Isis Messages 4 Today 9/18

Isis' Message of the Day -

"Dear Ones you are the ones who mold your future reality, it is you who decide which path to take. Although the Creator has a plan that will allow all of you to ascend, it is still you who make the choice as to whether you accept. There are many realities that you have created, and it is your freedom of choice. Having given you such freedom, can you not see that the Creator is not going to punish you for exercising it? The Creator knows that you will all return to the Godhead in the course of time. There is no pressure on people to accept any particular path. But clearly you are encouraged by teachers such as me, to take one that will help manifest your Higher Self. I simply point the way, and if you follow much help will be given to you to ensure your success. Once you have grasped the truth of your real self, it is easy to make that commitment to growth and understanding that will carry you even further. Your strength will be in your Love for yourself, and others seeing them as part of yourself, knowing that All Is One. As such, you will have learned not to make a judgement of another, because you do not know what experiences they have agreed upon for their evolution. And I mean everyone, the dark have chosen their roles with every bit as much planning as you have yours. Of course you respond to the challenge that they place before you, because that is the purpose of you all being here at this wonderful time of opportunity."
~ St. Germain ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message

We would speak today on your dedication and focus on your ascension.  On first sight, it would appear to be a selfish thing to do.  Allow us to explain why that is not so.  We could give many lines of reasoning to refute that opinion, but let us voice just a few.
First, and most obviously, you are all one.  Each of you affects the state of all others.  As you rise in consciousness, you raise all others.  Every effort you make to embody the love of your Creator in any fashion will increase your light and therefore help all around you.  And could you see it, you would know that your light extends out infinitely into the reaches of universes.
Then, importantly, there is the fact that you cannot help others unless you have first helped yourself.  What could you give them if you have naught to give?  What will you teach if you have not first learned?  How make them happy if you know only sadness and misery?  First you must uncover the joyful, powerful, radiant being that you truly are.  You must discover this and make it your own.  It is not meant to be a monumental trial.  Remember one of the teachings that have not been corrupted down through the ages, “Seek and ye shall find.”  It is only necessary to seek in the right place, inside yourself.  Yes, you may ask us for help.  Yes, you may ask your Creator as well.  Remember also, “Ask and it shall be given.”  It was promised you, and we tell you again, it shall be so.
You have wandered far and experienced much.  That, dear ones, as much as you do not like to hear it, was your intent when you first came here.  But now it is time for you to return to the state of consciousness from which you began.  It has been said that when you make a decision, the universe will conspire to make it so.  That is a truth which you are quickly learning to be true.  It is also taught that your beliefs are the cause of much repeating cycles of suffering.  That has also been so.  Many, many of those cycles have had their last hurrah now.  You have done well.  As more of your past returns for your attention now, if indeed it does for you personally, ask to know the lesson you have spent so long learning, and then release the situation to the light, never to be repeated again.  Your guides, your angels, and your own higher selves want nothing more than this for you.  As your television loves to say, “Operators are standing by.”
If you take the steps we are speaking of, or have already taken them, we tell you that the next few months will be as a whirlwind for you.  You will have many chances to see things which are appearing frightful to many others.  Keep your focus on your own transformation and you will be able to see the transformation which all of the outside circumstances represent.  You will be told that the world is coming to end and the sky is falling.  It is not, and it will not.  As you see the changes in yourselves, you will know that for fact.
Reach out with your hearts and feel our presence around you.  We rejoice in seeing that as much as you do.  Good day to you now, my dear, dear friends.

Channeled by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, whenever the mind comes up with questions of, “What if…should I…is this a better choice than the other choice,” allow yourself to take the deep breath and feel the peace that comes with that deep breath. Go to the place of the heart and envision that which you want to see manifest, and then let it go and let the mind work on it in its own process and its own timing.
Visit our website:  *    

Saul: Heaven is the destination towards which all are heading
Channeled by John Smallman
September 16, 2012
The moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer.  The divine Love field enveloping the planet is continuing to intensify and strengthen as more and more of you open to it and allow it to change your perspective on life and its meaning.  The flame of love that is eternally alight within each one of you is growing and spreading its influence ever further afield as you empower it with your intent to release all that is unloving within you and offer only love, whatever the situation may be in which you find yourself.  This spiritual evolution, in which you are all so intimately involved, is a magnificent creative venture whose purpose is to wash away once and for all the pain and suffering that you have been experiencing and which makes the illusion seem so real to you.
Even the mainstream media is helping here, because the sight of suffering, however caused, projected visually and audibly into your homes does lead to a rise in compassion.  Before the times of radio, television, and easy travel it was very difficult to share or promulgate the stark facts of human suffering to a world where people lived, as it were, cocooned and isolated in their own small communities.  A few made a point of being informed on these matters and did their best to help those in need, but the effects of their efforts were very limited.
With all your new technologies and mass education, it is now impossible to remain unaware of the appalling conditions in which so many are attempting to live and raise their families.  And this rising awareness, over the last one hundred and fifty years or so, has brought the energy of enormous loving intent to bear on these issues.  Sometimes it has been misguided, but for the most part great strides have been made in arousing people to join together in groups to provide assistance and constructive ideas to help those most in need.  This desire and fierce intent to help the less fortunate has been growing exponentially in the last few decades and has now become self-sustaining.
A planetary shift has taken place and the wish and the intent to relieve suffering wherever it occurs has become normal.  Many have difficulty in understanding that this is a new way of thought and behavior, because life spans and memories within the illusion are short.  But this shift in attitudes has been leading you back towards Reality, towards awakening, and encouraging the seeds of hope for a far, far better way of living to germinate, grow, and now flourish.  There will be no turning back from this far more friendly and loving way of living, and the consequentially far more appropriate ways of resolving whatever issues arise to be dealt with.
This is apparent in so many areas as people make important decisions to alter structures to enable creative ideas and solutions to develop where, before, basically inflexible systems just maintained the status quo, or even moved backwards by rescinding actions that had been helpful and progressive in attempts to reestablish and reinforce the suppression of the many by the few. The endemic fear that has enveloped humanity for eons was the ongoing cause of all of this, and this fear is now being dissolved as Love sweeps across the planet embracing all in Its path.  It is irresistible.
Nevertheless, some are attempting to resist and reverse the flow, but it is like trying to make water flow uphill, and those who are rather inadvisedly choosing to swim against the current of loving cooperation that is growing and swelling with exhilarating enthusiasm will be swept away and subsumed into the field of Love.  Or, if they are totally resistant to these divine energies and refuse to accept the loving embrace that is being offered to them, they will float away freely into an environment that better suits their level of spiritual evolvement.
Everyone is evolving spiritually; no one is immune to the evolutionary spiritual energies that are constantly encouraging you to move forwards; but, as with children, no two progress at the same rate, and so an alternate environment is available for those who find the present pace too fast or even alarming.  And they will find that it suits them admirably because no sign of change will be noticeable until they are ready and willing to engage with it.
Despair and hopelessness are useless and very painful distractions that have been developed in the illusion over the eons to feed apathy and numbness, and which have allowed some to control and suppress others.  However, those debilitating sensations will be far weaker in the alternate environment in which the “refuseniks” are contained because they too have made positive spiritual progress, even though it is not yet enough to persuade them reject the illusion, and to leave them with the intensely crushing experience that those sensations can cause would be extremely unloving.
God takes care of His own and all are His own, so even those who choose to remain asleep, when all around are waking up, will find their new environment somewhat less threatening.  As they begin to understand what unspeakable horrors their egoic agendas have engendered and the suffering they have caused, it would be unconscionable to allow them to experience to the full the power of despair and hopelessness that was originally developed in the illusion because they would be unable to move through it.  God would not have allowed the illusion to contain an “eternity trap” — effectively a hell.
As you have been informed countless times, the infinite Love in which God sustains and nourishes His creation ensures that no one will ever be barred from it or rejected by Him.  All are His children, priceless treasures within His Heart, to be cherished and honored for all eternity.  And all who are fully awake, like God Himself, have only Love to share.  Consequently, no one will hold resentment in their hearts because they think that those who caused unconscionable suffering to so many are getting off too lightly.  That idea is part of the illusion and just cannot exist in Reality.
Heaven is the destination towards which all are heading, and all will arrive there. That is God’s incontestable Will.
With so very much love,

Jesus: When you awaken, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless
Channeled by John Smallman

September 16, 2012
Enthusiasm and excitement are powerful motivators, so as you look forward to awakening, elicit those feelings to strengthen and empower your intent to do so. You are powerful beings, and you are on Earth to engage with your power and use it to bring in a completely new manner of communicating, a new way of relating to one another, a new mode of living that is always accepting and honoring of others, and respectful of the differing ideas that you present to one another for discussion.
It is through ideas that new creative ventures can be envisioned and embarked upon.  When you awaken, the prospects available, the directions in which you can move, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless.  Anything you can think of you will be able to bring forth and develop – a poem, a symphony, a universe – and the joy of doing so will cause you unalloyed satisfaction.  Your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy, satisfaction, and happiness, and His Will is always accomplished, so your future, at one with Him, will be glorious, brilliant, and utterly fulfilling.
For eons, deep within yourselves, beneath the level of consciousness on which you normally operate as humans, you have been longing to return to your divine state. Every thought, every word, every activity that has engaged your attention has been directed towards accomplishing that, even though you were mostly unaware of this hidden internal drive whose only purpose was to restore you to the pristine state in which you were created.  A state which in truth you have never left.
That purpose, the true purpose of human existence, has had you striving long and hard, seeking for something far, far better to live for, something that made sense in a world where very little seemed truly deserving of your undivided attention.  And so you have judged, condemned, deceived, and competed for the esteem and recognition of your fellowman that you felt should be your due, and by doing so you have diluted and impoverished those benign and unimpeachable aspects of yourselves.  You are perfect beings created by God, who recognizes you as His beloved children and holds you in the highest esteem.
However, when you built a separate illusory environment and moved into it you lost sight of God and temporarily lost the knowledge of your divine perfection. Without it you felt alone, abandoned, threatened, inadequate, and so you attempted to replace your lost sense of identity – your true oneness with your Father – with a fictitious, insubstantial, and fanciful one that constantly demanded upgrading and improvement each time its inadequacies jeopardized the image that you used to present yourselves to the world as persons of value and importance.
But these deceits, these false selves that you have been endeavoring to maintain and display have created a maelstrom, an enormous energy drain which costs you very dearly, and they provide neither the stability nor the security that you hoped they would.  You thus have to spend inordinate amounts of time engaged in diversionary tactics so that no one will have the opportunity to see through your mask to the worthless and frightened individual that each of you fear is hiding behind it.  But as you frequently see through the masks of others, you know in your hearts that these disguises are unequal to the tasks for which they are intended, and so you live in a constant state of anxiety.
This need not be.  Release the masks that you have made for yourselves; dispose of them permanently.  Be yourselves – unsure, uncertain, and unsettled as you are — and share those feelings openly.  Some may judge you foolish, and that is of no consequence; others will praise your courage, but the end result will be that your fears will dissolve as you come to realize that being yourselves is comfortable and undemanding, and you will rediscover the knowledge that you are beings of profound and imperishable value.
This honesty and integrity of spirit will provide you with renewed energy and enable you to be far more aware of others, feel compassion for them, and assist them when they seek your help.  You will then find that you are no longer plagued by worries about what others may think of you because you are now at peace with yourselves as you live lovingly and generously, sharing yourselves and the love with which you are most abundantly suffused, freely and indiscriminately for the upliftment and inspiration of all with whom you interact.
Your loving brother,

About Me

I have been taking dictation from my friend Saul since 1995. He is a spiritual entity whose messages over the years have been inspiring and uplifting for me. In them he refers frequently to “Full Consciousness.” Now seems to be a very good time to start sharing these messages via a blog. I hope you find them of value. * *
Messages from an elder brother Jesus. I hope you find them of value. * *  

Earth Angels: Faith, Awareness And Unconditional Love
by  Bella Capozzi
September 17, 2012
Good day, Dear Ones.  And such a lovely day it is.  Before you we stand in heartfelt anticipation of the journey upon which you shall be lead.  Join and be one with us as,  effortlessly, we lift you up.   High above the fear and confusion soon to overtake those who’s faith lie fallow, you soar unbound and free.  You are in this world, yes, but scarcely are you of it.  Remember this one simple thing, and the madness shall not touch you.  Be unwavering in your dedication to all things loving and Godly.  Your hearts brim with compassion, and you oft fear for those whom you love-the ones you fear have chose unwisely.  You worry that they shall be left behind.  Please be aware that none shall ever be forsaken, though their journey  may well be of a longer duration.
These hearts of yours, they are what make you the great healers that you are.  However, know that you may lead your flock to water, but you cannot make them drink.  Like all else, this must be their choice.  Freewill cannot be overriden, and each soul partook of his journey in full awareness and complete control of what would comprise their Earthly Human experience.  Be prepared to respond to their queries and, by all means, assure them they are not alone.  Your goodness is contagious and your lightness inspiring.  There are opportunities aplenty for them to yet awaken.
Before you winds a Golden Path, and at the end a Golden Door.  Beyond the door, your brilliant future awaits you.  Yet it is not the future, necessarily, as all time is now.  Securely within your possession is the key to this door.  You have had it always.  It arrived with you, a part and parcel of your arsenal of tools, through which you would escort in the new Aquarian Age.  Feel for this key now, and see it clearly in your mind’s eye.  It dangles from a smooth satin ribbon around your neck.  A glistening platinum, it feels heavy and cool against your heart.  You sense intuitively that this key is there, that it has always been there, and herein lies the first step in your awakening.  The awareness.  The knowing.  The certainty that you possess by Divine right everything that is required to ascend out of the shadows and into the Golden Light.  There is nary a one amongst you who is not in possession of such gifts.
Trust in God, and you cannot falter.  Believe in yourself and in your own inborn skills to commune with spirit, and to know and sense what is right.  It is within each of your natures to see us and hear our voices, deep within yourselves.  You must trust implicitly in that which you know in your heart to be of truth.  Clear-knowing, clear-feeling, clarity of voice and of vision…all of which comes from within and not from without.  For this is the Old Way, the way you have always known.  Thus you were before, and so you shall be again.  So reclaim your birthright now, and believe.  Then, go forth and tell the others.  For these are the days of feasts and miracles.  Recognize the signs, as they are all around you.  Walk along  the Golden Pathway of faith.  Enter, then go beyond the door.  Be peaceful and abundant, and rest easy in the knowing that you are, forever, unconditionally loved.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice *

About Me

I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray.  I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner.  This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth.  I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.   
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives.  Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space.  This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us.  Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Whichever it is, or if you just happened to find this site by Divine Synchronicity (there are no accidents), be open to everything!  Speak your truth.  Tell the world who you “really” are.  *  *  Email:
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
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