Isis' Message of the Day -
The mighty oak tree was once a little nut that held its ground.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Your Sacred Heart contains a precious Seed Atom of Divine Love from the Goddess so that the Sacred Love of our Divine
Mother is always present within, while deep within the Soul is your Diamond Core God Cell containing the White Fire Essence
of the Creator so that Divine Will and all the qualities, virtues and attributes of our God Father are available to you. True
joy and adoration spring forth from the Sacred Heart and the Soul, where "Unity" prevails. From a human perspective
it may be difficult to imagine that your Sacred Heart, your Diamond Core God Cell and your Soul are all an intrinsic
part of your true Essence. When you focus on the Sacred Heart, it will seem to take a predominant position; when you focus
on your Diamond Core God Cell, its power and majesty will come to the fore; and when you seek to connect with your Soul, it
will become the blazing Light of Creator Love within your Solar Power Center. So please, dear hearts, do not try to compartmentalize
the components of your Essence, for they make up one "Unified Whole."
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 *
Email: * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel
Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit: *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, with the deep breath you are in that space of infinite energy interacting with yourself and with what you
see in this reality to be others. But in truth, the others are you as aspects of you, aspects of the One of you. That is how
huge, enormous, and divine that you are.
SaLuSa: The Eyes of the Universe Are Upon You
Through Mike Quinsey
July 9, 2012
Whatever you see going on outwardly or hear is happening, know that far more is taking place than what you are aware
of. We are constantly helping our allies achieve their goals, and until the timing becomes urgent we avoid directly intervening.
We will certainly be on watch to ensure our allies are safe, as although we know that the dark Ones are aware that their time
is up they continue to represent a threat. Whatever delays have been experienced be assured that we make no change to our
plans, and all intended actions will be completed. For us time does not have the same importance and using linear time is
not how we operate, but so necessary for you to lead your lives.
For a start we see your victory as already having been achieved, so we know that regardless of what happens your future
is assured. Corporations are floundering and businesses that are based on corrupt practices are being revealed for what they
are. They are unable to withstand the heightened energies being beamed to Earth that are transmuting the lower energies that
they thrive on. The truth is coming out every day, and people's eyes are being opened to the way in which they have been taken
in by the plans of the Illuminati to enslave you. It is no longer possible and your civilization is taking part in a worldwide
demand for extensive changes that will release you from the shackles placed on you. The U.S. is the main focus for what is
happening and by example will lead the world back to freedom and prosperity. It will not happen overnight, but nevertheless
will be speeded up because of our presence.
The eyes of the Universe are upon you which is amazing for such a small planet to hold such interest, but what happens
to you and Earth will have a resounding effect on it. You are so to say the last brick in the wall of change and the resultant
Ascension that everyone is waiting for. When you entered the lower dimensions you knew that your role was extremely important
to others, and you are greatly loved for the sacrifices you have made for them. Originally you were fully fledged souls of
Light who knew you could experience the darkness and eventually still find your way back. So when you look at your fellow
travellers please remember that in essence they are exactly the same as you. In Gods eyes no one soul is better than another,
but simply at a different stage of experience.
Dear Ones keep your sight focussed on your future, and where possible do not waste your time and energy on matters that
belong to the old regime that is on its way out. Their fate is sealed and they will be removed if they attempt to prevent
our plans going ahead. At present they still plot to delay us but it will not prove to be successful as we are fully aware
of what they are up to. The leading players of the dark Ones are still being offered a means of surrender, and in one way
or another they shall be removed. Once their influence and power is stopped, the whole cabal will fall apart and no longer
be the threat that it still represents.
The Light that is permeating your world is lifting up more and more souls who have been completely held back by the lower
vibrations, and they are slowly realising the truth about their lives. They now realise how they have been prevented from
a true understanding of the purpose of life, and are open to the truth that is being revealed. We shall certainly do our best
to convey information to you all that will uplift your lives, and set you upon a path that opens the Light to you. At first
you will find it confusing because of so many different opinions that are claimed to be the truth. As always we would suggest
following your intuition, but teachers will arise upon the Earth who will be respected and followed because of their ability
to convey the truth.
Let go of any distraction because of what is happening around you, and look to Ascension and beyond as it will be a magnificent
period in your lives. From experiences of hardship, poverty and lack you will at last quickly find yourselves enjoying all
of the advantages of being in a higher dimension. The cleanliness and purity of the air, land and seas will unreal after what
you have already experienced. The brilliant colours and beauty of everything about you will clearly indicate that you are
where all creation is expressed in its highest form. Harmony and balance will be found wherever you look, and peace and joy
a natural part of life. Perhaps a most astonishing discovery will be that other life forms talk not just with each other,
but also with you. It will all be far removed from what you have been used to, and a great joy to discover all you can about
the higher realms.
Why concern yourselves about your present conditions when so much is about to change for the better in such a short time.
Take it as it comes, because you have the ability to cope quite well after what you have already experienced. The uncertainty
about your future has been removed so you can ignore any attempts to cause you a distraction. Sometimes it may come from within,
from people who are as yet unaware of the truth. As you know already there are some with fixed beliefs, who still expect catastrophic
events to occur in the last few months as a means of releasing them from the Earth as the Chosen Ones. Like any other soul
they will experience what they have created for themselves, so you can allow them and others to speak their truth without
being affected by it. It is not your place or indeed your responsibility, to change the beliefs of others, unless of course
you are invited to do so.
As you learn the truth about life and how it functions you will understand that you must not interfere with another souls
intent. Hence we often have to stand back and allow you to make your own way forward. It is your choice what you experience,
and even in these end times you will have made your plans already. You may not know what they are in advance, but be sure
that your Guides and other helpers are ensuring that it works out for you, so that you have the right experiences needed for
your evolution. These may be chaotic times but they are still the outworking of the plan for your civilization.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we of the Galactic Federation of Light will be with you all the way to
Ascension, and beyond. It is our duty and desire to see you home safe and sound.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the
advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and
then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March,
2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *
Message from Astria Of Electra
Channeled by AuroRa Le
July 5, 2012
Our Rising Collective Light Quotient-Peace And Prosperity For All
Greetings, my beloved Brethren. I, Archeia Astria of the Pleiadian star Electra, am most honored to have discourse
with you once again. You are each a treasure and a joy. Every last one of you is an invaluable addition to whole
of the human race. The Earth’s community of people are a diverse lot, to say the least. You have barely
scratched the surface of knowing who and what your population is really made up of, and what a grand experiment of love
that you are. So much has been kept hidden from you, as this a means of keeping you subdued and ignorant of your Divine
origins. How I, and all those who call themselves your true family, shall delight in your rapture and be bathed in your
joyous light, on that fine day that the truth becomes known. Each of you retains within your energetic fields, a type
of blueprint. It contains your memories, your contractual agreements, your timeline and the truth about your origins.
It has been difficult, if not impossible, for most of you to access this information up until now. You have known yourselves
only as human souls who are traversing an evolutionary path, and most consider themselves to be this and this alone.
Yet it is not so. You are so very much more. The Earth experiment is quite young, in greater Universal terms,
and before this project was ever underway, you lived. You have always lived, ageless and infinite. You are Holy
beings. You have always been you, and your light shall continue to grow brighter and stronger and more varied as a result
of your many experiences. We all spring forth from the Heart of One. You are a living, breathing spark of
the Holy Light, and you must endeavor to remember this as proof of your excellence.
Each passing day is bringing us that much closer to the Heart of One, the Heart of God. The collective vibration
of the Earth’s populace is steadily rising, and as this occurs you move nearer to your first destination-this being
the 5th density. I say first because Gaia is not stopping there. She has farther reaching plans than that.
But all is to be done in moderation, and she would never subject her children to any more than she believes they can handle
at a given time. Every single person who awakens affects this collective light quotient. Therefore, the stronger
it becomes, the more noticeable it shall be to everyone. Then this in turn shall significantly increase the number of
people who go on to respond to this noticeably shifting vibration. More people on your planet are feeling a sudden discontent
with their current way of life, and they are beginning to question who they are and where their lives are going. The
evidence of this dissatisfaction has consistently shown itself in your alternative news sources, and shall soon begin to trickle
down into the mainstream media. When you observe this happening, consider it to be one aspect of the tangible proof
you have been asking for. Change is most assuredly taking place, I promise you. Be content with this as an initial
sign, because to be content is to be at peace. Whatever you do, do not lose sight of your ultimate goal and refrain
from becoming disillusioned with the pace of ascension. It is difficult, I do agree. It seems as though it is
not happening fast enough, and there are some who feel it is not happening at all. You face the same thing, day in and
day out, with no outward signs that anything new is on the horizon. You are feeling a great impatience with this redundancy,
and deep within your soul you know that there is more to life than the 3rd dimensional world has to offer. You know
that something tremendous is going on, but it is upsetting that you cannot see it. The challenge here is not to allow
yourself to give in to those feelings of doubt, and not to allow yourself to become jaded. Have faith in the very things
that your 5 physical senses cannot perceive.
It is more important now than ever, to spend time in silent meditation every day, even if it is only for a short duration.
This is the time we are able to communicate with you, undisturbed. Silence the incessant chatter of the mind and ignore
it’s nagging. Do nothing and think of nothing. You need only to stop for a little while and be. You
shall hear tones and perhaps a higher pitched ringing. Recognize these as the frequencies of Home. Listen closely.
What you are hearing is physical proof. Also, pay close attention to any imagery you see, or if there is a word or phrase
that repeats itself. All of these are clues in the solving of the wonderfully complex mystery of you. I also feel
the need to remind you that your physical human vessels are in a state of transmutation, also, and that the outward
signs of change shall soon become visible, if they have not already. You’re bodies are currently morphing from
being dense and carbon-based, into a lighter crystalline-based structure. This new encasement shall neither decay
nor die. Are you seeing evidence of this yet? Examine the texture of your skin, the lushness and strength of your
hair. Even your fingernails shall grow more quickly. You shall find that you no longer sicken, and you have far
less need for sleep and heavy foods. I list but a mere few of the initial outward signs of of your DNA’s
expansion and restoration. Take note that these, too, are provable, tangible signs.
Be of good cheer, I tell you, because there is a new day dawning. This is the Platinum Age, and it is one of peace
and prosperity for all. The time shall soon be upon you when you look back at your 3rd dimensional lifetimes and wonder
to yourself, “How can it be that I did not know this? However could I have forgotten?” I shall be
incomprehensible to you that the truth has been there before you all along. Soon the veil of amnesia, which has been
lifted mightily already, shall be relegated to nothing more than a chapter in the record books. This New Age brings
with it not only equality and abundance, but a complete integration and restoration of all aspects of your self. The
precious people of Gaia are awakening one by one, and at an ever increasing speed. As each one opens his eyes and his
heart and veers off the expected path, so rises the Light. With every one that breaks away from the herd, your numbers
grow. You are the shepherds, you know. It is up to you to show them the way.
From the Golden Temple of Healing upon the Electra star, I AM Archeia Astria, sister to AuroRa. Be blessed.
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The
Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only
incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth
journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they
are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space. This, until the moment we can’t play
the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our
other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing
Re-Entry, Re-Calibration and Molecule Adjustment
Received by Shanta Gabriel
Does anyone else feel like they are readjusting their molecules after a wild adventure ride in the cosmic amusement park?
After spending two amazing months in Mt. Shasta, I am in the San Francisco Bay area again gaining perspective while letting
the dust settle. It feels like a game attempt on my part to integrate the life-altering spring that we all have been through.
Archangel Gabriel keeps saying the veils are parting so we will be able to see more clearly. I can hardly wait. Mostly
it feels like I have just surfed a big wave, got tumbled in the shore break and now I lay panting on the beach with water
still lapping around my ears.
The power of this recent time of celestial events is immeasurable. New portals were opened into dimensions of experience
where Truth prevails. The expansion of consciousness which transpired through the mighty Eclipse alignments opened new realms
of awareness tempered and refined by Love and heightened frequencies of Venus.
Archangel Gabriel
* Read the complete message *
(c)2012 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate
wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional
and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book
download on her website. * Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's
journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit *
Weekly LightBlast: Freedom Is Within
by Jamye Price
July 7, 2012
It can get rather frustrating feeling Free in this experience of life on Earth. As you observe the world around
you, restrictions are found everywhere. Some are physical, some are emotional/mental. Most societies aren’t
set up for Freedom, they are developed to constrain people into certain behaviors that seem to promote unity and progress,
though often that unity has its separation and that progress has its winners and losers. The one that is Free Within
is Free in any circumstance. Freedom among the limitations of the experiences around you is what life on Earth is constantly
bringing to your awareness. Form is a limitation of sorts, and what a glorious limitation it is!
Freedom is a state of Being, therefore, it has the potential to move or change form. If you are feeling Free
in a moment, that Freedom can be elusive in the next. It is your awareness, your perception and your focus that determines
your state of Being. Freedom Within is allowing the world to Be around you while still actively directing your focus.
Your awareness of your internal reaction to circumstances begins your path to Freedom. As you recognize your feelings
of Freedom or lack thereof, you have a key to accessing Freedom. All life is built upon your feelings. Emotions
are the subtle energy of your soul expression beginning the magnetization of form. As you shift your emotional state
(always moving) you are changing the magnetization of form that will build your life experiences. The ‘negative’
emotions can be great motivators, so as you appreciate the Divinity in opposition, you are allowing your perception to shift
from negative to expansive. It’s often easy to feel Free in a positive moment. The ability to feel Free
in a negative moment moves you beyond the pull of good or bad into acceptance of what is while still participating in the
creation of Life. Divinity in Form.
As we sit to Blast Freedom Is Within, we are opening our mind to the Divine mind and becoming actively creative.
We are releasing fear of present circumstances or the future, the burden of an undesired past and allowing it to inform the
new into creation. We are aligning our heart and our mind with the truth of our Divine nature, accepting ‘what
is’ as the perfection that it is and Loving it into new life. We are remembering our ability to create from within,
sovereign in our perception and united in our Love. We are shining Love and appreciation to each experience, for it
is the fire that warms the heart. Blast on!
Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel and teacher. She channels Light Language, which are universal language codes
that your heart and infinite mind speak fluently. Light Language works like a stem cell, it is Dynamic Frequency Encodings
of Sound and Light that adjust to your needs in each moment as guided by your Higher Self. When Jamye is running healing frequencies,
she speaks and signs Light Language, tones, emotes, and physically clears imbalances through Divine Grace. Jamye’s work
assists with transmuting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks into wisdom, compassion and empowerment. She teaches
self-love, forgiveness and finding a perspective of Love to provide people with practical tools for Soul Progression and creating
a joyful life. Jamye’s passion is Ascension - bringing people to the understanding of the Truth of who they are; cherished,
powerful and brilliant Divine Humans, interconnected with All Life. Jamye offers private sessions by phone, group sessions
and classes, Light Language healing CDs and a free Monthly Newsletter and Weekly LightBlast to help assist Lightworkers on
their Divine Path. For more information visit * *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle
Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide
365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December
21, 2012.
* * Please create harmony by giving others
credit for their work.