Isis Messages 4 Today - 9/23/12

Isis' Message of the Day -
We know many of you, our beloved Lightworkers, are also having debates with your family and friends and we tell you just hold tight to your convictions because there will be a day when the sun rises and shines the light upon them. Yes, each and every person on your planet will see the light one day and they will see that all of you today were the pioneers of your new world. You were the leaders. You were the movers and shakers. The ones in your media who claim to be the movers and shakers of your world because they deal some real estate, or they are in show business, or they are famous sports figures, no. These people will all be forgotten. You will be remembered.

When you think about that, do you think that is surprising? Do you think that is outrageous? A pipedream, as you say? Well, we have news for you. The people of your world who will be the most famous individuals on your planet are our Lightworkers, and they will be known for the work that they are doing now and will continue to do through the years and through the ages. Do you see the possibilities now opening up for you? Do you see that there will come a day when you will receive the recognition that you deserve? Do you see a day when your family and your friends will stop calling you crazy and a dreamer? Well, we do, and we say to you this day will come. Stay strong in your convictions. Do not ever waiver. Do not ever let anyone make you doubt yourself.
The Galactic Federation

We are divine beings with a divine plan, doing divine things.
We send you many blessings on your spiritual path and journey home!
We wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
Isis & Archangel Michael

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of justice. There is and always will be justice built into the design of God's creation. And while you may not always see the balancing of the scales so to speak, we assure you it is there, for what you do to one another, truly you do unto yourselves. So when you feel wronged by someone, by all means it is fine, if you wish to seek restitution at the human level, but we ask you to ask yourselves, "Am I doing this simply because it is my truth and what I must do to remain in integrity with myself, or am I trying to prove a point?" If you are simply trying to prove a point, we urge you to walk away. If however, it is in integrity with my own spirit to seek restitution, then by all means do do, however, do so with love.
"How is that possible," we hear so many of you saying, "to love someone who has wronged me?" We are not saying you must like their actions. We are not saying you must permit behaviors that are unacceptable. We are simply saying that when someone has wronged you, they are by the very nature of their actions, a wounded soul in need of love and prayers. So if you take someone to court, pray for them. If someone has wronged you pray that God uplift their soul, and also dear ones, includes yourselves, and pray that you may be detached from their behavior and allowed to move forward in your life knowing God, who designed and orchestrates the universe, can help heal any inequity and can uplift and inspire your soul once again as well.
It is a time on earth when many who are not aware that life is a spiritual journey are acting up and acting out, so to speak. It is a time for those of you who are more aware to set firm and clear boundaries, but also to do so with love. Pray for those whose behaviors are unenlightened for it is they who need light the most. In doing so, you will be standing in a higher truth. You will be living in the world but not of it. Miraculously, if you cultivate these habits you will not let the darkness of the world or those around you penetrate your hearts, because you will be living in a loving reality, regardless of what those around you choose. Pray for assistance... we love these prayers and are honored to help you discover the greater depths of love that are available within every human heart.
God bless you, we love you so very much.
- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator. Visit her site at: *
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Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, even as you have the worldly judgment of good, it is good, and I use that with a few caveats; in other words, the worldly view of things is rather chancy, slippery. Always, as you hear a prophecy, take the deep breath. Ask, “What is this telling me? What do I expect? Do I expect this to be true? Do I expect that some of the brothers and sisters are going to experience great upheaval, or do I expect that perhaps the change can be gentle?” Hear the difference? You can make your own modification of the prophecy. The prophecy is still there, and it may or may not happen, but you have changed the expectation in your mind and in your energy. You have said, “Okay, if this prophecy is to come true, it does not have to be calamitous.”
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Hilarion's Weekly Message: September 23-30, 2012
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones,
The purification that is required in order to allow a greater connection with your Higher Self is now taking place. This will continue for the next months and you will find yourselves expressing in ways you never have before. You will feel calmer and more peaceful within. The intensity of the energies has been washing away all that has been holding you back from going forward in a confident manner and you will soon be picking up the torch of a higher way of expression.
The issues and situations that have been unresolved in the people around you are coming up to be looked at with greater scrutiny and these issues are being resolved in a peaceful and loving manner. All Beings desire to come together in Love and unity, to reconnect in a more positive and nurturing way and this will be seen to have its effect in human interaction. The mass consciousness field has been undergoing a mass cleansing and as this continues, more access to peaceful ways of interaction will take place.
You, as beacons of Light are playing a vital role as you go about your daily lives. The presence of greater Light around you automatically affects each person’s energy field and this is a role you serve as a catalyst for change. We also see that many of you are taking on and transmuting the energies of others as you meet in groups and interact. This may be a reason why you wonder if your cleansing process will ever end. Your personal cleansing has taken place and you now walk the Earth purifying everything in your Path, for as Light bearers, this is a process that naturally occurs.
Take time each day to clear your personal energy fields so that you are aware of the times when the energies of others enter your field. Know that it is a temporary situation and that it is helping to more quickly transmute the very atmosphere in the area where you live and in the auric fields of those whom you encounter. Having this awareness should help you feel more confidence in your abilities to create the changes in your World that you desire. This is what Light bearers do and the exciting part of this is that this is the first time in Earth’s history that so many Beings who hold the Light are shining their Light in this way. Do not stop, Dear Ones!
It is also incumbent upon each of you to nurture yourselves when necessary and take time out to rejuvenate your inner forces. Being out in nature is becoming most crucial as the elemental Beings are most eager to assist each of you to renew your forces as needed. The energies of the Earth needs to be tapped into and connected with and this can only happen when you are actually out in the outdoors. There is Love all around you from these delightful Beings who desire a greater connection with Humanity. They wish to be acknowledged so that they can be of greater service.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,

Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
September 23, 2012
Once again we of the Arcturian Group come to comfort and assist all who may be feeling anxious or disappointed regarding those events you believed would have appeared by now and have not. Do not go into third dimensional concepts about how things ought to look dear ones, for much is happening that you are not aware of.
We now see many beginning to awaken although they may not announce this to their friends or families. They are silently starting to question all that they see around them and all that they have believed to be the truth. They are experiencing a lack of resonance with "politics as usual," and are beginning to realize that many of the ways that run the world are old and finished. They are not sure what this all means, and so they ponder silently within, but this is the necessary crack in the veil, and once that crack has been established, more and more light will begin to pour in.
You see dear ones, You are creating the new world through your awakening consciousness; through the seeing and knowing of the truth of life and all its forms. You are awakening to a new dimension, and in the process are being told that in order to do this you must leave behind all that resonates of the old. This has become a stumbling block for many because they interpret this letting go as a rejection of all that they love. The struggle results from the erroneous belief that these things will no longer be a part of their lives. We have talked of this many times, but repeat it again. Anything real can never disappear for all that is real is held in place by Divine Law. You need only release your concepts of those things you hold dear.
There are many who do not take this information seriously. They say to themselves; "Oh surely they do not speak of this or that." Yes, we speak of anything that holds you in bondage to what is false however pleasant it may seem. The opposite end of the stick of duality, is good. You see most spiritual students are willing to see "bad" as illusion, but are unable to realize that so called "good" is just as much an illusion, dear ones. The next stage of your evolution is to see through the appearances of both good and bad, to the spiritual reality behind them. Everything is the Divine in expression. There is nothing else. This is what you are beginning to understand and this is where resistance begins to arise.
What you see in the outer is an interpretation of the Divine Reality presented by mind in a form you can understand. Example: Many ask for companionship, for Mr. or Mrs. right to come along believing and creating from a sense of separation. When an individual realizes that he can never be separated from that perfect companion, Divine Consciousness, the mind will interpret that and manifest in the outer as right companionship. This is pure mysticism. These are new and difficult truths for many to accept because you have been taught to pray to a God outside of yourselves for everything you need. But if reading this, you are ready for this next deep and powerful step.
Evolution has brought you to a new and evolved state of consciousness where you must let false beliefs dissolve into the nothingness that they are. You are ready for the truth that there is not a God outside of yourselves to pray to. However it is important to understand that it is not the false sense of self, the human unevolved self that is God, but your real essence, your Higher Self, that which is ever present and always has been. All that you need is embodied within you. Evolution is the realization, practice, and gradual shift into a deeper state of awareness. It does not happen over night, it is a process but you have earned your readiness through lifetimes of struggle and search.
As you begin to understand that everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell is in and of Divine Consciousness but interpreted by mind according to the individual's state of consciousness, you begin to lose your fears. Everything is a mind interpretation of either Omnipresence (cars, transportation etc), Omniscience (inventions, new ideas on all levels), or Omnipotence (healing, events dissolved through realization). There is nothing but God and the sum of the whole journey dear ones, is awakening to that.
Those of you who choose, are rapidly moving into a new energy of Light and cannot drag with you any accumulated low resonating energy from your hundreds of past lifetimes. You are now releasing it. Physical cellular release may appear as the reactivation of old wounds, diseases, and pains or may simply be felt as a general lack of energy, headaches, etc. Emotional clearings may manifest as depression, anger, irrational fears, or the experiencing of emotions that seem to have no rhyme or reason. Mental clearing manifests outwardly as the dropping away of dearly held concepts. Whole belief systems may come crashing down leaving an individual floundering and struggling to find secure footing, but if he is willing to let go, truth will replace that which has been released and he will find his footing in a whole new place. These experiences can be very difficult dear ones, especially when an individual does not understand what is happening and interprets everything from a three dimensional viewpoint. This is why up to a certain point, the spiritual journey is often called a "dying daily." We understand and see your pain but no one can do the work for you. It is your journey and only you can decide whether or not to walk the walk of enlightenment.
There is no pressure to move out of your old belief system, other than the pressure of knowing all is in readiness now for this to happen should you choose. There are many who still talk the talk, go to classes, and read metaphysical books but refuse to move beyond believing that God must be accessed through some formula, action, tool, or person .
We tell you, IT is you and it is your choice to accept or reject this truth and act upon it.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle
I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material. These deeply mystical teachings moved me into an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths. This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time.
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Standing In Your Own Power Of "Love"

by Joe Weaver
September 23, 2012

We are in the midst of a juncture in time. When time and space collide to produce an evolved version of it's own Self. What may seem new is just an expansion from what already existed. We are the evolving New Paradigm of consciousness.

Standing in your own power has traditionally been perceived from a battle standpoint. That a battle must ensue in order for you to gain more power over another. These dualistic views are a product of the human mental and ego mind. When in reality there is nothing to battle with other than another level of our own Self. All is the Self and there is nothing beyond it or separate from it. All is One. This does not mean however once a person obtains the knowingness that all is One that the other parts of the Self have done the same. You may be a self realized fish living in the sea, but you are still residing within the sea with other fish. This is when compassion, patience and respect plays a role within your own service to the collective. Yes, we may need to stand in our own power at times, however we can do this in a respectful manner. Not all people/Beings reside within the same level of consciousness. How would we evolve our collective beingness if all were the same? The spectrum of energies that make up the collective sea of life that we are, was created like it is for a reason! We can live in denial of the reason why Creation is the way it is or we can see the divine order within All That Is. This is our choice.

The more we integrate our heart consciousness within our physical body the more we are evolving our perceptions/understanding of the real workings of our reality and the Universe. We are learning more about who we really are. The illusion of separation created by our ego and mental mind becomes more understood. This understanding is something that we obtain through the process of "releasing" the patterns and programs that the ego mind and mental body works through. Have you ever heard the statement "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?" This is the reason why the ego mind is called the "insane ego." In order to move beyond the constraints of our current level of consciousness we must first let go of the patterns and programs that make up that level of consciousness. We have many levels of consciousness and the ego is only the part that is tied to the physical body. Our eternal levels of Being exist through the heart.

The more respect and understanding we have for all life, the more responsibility we are also accepting. If we don't take responsibility for our own role within the collective beingness, we are only continuing to act as the children. We however are not only the children but we are also the Mother and Father. We can take on these roles by stepping into them, embracing the whole and loving all with-out conditions. Being the God Creators that we are but also taking responsibility as Co-Creators within our collective body.

Time within the 3rd dimensional reality is circular just like the insane ego mind. It goes around and around continually living within the same pattern until the patter in broken. In order to break the 3D pattern/program we have to create and start using new patterns to live through. This means releasing the old and accepting a new way of doing things. Embracing new perceptions of time and how we are a part of time. New perceptions of who we are and who we are as a collective. Releasing our beliefs and self imposed mental barriers that we have created for ourselves. During changes like this, not all will want to change or see the reason to change. This is fine again all is in divine order and all are playing a role within our collective experience and expansion. Love all, serve all!

We are the evolving New Paradigm of consciousness! Step into your own power of love. Let's play like children and have fun but also embrace our roles as both Mother and Father and take responsibility for being Co-Creators. The time is now! There is nothing to wait for. No one is going to do it for us. Let's Create what we wish to experience!

I invite you all to watch the follow video I recently created. The more we let go of the denial and fear of what truly exists the more we are embracing who we really are!

Defining victim consciousness, the reasons for standing in your own power of love and the expansion of our brain mental capacity. *

Change the patterns and collectively "we will" change the program! : )

In service and in love.......namaste,

Joe Weaver is a personal transformation coach, energy therapist, speaker and worldwide facilitator of workshops that promote personal empowerment, transformation, realization, and ascension. For more information, to view upcoming events, or sign up to his email list, visit

Calling all energy therapists! Let’s stand together as One in service to humanity. Join the Energy Therapy Alliance project. Be the change you wish to see! For more information about the Energy Therapy Alliance and how to participate, please visit *

Permission granted to copy and redistribute on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author, and that it is distributed freely. Thank you! *

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~ From The Light Circle EzineCopyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
*** Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. * *
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