Isis' Message of the Day -
"It is important that you realize that each day is a new lifetime.
You have heard this said time and again, but we will say it again. Yesterday is past; what happened then is done, but does
affect the present. Tomorrow is yet to come, and you can make it a better one by what you do today. Today is the only reality
you have; the only time in which you can make life better for yourself and others. Live each day at a time.
Today is the most important day of your life!"
~ The Masters of Light ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Beloved Bearers of Light, those of you who have earned
the right to once again be designated as co-creators of a glorious world to come, must be aware that on the other side of
the tests and trials you are now experiencing are the gifts, virtues, qualities and attributes which will supply all you need
to become masters of the Living Light. We, your brothers and sisters of the higher realms, await you. You
have been sorely missed. The radiance of our Father/Mother God shines down upon you, now and forever more.
You are loved most profoundly,
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear
Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the
name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through
this Channel please visit: *
Heavenletter #4276
Consciousness Wakens to Itself
August 9, 2012
God said:
Now I will tell you that generosity comes about, not from
selflessness, but from natural awareness, from consciousness that awakens to itself.
For many in the land of Earth, there is a line between you
and another. It may be a fine line, but a line. You wouldn't be the first person who has thought: "I really want this for
myself." What it is, you may give it, perhaps the last piece of cake, perhaps, yet it was a decision you made based on your
perception. You wanted to be generous. You likely saw very well that the one you gave to is apart from you rather than a part
of you. And yet you gave a generous gift with the awareness that that was what you were doing
The person who is at the consciousness I am trying to describe
-- this consciousness does exist - the person who is in this consciousness does not have that fine line between himself and
another. If he thinks at all, he is probably thinking: "What gives me the most joy here?" And so he bends over backwards for
himself who appears to be in the form of another, yet this consciousness knows without thought that there is One. He knows
the One is I, and he knows that he is I, and so he gives to his own Self who happens to be in the shape of another.
This consciousness sits on a high mountain. Or stands on a
high mountain or swims at the depth of the Ocean.
At the top of the mountain, there is no taking. There is only
giving. This consciousness gives always to himself. He is always thinking of himself. He sees the other as himself. He does
not erase himself. He lives on Earth yet not quite the same Earth that many still live on. The top of a mountain does not
concern himself with erosion and so forth. He gives his snow, the streams of water. They roll off his back. He would not withhold,
for he would not withhold from himself. The top of the mountain knows that the foot of the mountain is also part of himself.
He also knows that which extends to the furthermost hills is also himself. There is nothing that is not himself, so what is
there not to give? He has everything.
And if that consciousness swims at the depth of the Ocean,
he is the Ocean who shares itself. All the little fishies swim together. They swim through the Ocean that so generously offers
itself. The Ocean does not think: "This fishie is allowable. I will give him My Sea." The Ocean does not think: "Oh, this
one, this little fishie, nope, he is not Mine. He does not belong here. I do not welcome him."
This consciousness on Earth lives in the world, and yet it
lives in a different world from what you know. Once this consciousness was a lesser consciousness, and now he has arisen.
And so shall you rise.
You shall rise to this consciousness in which everyone is
your blessed self. You too shall rise to this consciousness where everyone is generous unto each other, for in this consciousness,
there is no other to be generous to, for when you look at all the supposed others, everyone you look at is yourself. This
consciousness may be surprised that all of himselves do not see what he sees. What he sees is what he sees. What he knows,
he knows. Where he is, he is. He needs no back-up. He is generosity incarnate. He is generous without knowing he is and is
surprised when someone else sees him as a wonder.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings
Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already
proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria
Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O.
Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * * *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Some of you have wondered, “Why am I here? I enjoy my
life, I enjoy traveling, I enjoy my friends, I enjoy the books that I read, but why am I here? Surely there has to be a reason
more than that.” It is to be the Light that lifts up the world. It is to be the master in realization and to know that
every issue that comes to you, you have invited.
August 2012 Energy Forecast –
Dreams of The Past, Dreams of the Future
by Lee Harris
August 6, 2012
The energy of July spoke of the increase in intense feelings
and experiences, compared to the past. Intense highs and lows were commonplace, and the feeling of heaviness, isolation and
internal/external conflict were a theme at the lower end of the scale, with the highs being a greater feeling of freedom from
old beliefs, rules, and ideas of how life needs to be, and also a rise in freedom of speech. Being unafraid to say what you
want, or give voice to what has been suppressed.
Apparently these themes will all continue strongly through
15th-20th August, at which point a shift takes place.
Self-maintenance and balance were always going to be required
more than ever during these times we are in. So a focus on what works for you was always going to be vital. Not an easy experience
when that keeps changing, but one that is educational.
Most of us are fast shaking out the old density from our systems,
pushed by the planetary shift. So actually, experiencing and thus learning from the heaviness you go through is a vital part
of your personal shift, rather than it being a regression, as some people are worrying it might be. Learn to redirect your
thoughts when these moments happen and remember that the lows are as important as the highs for our evolution, for they are
connected to each other.
Personal and world revelations have been high recently. Personally,
seeing more of your old patterns, limitations and shadows as they move out is a strong experience for the self-aware. Celebrate
what you're seeing as you come through it, and on days where you are 'in it', remember it will pass, surround yourself with
good and light influences to the best of your ability. And be aware that other people and/or over-stimulation will not be
helpful. This last point is crucial. Fifteen minutes of alone time can be enough if you notice you are feeling edgy in the
company of others. Do not try and cope for the sake of those you are with – that will backfire on you and them and is
an old way of being (see the channel at the end of this forecast).
Mothers giving birth do not allow vibrationally unaligned
people around them or too much noise in the delivery room, and it is the same for you when you are in contraction releasing
your density or overstimulated by the density in others. If you feel internal pressure when around others, that is because
the chemistry between you is not flowing, so be the leader and walk away if the other person has not noticed. It is not personal
and need not be forever. This is a common experience right now.
Others around you, who are less energy aware, or invested
in playing out the density for their own growth, will be unconscious of throwing energy around, so back away from fiery or
disruptive people, or meet their energy with your own boundary or fire in order to claim your energy space if backing away
is not an option. Whichever feels right to and for you in whatever moment. Follow and trust the body with this – let
it do the work for you.
Those of you who have developed your way of staying centred
over so many years, remember that this will now be constantly updated, as there is a quickening in mass consciousness. So
what you had previously developed was based on your relationship to everyone else and where they were at before. Everyone
is different now, so it will no longer apply most of the time. If you feel in shock or distress about this, see it is just
an opportunity to release control habits we no longer need.
Levels of control run through us, as we are creatures of habit,
even if our habits have become more enlightened. So subtle levels of control may be witnessed in you now, and as you surrender
control there can be a feeling of anguish or anxiety. Fear in the body which the control had previously been there to protect.
Trust and let it go. We are not in control of everything around us – we are in relationship with it.
Ongoing 2012 symptoms which have been strong in July and will
continue through August are:
• Strong Dreams – Dream activity is stronger than
normal for most and intense for some – death/destruction featuring strongly, or beautiful visions of the future.
• Strong/sudden tiredness – Solar Flare activity
and the movement of our planet giving you a kind of spiritual jet-lag experience. Rest and sleep as much as possible.
• Mental conflicts – Mental confusion involving
doubting aspects of life/doubting yourself and your decisions. Everything is changing – you couldn't avoid these mental
• High highs and low lows – New heights of
clarity and feeling and/or intense burning off of the old emotional memories within you. The burn is fast if you allow it.
• Fear/anxiety/emotion – working through the
body, in response to everything that is changing fast. Breath, re-find your centre and stop 'doing' until you do, let go of
a need to control, and surrender the past.
On a world level, as a people we are about to give greater
action and voice to what we are seeing around us and mid August onwards will see a rise in the call for this. Justification
for war needs to be questioned, just as it is appropriate that we are moving from being a passive people to an active people
where the government of our world is concerned. Government is us – we are one people, with many conflicted opinions
and feelings within that group, but life has to be the aim, otherwise we are just obsessed with destruction. Be mindful of
what you expose yourself to as the norm (violent movies where aggression is seen as normal, empty consumerism/advertising,
and negative views of the world enforced by the media). These promote hollowness rather than fullness within us and so are
dis-empowering energies to expose ourselves to. Many of you are leading the charge with creating the new and being voices
for change in this. Remember, we awaken each other and this is an important time for us as a people to cast our vote and our
actions toward how we want to see our future world become.
Next year onwards, physically as a planet there will be no
denying this time of shift we are in which recent history has no memory of or preparation for. The fighting and the war is
a distraction from the bigger picture unfolding. It is nurture and clear thinking we need now.
So harvest these qualities in yourself, as it starts with
each of us. Remember the power of thought and energy is influential, and those of you feeling active on these issues as human
beings, know that if you step forward there will be a growing wave of support behind you.
Finally, on July 22nd I held a seminar in Sydney, where this
message came through me in a 3 Z's channel. It felt appropriate to share this month as it speaks from a different perspective
on what is occurring:
Channeled Message (July 22nd)
So at this time on Earth you are all continuing to walk,
trying to continue to walk. This is why many of you are falling over. The planet is unstable and we say that not to raise
alarms around your fear of what might happen but simply to remind you that the planet is currently unstable, moving very fast,
and in fact, oscillating back and forth, very very quickly. This can be felt on every level of you – cellular, DNA,
emotional. The whole spectrum of you is moving very very fast and this is why there is such rapid release occurring on the
So if you keep trying to walk at this time, you will feel
the tremors. The gifts will be found in stillness. And stillness can be a challenging area for those of you who have not been
in stillness for some years. You are 'doers' all of you, but you are now learning how to do through your energy field, rather
than your action. It is true is it not that you have heard that some of the greatest meditators have taken journeys they cannot
speak of while sitting in the stillness of meditation. Trust and explore this truth.
Many of you are struggling to release roles that you have
played on Earth. You give yourselves different terms - Light-workers, light-houses, strengtheners. These titles are quite
distasteful to some, for some people see these words as a betterment over others. For example, the hierarchy that a light-worker
is better than a non-light-worker. Well, that is like trying to say that an engineer is better than a builder. Both are required
to get the house made.
So there is no energy hierarchy in any roles on Earth, but
those of you who have been the light-houses, the light-workers, you are struggling at the moment to stabilize. For you are
being asked to do less. You are being asked to centre. You are being asked to stand in the stillness.
It is not comfortable in the eye of the storm when your way
of balance has been to move into and around the storm, organising it. So this is different and it takes time. You are trying
to 'dock in' to your new internal reality. It is a shift and it is different for each of you. It has a different form, it
has a different face, most importantly, it has a different feeling. But the universal shake-up that is occurring on the entire
planet can be felt.
This is why we say be calm, be still, rest as much as you
can. We say it over and over and over and over and over, because it is forgotten, over and over and over and over. Why is
it forgotten? Because you are a tribe. You are not individuals. You are in one sense, and it is understood by you that you
each have your individual energy and your individual sense. But when the tribe is running around, it is very hard to sit down,
for you are afraid that you might be trodden on. You are afraid they will not see you. You are afraid that in stillness, you
will be invisible.
So those of you who have felt invisible in society will become
very very visible when you learn the art of standing still. When you stop yourself from running out there, doing what you
were doing before. First of all there will be some grief, some anger, some sadness to clean out. When you haven't been in
the house for a long time, there is some housekeeping to be done. It is not pleasant on a human level. But just as you can
attest that the housekeeping you keep putting off feels so much better when it is done and you are in your clean, lovely space,
that you do not regret doing this work, so too is it with the emotional body right now.
You will come to balance far quicker at this time if you learn
to still yourself and feel your feelings. You will simply prolong it if you try to run those feelings through relationships,
work or indeed, you step out of what you need to do, what you feel you need to do in order to go and help or service others
when you are aware you on half mast. Taking yourself out of the house while you are on half-mast right now will be a struggle.
Learn from that truth. You are reprogramming your body understanding.
There is no need to push yourself anywhere. Trust us. You
can feel the whole planet from inside your house, more so now than ever. So running around in the storm is going to feel a
little challenging and in fact will run your energy down. We understand you will need to do things, we understand you will
need to go out. But we specify here that the coming 3-4 months, the intensity you are feeling now, will actually rise in terms
of what is going on within the humans on Earth.
So it is very important for you to understand the vital need
for you to rest, recharge and regain your composure. Composure being not an act of 'front;' not what you 'show to the world'
but what you feel when you are in the world. That is vital. It will stand you in good stead. The other truism of this time
is that higher energies are far faster to integrate within you than ever before. So if you focus with intent, and if you allow
yourself to tune 'up' regularly you will find it far more effortless than it ever was before, to both bring higher energy
into your body, and sustain it.
Energetic maintenance will be easier to maintain than ever
before. This is good to know, and to use, but you will have to use it. It will be like wanting to run down a one way street
when all of the rest of the traffic is driving toward you. It will feel counter intuitive if you pay attention to what everyone
else is doing around you. The tribal part of you will want to go with the group down the one way street.
Now, many of you, when we say all of these things interpret
it as isolation but we in fact propose that the opposite then becomes the result. You will need to isolate yourselves less.
You will be capable of joining more with the right people than if you try and struggle, to quote another source on Earth,
'upstream.' So these are important times for all of you to understand your own mastery, but for many of you who have lived
in other paradigms at other times (Atlantis has already been mentioned today) you are having the opportunity to reground some
of those gifts. In a very different world, yes, but to bring some of the energetic prowess into you that you understood and
worked with then. That which we would call 'Energy Technology'.
You see for a long time on your planet, magic, such as intentions
and affirmations – simple acts such as these you have been exploring today, were somewhat removed from the human society.
In fact they had been removed from the human society, just as much of the energy knowledge was stamped out of your history.
But the energy knowledge exists for a reason, and a human can access it.
So if you cast an intention for what you would like to bring
into your life, it will come. What you are struggling to integrate is what the human has to go through in order to rearrange
for what comes. This is also a wonderful lesson for each of you in realising that actually, not a great deal is needed when
emotional well-being is present. There are not many outside structures or experiences that become required when you are able
to stay centred and balanced in yourself.
So what you will intend for is something very simple, and
it will be state based. So if you intend for greater well-being, that will become the reality – the details can form
themselves. Releasing the details will be the important aspect.
Which brings us to the final piece we will say for today.
Releasing the details is the process that humanity is currently going through. Stabilising the core of the Earth is the stage
you are in. These next few years, the stabilization of the core of your Earth will dictate how stable everything on the Earth
and among the people becomes.
So work that process in yourself to contribute to the easiest
shift for humanity and the planet. The more you learn to centre yourself, the more you offer an opportunity for a centred
planet to move forward, with centred people upon it who can help facilitate that shift.
Good. Our message is delivered for now.
In peace and in love to all of you.
(c) copyright 2012 - all rights reserved by Lee Harris Energy
August 2012: Harvest Time, Paradigm Shift
by Talyaa Liera
1, 2012
Harvest Time
Across the Northern Hemisphere, fruits are ripening, leaves
of the plants that bore the fruits browning and spent, having lived their purpose. In the Southern Hemisphere, winter is ending
and new life begins. It is so with the endless cycles of human experience. What you harvest today becomes fodder for tomorrow’s
What are you giving birth to? What have you been growing,
cultivating, nourishing these long months, that is ready to burst now in expectant ripe sweetness?
Most of us are harvesting true gold this month. Last month
was all about feeling and connecting to your inner self, remember? This month you get to reap the benefits of all that deep
work. It’s about time, right?
How do you know what fruits you will bear?
That’s easy. What is your heart’s desire? Wait
a second now. Don’t answer yet. First, some instructions. When answering the question, What is your heart’s desire,
Go with what comes to mind first.
Stop judging what came to mind.
Go back.
Remember the many things you already thought of and discarded.
Thread your way back to where you started.
Ask the question again.
Here, I’ll ask it for you:
What is your heart’s desire?
Be careful what you wish for, for you will get it! Remember
that there are myriad ways of getting your heart’s desire. Fairy tales are full of this stuff — foolish people
who make wishes without realizing the consequences. A pot that gives endless porridge? Sounds like a good idea until you are
neck deep is a sea of porridge and you have forgotten the magic word that makes the pot stop.
My heart’s desire was to feel embraced and held in community.
I wanted to know my tribe. I did not know I was going to get Stage 4 cancer to see that the community I wanted — my
family of choice — is already there. Oops. Fail. Don’t be me.
So I ask again, what is your heart’s desire? And how
do you want it to show up for you?
You get to choose
That’s what this month is about. Harvest. You have worked
hard. Now you reap what you have cultivated. And you get to choose how you take your harvest.
Paradigm shift
Major choices are being cast this month. Paradigm shift.
Love or fear? Connection or polarity? Community or isolation? Allowing your beautiful radiant Self to shine forth or staying
small and scared and alone.
You get to choose. We are all choosing globally. Your individual
choice makes a difference. Your voice counts, like the tiniest “Yawp” in Whoville. Your choice for your own life
affects the rest of us. Likewise, my choice affects yours. We are all connected, whether or not we feel it.
Choose wisely and well, my friend.
What to expect this month
Change is huge and on the forefront this month. Whatever you
do, whether it be consciously choosing your next direction or allowing inertia to choose for you, this month brings everyone
— that’s every single one of us — a paradigm shift. You may not feel it or know it, but months later you’ll
be able to point back to the time when Everything Changed and Nothing Was the Same Again. That’s now. Be aware. Lean
into it. Tap into your heart’s desire and how you want it to appear in your life. This is when you become your destiny.
Affirmation: I am choosing the rest of my life NOW.
You would think that with all the choosing and shifting and
reaping we are doing this month that there would be no room for relationships and all hell would break loose, but no. This
month you get tighter than ever. Unless you choose fear, in which case, well, things don’t look so good for you. But
all in all, people all over the world are realizing this month how important other people are. You are not alone in a sea
of faces. You have friends. You are here to feel what it feels like being with other people. Everyone learns from each other.
Feels good, doesn’t it? Then grow your seeds of relationship and together, choose what you wish to harvest from your
Affirmation: I AM willing to open my heart to the hearts around
Woohoo! This is an excellent month for starting groups, coming
together, sharing meals, and accelerating the energy by tapping into the exponential power of community. You already know
what kinds of community sustains you. Now go be your awesome self and give your heart to your tribe.
Affirmation: I am needed.
Global Politics
Paradigm shifts make everything look really different, don’t
they? Politics may seem like a circus now. Or it may be super serious to you. Honor your part in the political world, whatever
it is and wherever it takes you. Remember that the choosing taking place this month helps determine the outcome months down
the road of things like elections. Think about the world you wish to live in, and choose that. Everything else becomes clear.
Affirmation: I am a factor determining my world’s future.
Earth Changes
What fun! Again, Gaia goes on a wild ride. Fires, heat, and
then drenching downpours and flooding plague most of the U.S.. Low lying areas of southeast Asia are threatened by rising,
restless oceans. Earthquake in South America.
Affirmation: I am part of the greater web of life that is
my planet.
Global Spiritual Changes
What do you expect — there’s a paradigm shift!
Some might say that the world splits into two camps, one love-based and one fear-based. That is an over simplification. Instead,
it might be more useful to note that there is change. Change is what you make of it. Change — as you experience it —
is what you seek. If you truly (and that’s deep down, inside yourself, on a soul level below all your beliefs and judgments)
desire a more love-based world, then Boom! That’s what you get. If instead, on a soul level, you really want to experience
what it is like to navigate through fears of yourself and others, then that is what you will receive. Do you want to know
what you choose? Then check in, right now, deep down. This may not be easy. Surely you are saying to yourself now, Who would
choose fear? No one in their right mind would choose fear. You would be surprised. You may not yet be in touch with what you
want on a soul level. So regardless of how things turn out, of what your paradigm shift brings, you can always navigate the
world that you seek. Just hold out your hand. It’s right there.
Affirmation: I am the change I wish to see in the world.
Copyright (C) 2006 - 2012 by Talyaa Liera. All rights reserved.
All material on this page is protected by US and international copyright law and may not be quoted or reproduced without the
express written permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, in whole or in part, must reference
the author's name and the link *
Sticking Plasters
by Sarah-Jane Grace
August 1, 2012
As we continue on our personal and collective quests for enlightenment,
it seems that some are beginning to see life from a fresh perspective. Whilst so many continue to look for external fixes
and solutions to life’s problems, there are those who have realised that enlightenment and bliss cannot be found outside;
it can only be found within.
Of course, the trappings of modern life, from a nice house,
a nice car, money in the bank, the perfect job, the perfect partner etc., can all make life feel more bearable, but it is
how we feel within that truly counts. This is not to say that we shouldn’t have all of these external things though,
for life should be enjoyable and comfortable, but it is important to realise that none of these will ultimately bring us the
inner abundance and enrichment that we truly seek.
Whilst we all have our own personal agendas when it comes
to enlightenment, bliss and the fulfilment of our dreams (after all, we are all unique), there are still common threads that
bind our paths together. These threads are part of our spiritual and energetic tool kit and include awareness, knowledge,
conscious living and inner stillness. We all have access to these (albeit these take practice and perseverance), but many
choose not to embrace them or utilise them in life.
Sometimes it is all too easy to get caught up in the hamster
wheel chasing external dreams and spending life trying to ‘get’ happiness and success, fulfilment and peace. It
is only when we are brave enough to step off the hamster wheel (even for just a short while), that we begin to realise that
‘having it all’ (money, house, car etc.) doesn’t really mean anything in the scheme of things.
In the world, money, status and power are the dynamics of
modern life and they shape and determine so much. We need money to survive, and we all have duties and responsibilities from
bills to family to a myriad of other things as well. Yet, when we become trapped in this external cycle of chasing ‘stuff’
and quick fixes, we slowly distance ourselves from our inner worlds and lose sight of our inner treasures.
Our natural state of being is not one of constantly chasing
the horizon, trying to get; whilst we will always strive to do more and be more (for that is part of being human), our natural
state of being is living a more balanced life where we are fully connected to the world within. From such a space, we no longer
need to chase happiness or success, money or status; for we become our own creators, and our thoughts, intentions and beliefs
begin to shape all aspects of our lives.
We are all too familiar with the law of attraction and the
power of thoughts, but so many of us quickly dismiss this as ‘pie in the sky’ and inapplicable in the ‘real
world’. And yet, we are all energy, everything is energy, and everything is interconnected as energy, so why is it so
hard to see that our thoughts can shape so much? Sometimes, we have to extricate ourselves from the intoxication of chasing
‘stuff’ and external fixes and go within in order to find the answers.
Once again, there is nothing wrong with ‘stuff’
or money etc., for this makes the wheels go round in life (and it makes life rather pleasant in many ways), but we get lost
when we make this the focus of life. If we see money and ‘stuff’ as the path to happiness, then we soon feel the
emptiness inside when we realise that it cannot bring us the warmth that we seek within. Nothing or no one external to ourselves
can bring us that warmth; we might touch happiness, but it doesn’t last, it cannot, until we are truly happy within.
Finding peace and happiness within is not an easy path, for
it means unpeeling the layers of conditioning, facing residual pain and emotions from the past, and opening up our hearts
and souls to Truth and love (being vulnerable, facing fear and taking a chance on life). None of this is easy, and it is understandable
why so many choose the sticking plasters of external fixes to soothe the way, but it seems that stepping fully and consciously
within is the true path to Self and perhaps the only path to enlightenment...
You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright
and contact information are always included. Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace * Copyright © 2006-2012 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved
This Is Our Moment - Hold The Light!
by Patricia Cota-Robles
August 8, 2012
This is a Cosmic Moment in the evolution of this planet, and
all of us who are on Earth at this time have been preparing for lifetimes to assist in this vitally important facet of the
unfolding Divine Plan.
The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that, through the
collective consciousness of Humanity, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the
celestial alignments and the solar flares that have taken place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate A Renaissance of Love
on Planet Earth. Together we are changing the course of history.
Your I AM Presence has magnetized this information into your
sphere of awareness because the sacred knowledge you possess and the gifts of Light you are adding to the world are necessary
for us to succeed God Victoriously.
A plan has been set into motion that will draw the focus of
Humanity’s attention which will in turn create a collective cup of Humanity’s consciousness. This will open a
tremendous portal of Light through which the Light of God will flow to Birth a New Renaissance of Divine Love for Humanity
and All Life evolving on this sweet Earth. The vehicle that will be used for this global activity of Light is the 26th Annual
World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place during the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence August 11-16,
2012, on the sacred isle of Kauai, in Hawaii. This is a global event and we will all be in our right and perfect place on
the planet to fulfill our individual missions for this event.
Your Part In This Divine Plan
During that sacred week, people in attendance will join in
consciousness with Lightworkers tuning in from around the world, and together we will form a Chalice of Light that will envelop
the entire Planet Earth. The collective cup of our consciousness will form the Open Door through which powerful 5th-Dimensional
Frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light from our Father-Mother God will flow to Birth a Renaissance of Divine Love. This influx
of Light will lift the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every person on Earth. This will move Humanity a quantum leap
toward the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for All life which is our Divine Destiny as Sons and Daughters of God. This
event is a critical step of preparation before the unprecedented influx of Light that will bathe the Earth during the December
21, 2012 Solstice.
As the World Congress On Illumination unfolds each day, the
Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will guide us step by step through the various facets of the Divine Plan.
For this reason, we do not have a lot of information about the specific Divine Ceremonies in advance.
The important thing for you to understand is that we have
All been preparing for lifetimes to fulfill our unique facet of this Divine Plan. Ask your I AM Presence and the Company of
Heaven for guidance, then listen to your heart. Know that the Beings of Light will be guiding you also. Respond to your inner
guidance and you will unerringly weave your magnificent Light into this wondrous event.
We will work in The Eternal Moment Of Now throughout the week,
so whenever you are able to join in consciousness with us will be right and perfect. It does not matter if you are joining
with us at the exact same time. When we are focused in the Eternal Moment of Now, we are One perfect synchronicity.
The momentum of Light will build from the Opening Ceremonies
on August 11th through the Closing Ceremonies on August 16th. Your Divine Intention is what matters. Know that if you intend
to be the most powerful force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will
be. Trust yourself!
Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and
this precious planet. Your Light and Love are needed and gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her.
I truly appreciate you and the Light you are adding to the world.
What Will A Renaissance Of Love Mean For All Of Us?
In order to fully understand the magnitude of what Birthing
a New Renaissance of Divine Love will mean for Humanity and all Life on Earth, the Company of Heaven wants us to remember
how the first Renaissance transformed this planet. The first Renaissance originated a little over 500 years ago in Florence,
Italy. It was part of a master plan to accelerate the return of the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Divine Feminine, which
we have always known as the Holy Spirit. The Divine Intent of the first Renaissance was to awaken Humanity’s creative
right-brain hemispheres which had been almost dormant since our fall from Grace aeons ago.
In the middle of the 14th century we were living in the Dark
Ages and our affinity for culture and the arts was practically nonexistent. In order to stimulate our creative right brains,
the Company of Heaven projected the wisdom of the arts into the mental and emotional stratum of Earth. As this sacred knowledge
filtered into Humanity’s hearts and conscious minds, art, music, dance, literature, and every other creative facet of
the Renaissance elevated people to a level of culture and civility that we had not experienced since our fall from Grace.
The Renaissance inspired civil liberty and a new internal order of culture and political development. It was the beginning
of Humanity’s awakening and a crucial stage in the process of liberating the human mind from our fear-based, fragmented
human ego’s paralyzing grip of fear and misinformation. In the midst of unrivaled, barbaric darkness, the Renaissance
birthed a civilization of a higher order. The most amazing part of all of this is the fact that this transformation was accomplished
in the middle of the Dark Ages during a time when the masses of Humanity were truly asleep.
Now everything has changed. Even though there are still people
on this planet acting as though they live in the Dark Ages, the vast majority of Humanity does not. During the past 25 years
miraculous Activities of Light have been successfully accomplished by Lightworkers around the world and unprecedented Divine
Intervention has taken place. As a result, Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness that has ever occurred
in any system of worlds. The Beings of Light said it is impossible for Humanity to fathom what will be accomplished with the
Birth of a New Renaissance of Divine Love, but they said it will be Glorious beyond our wildest dreams!
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles * New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
* a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization *
FAX: 520-751-2981
* Phone: 520-885-7909 * New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose * PO Box 41883 * Tucson, Arizona 85717 *
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to
share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to
Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage,
empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as
all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly
Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * ***
And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
* Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.