Isis Messages Of The Day 8/19/12

Isis' Message of the Day -

"A man of peace is not a pacifist, a man of peace is simply a pool of silence. He pulsates a new kind of energy into the world, he sings a new song. He lives in a totally new way his very way of life is that of grace, that of prayer, that of compassion. Whomsoever he touches, he creates more love-energy. The man of peace is creative. He is not against war, because to be against anything is to be at war. He is not against war, he simply understands why war exists. And out of that understanding he becomes peaceful. Only when there are many people who are pools of peace, silence, understanding, will the war disappear."

~ Osho ~
The first peace
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all it's powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really Everywhere, it is Within Each Of Us"
~  Black Elk - Oglala Sioux ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
There will always be reasons to avoid listening to your hearts while you are here upon the planet earth. It is incredibly human to make excuses about why you cannot take care of yourselves. There may not be enough money as you see it. Others may seem to need you so much you have no time for yourselves. However, when you spend your time, your money, and your energy fulfilling the dictates of your own heart, then you honor God. God is the one that inspires true desires. The loving presence of God rises up within you and wants you to live in truth. You were meant to feel healthy, happy, connected with the Presence of God's love within you and for you. Within this loving reality you will be guided to share that love with those around you, and you will know the true generosity of sharing from within a reality of feeling wonderful, loved, and abundant in every way.
So many of you struggle, thinking you must choose between your own well being or the well being of those around you. You feel you must take care of others and neglect yourselves. You feel you can't give enough to others while paying your own bills. And yet dear ones, nothing could be further from the truth! In the perfection of God's love there is enough time, money, and love for all. In the perfection of God's love, some are guided to give while others are guided to receive. In the perfection of God's love, all interactions are guided by none other than love.
If you are guided to care for someone and it is a joy, that guidance comes from God. When God wants you to care for another, you will have the heart for it, the strength, the resources, and the time. When your ego feels you must care for another out of "duty" or to feel like a good person, then watch out dear friends. You will harbor resentments, feel lack, and find there is no joy in such pretense. Far more important than what you do on this earth, is the authenticity and the love with which you do it.
Stop making excuses for avoiding self care. Stop making excuses for avoiding your dreams and the lives you wish to create. The world may not give you what you want. People may disappoint you, tug and pull at you, bully or manipulate you. You may not yet have the money and you may not think you have the time, but dear ones, this is your life. We want you to live the lives that God wants you to live. You must decide dear friends, if you will make God your God, or if you are going to make money, time, and others your God. Do not worship false idols dear friends. As you continue to trust in God's love and continue to live as you are guided, rather than how you feel you "should" live, your reality will change in glorious ways. Take charge of your existence dear ones... It is a gift more precious than you can imagine while you are here the Earth.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there are many who decease the body and don’t know where to go. They know themselves to be still alive, of a sort, but lost. And so they are drawn to your Light. They feel that, and it gives them hope to look for the Light and to believe in themselves; not the ego self, but the great Self of them. And many of them, because they feel your Light, become enlightened even without the body, and they then find their way. So there is much that you do just by being.
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Hilarion's Weekly Message: August 19-26, 2012
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones,
The acceleration of time is speeding up and the warmth of the summer is quickly moving forward into the fall season. Being out in nature each day is bringing healing, grounding and the feeling of quiet joy and peace within. The energy influxes are more powerful than before and bring the need for more sleep as these come in and are integrated. Every Human on Earth is receiving these energies and much cleansing of the larger population is at hand. There is a focus on the resolution of long standing issues between different members of families, communities and all institutions that make up your daily life. All issues that must be resolved and released are coming up for review.
This requires much patience from those who have already faced this process and much calming energy. Do not take anything personally in these days, no matter the seeming appearance of it. It is simply the release within each person’s Being of all that was harbored, not consciously faced and never addressed. All old paradigms of thinking and activities within them are being transmuted into greater acceptance that what was is no longer relevant in these changing times. Humanity is being prepared for the shift out of duality into higher consciousness and what came to the surface in the morning is already dealt with and has been dissolved and a new issue is on review.
Remember that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and can heal all that is dysfunctional and unresolved within each person and between each person. Choose Love always in all interactions with those around you. This time in the Earth’s history is hard on everyone and much healing energy and thought is required. Think of yourselves as the Ambassadors of Love and bring your Light out in the open. Having already experienced this cleansing within yourselves, you now have the opportunity to shine your Light for the benefit of others. It does not require your involvement in their issues, however,  just the being in your Light. This is very helpful energy and empowering to those who need it.
Most of you are now well into the next level of your journey and are experiencing downloads of new energy coming in. As you integrate and assimilate these energies, greater changes take place within you. You are all powerhouses of energy and must use these wisely, for you affect all Beings around you by your thoughts and actions; self control is most important during these times and detachment from the outcomes of all situations in your sphere of influence. You are here for the duration of the shift and must use discernment in the choosing of the areas of your focus.
It is most important that you direct Love to yourself and honor your need for quiet moments of reflection and going within. This is helping to bring a greater connection to your higher aspects and further integration can take place in a space of grace and ease. Try to experience those moments of joy to the fullest as they come to you and know that this is the natural state in the wholeness of your perfected Being. Let the Light shine through your heart, through your eyes and through your smile.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Getting Out of the Judgment Game
by Jim Self
August 14, 2012
You’ve been on this path of knowledge for a very long time. You’ve studied the best self-help books, taken the workshops and followed all the inspirational teachers. You’ve learned that you are in complete management of how you design your life. Then why do you continue to find yourself judging others? (Yes, that teeny-tiny voice is still there whispering.) So why does that continue to come up in your life when you thought you had gotten beyond all that?

Because You have been judged.

There is a very interesting line right in the middle of the Lord's Prayer. It says, "Forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It doesn't say, "Go fix that guy over there and when he is perfect and kind and considerate then I'll consider forgiving him."

What this really means is: "I've bought somebody's baggage and I'm carrying it around. Now I'm deciding and choosing to believe that they're okay. As mean and horrible as they may be acting right now, they're really okay. They're simply in a lot of pain.”

You see, there are no bad people—only a lot of people in pain. Sometimes that pain demonstrates itself very loudly. Sometimes that pain is thrown at you as judgments.

Did you ever try to work when you had a toothache? It’s not very comfortable. Have you ever had a splinter in your finger and tried to type? Not easy. People have massive pain because they have been lied to, and lied to, and lied to. They're simply demonstrating what they know best. Have you ever seen someone walking around in anger, pain and victim-energy? They've been lied to. Their in-dwelling light has been dimmed and they are simply demonstrating what they believe as truth.

Have you ever had the experience of holding a grudge? For example, let’s say I kick you and walk away. You think to yourself, "What a jerk that guy was. He didn't even say I'm sorry." You're really upset about it and you tell all your friends. A year later I come into town and I say, “Hey, nice to see you again.” What's the first thing that comes into your mind? “You jerk.” But then what happens is I say, "You look like you're angry at me.”

“I am! You kicked me and you're such a jerk and...”

“Wow, I didn't know that. Thinking back I realize that when I got up I thought I stepped on the chair or something. I'm really sorry. If I would have known, I would have absolutely apologized.”

At that minute, do you still hold that grudge? Not really. But throughout that entire year who was stuck—you or me? You sat for a year in that grumbling and judgment. Mostly you chose to stay in that judgment energy because you didn't get what you really passionately wanted from me. You wanted a “Hello.” Hello. I see you! That's what you’ve wanted all of your life. You just wanted somebody to say, “Hello! I see your brightness.” Pretty simple.

In kindergarten did you show someone your elephant drawing that had orange all over it and the color was outside the lines? Perhaps the response was, “That's not an elephant. It's a scribbly mess. Don't you know elephants are gray and they stay within the lines? And don't ever draw like that again.” If that happens to you, will you ever draw another elephant? Not likely. So, do you carry a little bit of judgment in your space about who you are and what you are capable of? (A lot.)

That invalidation comes from people who are in pain. They aren't bad—they’re just in pain. Does looking at that past experience from a new perspective change it a bit? You got rid of the judgments of right/wrong and good/bad. There go the judgments. All that’s left is experiences—amusing, interesting experiences. You can make a different choice now.

You can choose compassion.

Would you like to begin to let some of that pain go so that you don't have to carry judgment around anymore? When you choose to view life experiences from a higher perspective, you find that higher, older, wiser, broader part of you. Your Higher Self sits there and it says to you, “I want to add to All-That-Is. I want to experience more.”

You see, when you came in to this body, you said, “I’m a big, capable spirit. I remember who I am. I’m going to make a difference. I’m going to break up the current pain-game. I'm going to break up the judgments that were added to the judgments that were added to the lies that were added to the pain that was added to the punishment that was added to more judgment.”

You said, “When I come into this body I’m coming in with the goal to bring Heaven to Earth.”
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Galactic Federation of Light: The Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven
August 17, 2012
Resurrecting your dreams, your hopes, your accomplishments and your new home will be an achievement beyond any that you have ever made. What you have to look forward to is something that not many beings, if any at all, throughout this entire universe are blessed so to experience. We have planned for you and see for you so many wonderful things that so many of you who today may feel tied down to an unrewarding, un-pleasurable, unexciting, un-wondrous and unloved existence will, like a springboard, catapult into an entirely new reality, fresh in its grand tapestries of excitement, adventure, mystery, beauty, wonder, reward and surprise.

This is what so many of you have in store for yourselves just up ahead beyond the next-door that you will successfully step through. Do not allow yourselves to feel glum now, to allow yourselves to deflate, as it is this air of expectation, of childlike excitement and anticipation that is the air that fills your balloon that will lift you up and out of your current fairground of reality. Do you understand this, that it is your attitude, your inner emotions that are such an important factor in helping deliver you to where it is you want to be and what you want to experience? Your mindsets are preciously important factors at this and all times. It is entirely necessary for each and every one of you who wants more for yourselves, who wants something different and better for yourselves to safeguard and cater to your mindset, your attitudes, your demeanor, your outlook, your expectations, your mood as well as your physical health at all times, for all of these things factor in to your journey.

What you are thinking and feeling at any given moment is painting for you the portrait of your life that will be complete and gifted to you in so many days ahead. This is how it works in this universe. It works no other way. This is how it was designed and this is how it functions at this present time and will continue to function like this until such a day when your Creator decides that he wishes to change these parameters, these rules of operation. If you understand this, then we say to you start today, start painting a brighter, more promising and more positive outlook for yourselves. This doom and gloom scenery that many of you are painting with each brush stroke today may not be the portrait many of you have in mind to hang on your wall of your new reality.

We have been reading your posts and comments and communicating in other ways with some of those that we have connections to and we have a fairly good idea what many of you wish for yourselves, and it is safe to say it is not more of the same. Do you think that you must therefore change what you are feeling inside, what you are thinking inside, what you are creating for yourselves inside? These go hand-in-hand; your thoughts today and your future tomorrow. There is no dividing these two, they are eternally linked. If it is tomorrow you wish to change, then it is today you need to change. This you must understand, this you must remember, this you must focus on each and every day, or each and every day you will be creating the same days to line up like railroad tracks long and far into the distance that you will travel. It is time for many of you to begin laying new tracks that will take you to new destinations of your choosing. That is all we have to say about that. We wish you to always remember these words, as so many of you deserve and wish for yourselves better, and it is better that is available to you now.

Moving on to pressing matters in your world, we are observing tides turning in the great collective consciousness of your people. We see no longer a race who wishes for war or for violence of any kind. We see a people who now long for and call for peace and love, global brotherhood and cooperation. This is such a wonderful site to behold from our vantage point, and we say to all of you that you will have what it is you wish for yourselves and your families, this will not be denied. The world that you now long for, a world where there is peace that silences the war and the fighting will be yours and prosperity will be the new call of the day.

There will be prosperity where there was bloodshed. This is what happens when the guns of war are silenced. Like a vacuum something must fill the void that has been vacated, and when war and violence is done away with and no longer consumes the creative energies of a collective only good follows in its place, for this is the natural course. You will not be experiencing more of the same in different persona, a different mask and cloak. You will be experiencing something so different, so unbelievable, so liberating, so beautiful, invigorating, joyous, uplifting, satisfying and rewarding. You will be experiencing a world where money is not a commodity that is fought over. You will be experiencing a world where money is not rare and is not the ultimate target of so much energy, focus and fighting. You will be experiencing a world where money and wealth is shared freely and equally among all of you, where no one will be left for want or need for anything.

This is the world that you are creating today, and we say to you do not allow yourselves for one day longer to be pessimistic, to live in doubt, live in fear, insecurity and uncertainty about your tomorrow, for we tell you we see the tomorrow you are creating today and it is wonderful, it is magnificent, and each and every one of you will prosper so greatly in so many different ways. We say to you do not give up now, do not let your guard down, do not allow yourselves to stumble upon the old ways, habits and the tendencies and the attitudes that created for you the world that you are now leaving behind. You now all see the negative, unproductive, unrewarding, un-free, unloving, unfeeling and unsafe world that can be created through negative thought, action, intent and dream.

No one in this entire universe can tell you better, the people of Earth, what kind of sorrow, misery, hardship, sadness, fear, loneliness and destitution that can be created when you allow yourselves to begin to create such a world through your negative vibrations and your powers of creative manifestation. You all have learned this lesson and you have learned it the hard way, the hardest way anyone in this universe must learn a lesson. You learned it by living through it, in not just one lifetime, but many successive incarnations before you are permitted to return home to where it is you originally come from, and this place is not, in almost every case, the place that you visit after each incarnation, for where it is you truly come from, where it is that is your home is, is not the place that you have been visiting for a short while after you leave one physical vessel to be born into a new vessel.

Do you understand what we are saying here, that it is not through the death experience that you can ‘escape,’ if you will, this reality and into a new? It was not designed in such a way that someone could simply take their own life or wander through it and ‘graduate,’ if you will, into a new reality. It was not designed such as this for several reasons. We say to you one of these reasons was to make sure each and every one of you who signed up for this mission, this journey, this experience got exactly what it is from all of this that you wanted in the first place, what this entire reality was created for in the first place, which was for each and every one of you to learn all the lessons necessary to allow you to grow wings and take flight into the higher stretches of this universe. That was the purpose of the creation of this entire reality.

This reality you call Earth in the 3rd dimension is not an abomination, was not a mistake, was not a miscarriage of creation. It was a beautiful, wonderful and perfect creation and it has served each and every one of you perfectly well for what it is you wished to experience for yourselves, and now it comes the time for many of you to receive just what it is you wanted from all this. This is the day that now stands just before you so soon it is only a blink of an eye, the beat of your heart relative to the long eons that you have been away from your home and have been on this journey. Do you understand how very close you all are and that losing patience now when you are just another breath away would be unwise and imprudent, as to remain as positive as you can to help usher in your new day is so vitally important?

We want each of you to remember this; that your vibrations must be kept as high as possible to allow you to connect, to plug-in, to blend into the higher vibrations of this universe. This is one of the reasons why we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, paint for you our pictures of how wonderful, beautiful, exciting, rewarding and promising your new world and your new lives will be, for we want you, because you need to, keep your spirits high, keep your vibrations high, for there is nothing more important that you can do today than to keep your vibrations as high as possible. This is so important for you to remember and we will stress this point again to you often throughout the days ahead, as we wish you to keep this thought in the forefront of your consciousness; your vibrational frequencies are the key that will unlock the door that will present itself to you in the not too distant future.

This is all we have for you today, and we say to you preserve and safeguard the keys that you possess inside you, for they are priceless and they are what will unlock every dream, every hope and every desire that you have ever had.

We are key masters as well. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

Received by Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence.  *  

The Group: All Levels Evolve ~ As Below So Above
Channeled by Steve Rother
August 15, 2012
From Steve: In this channel the group spoke about the how the wave of energy is affecting other harmonic levels. One of the big concerns is for those who have stepped out of the body and died, but have yet to go Home. Earthbounds, ghosts and many other names have been used to describe this in-between level of existence. The group says that the beings in these levels are now feeling great difficulties as this wave of energetic change continues to play out.
The group wanted us to become aware of the stress being felt, as it also creates potential opportunities for many to return Home. With very little effort, all of us can make a big difference here. If we are bearers of the light, we should welcome dark places. The important part the group wanted us to remember is that as souls, we now have an opportunity to re-unite on all levels.
Have a great month and exercise compassion!
Greetings from Home
The Reverse Wave Has Begun

The connection between Home and Earth has become much faster, especially over the last several months. Planet Earth is now changing in preparation for what is to come. Imagine what it would be like to have a giant wave of water like a tsunami coming in to change everything in its path. Before the wave comes in, the water first goes out toward the ocean and seems to form a reverse wave in anticipation of the huge one that is expected. It is as if the negative energy needs to draw everything out before the positive energy can flow in to make the change. This is typical of wave patterns.
We have been speaking about wave patterns for some time. Now we are about to tell you of the wave you are creating and the tremendous effect it is having. You are excited and ready to ascend. Very simply, that excitement is stirring within you and causing your heart to beat in such a way that you have created a vibrational movement around you. When you combine the vibration with that of other like-minded people around you, it forms a conglomerate of waves. All waves begin strongly, but when they meet resistance they fade out and eventually become a straight line. This is indicative of all wave patterns until you have two waves occur together.
When two waves combine, they surround the center equally on all sides and by its very nature it does not degrade. These are known as scalar waves, and we tell you that you are doing this with your hearts. It is happening on a global basis, not just in one segment of humanity, one area, or one country. It is literally taking place on many different levels at the same time. Because of your established structures and cultures, this new energy will be incorporated slightly differently in various parts of the world. Right now all of humanity is making monumental steps in raising vibrations, and by doing so two things are occurring. First, you are closing the gap between what you think of as heaven and Earth. Your spirituality, that part of yourself which you've always been trying to think of as separate, is now communicating in a different way with your mind and heart. You are starting to reach into new truths and areas that uncover your powers. You are re-membering more of Home and daring to look at that, which is profound on this planet at this moment. So, dear ones, your own connection between you and that part if you which is your spirit is growing stronger. As we have said before, as all of humanity evolves there will come a time when every one of you will start to channel. During that time the word channeling will disappear, for you do not need words to describe things that all of you do.
There was a time during the 1970s that you came up with a word to describe a new phenomenon you call ‘extra sensory perception.’ The word has completely disappeared from your language because you no longer need it. You understand that everyone has this ability, and it is not unusual anymore. Many of you will not call yourselves channels and that's fine, for we are not burdened with the egos that you have to carry. We do not care which channel it comes from, as long as you can feel and allow that energy that is love to come through from Home. All of you on this planet have an opportunity to channel your own piece of Home that is unique only to you, and that is taking place right now. We are not the ones doing it, you are. Humanity has now reached a level to where you can hold this power within, while still continuing to grow and pretending to be a human inside of your physical bubble of biology. Bravo, dear ones! Well done. Well done.
Now let us speak of the second thing that occurs as all of humanity raises vibration. There is another wave that is created from the action of the first, and it is a form of harmonics that occurs naturally. Soon, all of these waves will combine. Imagine for a moment all the waves that have been coming in with each of the mastered years. The 9s were mastered, then the 10s, the 11s, and now soon the 12s. You have created a human wave of energy that is changing this planet radically.
All Levels Evolve ~ Earth bounds

There is also an effect that you are not aware of that we wish to bring your attention to. The creation of the wave causes its recession, by drawing out the old energy to help build and bring in the new wave. Although on one level that cause-and-effect reaction is creating a particular problem, you do hold the answer to it.
Re-member, dear ones, you are infinite spirits playing a pretend game to be finite. You are pretending to have a beginning and an end, pretending to be a human. But somewhere deep inside, each and every one of you knows this is only a game you are playing. Your biological bubble is only a temporary shelter. The real you is infinite and part of every other piece of the universe. Well, here is the challenge. Too often when humans step out of their body and leave Earth to go Home, they are still on the planet of free choice; sometimes they simply choose not to go Home. Humans love fear and often try to get into the state of fear. You even make up ghost stories and scary movies to explain this in-between space, and then you feel afraid. Embrace your emotions – even fear – because a human can only be on Earth if they hold onto all human emotions; it is the only way to be earth bound.
Human Emotions and the Gift of Tragedy

Many of you are feeling empathy for the beings that you believe are stuck on Earth, the ones you call ghosts. However, understand that they are on the planet of free choice too, so they can choose to go Home anytime they want. Some of them simply do not know how. Others are stuck in their story and have difficulty releasing it long enough to reach Home. You see, dear ones, human emotions will not work at Home. What are the human emotions? Fear is number one. All of the negative emotions are based in fear. These are human interpretations, because you live in a field of duality. You feel that if you have something good, then there must have something bad to balance it. This has been your way for a very long time. In addition, although that is now changing, it’s actually the point at which the problem arises. For eons there have been beings that have not yet returned Home. Maybe they have hung on to their anger, fear, jealousy, or even it is their love that has kept them stuck. Why is love a human emotion that could ban some to spirits to Earth instead of bringing them Home? It cannot, if it is true love. Your expressions of love on this Earth include both unconditional and conditional love. However, if you are bound with conditional love and you can do nothing but find the conditions for it, you will not be able to go Home. It is your choice.
This is causing an awakening of the entire dimension of humanity, but do not think for a second that they are any different then you are. These are your parents and grandparents, your brothers and sisters, your sons and daughters, and even your grandchildren. Every human being is a part of you in some way, no matter which dimension there are in. Free choice has been very challenging, because you cannot simply open the door between the two. As a result, there have been many times at which collective agreements were reached to experience tragedies. One of the ways of opening the doors for those beings that get wrapped up in their cycles of being stuck, is to have other beings across the veil standing in front of them. Often this is the deeper meaning and cause of a tragedy. Because of today’s technologies it is quickly spread to every single heart, and you all feel a tinge of pain when something happens to someone else. That is indeed beautiful, because that empathy will heal the planet!
Do not try to find the answers to every tragedy. Many times it is those who experienced the tragedy that agreed to go Home without warning. They are changing the planet, because they are opening the doorways to the other side of the veil that will allow some to go Home. You feel sad when you see or hear about a tragedy, because you are attempting to understand the how and why of the event. Know that on some level it is beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that. So, own it and know that you are helping to create a column of light for them to travel Home.
Flexing Your Magnetic Field

Here is another part of that we wish to share with you. You are beings of magnetics, and what is taking place on planet Earth is a magnetic shift beyond your understanding. Although you have learned to measure magnetic fields with certain vibrations, you still know very little about the long-reaching fields of your own magnetism. Many times that is how you communicate – telepathically. Some of you are starting to feel depression, which is very common on this planet right now; it is the emotional tug of all the water on its way. You may feel serious for no apparent reason, as if you know deep down that something's happening but you can’t quite place what it is. If you are not able to process this feeling, you are likely to go into depression and become a part of that water moving out before the wave can come in.
We tell you, dear ones, that the easiest way to climb outside of your own problems is to reach up and help somebody else out of theirs. Sometimes you become so concerned about your own feelings, your little bubble biology, or the problems occurring within your field, that you forget your magic is always in helping someone else. Some have felt the recession in this way, and are now having difficulty functioning on a daily basis. We ask you to dare to put yourself aside for just a few moments everyday, to focus on your brothers and sisters who may be in these dimensions and need a little help. Reach through the dimensions, lift the veil, tap them on the shoulder, and tell them how very much they are loved. Tell them that when they let go, they can go Home instantly. Many times all you need to do is to point the way with your light. If instead you fall into fear, then you have reinforced their illusion rather than pulled aside the veil. “Go to the light, go to the light, go to the light!” We tell you, dear ones, sometimes that is really all they need to hear. Share with them that they do have the choice to break the cycle, and can go Home if that is what they wish. By daring to reach out, you help other spirits that will in turn lift you out of depression. Reaching out will help re-store your spirit into the energy you truly hold, and give you a direction for focusing your energy.
Holding Power

Each and every one of you are masters on this planet. You are waiting to be masters in all areas, but we tell you that has not worked well in the past. This person over here has a special gift, that person over there has quite a different one. We can hardly wait until you meet one another. When finally you come together and say, “We've been trying to meet each other for 20 years, what took us so long?” The unity is perfect. Each and every one of you carries a crystal that shines brightest only in your heart. It is not intended to save all of humanity, for it is simply your part of the puzzle that only you can carry. Only you can stand up and say, “I hold this unique piece of Home.” Many times your own self-judgments keep you from saying that. Instead, you think to yourself, "Who am I to do that? There all these famous people and sure they can do it, but as for me I'm just a little person not doing anything. What can I possibly write in my book that has not been written before?" But that is not the way to look at it, dear ones. Each and every one of you has a special unique art, and when you start combining some of the pieces you create Home. When you dare to reach out and let your voice be heard on another side of the veil, then it will create an energy also heard on planet Earth. It will lead you into the next millennium, into the thousand years of peace that was predicted a long time ago. You are magic, yet the hardest part is to believe in your own magic. Sometimes the evidence of your magic appears differently than you thought it would. Maybe your reach into the universe did not bring back the result you expected, because perhaps that spirit was instead directing you to something higher. Now comes a time when you can learn to experience a fluid lifestyle, by allowing spirit to be part of your energy at every moment and not just when you stop to channel or write, or play music. When you look at a person across the room and for a moment send them a wave of love, understand that you may be changing not only their day but also their entire life.
You have that power, but the question is what are you going to do with it? The waves coming in are beginning. The middle of August is when this recession truly hits its highest peak, and from that point on you will start seeing some of the waves building and coming in. The idea is to place yourself freely in front of the wave. Ride the wave and let it carry you. Hold your breath if you must, for many times you are running away from the wave and trying to protect yourself. Letting go is what makes you feel overwhelmed by it when it finally does come in. This was not done through an alignment of any kind, for this is a wave you have created. It was not done through predictions. It was done by you, because you want to change your lives, your direction, and your world. We have only one answer, "And so it is."
You are the greatest angels that have ever lived. You feel the new energy coming in, yet you also feel the pain and the restrictions. You feel the lack of love at times, and you'll probably even feel fear. It's what you do with that energy that makes a difference. What can you take out of that darkness and turn into the night? What part of that has your name? We are so incredibly proud to look out and see the brightly shining spirit in each of you. We know who you are, dear ones. We see you clearly, and we love you beyond your understanding. This world is changing one heart at the time and you are doing a marvelous job. Reach out and do what you can. When you feel as if you just don't know what to do next, reach out and help someone else find their way. That is your gift. So, try to figure out a way to empower someone around you, and then watch as your own world and life changes very quickly. It is with the greatest of honor that we share with you in this way.
We ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every chance you get. It's a brand new game you are playing. . . Play well together.
The group
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~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
