Isis Messages 4 Today 9/7

Isis' Message of the Day -

The Divine Mother is in all and is all. The Divine transcends singularity and multiplicity. She is as much a person or persons as she is any form or every form, place or action or non-being. She is the Mother of all dichotomies. The Divine is not limited to the constraints of neither the human experience nor the human imagination. The Divine can be honored as the Great Mother who gives birth to all and devours all. She is the myriad of spiraling waves that are caught in flux between destruction and re-creation. We can only observe and experience the Divine in two ways:
Either in the archetypes we inherit that shape our very being or in the manifestation of the “awe” we experience from Mother Nature who is revealed in the sublime and the subtle.

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Beloveds, we understand there are those of you who feel you are not making much headway, and you are experiencing very few or none of the ascension symptoms that have been described in detail such as the rising of Kundalini Fire, positive life changes or more spiritual awareness. Please do not become discouraged. Those who are the Star Seed-Way Showers have been on the Path Of Ascension for many lifetimes. If this were not so, they would not be able to bring forth the refined wisdom teachings to guide humanity toward the Light, nor could they be the living examples of these higher truths. We have given many levels of spiritual teachings over the years, and many of you are trying to bypass the beginning stages of en-Lighten-ment in order to catch up with those who are the leaders on the Path. You are not being left behind. Each Soul’s journey is unique. Do not judge yourself by anyone else’s standards or accomplishments. Stay heart-centered and Soul-focused and you will progress in the time and manner which is best for you.

I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: *  I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit:  * 
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Prophecies…you love them, because there is the opportunity for excitement; especially the prophecies that say there’s going to be great changes and you’d better watch out for these changes, and you’d better not be dwelling in a certain geographical area because that area is going to undergo great change. Well, every area on the face of our holy Mother, the Earth, is going to undergo change in what you see to be the next several years. Is it going to affect you? Probably not very much. You are always going to be in the right place at the right time, even if it means that everything is collapsing around you.
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Weekly LightBlast: Allowing
by Jamye Price
September 6, 2012
More Allowing. It comes up a lot. It’s an important part of being a collective. As Lightworkers we realize that our collective goes far beyond our gradations of groupings like community, country and even humanity. We know clearly that our collective includes all life on Earth and the universe itself. We are not so different from the stars in our sky, yet we are unique. As we align with our full nature of galactic citizenship, we are appreciating our unique time/space and actively choosing to shape it as our blessing of free will in form Allows. Your powerful, open, flowing energetic field that basks in All Is Well, is a waystation of information – the form unformed informing. From this open space of Allowing, choice directs flow and form is informed.
Your creative ability is at the forefront of this time/space. There is a call for peace, a call for Love that has only grown in desire, thus the creation is bursting forth into all you experience. That which is incongruent with the cooperative, inclusive nature of life comes to the fore (four) for apoptosis. Like an organism of Life, you consume, embrace and Accept the offering, for it is focus inducing, choice inducing and Love inducing. Though it is a death, thus unwieldy and perhaps uncomfortable, it is a beginning of new life that is the Truth of destruction and opposition. All challenge, opposition and greed is a call to Love, inclusion and Life continued. Life begets life and time is the marker of transformation. As you Allow, you open to the path of progress that is new, not just repeating the past. You open to choice that is unlimited by fear, perception of lack or resistance to inevitable change. Your focus on Allowing is the function of apoptosis integrated as the fuel to the circle of new life that it is. Appreciation for the process is an aspect of Allowing. It opens your flow from past to present into future. 
As we sit to Blast Allowing, we are becoming the vessel of creation within as our focus and choice forms the moment. We are Being the Light on the path of an integrative, courageous, loving Life. We are understanding how pain initiates a response of survival towards greed, overpowering and abuse and creating the boundaries that allow death to serve Life through forgiveness, strength and Allowing Love to create the limits of experience in form. We are bringing new Life to an existence that is offering a dimensional upgrade if we will only attune with it in thought, word and deed. We are the waystation of Allowing the old to be born into the new. Blast on!
Copyright: © 2005-2012 Jamye Price, All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety. * 

Light Streamings: Spiraling Up!
Received by Carol Fitzpatrick
September 1, 2012
Two writings came through for this month, so you are receiving part 1 and 2 at the same time! Part 2 is posted online. See link at the end of this sharing.

Part 1. With every aligned action that we take, we are there. We are there with you. Can you feel us? Can you sense the implosion of light within you? These are the words of the guides, my energetic teachers.

It seems to me that just when we feel that we are struggling to grasp the very thing that we have been chasing after, like the butterfly alighting upon the brilliance of the flower, we realize that we are so very loved.

This is our time to let go of the push and begin to recognize the joy of flow.  With that, we will not realize some big awakening that changes our world. Not on December 21, 2012. Not, unless, you or I choose it to be. Each person makes this choice. Each awakens in one's own time and in the way that forwards the goal of embodiment of the soul. Awakening does not happen by chance, only by choice, the kind of choice that finds us putting one foot in front of the other as we take affirmative action to honor the truth of who we are.

In short, we wake up when we are ready and not before, and it doesn't matter to the soul how long it takes either. These decisions have been made long before we arrived on the planet.

It's just that now, at This time, it's getting easier and easier to spiral upward in vibration. This time of grand awakening is more like a remembering, and will come slowly, gently, lovingly as we adjust and grow more fully into who we are. For some, it's like a big dream. Some of us are such heavy sleepers that we have gotten lost in our own dream worlds. "Wake-up, wake-up," our light brethren are saying, "Wake-up, and look up. Look up to your version of the sky. Look up to the sense of optimism and renewal of your heart. Look up to realize that all is truly well." For some, this feels truly like a sudden and often dramatic wake-up call. But not really. We have been waiting with expectation for this very moment. After all, that's why we are here.

The choices of the past have no reason to haunt you. You are remembering now. Nothing can harm you because you are awakened to the truth. You have dis-created that internal box that you yourself created so long ago. Safety and security boxes built with constriction in mind are falling to the wayside now. Just look around. You don't have to go far to see it absolutely every where now.

It can be scary but necessary to let go of the fear that only holds us back. You do not need that crutch to justify your value to others either. The box never protected you anyway, and especially now as you remember that it's too small to even hold your light.

LIght begets more Light. You are emerging now and becoming empowered by your remembering. Enjoy your coming out party. You'll find others, just like you there, looking for you. "Where have you been", they'll say. I've been looking, looking, looking for you. The wait is over now, you'll say. I remember who I am now.

Carol Fitzpatrick
Visionary Guide and Soul Coach
For Part 2, which was actually written earlier and involves the actual details this whole process, can be found by clicking here. If Link is broken go here:
Carol Fitzpatrick is an avid spiriitual activist. She uses her gift to help others understand what is beyond the fives senses; to help people to see clearer pictures of their lives, and to understand what role they have chosen to play in service to humanity at this critical time. She is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient. It is her role as a translator for the Guides, angels and other light beings who are here to share their wisdom that brings her the greatest joy in service to others.
Carol resides in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and is the mother of two grown children.

WB:  * EM: * PH: 540-785-7770 * 13313 Country Way Circle * Fredericksburg, VA 22407 *
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~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
