Isis Messages 4 Today 8/5/12

Isis' Message of the Day -

"What is needed now is a universal awareness of our one-ness -- the fact that there really is a single collective, and that we all belong to it."
~ Neale Donald Walsch ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! You've all heard the saying and truly we espouse this principle in the heavens because we know that every adventure you experience there upon your planet earth is an opportunity to bring more love, more light, more truth, and greater inspiration into your lives. Every challenge has its blessings. Every trial gives you greater strength. Every fearful situation is an opportunity to embrace greater faith.
When you don't like where you are at in life, embrace where you are at. Say, "Ok, I'm here!" How do I treat myself with kindness. You have a tendency as human beings to try to assign blame to yourself or others when you are not happy with your present condition. Instead of worrying about what you did wrong, or what someone else did to you, it is far more productive to say, "Here I am. What can I learn? How can I grow? What is the greater truth I can embrace here and now?"
You cannot move forward in your life by looking backwards. You cannot change your reality by beating yourself up for past decisions. You cannot find your God given power if you blame others for your situations. Instead dear ones, own the power that God gave you right here, and right now. Say to yourself, "I am loved beyond reason. I just forgot." "I am blessed with all that I will ever need. I just tried to manage life on my own." "I am connected to everything and everyone that exists. I simply perceive loneliness." "My soul is whole and healthy. I choose to embrace that reality." Little by little as you embrace these eternal truths, inside of your very being, your outer reality will begin to conform as well.
Dear ones, you are powerful beyond measure. You can create amazing grace in your life or you can create incredible challenges. No matter where you find yourself you always have opportunities to create more love, to bring more of God's light and truth into any given situation, and to love the beautiful and amazing being that God created you to be. Choose love dear ones... no matter what. It will transform your entire existence.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Everyone you meet has treasure to share with you, so ask them. Ask the questions of everyone you meet. You will be surprised at how expansive your understanding will become, because they will share with you their understanding of their journey.
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Hilarion's Weekly Message: August 5-12, 2012
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones,
Take time out often to be kind to yourselves as there is much happening upon the inner planes for each of you. The work that you do is multi-dimensional with many dimensions involved. As you continue to come into greater alignment with your Oversoul, so too, do many higher aspects and qualities of your multi-dimensional selves. The work of spiritual progress is one that is ongoing and as most of you who read these messages are aware, goes well beyond the planetary initiations. Most of you are working on Cosmic and Galactic initiations as well.
Many of you have teachers that are only now coming into your sphere of activity as you have risen in your frequency levels. These teachers have been with you for eons and are standing by waiting for your awareness of their presence. Take time to open yourselves to their guidance and direction. We are all working as One and there is only the highest goodwill and cooperation between we of the Planetary Ascended Ones and those of the Cosmic and Galactic Ones, with peace and harmony prevailing. We too, are working on higher initiations as we seek to serve the Planetary Logos and Prime Creator, for upon 5th dimensional and higher worlds, it is service to others that moves us forward and as has been said before, to whom much is given, much is also required.
It is important to continue to persist in the raising and maintaining of your frequency levels for this will make your way easier as the Cosmic energies increase in the atmosphere of your Planet. It requires perseverance and dedication to stick to your highest vision and trust that all is well, no matter the outward appearances in the World around you. As the Awakening Ones become aware of their greater potential, their initial reactions are to let others know what they have discovered and they are in the process of learning that Awakening occurs when a Soul is ready and cannot be forced to happen, although usually the Awakening happens through some event in their lives that shocks and confounds and causes a great deal of inner searching and discovery.
Make a practice of visualizing yourselves as the true you, the magnificent Being of Light and Love that is coming into greater alignment with your human self. This requires complete Love and acceptance of Self just as you are without making comparisons with others around you. Many of you are finding this phase of work difficult because of lifetimes of putting yourselves last rather than first. Give yourselves great Love and honor and align with your Great I AM Presence often during each day. Listen to music that causes upliftment of your heart and Being. You will know which music does this for you and we counsel that you make use of this most pleasant tool for increasing and maintaining of your frequency levels.
Seek to spend as much of your time in 5th dimensional energies as is possible while still being grounded into the Earth’s crystalline diamond core. Your presence and your highest intentions are most important at this time, as the human will surrenders to Divine Will, for your own highest good and for the highest good of All. As more and more people do this, the overall energy of the new Planetary grids increases in frequency and this in turn, uplifts all Humanity. Remember to honor the needs of your body physical with all that it needs to go through the ongoing changes with greater ease and grace. Turn your face to the Sun in silent praise and gratitude as you affirm that you are the Master of your destiny striding towards the horizon to victory. Stay focused and centered as you go about your daily living.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Lady Portia: Time for Love to Each Other From the Heart
Channeled by Méline Lafont
August 4, 2012
My dearest from Earth, my name is Lady Portia and I greet you with all my heart.

We, the Ascended Masters, love you endlessly and because of this fact we like to assist you when confronted with obstacles and experiences. Sometimes we point the way and we provide small hints but we leave the real work and learning up to you. This life on Earth is your quest to find your inner Self, which reflects itself in your outer, surrounding conditions.   Make it as easy on yourselves as possible, my dearest ones, and choose the smoothest way possible when given the choice.  It should not always be hard nor a “mission impossible,” it should not always be a test to learn life’s lessons. Easy and pleasant paths are also provided on your way to Ascension and to self-knowledge.

You have the power to create what you want and you take the side roads that you want depending on your own decisions. Give yourself the chance to make things easier for yourself and to enjoy this world! Life is meant as a learning process, it is a means of evolving further and It therefore implies often that difficult obstacles are to be made or lessons to be learned. But, on the other hand, there are also beautiful moments to enjoy life on this planet Earth involved in these experiences. So my advice is to live and enjoy life! You have the permission! Do not consider everything as a test or an obstacle, in some cases there is a hidden positive aspect behind it all which you are entitled to live to the fullest.
Life is a wonderful thing; consider all those superbly beautiful creations of our Creator, the I AM Presence, Father/Mother God. Their creations are so beautiful to behold; be still and take a close look at them, my dearest ones, don’t take them for granted. Each and every form of creation, each life-form is unique, is special in its own way and is a beautiful specimen! Take a closer look at all the details, cell by cell, inch by inch, on the inside as well as on the outside. Do you really see that wondrous entity? Everything is beautifully crafted from Love, from Light and from the Self! I personally find you all so beautiful, my dearest ones, so exquisitely beautiful and so exceptionally precious.

You are Masters, never forget that; you are Masters in your own right and you are now creating that which will become your New World, your new Self. Let’s all together create a most wonderful world full of Love and Light in which everyone lives in Harmony with each other and where everyone is respected for who they are, for what they do; a world where self-respect and self-love are taken for granted. Let’s create a wonderful world in which everyone knows who you are, what you are, where real Truth is, a world in which nothing or no one has control over any other living organism. A world where there are no prejudices and where neither truth nor lies exist. Nothing is considered wrong and nothing is considered right! Everything is what it is without there being truth nor judgment behind it.

Love one another, my dearest ones, do not tear people down but have genuine respect for one another. The one who respects and truly loves him/herself shall always start from Love thereby respecting and loving others as well. Not from an ego-involvement but from a strong basis in Love. Know and trust! Follow your beloved and beautiful heart; it shows you the way, it is the portal to change, it is the portal to Ascension. Everything starts from your heart and goes through your heart. Take care of yourselves and of others; now is really the time to take that advice to heart. You all need each other to cooperate and to pull on the same string, do not to tear each other down just to defend your own truth. What is truth and what not? Use your intuition and your own heart to discover what is important to You. Love each other, I can not stress that fact enough! I love you with all of my heart, I love you so much!

I AM that I AM
Lady Portia
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Galactic Federation of Light: Improving Dream State Communications
August 3, 2012
Let us begin today by saying that we appreciate all the efforts that many of you are making to treat each other a little better, a little more respectfully, politely, kindly, considerably, gently, and say to you your efforts are very much appreciated and will take you all very far as a collective and as individuals as well, as not much can be done in the ways of advancement until a being learns and demonstrates how to properly communicate with others in the manner in which they deserve and need to be treated.

So many possibilities open for you like doors being pushed open by a spring breeze when you first begin to show the signs that you are making a concerted effort to keep other’s feelings in mind when you are communicating with them in any way, either in person, on the telephone, or through any electronic means, as it does not matter in which way you are communicating with another as words can cut through like a knife any forms of communication and hurt and even scar another individual. Do you understand this? Do you understand that words, even though they cannot touch another person physically, can reach another in so many different ways and do harmful damage just as if you were taking your hand, making a fist and striking an individual?

Do you understand this now a little better? Do you realize that your words can be just as abusive as your fists? We hope that those of you who are engaging in such violence and harm through the use of your repeated slander, rhetoric and hurtful demeanors and attitudes think about what you have just read and think about how many doors would open for you if you continued on in this harmful, unproductive, disrespectful, unfeeling manner, and think about how many doors will close for you if you do not change the direction in which you are so eagerly walking. This is all we have to say on this particular matter today, but we will from time to time be speaking about this again with you as we will continue to read your responses to our messages and we wish so very much for all of you who are engaging in this rude and inappropriate conduct to see clearly the choice you are making, and think about choosing another path that will lead you to bigger, better and brighter, as you do not owe it to anyone any more or any less than yourselves.

Today we would like to speak to you about how you can improve your methods of telepathic communication with us, as we have begun the initial stages of our program to communicate with those of you who we feel would make positive additions to our teams that will begin our first project together, which is to construct sea barriers off the coast of several areas of your planet. We have been sending our communications out to the selected individuals, and we will report to you that a number of you have indeed successfully received our notification and in turn, we have received your reply. We also report to you that there are those of you who we feel have not received our notification as of yet, although for some of you, we have indeed attempted more than once to send you this communication but you have not received it, or as could be the case, some of you have received this message but have not sent us your response.

We cannot know for certain if you have received this message from us, we can only know if you have sent your message back to us, this we can be sure of. We will continue to send our telepathic communications to all of you who we have selected for this initial operation. We will be patient, we will be persistent, but we cannot continue to attempt to send you these communications for a prolonged period of time, as we have made it clear for quite some time now, time is of the essence. The time between today and the finale that is planned for you is not very far off in the distance and we must make haste and begin our many projects together. We hope that those of you who do not receive our communications understand that, for the time being, this is how we must communicate with you. We have no other choice in this matter, and when we can speak with you in person we will fully explain to you why we cannot choose any other means to communicate with you at this time.

We suggest to all of you, since you do not know who it is we have selected for this initial phase of this operation, to pay very close attention to the dreams you may be experiencing, as this is a very suitable and efficient means for us to relay messages to you. There are those of you who report that you have difficulty in remembering your dreams once you awaken. We understand this, although there is nothing we, from our side, can do about this. It is all up to you to find a way to, and to develop skills sufficient to lock-in some kind of memory of the dreams that you are always experiencing. Dreaming is a very natural function and is experienced by all of you, there are no exceptions. For those of you who claim you do not dream, it would be more accurate for you to say that you do not awaken with any recollection of your dreams, for you are certainly experiencing dreams in many ways and forms.

Now that we have been clear about this we would like to suggest to you how to more effectively remember the dreams that you have. Keeping a writing pad and something to write with by your bedside at night is strongly advised, as often when you dream you awaken, even momentarily, and it is then that you may have some sort of recollection of the dream you have just experienced. We say to you to write down as many details of the dream as you can as clearly as you can, so when you awaken later on you can carefully examine what it is you have written down and surmise some sort of message that has been sent to you, if indeed this is what that particular dream represented.

We also suggest to you to perhaps alter your sleep patterns, with the goal being a longer, deeper and more restful sleep. We suggest to you to sleep in complete darkness, hanging extra window coverings if necessary, and possibly placing something under your bedroom door as light may be filtering into your room. Turn off all lighting and even electronics, as LED lights in many of your electronic devices may shine a relatively large amount of light. We also suggest to you to remove all wireless electronics from your room while you are sleeping as these may, but not necessarily, be causing interference of our communications to you.

Your brain has parts that function like a communications satellite, sending and receiving information from your surrounding area and all throughout the universe, and taking care of your equipment is very important. The foods you eat are the fuels and the fluids that run your communications machine. These fuels and fluids must work to enhance your machine and not debilitate your machine. What kind of fuels are you adding to your machine? We suggest to you to scrap all the junk foods, the sweets, the cakes, the cookies and sodas and fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, as these will significantly and almost immediately raise your vibrational frequency, and this will certainly assist you in your communications with the higher realms, as this will physically bring you closer to the higher realms. Do you understand this? Do you understand that your frequency rises and falls like a thermometer all throughout your day, and dependent on the foods you eat, your vibration may rise or dip suddenly and greatly? These are a few of the methods that may improve your telepathic abilities, and we say to you by following these simple guidelines you may see immediate improvements.

We will continue to send messages to those of you we have selected. We will give you warning as to when we feel we cannot spend any more time attempting to send these messages to you and we will have to begin to send messages to those who may not have made the first list, but are certainly individuals we feel would make positive additions to our team, and we will at that time begin to attempt to send out messages to them. Do not allow yourself to fall into panic mode fearing that you will miss your opportunity to work with us because you feel you may have been selected for this initial project but have not received our messages, as this kind of emotional strain will not help you in any way receive our messages and will, in many cases, make matters worse and hamper any communications to and from us. There is still time left for you to receive our messages, we wish to make that clear, and we will continue our efforts immediately and continue them until further notice.

This is all we have for you today dear ones. We hope that you are all doing very well, and again we thank you for all your efforts to communicate with each other more effectively and politely, and we say to those of you who have demonstrated improvements in this area thank you, for you are doing all of us throughout our entire universe a great service. Until we speak again tomorrow, have a wonderful and blessed day dear ones.

We are your friends and family of the Galactic Federation of Light.

Received by Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence.  *  
Ashtar on the World Olympic Games
Through Alec Christos Gabbitas
August 2, 2012
Ashtar, I am here by your side my friend, I am here to answer that which you need to know as all is in highest Divine Order, so be it! There are always mitigating situations that will arise in such an event as the World Olympic Games that are a highlight for one and all on planet Earth at this now time. These climes are as momentous as the occasion implies for it is the pinnacle of interaction and interfacing on many, many, levels that these dualistic and multiracial sporting events are enacted. The ultimate aim is to pursue one's athleticism in equal and fairest intent and with the greater focus to be weaned or placed upon the sharing and the challenging with like/ fellow contenders worldwide. The emotion and energies involved and infused are co-creative of great energetic spirals or packets that could well be utilized for world wide betterment / healing uplift as they are alchemized and focused at the divine right time to energy depleted areas throughout the world as you well know it.
With such an extravaganza as these will there be many an incident or opportunity to rebuild the community spirit and unity consciousness for these energetic inputs by all the many able competitors and of course the large spectator elements, both at the games and perhaps also those who prefer to sit in 'home comfort' are joyous to behold, as men and women now merge their skills, desires, hopes and competitive friendliness to produce the outstanding  finale's that all are seeking, if not world wide, then very far afield indeed. There will also be the human jealousies that arise when maybe a one so young and fresh can out swim or out play those more established 'known' athletes. Human nature, all bubbling up in a myriad of instances that only an event such as these can 'erupt' into many failings, yet possibilities to expand and join forces, unifying the consciousness, balance and merging into a oneness. Wonderful opportunities testing all and sundry in whatever, whichever event or expression of personality and / or character.
Mini 'scares' behind the scenes when 'lesser evolved energies' were cut short in pursuing with their disruptive devices in attempts to bring the Games into disrepute. These might well be shared by the Game's senior ministers, at the successful termination or should we say prevention of, by a security in force acting upon an infiltration of resourceful off planet input of alert! These will no doubt be shared and released after the termination celebrations of the games when all is gainfully finished and successfully brought to a most splendid close. Early days as yet, and we from the heaven's shall we suggest, are also keen and supportive of these events and of course with the same intent as you good souls, to see the games in fine flow with many a sporting achievement that will greatly outplay any mini-disputes of national pride's bubbling to the surface. This may surely be for that is what these games are also a party to, and that is to be likened as to 'the worlds great big melting pot,' where all dissent and disputes in athleticism in competing nations can be released, allowed to boil over and then to gently simmer and be still, with all hot air dispelled and duly digested!
We raise these thoughts for all to lovingly muse upon, and to urge you all to join with these uplifting energies that will prevail for the remainder of these splendid games. It is a difficult task to encourage a perfectly realized event and it will have it's hiccups, yet it is the greater meaning and the greater realization when the whole events are concluded, when all the winners medals gained, when the human traits seen to be released and over come, when those who came second or third might be raised to the same glory and adoration placed initially upon the ‘winner.’ And lastly when all hearts awaken wide to accept and to applaud each and every competitor for his / her endeavor and participation in such a wondrous unifying event, inviting and engineering perhaps a far greater world wide fellowship of man/woman, and encouraging the whole arena’s of spectators, officials, securities, and competitors alike, to unite into the great Oneness that they will undoubtably be co-creating, for the world as a Oneness. For the coming together of all races, of all colors, of all creeds, of all walks of life, with the utmost realization that All is ONE and that ONE is All! Namaste.
(( Let us not forget, how could we, to enjoin as the world wide family, loving and joyfully celebrating, congratulating the divine eternal powers that be... Thank you beloved Mother Father God! Thankyou beloved Supreme Creator!
As these closing ceremonies conclude this magnificent Olympic Games we to- gether collect and send all these vibrant and vital energies, that have been  collectively co-created throughout the whole of these Olympic's, and as  One send them out to flood the heart of beloved Mother Earth and to places of great need; for this we so decree in the name of the highest divine will and order.  So be it.... (3 times)
© Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. *  Copy share and circulate in its entirety. Love Is The Only Way. *

Uriel: Recognize Your Own Mastery
Channeled by AuroRa Le
August 2, 2012
Lately I’ve been noticing the number 3, or rather series’ of 3's, cropping up everywhere I look.  While it’s become normal for us to see numerological messages all the time, such as 1's, 2's, 4's and 5's;  the 3's seem to be making a more splashy showing than usual.  On the clock (3:33, 10:33, 5:33…); my  microwave is always on 33 seconds when I stop it, every time; the odometer on my car read 33, 333 earlier this week;  always 33 messages in my inbox, when I check email;  $3.33 for gas at the station on the corner; my groceries totalled $53.33, this morning.  It’s kind of hard to miss!  I have Doreen Virtue’s "Angel Numbers 101;" app on my Iphone (I would advise everyone to download this), and it’s proven to be very handy when I get numerological promptings throughout the day.  However, most sources will tell you that 33 refers to your having a powerful and clear connection to the Ascended Masters, and they are watching out for you and answering your prayers.  333 steps it up a notch and indicates that there are many Masters around you at this time, directing and guiding you.  I was very touched by this display of their love, and during meditation thanked them for such an obvious show of devotion and support.  Although I couldn’t key in to any one particular Master who was around me.  Then Uriel stopped by for a chat, and provided me with a wonderful explanation, which he requested I pass on to all of you.

While indeed the benevolent Masters are gathered around you at all times, on any given day, you must consider that there is now much more to their presence here than simply protection and subtle guidance.  They have come to further awaken you and to issue you a challenge to recognize your own mastery.   In order to expand on this, I will explain that at present you are being coached and prepped by scores of Ascended Masters, Angelic Guides and members of your Galactic Families for your up and coming roles in the unfolding of Divine Events.  Yes, by all means, give great consideration to the ever-increasing numerological promptings you are receiving.  Do see them  as evidence of our presence all around you.  The number sequences have become all the more obvious and plentiful, so as not to go unnoticed by you.  Most especially the sequences of 3, and yet the reason for this is one that you may not have yet considered.
My friends, you are the new Masters.  Do you resonate with these words?  Do they strike a chord of recognition in you?  If the answer is yes, then you are The Ones the world has been waiting for.  It is no lie, no false prediction that in these times the Masters would live as human-incarnate and walk the Earth as flesh and blood.  You-the teachers, the speakers, the healers, the revolutionaries.  You have ascended already so far past the limitations of the lower dimensions of consciousness, I warrant the majority of you barely recognize yourselves from just a year ago!  And while, yes, you still occupy a dense 3rd dimensional body, even that is transfiguring at lightning pace and will shortly be on par with your highly advanced levels of consciousness.  You have chosen to live from the heart.  You find yourselves incapable of deception, of uttering falsehoods.  You feel tremendous compassion for the most innocent of creatures, and wish for nothing more than honor, abundance and goodness for all beings, great and small.  You are on fire to right the wrongs of the past, and to create a world where all are free from tyranny and none will ever again go hungry.  You have lost your taste for materialism and self-destructive entertainments. Every waking thought you have is centered around raising the consciousness of the human race and expanding your already unmatched mastery of these concepts.
Is this you I describe?  Are you following in the footsteps of our blessed Brother, Jesus Sananda and his beloved Magdalene?  I trust that you are, should you find yourself studying my words.  Indeed, I see it and I feel it deep within my heart.  It is but time now for you to recognize your own greatness and take ownership of the Ones you truly are, as this is who you were before you came and the very Self you are reclaiming for the future.  The repeated succession of 3's are The Ascended Masters’ way of grabbing your attention, and to cause you to focus on the issue of Mastery.  They are alerting you to the truth that you have crossed over the final threshold and there is no going back.  Not ever.  And why, I ask you, would you ever want to?  Be you a homemaker, political leader, agriculturalist, educator, parent-you are each strategically placed to make a difference in the overall light quotient of the Earth and her inhabitants.  There are no grand expectations that we have of you, only that you Be, and Be with great honor and with grace.  Think not that these are impossible shoes to fill, for they have been  molded to fit you to perfection.  They are shoes that you have walked in many, many times before.  Look for the signs of our never-wavering support, for they are all around you.  We remain close by your side, my valiant Friends.  Go forth in Mastership.

About Me

I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray.  I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner.  This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth.  I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in "reality") as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.   
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives.  Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space.  This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us.  Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Whichever it is, or if you just happened to find this site by Divine Synchronicity (there are no accidents), be open to everything!  Speak your truth.  Tell the world who you “really” are.  *  *  Email:

Archangel Michael: Relax Into The Flow of Things
Channeled through Ron Head
August 2, 2012
Greetings to you on this morning of your passing through the energies of the full moon.  Let us speak of that which was so powerful that it awakened you.  We are always speaking of these things, it seems.  But many are feeling these things for the first time and do not know where to get an explanation.
We told you previously that these frequencies would continue to increase in power and purpose.  As they have changed your molecular structure, they have made this safer for you and, in most cases, a bit more pleasurable.  Now you have reached a point where you can sustain, without harm, wholesale change to your entire bodily system if you have not resisted what needed to be done.  We advise you to relax into the flow of these things and remember that they are being done to assure not only your ascension, but your actual well-being.  Remember, no one has ever gone through all of this in their physical embodiment, not on Earth, and not on any other planet.
There have been some ones who have volunteered to experience these things as a sort of test to see what you could deal with and what you could not.  Things have been very, very uncomfortable for some of them for quite some time.  They will of course be very joyful of the outcome of their chosen journeys, but we say to you that you all owe them a great deal.  Because of what they have passed through, many of you are able to travel this path with little or no pain, even to the point of hardly noticing.  Some even welcome and enjoy each step up in the process.  From the perspective of your ascension, eight hours of half-sleep through cellular and molecular excitation will not seem too high a price to pay.
As before, this will have served to prepare you for the physical, and also the non-physical things which are beginning to manifest for you.  Your bodies are being prepared to house much, much more of the light of your entire selves.  Depending upon where you are individually in your journey, you may have already begun to perceive some of the new possibilities this will afford you.  We cannot list these for you.  There are billions of possibilities.  It would be like trying to list all the possible flavors of soup.  Each of you has spent much time and experience collecting the ingredients.  Just enjoy the flavor of soup that you are, and have fun sampling all the others around you.
You are each unique, powerful, beautiful beings.  It is time now for you to awaken to the full realization of that.  We promise you that this thrill ride is just warming up.  You are embarking upon the surfing, bungee jumping, sky diving, white water ride of your forever lives.  Throw up your arms and scream in glee.  We are clapping as we enjoy it with you.  Call upon us and we will be even closer to you than we are now.  You will feel this if you wish.  We will speak again soon.
Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:  *  
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
