Encourage yourself by telling yourself that Your life is meant for You.  Take an inspiration bath in someone else's joy and use it to entrain yourself into more confidence.  Listen to awesome music. Give yourself a break when it's too hard, but get back on the horse.  That's what all great creators do.  Great creators stoke the fire of their vision, stay involved and close to the birthing process and don't move onto something else until they've brought forth something they know is true and whole.  Then they celebrate while smiling with resonant delight, already imagining their next project.  You don't need to drink whiskey, contemplate suicide or be an outsider to be a great creator.  It's the method, not the form of someone else's life that you want to adopt. 
As you live your authentic life in small ways, you build a better relationship with yourself and your trust and confidence grows.  That's really "how" this works. We all build our chops gradually and experience gives us belief in our self: the magic of Step 3.  This step you don't even have to do! You just open and receive. 
Important!  To do all of this, you don't have to jump off a cliff on faith, and if you tell yourself you do, I'm here to be the truth-doctor, shake my rattles and chant, "Mirage! Mirage! Stay focused! Middle way!  Middle way!"  The idea that you have to leap on faith is an old, very dangerous lizard-created backlash to keep you in a state of avoiding change!  Be careful how you deactivate this.  If you sense the lie, get mad and then tear everything apart, and push yourself by leaping off a tall building, instead of walking the middle road and taking good gentle care of yourself, you'll likely crash and burn.  Because you got triggered by fear of not having happiness into a crazy high-risk, "I'm a bird!" move you might be tempted to justify this choice by interpreting the outcome as proof that you can't have what you want, "It's impossible!"  Don't do it.  Another lizard pathway.  Get back on your path instead.  Be humble, admit you panicked and got lost and start again for your desired destination.  If you already did this high-flying act (I've done it myself, you have lots of company), continue to let yourself mend and deeply treasure your unexpected new ground-zero freedom.  Take heart--it's ironically easier now to create because you don't have to fear losing what you lost.  It might be a little sad but you can't lose anything that's really yours so who cares?  Stay focused light-warrior!  This prodding that gets normally calm people running off cliff-tops is the lizard's way of trying to douse that inner longing for more joy which creates anxiety because it necessitates change and involves re-approaching things that are associated with old paradigms and past experiences of fear, pain or risk.  Got it?  Good.  Now you won't fall for that one again.  If it got to you, so what?  It's just life.  Be mellow and smile: the turtle, not the lizard still wins the race.  Work the process.  The secret 3-step process is works and it's never too late to just, as the Buddhists remind us, walk the "middle way."  No more extremes necessary.  Extreme joy still possible!
What I've discovered, and the awesome implications of it continually expand in meaning is this: each of us is already enough for everything that is Ours.  That's how you get to ease.  Just live your life.  Nothing more, nothing less. And remember--not just ease, but sensationally-amazing ease!  Meaning deeply felt down to your bones ease.  That's a beautiful key point to write in large lyrical cursive rainbow letters across the sky.  Look up and remember! You're enough for it all!  (All meaning, everything that's you and yours!)
Inside our beautiful heart, we know that this is the sustainabile path in life.  We Know It!  This is a truth that's been expressed over and and over again! How do we know this? Well when we live it, doing all three steps, it accumulates power and it works!   When we're beginning, we still can trust this through experience because we discover that doing what is sincere just feels right. 
The call of the best version of you, is an brilliantly resourced and informed sherpa to bliss!  That sense of who you might be?  It's only showing up in your life; it's specific to you.  Your inner trekker knows your way to the seemingly mythical Shambhala, Shangri-La, Heaven on Earth, or whatever you call paradise and joy.  The way to this ideal blissful locale is subtly and persistantly informing your sense of direction, and is not reliant on faith or confidence or anything, because it's just truth rising up again and again from behind any and every facade. Notice it or not, there are signs everywhere! Your reliable, sustainable path to an easy, sensationally-amazing life, just IS.  Anytime you are ready to begin, your inner compass updates the map and lights up the path from where you are now, to your experience of paradise. 
So there you have it. 
1)  Choose to be you, no more, no less.  No one else.  Not a mimic version of someone else's happy, You.  Check in with yourself whenever in doubt as to something being "yours" or not.  If it makes you feel good or gives you more peace when you imagine it, that's a "Yes!"
2)  Persevere.  It takes time to reinvent your life.  Especially if you want to do it and have fun, avoid a nose-dive and minimize anxiety.  Start with little things throughout the day and when you want, pick one significant area of life to lure back in from being out on a limb where it feels fragile and unsupported and give it real roots by building it right.  Your true life, by the way, doesn't require going out on a teeny-tiny fragile limb that scares the bejesus out of you!  Your true life is supported by a massive network of rooted energy and strength.  It's a walk in the park on solid ground.
3)  Watch the demontrations and open up the gifts!  Receive the presence of embodied confidence! Savor the growing roots of self-trust!  Enjoy the results of your devoted effort and know you can use this secret process to create a bazillion perfect moments of expressing yourself and being in life.  Let life prove to you this works, it will happen and this will give you wings.  No more crash and burn!  Right on.  The more you do this the more you'll want to rustle up even more challenging aspects of life and edit them into your perfect self-expression. Oh, and you'll discover you're sleeping beautifully AND your skin glows!
*Bonus.  (Yes, there's even a bonus, how stupendous is this?)

Living this way creates a momentum of world peace.  Seriously.  This is how we get to a happy, beautiful, wonderful world.  If you hoped world peace would happen when space ships showed up at the Olympics or when an earthquake split California in half and brought everyone to their senses, I suspect this might be a Lizard-prank to distract you into complacency!  Don't buy it.  Stay focused and do your part bucko!  World peace rocks and you're a Star~! No one else can play your role! Your amazing life is waiting at the frontier for you to catch up!  It's also chasing you from behind.  It's circling you, divine-bombing you from the nearest cloud, bubbling up from under the pavement, coming at you from all directions. Yield to this persistent tickling! Cry uncle to your heart, let rip your now treasured snort-laugh and realize you're both on the same side.
Life wants to flow through you unimpeded, without resistance.  This is how you also get healthy, discover your ideal weight, begin to see auras, rake in abundant cash, roll in the sack with the most amazing lover, have all the personal space you want, create your most terrifyingly enormous visions and experience a buoyant endless energy that you feel the minute you wake up. Okay, maybe if you're clairsentient you won't end up seeing auras, but the rest is True! I'm living it!
All it takes is to reunite forces with the powers that be.  The power that is you.
If you're still reading this, thank you!  What a great moment for world peace! Please release your outrage at all the wasted moments while the lizard kept Toto and Dorothy waiting.  It doesn't matter, what matters is Now.  Pour him another glass of champagne to loosen him up while he adjusts to his new job, and meanwhile share this article with anyone you think might also like to sing their own song for easy money and fun!  Life is ever-present and available at a moment's notice to abundantly reward the few the proud the sincere who show up with their own thumbprint reflected in their life expression.
Cheers to your fabulousness beautiful one!  I see you walking down that middle-way red carpet, surrounded by the reflection of adoration!  It's blindingly luminous--you in your element! and the light is hot!  It's your moment as the Sun.  It's here!  It's timeless!  Everything is coming together!  Easy, sensationally-amazing and always getting better. You are fantastic!
P.S.  Do you have a awesome Ninja strategy for wrangling your lizard? As always I love to hear from you!  Please comment below.  Your insights help all of us. Namaste!
© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved. You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided.  Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author and source website link.  Permissions for use in print, media or other ways may be requested from by emailing  * 
The Rainbow After The Storm: August's Leo New Moon
by Lynda Hill
August 17, 2012
"Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life, the evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray!"  Lord Byron
"We live in a rainbow of chaos." Paul Cezanne
"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." Jerry Chin
"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail." Edward A. Navajo
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." Dolly Parton
"The rainbow would be even more beautiful if the show was not for free." Antilles Proverb
"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears." John Vance Cheney
August's new Moon, happening on August 18 in Australia and August 17 in the United States has a wonderful Sabian Symbol, and a very fitting one for Leo. It's Leo 26: After A Heavy Storm, A Rainbow Appears. The last few months (heck, for some people it's been the last few or even several years), have been very difficult and the astrological factors have been gruelling. The last new Moon had an interesting and prophetic Symbol - Cancer 27: A Furious Storm In A Canyon Filled With Valuable Homes. The day of that new Moon, the shootings occurred in Aurora in Colorado and it was most definitely 'a furious storm'. Since then we've had some ongoingly difficult astrological aspects. It's been an interesting time, to say the least. Hopefully, the energy is shifting. Mars is set to go into Scorpio, which may bring some relief as Mars feels way more 'at home' in Scorpio than in Libra.
The new Moon - Leo 26: After a Heavy Storm, a Rainbow Appears. This Symbol shows the relief and beauty that a rainbow can bring after a storm has cleared. A sense of relief can flood over you as you realize that the sun is coming out and the birds are beginning to sing again. This may be a time of difficulties and obstacles, but take heart as it seems that the end result will be O.K. Still, you probably need to be periodically reassured by a clear sign that better times are coming. Remember, without the storm there would be no blessing of the rainbow. Try wearing colorful clothes, open the windows and the doors and get into the sunshine. Release from stress. Spirit returning to infuse one with its energy. Relief, rest and recuperation. The joy of survival. Peace restored. Rainbows and light. Hope and faith.
The Caution: Selfish thoughts about the rewards inherent in conflicts. Not knowing when to cheer up. Bouncing around and creating dramas. Constant turmoil. Seeking storms.
Mercury is on Leo 7The Wonder of the Constellations of Stars in the Night  Sky. This Symbol brings up issues to do with the bigger questions of life; even the simple issues should be seen against the backdrop of something far greater and more meaningful than they may at first appear. We on planet Earth can feel like a tiny speck when we consider how huge our solar system or the universe is, however, we each are an important part; we are all stars in our own right. Keeping this in mind helps to keep our lives in perspective. Questions such as “what is life really about” and “what does it all mean” are likely to come up. The patterns, integration and enormity of nature. The big picture. Observing signatures. Astronomy and astrology. Science or the esoteric. Signs from the heavens. Stars.
The Caution: Ignoring down-to-earth issues. Missing small details. Only being amazed by the huge and not seeing the wonder of the small things in life. Being star struck.
Venus is on Cancer 10: A Large Diamond in the First Stages of the Cutting Process. This Symbol implies the beginning stages of things that are becoming something wonderful, useful and worthwhile. Things are always growing and perfecting and it seems that things are just beginning to take shape and the potential could be enormous, but there needs to be care and accuracy taken or all the work to date could be lost or spoilt. This situation has taken a long time to develop and comes from a deep organic essence. Keep cutting away the unnecessary and the flawed and you'll emerge with a wonderful gem as this Symbol implies riches and talent and beauty. Coming to terms with inner worth. Emerging perfection. Beauty that is a bit 'rough around the edges'. Chopping or grinding away to get to the essential truth, potential or reality.
The Caution: Leaving jobs unfinished. Being afraid to take the first stab at a project or issue. Only seeing the flaws. Lacking social polish. Overprotective. Rough diamonds.
Mars is on Libra 27: An Airplane Sails High in the Bright Clear Sky. This Symbol shows the ability to transcend strife and rise above issues. You can feel above situations and are being carried away and beyond the mundane towards something completely new. You can sail above issues and avoid more everyday, down-to-earth problems. Having a calm, objective and somewhat detached way of observing life reveals a lot to you. Don't, however, get so far above things that you feel removed entirely from what’s really going on in reality. This won't help when you need to employ practical solutions or have a need to really deal with life and its ramifications. Transcending difficulties. Optimism that knows no bounds. Having a bird's eye view. Airplanes, birds, flight. Roller-coaster rides. The need for navigation. Objectivity.
The Caution: Difficulty seeing the details of what's going on. Escape from reality. Running out of fuel. Egoism. Playing with gravity. Disconnection from the real world.
Jupiter is on Gemini 13: World Famous Pianist Giving a Concert Performance. This Symbol speaks of the possibility, or the need, to be able to show one’s talents, skills or unique abilities to others, whether it’s in a ‘Performance’, or through just being oneself. In the situation facing you, it is not always enough to know that you are highly skilled, or have others say how wonderful you are, the proof is in expressing those skills in the real world and creating something as a result. The 'Performance' should spring from a love of what one is doing, whether it is music, performing, speaking or some other form of expression. True rewards come from being well rehearsed and prepared to share your talent with others as well as acknowledging the talents of others. Smugness versus talent. A validation of social standing. Hands-on creativity. Singing. Music. Playing out front or in the band. Having an adoring public. Repertoires. Practice.
The Caution: Relying on past success. Not putting in the day to day work. The need for applause and acclaim to validate one's existence. Inflated egos demanding attention.
Saturn is Libra 25: The Sight of an Autumn Leaf Brings to a Pilgrim the  Sudden Revelation of the Mystery of Life and Death. This Symbol implies the ability, or the necessity, of seeing far more in simple things than most people see. Instead of merely seeing “An Autumn Leaf”, “The Pilgrim” sees the cycle of life, the seed turning into the tree, the leaves turning in the autumn, etc, etc. There is far more to see than is first apparent. You may have learnt much and grown tired of seeking information about life through conventional channels. A sudden insight can lead to a whole new revelation of life and its processes. Seeing things that others miss, look for answers in simple, everyday things around you. They may be fleeting, but they are around you - look for the signs, they can have profound effects. Seasonal adjustments. Fleeting inspiration. Pilgrims and journeys. Photographs. Snapshots in time. Angelic visions. Philosophical minds. Holograms. Synchronicity.
The Caution: Focusing on things with no lasting value or no longer relevant. Looking for answers in everything. Continual search for significance. Overreactions to simple things.
Uranus is on Aries 9  A Seer Gazes Intently into a Crystal Ball in Front of Them. This Symbol shows the ability to focus, take in insights, analyze meaning and draw conclusions from the available information. It is likely that the whole picture is there in front of you, but you may need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers as you have the ability to see them with just a bit of focus. What is your unconscious mind trying to tell you? Is your gaze wide enough or too narrow? Looking ahead to see the signs. Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for inspiration. Creative, inner visualization. Aura readings. Penetrating the mysteries. Clairvoyant abilities. Being a seer.
The Caution: Confusing literal meanings with symbolic messages. Always looking this way and that, but not at the center, for answers. Getting lost in the big picture.
Neptune is Pisces 2  A Squirrel Hiding from Hunters. This shows sensing when to move and when to stop - to be out in the world and participating or “Hiding” your self away. There can be a heightened sense of awareness or alertness, and, possibly, an ability to hear or perceive subtle things in the environment. There may be aggression in the air where you may be one of the smaller players. You may feel threatened which can come from out of the blue. Not watching the news or avoiding negative stories can be one way of “Hiding” and sometimes we need a respite from the realities of the world. To be cautious is wise, but hiding can, at times, lead to missed opportunities for nourishment. Be wary of being bullied or "holed-up". Tactics to ensure survival. Vigilance. The media spreading fear and loathing. Security systems. Limit or restrict movement. Creative solutions. Refuges. Hunters. Guns.
Neptune on the 'Hunters' degree is reflected in the arguments about gun ownership in the United States. It seems that while some recoil from guns and weapons, others run out to buy more of them whenever there's a terrible and tragic incident. It's curious that Neptune goes retrograde on more degree onto Piscs 1: A Large Public Market. Sometimes the 'Market' serves our needs, other times it can be our master and we may feel that we merely get the crumbs. Neptune going over Pisces 1 has seen a lot of businesses close, people losing money, people losing their faith, hope or vision.
The Caution: Bullied. Those 'out there' having more power than they deserve. Fear. Not wanting to socialize. Not speaking up for fear of being shot down. The NRA. Paranoia.
Pluto is on Capricorn 8: Birds in the House Singing Happily. This Symbol shows the spreading of joy, happiness and laughter to those around you. With Pluto here, it may at times be a difficult thing to stay connected with the positive attitudes and vibes that this Symbol asks of us. It shows that music can lighten people’s spirits. Further, thinking positive thoughts, being loving and accepting of others are the hallmarks of this degree. Listening to the songs of birds can be rather magical and can bring spiritual messages. By expressing your pleasure you can lift the feelings of others and they will most likely join in the chorus, in some way. Even though there are a number of social rules to follow, that shouldn't bother you. This is a sign of sharing good feelings and happiness with all who enter your sphere of operations. Being at one with everything. Music. Bird song. Birds. Happiness. Positive thinking. Singing. Entertaining others. Seeing the beauty in life. Chattering in the background.
The Caution: Idle chatter. Smug superiority. Not seeing the happiness inherent in everyday life. Loneliness. Feeling abandoned. Whining and complaining. Demanding.
On a personal note, I've just started singing lessons, something I didn't think I'd ever get around to. Finding one's voice (on whatever level) is so important and we should be able to feel that our 'voice' counts. I'll add that I hadn't noticed until I was in the middle of my first session that the degree of the Sun was Leo 18: A Volunteer Church Choir Makes A Social Event Of A Rehearsal
The Moon's north node is on Sagittarius 2: The Ocean Covered with Whitecaps. This Symbol implies the possibility of getting whipped up about things, often out of proportion to what’s really going on OR staying calm and centered when events or people are getting out of control and making a big deal out of situations. You may find that surface emotions get whipped up and this can led to concerns that are disproportionate to the depth of the situation. Emotions, intelligence and situations probably have a far deeper sense of strength and permanence than it may seem. Get below the surface where things are calmer and more stable. However, don’t withdraw completely as you could find it hard to surface and show your true feelings.
Mobilization of energy and emotions. Safety in deeper, secure layers of responses. Energy that needs an outlet. Churning thoughts. Flighty and changeable. Drama queens.
The Caution: Getting fussed and irritable over nothing or at least very little. Nervousness. Overblown reactions. Responding too readily. Gathering gloom. Fussed and irritable.
Chiron is on Pisces 8: A Girl Blowing a Bugle. This Symbol shows the ability, or the need, to be able to sound the call, to rally people together, to know when to speak or “Blow her Bugle” to awaken others, to wake up to realities going on in the world, join some cause, etc. At times in your life, you are likely to feel the need to wake up those around you, and, at times, perhaps be woken yourself. When situations get bogged down in emotional or rational complexity and everyone just needs to be rallying and going for the objective, you may be the one to let everyone know. Sometimes this Symbol can show someone who makes a lot of noise; justified or unjustified and they can get people moving. Using simple, receptive innocence will get situations back on track. Sounding the call. Awakening all to action. Loudspeakers, telephones, announcements. Rise and shine! Leading the charge. Resurrection. Proclamations. Whistle blowers.
The Caution: Unwarranted and disturbing noise. Showing off. Trumpeting about oneself. Not listening to people. Being annoying. Interrupting. Betraying confidences. Loud voice.
I see Chiron not only as 'the Wounded Healer,' but also as 'the Stories We Tell Ourselves.' Maybe it's time to listen to what goes through our minds in order to see where we can head off some negative stories at the pass!
Pluto seems to be implying that we need to 'sing', to 'listen to the birds', to be 'more harmonious'. Perhaps that's our major message this week. Watch out for the rainbows, though - they will be there.
Copyright ©2012 Sabian Symbols *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.