Isis Messages 4 Today 9/22/12

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Dear Ones you are the ones who mold your future reality, it is you who decide which path to take. Although the Creator has a plan that will allow all of you to ascend, it is still you who make the choice as to whether you accept. There are many realities that you have created, and it is your freedom of choice. Having given you such freedom, can you not see that the Creator is not going to punish you for exercising it? The Creator knows that you will all return to the Godhead in the course of time. There is no pressure on people to accept any particular path. But clearly you are encouraged by teachers such as me, to take one that will help manifest your Higher Self. I simply point the way, and if you follow much help will be given to you to ensure your success. Once you have grasped the truth of your real self, it is easy to make that commitment to growth and understanding that will carry you even further. Your strength will be in your Love for yourself and others, seeing them as part of yourself, knowing that All Is One. As such, you will have learned not to make a judgement of another, because you do not know what experiences they have agreed upon for their evolution. And I mean everyone, the dark have chosen their roles with every bit as much planning as you have yours. Of course you respond to the challenge that they place before you, because that is the purpose of you all being here at this wonderful time of opportunity."
~ St. Germain ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Today is the day of your equinox. We would not call it autumnal or vernal, as doing so would cheat those living on half of your planet. Whichever it is for you, we hope that you are enjoying this day in good health and good spirits.
You are in the home stretch, the ninth inning, the fourth quarter now. Pick your own metaphor. And even though the score is on your favor, it is now time to bear down and drive hard to the finish. Perhaps, all things considered, it is well to describe this as a marathon. This journey has been so long and so taxing that just finishing puts you in a special category forever, the strongest of the strong, the brightest of the bright. Reach out for that one more breath. Take that one more step. Remember now what has been told you, a moment before this race is over it may appear as if all is lost. This is the time for you to decide whether or not you truly have faith, not in your religion, but in your selves.
Always, always we come back to this. You came here again and again in order to find and polish the gem that you are. You have found it. Do not drop it now. Live your life as necessary, yes; but in your heart hold fast and gently to the bright shining gem that has taken so long for you to find.
There are, and will continue to be for a time, many noisy and fearsome attempts to divert you from your course. Give them no heed. For most of you, it is unlikely that you see how many are influenced by your calm and steadfast demeanor. You do not see the effect you have upon your family, even those who came before and you have never met. You do not see the effect your one word or smile has on a friend three times removed from your acquaintance. All this is true however.
Some are beginning to have definite feelings connecting them to the understanding of “We are One.” This is the truth of it, dear ones. And we, for our part, do not exclude ourselves from this One, even though you still do. When we speak of ourselves as your brothers and sisters, it is how we see ourselves. You are beginning to reach such understandings yourselves. Do not allow your past conditionings to deny it. All is One. Learn to love all the apparent differences and every problem upon this world will disappear overnight.
So… to the equinox. For some, it is the time to celebrate the harvest of a year’s labors. For others, it is the time to celebrate the re-birth of life. For all, it is the time, again, to give thanks for life. We join you in this, and enjoin you, once again, to stay the course. In the perspective of your time in this dimension, a blink of an eye is all you have left to go. Enjoy it. Good day, dear hearts.
Channeled by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: *

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you don’t have to take the weight of the world upon your shoulders. When you feel vibrational change—and this can happen several times in a day, that quickly—allow yourself the deep breath. Allow yourself to connect with the divine soul that you are, and know that truly you are being taken care of, you are being guided, and it is all good.
Visit our website: *


Archangel Raguel: Breaking Old Habits and Opening to Abundance

Channeled by Bella Capozzi
September 21, 2012
The other day, a client and I had a surprise visit from Archangel Raguel. I don’t recall having had a lot of personal interaction with Raguel-at least in this lifetime-nor had my client, who I will call “Katherine.” She and I were working on some issues which were blocking her ability to receive clear direction and to manifest abundance (common issues which I’m sure we all can relate to). Raguel presented himself to me as a tall male Angel, with short chestnut curls and a bright smile. He seemed very personable and talkative, with a lively sense of humor. After the session concluded, he identified himself to me as Katherine’s primary guide. We learned through Raguel that Katherine had many past lives on Earth as a healer and a priestess, but also a couple of lives lived within the confines of the Catholic Church. Her past life as a nun was the one which was sabotaging her manifestational ablities right now. He stuck around for awhile after the session, and presented me with a short message to share.
Archangel Raguel:
Releasing the past need not be an arduous process, and the time to break free of old constraints is now. Negative programming and attachments, accumulated over many lifetimes, can have a detrimental effect on your ability to prosper an grow. Vows taken must be broken. Vows of silence may well be what is preventing you from eloquently speaking your truth. Vows of poverty are often the greatest inhibitors of your ability to manifest abundance and financial security for yourself and those you care for. Vows of celibacy are particularly difficult to identify and break free from, and have the capability to quite insidiously sabotage your personal relationships. These would merely be a few examples, but should prove sufficient for you to see where I am heading with this. Your curiosity over “what happened when and why” may send you spinning off on a journey of self-rediscovery. It is natural to wish to know more about yourself, and about your history. But in no way is the knowing of specific details necessary in order to cleanse yourself of their negative aftereffects. A common misconception is that you must travel “back in time” and actually relive past traumas, and that you must experience over again the root cause of that which ails you. Not so. If you feel led to explore other lifetimes, than by all means, I encourage you, I say yes. Explore to your hearts content. These discoveries can be most exciting, your adventures fascinating. Yet let it be known that you do not need to relive old pain in the process.
Simply state your intention for clearing. Call to your beloved Angelic guides for protection and assistance. Identify the areas of your life that appear to be stagnant and blocked. Place your focus there, and emphatically state that you choose to sever old bonds, that all outstanding indebtedness be marked “paid in full,” that you hereby disconnect and detach from any and all dark, parasitic programming and attachments. Envision yourself handing all of it over to your dear protectors, to be taken back to Source and reconfigured into Light. Feel yourself finally free of all that kept you stuck in recurring patterns of self-destructive behavior. By removing what is in the way, you create an open space for happiness and prosperity to take up residence. The barriers which prevented you from accessing your abilities will be gone and you shall experience great clarity of vision. The road is wide open at this time for you to fully make take hold of your making manifest your dreams and tapping into unrealized potential. You shall also be given many new and challenging opportunities to serve. You shall know peace.
I also wish to point out that each person must do this on an individual level. Loving and compassionate beings that you are, you are possessed of an inborn desire to caretake. It is most desirable and commendable to seek to spare another pain and to wish to take the heavier burdens off their shoulders and place them onto your own. It is understandable you pray that they be spared from discomfort and fear-inducing situations. But know that within the body of even the tiniest child resides the soul of a seasoned crusader. While it may not be evident on the outside, your loved-ones are in constant communication, with and at the highest levels of consciousness. Often while sleeping they are being schooled and prepared for what is coming next. They shall not be caught unawares, you may be sure. Do utter prayers on their behalf. Send them energies of healing and unconditional love. With your words, endeavor to enlighten them. However, know that the path they chose is theirs and theirs alone to follow.
Take full advantage of this time of transformation, for the lull in activity shall not be lasting much longer. This is the ideal time for study and expansion, for growth and rejuvenation. I am Raguel, and I bid you peace.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice. *
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space. This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Whichever it is, or if you just happened to find this site by Divine Synchronicity (there are no accidents), be open to everything! Speak your truth. Tell the world who you “really” are. * * Email: *
Jesus: Oneness is Non-Negotiable
Channeled by John Smallman
September 21, 2012
The essential changes that humanity needs to make in attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to restore the normal, necessary, loving, and peaceful conditions in which you can relate to one another on every level are occurring very rapidly now. Humanity’s region of the divine energy field — your field of consciousness — continues to strengthen and intensify as more and more of you become aware of how each one of you can and does effect it, and then very positively makes the intent to do so. A wonderful Light is now bathing your beautiful planet and is clearly visible to all who wish to see it. You are making astounding progress on your path to awakening, and even those who are the least aware of the spiritual dimension that is your identity will be unable to remain unaware for very much longer. Then they too will add to the ever-growing brilliance of the Light that envelops you all.
It gives enormous joy and satisfaction to us in the spiritual realms as we observe the exponentially expanding field of love that you are creating around you to meld with God’s. We have been with you, helping and encouraging you for eons, and now the results of our joint efforts are becoming clear. So much progress has been achieved in just the last few decades! God’s Will is demonstrably shown being perfectly accomplished.
You have a very restricted vision of humanity’s ability to grow and evolve spiritually, but if you could momentarily place yourselves sixty or seventy years back in time from today and experience the beliefs you had back then about what humanity might achieved by this time, and if you were now able to see, as we do, what has been achieved in that short space of time, you would be astonished. Your doubts and anxieties would dissolve because your faith in your abilities to change the world through your thoughts and intentions would be shown to be totally valid. The divine Will is with you constantly to assist you, you just have to allow it to become yours by ceasing to resist It.
In spite of the endemic poverty, conflicts, and self-serving, egoic agendas that seem to be driving you towards the most terrifying abyss of self-destruction — and on which the mainstream media focuses almost all of its attention — on a deeper and far more powerful level significant and substantial changes have been taking place within the collective human energy field that are leading you irrevocably towards awakening. Your intent to evolve spiritually has intensified as you have realized that the only way to bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to mankind is by returning to your Source. You can only do this by opening your hearts to the inflowing Love that your Father offers you in every moment because you are all spiritual beings and that is where your power lies.
Your human bodies are necessary vehicles — toys through which you play with and quarrel with one another, while you choose to remain in the unreal world that seems so convincingly real to you. Your true nature is spiritual and you have been ignoring it while you played. The result has been loneliness, fear, and unhappiness. Yes, the games you have been playing brought moments of ephemeral happiness, and you have sought to increase the frequency of those moments and make them last as long as possible. But they are as illusory as the unreal environment in which you are playing your games, and so suffering and intense dissatisfaction have prevailed.
True, eternal happiness is only available in your natural state. For eons you have refused to believe that and so have struggled fruitlessly through competition, conflict, arrogance, beguilement, and betrayal — all to achieve the unattainable. And it will remain unattainable so long as you choose to see yourselves as separated from one another and from God, and continue to treat each other as obstructions and impediments that must be removed or destroyed in order to achieve the blessings of His eternal peace, for you and for the ones that you have decided are worthy of it.
Oneness is non-negotiable. Finally this is becoming apparent to you, as the enormity of the error of believing otherwise dawns on you, and so you are choosing to open to Love and the inclusiveness that is Its nature. The importance and significance of that choice is something you cannot possibly imagine as you struggle with the paradoxes and inconsistencies of human life on Earth. Nevertheless, it is the choice that you needed to make to allow yourselves to awaken, and leave the insane nightmare of separation and abandonment to dissolve and fade away. You have truly made the most important choice of your lives, and what this actually means will become blindingly apparent when you awaken into the brilliance of Reality — your eternal, heavenly Home.
Your loving brother,
About Me
Messages from an elder brother Jesus. I hope you find them of value. * *

Give From A Well That Is Full
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
September 21, 2012
Everyday you honor the world with your prayers, with your words, with your intentions, and yet your personal life is falling apart at the seams. Your energy is scattered. Your physical body is exhausted, and your sleep patterns are disrupted. Your life has not been swept, cleaned or dusted because you are so busy giving your light away like a frivolous lighthouse keeper and not honoring your own needs. Giving yourself as a sacrificial lamb, to every cause will not get you ahead of the game. Like a woman on a desert with a baby, she would automatically give the last water to the child, but she would perish. Who would then save the child? There is no future in giving until you are gone.
The ancient texts and mystery schools spoke of the energy of giving. Giving from a well that was full, giving from a well that was cleansed and purified. When you are full of love, and light– it radiates out touching everything in its path 360 degrees. In this radiating there is a ripple effect, a multiplication of energy, touching everything from the blades of grass to the unfound stars.
When you are personally empty – no matter how many prayers you direct, how much light you radiate, how many affirmations and meditations you speak and pray – it will not reach its desired destination. You can only truly give when you are full.
When you are continually focusing outward and not honoring yourself first, you do all life an injustice. By not loving yourself enough, and giving only to external demands of you, you cause an imbalance in all of creation. That imbalance starts and ends with each one of you. You assisted no one and nothing, by not filling yourself up first. The good thoughts, light, prayers, and healing that you sent just ran off, it did not meet its mark. It ended up in the lost email department of life, because it did not have enough gas to get to its intended destination!
Every one of you at some point has received a phone call, an email from someone asking for help or prayers. You may have just come in the door from a hard day exhausted, barely able to think, and then you are asked to give what little life force there is left. All you wanted to do was sit down, rest, or eat a little to refuel yourself, but you did not. The ‘god of guilt’, within you insisted you send love or healing immediately into the situation. You did not fill your gas tank first, so you are running on empty trying to put out fires with an empty water truck, your prayers, get zero results!
You are spending way to much time and energy pouring the gas outside of the gas tank – missing your mark. Imagine yourself going to the gas station and filling everyone else’s car around you. They all are grateful and thankful and wave as they drive off and leave you. You sit there on empty waiting to be filled by someone, but alas, there is no gas for you.
On the seventh day of Creation the Universe/God rested filling up again, getting ready to create more. God honors himself/herself first. Everything that is created is created from a point of fullness or not created at all. Everything that is given is given from a point of fullness or not given at all.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217| | |

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~ From The Light Circle EzineCopyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
*** Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. * *
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