Isis' Message of the Day -
Emissaries of Light are from your future; the future of
the Earth and of any other fifth dimensional world that you will come to know. They have moved backward in linear time in
order to assist in the Ascension. They are healers of time lines, ascensions of planets, and other multi-dimensional
births of consciousness. These beings are teachers and their wisdom is unparalleled at this time. Their interest lies within
your heart that is one of the reasons they speak so softly. They speak at a volume that is aligned with an aspect of your
future and is found only in the heart.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Archangel Michael: Keep surfing the waves, but get your dancing
shoes out
We are gratified that so many are looking forward to and following
our messages. While you may feel that it is having a beneficial effect upon your own hearts and consciousness, I, Michael,
assure you that it is reaching far wider than you suppose. You are being prepared to be the calm and reassuring rock
that others can depend upon and you are making wonderful progress.
Still less do you perceive, as yet, the energetic changes
which are being made to your bodies and even your DNA itself. Watch for beneficial changes for which you have long hoped.
Do not be reticent to allow your hope to become intention, as it will naturally do, when you understand the power your consciousness
has on your physical beings. As you begin to realize these things, revisit your dreams and instill them with your intention.
Become the creators you came here to be. Begin to think of yourselves, and act like, the creators that you indeed are.
We tell you now, and not for the first time, that you are
only remembering who you have always been. There are some who would do anything to keep you from knowing this, but their
time is over. It is only necessary now for you to remain focused on your own upliftment a little longer. It may
not appear so when you look about, but hold to your centers and very quickly your world will change around you.
You will find examples of this in your past, if you examine
it. Change, being slow at first, rushes to the inevitable once the brink is reached. We have offered you, and
will again today, pictures of grand waterfalls upon your lands. This is exactly the image you may hold of what is about
to occur. As we mix up our metaphors intentionally, keep surfing the waves, but get your dancing shoes out.
We know this type of message attracts many comments from those
discouraged and disillusioned, who feel that nothing is happening for themselves. We once again urge them to make the
decision to begin to change their own consciousness. All help will be given if it is asked for. The changes which
are necessary, and which are indeed in progress, begin within individuals. This is always so. Change has never
been made to you, but by you. And the kinds of change needed to change your entire world overnight must begin within
millions of hearts.
This is happening as we speak. As evidence begins to
leak out of more positive signs, it will at first be laughed at in attempts to discredit it. Even attempts to offer
you obviously fake evidence, in order to discredit real happenings, will be made. This is the time for your powers of
discernment to come to the fore. Who do you trust? What does your heart tell you? And it is alright for
you to wait for more evidence before you decide. Only one thing is of paramount importance. You must remain steadfast
in your determination to bring your vision of the future into being.
Ask your Creator, ask us, and ask your higher selves for whatever
you need to accomplish this one thing. It will be alright for you to allow all the rest to work itself out, as it surely
will. We think you can see from our messages where our feelings lie. Our love and respect for those who have volunteered
to do what you are doing is immense. Call on us whenever you please. We wish for nothing more. I, Michael,
and all with me, wish you good day and peace in your hearts.
Received by Ron Head
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy
and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this
copyright notice link: *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you can stay in judgment as long as you want
to or as short as you want to, but there is no judgment of you; it is just what you are experiencing. You will move on then
to love, to love self and to laugh at self and to say, “Oh, there’s that issue again. I know it well. Okay, I’m
going to wrestle with it a while longer. I’m going to wrestle with it until I’m really complete with it.”
Living In Unity Consciousness
by Joe Weaver
August 19, 2012
Describing the experience of living in unity consciousness
dates back thousands of years. It has been explained in a lot of different ways over time by a countless number of people.
For the majority of people on Earth the idea or perception of unity consciousness also known as Christ consciousness has been
tied to a belief system or religion, however no beliefs or religions are needed in order to experience this level of our consciousness.
In actuality we are already one with unity consciousness. It is the perceptions and beliefs of living separately from it that
creates the separation from experiencing this level of our conscious being.
Take a moment and center yourself within your heart. Take
a few breaths and let go of the circulating thoughts within your brain. Feel yourself within your heart center. Now let me
ask you a question, if you let go of all your fears, judgments, beliefs, worries, anger, guilt, denial and perceptions of
separation from the rest of the world, what do you have? To our mental mind this perception may look like nothingness, however
it is within this nothingness lies the truth to our own eternal knowingness. Beyond all the distractions that the mental mind
and ego creates we can see and experience the truth that all is One.
The yin and yang symbol can represent many things. It depends
on our perception of the image that we can see duality or unity. Our perception will be reflecting what we are holding onto
inside our consciousness at the time. Of course if we are holding onto fear of something else in our reality the more we will
see the split in the sides. The same goes for fear and love. Experiencing fear or love is a choice. The more someone lives
in fear the more separation they see, where someone living in love sees more unity. So it all comes down to choice. Everyone
has the choice to how they wish to experience reality. The attachments and beliefs that we hold onto within us reflects within
our perceived reality. The yin and yang can also represent Mother/Father, the Source of All That Is. If you wish to call the
Source of All That Is “God” then this is your choice also. No matter what words are used the truth cannot be changed
that all originates and is a reflection of One Source. Everyone and everything is living within this collective organism.
There is no separation. The only separation that does exist is our choice to experience other levels within our own collective
Being. All is infinitely One and this includes the darkness. Where does the darkness go when it is done experiencing itself?
Into the Light! How could we experience a reflection of our own Self if we did not have the darkness? All is playing a role
within our collective experience.
Right now on Earth and within our Universe we are at an apex
of one cycle and we are entering a new one. At these junctures the polarities of our collective Self are heightened to one
end of the scale or the other. Currently we are leaving a time of experiencing darkness/unawareness into a time of unity/remembrance.
The changes we are experiencing now go way beyond us in physical form on Earth. Our whole octave of 12 dimensional densities
of reality are evolving into another universal experience. It comes down to what we would like to experience. Everyone has
a choice, if someone wish’s to continue and learn more about 3D or evolve into another level, it is up to them/us. This
period of time is about “opportunity”.
If you would like assistance in bringing greater balance and
unity within your Self here is a quick exercise. Take a moment and center yourself within your heart and state to your I AM
Presence. I am open to be love “now”! I release all that no longer serves me “now”! I bring all levels
of my being into complete harmony and balance “now”! I am One with All That Is “now”! I Am That I
Am! From these very simple steps you might have been able to feel the power that lies within you. Personal transformation
takes action. It takes the willingness of a person/soul to release what blinds/binds us from our own eternal truth/knowledge.
How could the truth be known if we continue to hold onto the denial and illusion of wholeness? It is up to us! Live it if
you wish to see and experience it….. : )
Here is a recent video I created to explain the levels of
duality and non-duality consciousness within our being. The more we learn about ourselves in love the more we awaken and remember
our place within All That Is.
Joe Weaver is a personal transformation coach, speaker and
worldwide facilitator of workshops that promote personal empowerment, transformation, realization, and ascension. For more
information, to view upcoming events, or sign up to his email list, visit
Calling all energy therapists! Let’s stand together
as One in service to humanity. Join the Energy Therapy Alliance project. Be the change you wish to see! For more information
about the Energy Therapy Alliance and how to participate, please visit *
Everything Is Part Of Source
(Question): I have a question from a guy who loves the way
love is taught, but can't seem to get his head around the fact that the God of his Catholic background doesn't seem to be
there. When you say that he is a part of Source and not an individual as he understands it, you have completely lost him.
Can you perhaps explain it to him in simpler terms?
All right. Let us simply say that not only are each of you
part of the Source-ness, but you are - this is a synergy, if you like - each an individual with your own choices, your own
freedom to be what you choose. However, in the larger picture, each one of you is part of an energetic frequency called Source.
Humanity is not alone in this. Everything in existence is
part, is a thought form, of Source. So you can say that every species is a thought form, whether it is a species of animal,
mineral or vegetable. All of it, all of it - the planets themselves, the galaxies themselves - are all thought forms
of Source. That is probably the easiest way we can describe that.
And human consciousness has individual choice in every moment
- in a way has created it to be so. Now, of course, this does not fit in with the idea of a terrible God who is judging you
all at every moment, giving you black marks if you do not match up to some idea of whatever religious dogma is in your life.
We say to you that to personify God likened unto a man, but
bigger and more powerful, is really minimizing what God truly is. For human consciousness to grasp the idea of God or Source
- we would prefer to say Source rather than God - it is necessary to just look at your world, the entire natural world, and
say, "This, as I am, is a thought form of Source." If you look at the stars in the heavens and say, "They also are thought
forms of the Source," then how can you indeed minimize Source as some superstitious idea?
(Question): And what you've said leads me perfectly into the
next question. In the book Act of Faith, you're quoted as saying, "I've scurried all over the sky and have not found him,"
speaking of God and the fact that there is no God separate from us. Isn't God more than the sum of the separate systems of
realities that he has created? Isn't Source bigger than creation?
Of course. But you see, that "bigness" is so huge that human
consciousness cannot really perceive what it might be. So that is what we are saying. You look at your universe and say, "If
these are thought forms of Source, then indeed how grand must Source be?"
(Question): Yes. We can't even grasp the concepts of the multiverses
and the fact that there are billions and billions and billions of galaxies beyond us, so I don't think we stand a chance with
Source. But I like what you are saying about looking at each of the creations as a thought form of that.
And in a way, you can look at that which is man-made and say,
"These are thought forms of humanity brought into material existence," because everything exists as thought before it can
be made manifest in physicality, you understand? Everything exists as consciousness, as energy and consciousness, before it
can be made manifest.
Excerpt from: Personal Power Is a Choice * P'taah through
Jani King * * From SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE * October 2006 Issue * *
Master Lanto: Dissolving the Drama of Ascension
Channelled through Natalie Glasson
August 20, 2012
With light expression I bless you with the Christ Consciousness
of the Creator, with truth, peace and an eternal love; I emanate the vibration of the Christ into your entire being so you
may recognise the same within yourself, expansively and eternally. I am Master Lanto, my energies are gentle but radiant and
I have worked closely with many aspects of the Christ including Master Jesus. It is my purpose to activate the devotional
energies to the Creator around and within your being, as well as enhancing your luminosity. Devotion to truth, radiance, loving
determination and the Christ vibration are of great importance at this stage of ascension, it is essential to allow these
qualities to activate in harmonious balance from within your being. You may also find that within your recognition of these
sacred qualities that there is in areas an imbalance, this can be adjusted easily.
Allow yourself to practice the below affirmations:
I am devotion in divine balance,
I am radiance in divine balance,
I am determination in divine balance,
I am the Christ vibration in divine balance.
Allow yourself to inhale as you state the first affirmation
in your mind, as you exhale allow the divine balance to be formed, created and to flow from your being. Inhaling once more,
repeat the second affirmation, exhale allowing the divine balance to form and flow. Continue in this manner stating all four
affirmations and then beginning one more. Call me forward to assist in the creation and manifestation of divine balance within
and around your being.
Balance is an energy each soul seeks; it is almost a security
for the soul allowing for greater alignment with the Creator. Balance cannot be grasped or even adopted but must manifest
from within your being, the essence of truth or your creator presence that you hold. Balance can be determined as steadiness
or stability. When I think of balance I do not imagine it as an energy I will become or a quality I can acquire in my reality
but an understanding of alignment with the Creator. When you connect with the Creator or universal energies, whether within
or around you, then balance is a reality that unfolds, not due to your focus upon balance but due to your surrendering to
become the vibration of the Creator. When balance is evident within your reality you can be sure that the vibration of the
Creator is present and divinely integrated. If unbalance is present then you can identify that a greater connection or acceptance
of the Creator within and around you is needed. In areas of unbalance a connection with the Creator can be formed by
allowing the light of the Creator to emanate from your being during certain circumstance. Asking for the Creator to bless
and align certain energies or situations to the divine essence of the Creator will also be of assistance, or by simply expressing
the abundant love from your being while knowing you are at one with the energy and divine wisdom of the Creator. In this state
you open yourself up to the divine magic of the Creator allowing for truth and blissful energies to unfold.
The presence of balance can also be seen as a deep and devoted
trust in the vibration of the Creator. I, Master Lanto, believe trust in the Creator is of great importance at this time of
ascension. There is also a need for you to place trust in yourself as a powerful, wise being that can make a difference to
your own vibration, reality and awareness.
With the upcoming magnification of the Creator and energetic
shifts in December 2012, the Creator is providing each person with an opportunity to love themselves unconditionally, to place
greater trust and faith in their own power and radiant light as well as reaffirming their trust in the Creator. In many ways
this is to create a greater balance or attunement to the Creator. I am aware of the numerous ideas held within the general
consciousness of humanity concerning what will occur in December 2012, it is my wish to share some simple information that
will assist you in achieving the most blissful experience.
I ask first that you dissolve all expectations concerning
this time that we speak of, making a peace within your being that you are happy and content in not knowing what will occur
during this time. By relaxing your expectations and feeling content even when uncertainty is before you then you will awaken
and open your energies allowing for greater grace and divine intervention to be experienced. I would encourage you to talk
to yourself during meditation or quiet time, explaining that you are perfectly at ease with everything that is occurring and
you are happy to place your trust in the Creator watching the glorious enfoldments. It is important to dissolve all judgments
you may make about the magnification process, allowing for love, trust, balance and determination to radiate from your being
and mind.
I ask secondly that you are observant of the dramas you create
in your reality and to eradicate these as much as possible. To create a drama in your reality is to enhance an energy, emotion,
thought or situation. As a soul constantly searching for a deeper connection with the Creator you may feel as if you are constantly
enhancing or increasing your own energy but in truth you are allowing your energy to unfold. When you enhance energy you make
it larger than it actually is, when you allow energy to unfold it becomes larger but also becomes more whole, you are linking
into the flow of the Creator's light. Drama is often seen in negative situations, especially emotional experiences and is
often created to attract greater attention or even love onto the individual. Drama can also be experienced in spiritual practices,
for example, if you are meditating sensing the love in your heart, you may become focused upon the love wanting it to grow,
saying to yourself how blissful the love is and how you wish to experience it more fully. In many ways even this is creating
a drama as you are trying to enhance the love rather than allowing it to unfold from within your being. When you simply observe
the love within your being and open yourself to experience a greater flow your entire being rejoices and there is no need
to enhance the love experienced, it simply grows without boundaries.
It is my wish that you begin to observe the drama that you
create in your reality or the energies, emotions, thoughts, experiences that you try to enhance in your reality. The important
realisation is that there is no need to enhance the energies but to allow yourself to have a more open and free experience
of the energies. If you can begin to observe this within your being and reality you will free yourself of expectations and
many ideas which may not have formed from truth, you will also gain a greater balance or attunement to the Creator. When you
then perceive or experience the magnification of December 2012 you will understand there is no need to create any drama within
or around you but to allow the energies to flow from your being and the Creator. In truth to simply be open to experience
the eternal flow that is the Creator.
We may see many people creating drama in love or fear at this
time as they try to find security, balance and a greater understanding, but if you are able to gain a greater mastery in your
own reality you will be able to recognise the same in others. Allow your energy and intentions to assist them in experiencing
the truth and love of the Creator. Let us dissolve from the consciousness of humanity the need to create drama and enhance
energies, let us simply experience the magnitude of the Creator's light within and around each other.
My name is Master Lanto, I reassure you that I am here to
assist you in any way that I can, simply call upon my energies and presence and I will be at your service.
In love and devotion always,
Master Lanto
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael,
she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers
to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service
of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *
Ashtar of the Galactic Federation
Through Elizabeth Trutwin
August 17, 2012
Greetings, this is Ashtar. We are increasing our communications
to you now to let you know your energy is needed now. The sequential flow of events continues. In my last message I had talked
about how on Lions Gate a natural transducer had been used and a rarely traveled pathway or portal had been utilized to allow
in millions or more large Mother Ships into Earths inner orbit. This operation had been prepared and practiced many times
since 2010. It was a resounding success. The technology of the Secret Space program to monitor and detect mass movements did
not have its sites pointed here and the operation was complete before data could be had. Since their entry into Earths inner
orbit the Ships have moved into position for their individual assignments. These Ships are capable of many wonderful things.
The whole point of moving them into Earths inner orbit is the influence they may exude directly to Earth. Although we may
not interfere with Earth civilizations, we are not hindered in any way from projecting light and love to the Planet and to
the hearts of its inhabitants. This is a moment we have been waiting for a very long time.
Lions Gate marked the first of many portals Earth will
transcend as it enters what you call Ascension this December 21, 2012. These are a series of Galactic Alignments which allow
Earth to enter the dimensional frequency of the Higher Realms. In this new level of love Earth will be invited to rejoin the
Intergalactic Councils of Light. Anything Galactic refers to what happens in the Milky Way Galaxy. Intergalactic affairs are
within the neighboring Galaxies with the Andromedan Galaxy as your nearest neighbor. Within the Universe Nebadon there are
unlimited numbers of Galaxies. Earth with her duality phase over will be readmitted to the Intergalactic Councils and will
be allowed to participate in the decision making of Intergalactic Affairs. You can see how this will open potentials greatly.
Earth will be fully functioning at a level where uninhibited Space Travel for all its citizens will be completely unregulated.
You will be free to move about the Galaxy at will and each individual will be equipped to do so. This is only made possible
with the removal of the Intergalactic War Criminals from Earth.
With the opening of Lions Gate at this celestial alignment
a very interesting phenomena occurred three nights ago. Earths second moon returned to its orbit. The waning crescent moon
could be seen setting on the eastern horizon in a glorious blaze of orange. Earths second moon rises in the west and sets
in the east climaxing in the sky together with Luna in the days between. The Hindu astronomers have always mentioned Earths
moons in their incantations and magical ceremonies. The second moon arrived at the appointed hour in the sequential flow of
events at changeover. The Cancer moon represents Mother's Love and the Leo moon - the second new moon this month - represent
the Lordly Lion, Father's Love. Mother and Father energy combining this way are required for change-over and three days before
the Leo new moon our second moon appeared. Today is the New Moon so no moons will be visible in the sky. This is a time to
meditate on the changes you wish to see on Earth between now and August 31st when we have this months Leo full moon. Your
energy is needed now. Be Love like never before! Look for the second moon in the eastern sky this month. It will only be visible
from certain vantage points. Have your cameras ready. You will start to see pictures of it on the internet. Just as Niburu
appears in photos as a second Sun. This moon is an actual moon of Earth returning to its orbit and that was not possible until
the side real location of the stars orbiting Earth aligned in the Higher frequencies. It is done. Just as the stars rotate
around Earth changing position all year, the second moon will come more and more into alignment and at change-over will be
a fully functioning member of Earths orbit once again. The second moon fell from its visible position in Earths orbit during
the last great War in this sector when so many Starseeds migrated as refugees to Earth. Many of you have been here since.
This is when a nuclear explosion tore the surface off most of Mars. It was at that time the civilizations at Mars retreated
to Mars interior just like the civilizations of Telos and others at inner Earth. To send pictures back from the barren surface
and not mention the inner dimensions of Mars, well that is a farce that will abruptly come to an end.
Another of the sequential flow of events taking place
is the simultaneous forgiving of all Souls who have mended their ways and returned to love and the complete removal of Souls
who have not. If you are reading this and all Souls still here will stay through Ascension. Much has been said over the years
of when the dark Souls would be transported through Galactic Center, through the black hole and sent back to the Light Universe
called On. The dark Universe we exist in is called Nebadon. The light Universe on the other side of our Galactic Center is
called On. They are exact duplicates except one is light and one is dark. The dark Universe requires the light of the Sun
in order to have life exist here. This is the Sun God Ra or Vishnu, the Creator God Alcyone or Brahma and the Destroyer Mother
Sekhmet/Kali Durga or The Holy Spirit also known as Sophia. The extraterrestrial cultures on Earth have immortalized the trinity
Gods and Goddesses in their architecture, art and ancient texts going back to the last great War. We have been working toward
this moment since including the complete required removal of all nuclear threat to this sector.
Today we were able to achieve another great accomplishment.
In communicating these changes you are invited to tune in and see how it feels. It is possible to feel the light changes occurring
in your world. It just feels better now. There is less interference in the frequency of love. The British papers started the
morning at a meeting in Finland covering the complete dissolution of the Euro denomination. Surely the pronouncements were
sugar coated, It was interesting to note China, Japan and Germany's roles in inflating values of currencies as well as stock
values and how they weave the Iranian fake threat and fake oil prices to keep the markets artificially buoyant. This is a
massive illusion and only matrix programming keeps the illusion running. Angela Merkel has been charged with pronouncing the
truth to the world or exiting the stage. It will not be long until we know her decision.
All of these things happening today are grand on their
own scale. Something much much larger was accomplished today. All of the large Mother Ships which entered Earth orbit August
8, 2012 carried off a large scale operation where they linked their communication systems together. Remember this technology
is evolved and sentient in its own right. This connected vibrational frequency can make miracles happen. It cannot be overstated
the power of this link. There is a Hindu myth story of the churning of the ocean that describes this operation. We have done
this thousands of times before - churning the Galactic Sea, fooling the dark ones into submission and then with love returning
their Souls to the light. This is the moment when they become uncreated on the Time Lines of this Earth Cycle as if they were
never born. In the realization of the complete removal of the dark Ones the nectar of Divine Love pours out to all who remain
raising their light frequencies along with their intellect so the moment of change-over can complete and they will get it!
This operation has come to completion this day August 17, 2012. The ramifications will echo out like a drop of water spiraling
outward in a Sea of Love during the next 72 hours. Look for changes!
Congratulations! We are nearly there. Lend your Love in
greater and greater amounts while saying good-bye to the old. Stay tuned. Thank you for your Service in the Ground Crew. Salut!
This is Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Federation.
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as
all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly
Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * ***
And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
* Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.