Isis Messages 4 Today 8/15/12

Isis' Message of the Day -

You are on the brink of discovering your Selves, your numinous and ineffable Consciousness.  Choose your consciousness in each moment you breathe. The path has been opened to you, the alarms have rung and you have awakened.  Now, it is time to stand on your own feet, declaring your sovereignty, your divinity, and your humanity, and owning ALL of it.  What is past is past.  We now invite you to walk on in Faith, and allow Spirit to live and move and have Its Being in you so completely that you will be as angels upon the Earth, and bring Heaven to it.  Then, the promise of old shall be full-filled.
 "Behold, these things and greater shall ye do!"
~ Ariel ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message

Ah, Beloved,
The certainty that Good is supposed to happen, and, indeed already has happened, from the perspective of the timeless mountain of Spiritual View, can free your heart from endless worry.
Good happens, Beloved.  Eventually, you remember that you have always been a joyous part of All.  Each time you choose to remember this, it helps shorten the time you endure any uncertainty, or pain, or death.  This is a hard concept for the human mind to understand.  But the simple approach to it is easy.  Choose to expect Good.  Choose to be grateful for Good.
How the time of worry becomes timeless Joy cannot be absorbed in a moment.  But the simpleness of trusting Good, and expecting Love to keep Loving you, can.
Expect that.  Be Loved, and Love Goodness back, and you leapfrog into your best.

© 2012 Maija Ingrida Meijers * Email: maija at  * or call her at 413 625 6178 * cell phone 413-775-3964 * or write to her at PO BOX 98, Shelburne Falls, MA01370 USA *  Private sessions are done by email or phone, or in person, by appointment, or by serendipity. *   
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when a problem arises, take the deep breath and go deeper with it. Ask, “How can I see this differently?” Sometimes separated ego doesn’t want to see it differently. Sometimes separated ego says, “No, I want to stay with my hurt and anger. They have done such a manure pile on top of me that it’s going to take me awhile to get out of this.” That is separated ego speaking to you, and that is okay. You work your way through it and know that when you have come through it, that which has seemed to be this huge pile of manure is actually being sold in the stores at a great price as fertilizer.
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SaLuSa: Think Big and Think Ascension
Through Mike Quinsey
August 15, 2012
We are entering the closing stages of the preparations for Ascension, and that requires a great deal of co-operation from our Allies. To dismantle the web of corruption, and the corporations that have been empowered by the Illuminati, has been a mammoth task and is still proceeding. Bear in mind that the plan of the dark Ones was established over 200 years ago, and its tentacles have penetrated almost every facet of your existence. Like a cancer it has quickly spread until it has become difficult to completely eliminate, but we have been able to bring it to a halt. Our allies have been using the very circumstances that the dark Ones have created, to turn it in upon themselves and have seriously weakened their power structure.
The removal of many top members of the Illuminati proceeds, and in general there is a build up to remove others who are their pawns in the political and Government circles. It is going well and will soon open up opportunities to move nearer to Disclosure, and get organized for the advancement of other projects. Believe us Dear Ones, we are well behind those who are carrying the responsibility for getting things really off the ground. We will all breath a sigh of relief when at last we can be seen to openly work with you. One aspect of your upliftment proceeds regardless of any activities to hold up your progress, and that is the amount of Light being received by you. It is pouring upon the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside of your solar system. You are in a Galactic shift of immense power and by now you are beginning to feel the changes.
At your level following your daily routine, you could be forgiven for thinking that very little was happening. That is far from the truth, and many Beings off Earth are involved in one of the most exciting adventures they have ever attended. It is such that your Universe is aware of the immense importance of what you are about to experience. If you truly realised what you have undertaken, you would hardly concern yourselves with what we would call the minor details. They are of course important to you, but none more so than your actual Ascension. So please keep your unwavering focus on where you are going, and leave the details to us and you will not be let down.
As you absorb more Light so you will find that your level of consciousness is growing. At a physical level you may feel at times as though you are walking upon air, even bouts of dizziness. That will pass and you will be truly aware of a greater peace within and be so assured about your future, that you will stand out as one who is glowing with love. Emotions will be calm and easily controlled, but you will experience a deep feeling of happiness and joy just to be on Earth at such a momentous time. It is also the subconscious realization that you have at last lifted up out of duality, and that it can no longer have any hold over you. You have reached your goal and won the battle to come through it all with your Light shining bright.
Think big and think Ascension, as it is the most fantastic experience that you will have and you will remember every second of it. Every soul has the same opportunity to lift up, so please do not worry about those around you who seem disinterested. They will yet have a final chance to ascend and you cannot know exactly what might awaken them. Either way they will follow a course that is right for them, and they will continue to have life experiences that keep them on the path of evolution. Help people by all means when you have an opportunity to do so, but do not force your beliefs upon them because as helpful as they may seem, you may do more harm than good. Souls grow at different rates of progress, and no two of you are exactly the same. Leave them to find their own path, and know that they have Guides as you do who work with them in that respect.
As you are finding out there are many sources turning their attention to what the future means to you in real terms. It is after all only a short time before you ascend, and you will need to know what to expect. At present no one source is attempting to cover every aspect of the changes, but each in turn is informing you of what you will experience in the immediate future and immediately after Ascension. The old technologies have long passed there usefulness, and must make way for great advances which so far you have been denied. As you already know much of it is based upon free energy which is everywhere in the Universe. No matter how much you use you can never run out, and it is simple to collect it and put it into use.
Another great change will see all pollution making applications replaced by ones that are pollution free. Pollution has not just damaged your land, but also the airways and your oceans. You and other forms of life have suffered illnesses or death as a consequence, and the earth has become poisoned. There is to be clean and healthy water, pure air and land that has been cleansed of poisonous chemicals and all forms of waste. Mother Earth has to be restored to her pristine condition, after millennia of time allowing Man to live off her. Eventually all areas that have been polluted with negative energies will also be restored, until nothing but the higher energies remain.
The Galactic Federation of Light has well prepared for the coming time, and has made audio presentations that will give you a clear understanding of what is going to happen. You have a reasonably good idea already, but we want to expand your knowledge so that you feel comfortable with the changes. The speed at which they will take place will ensure that you do not feel put out by them. Even the lifting up of Earth's vibrations will result in a degree of cleansing, because the lower energies will become transmuted through molecular changes. Our technologies will to a large extent allow us to operate directly from our craft that are stationed around your Earth. Indeed, we have already been working that way for quite a time, to keep major pollution in your oceans at a low level.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your patience that shall be well rewarded. We are your friends and will treat you as such and share much with you that will be enjoyable, including some trips in our craft. Keep going and know that we and many other souls are with you, and love every one of you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *   
Isis: The Great Frontier of the Heart
Through Mercedes Kirkel on 6/9 2012
August 14, 2012
Blessings my very dear ones,
This is Goddess Isis. It has been a long time since I have come to you and spoken, for truly words are not my primary vehicle of communication. And yet tonight I am so moved to be with you, to share my heart with you, my love, and whatever wisdom I can bring that will help you, that I choose to be here in this form. My heart is so full of love. This is what I mostly wish to share with you. It is the woman’s way, in so many ways, the heart of the Mother, to want to share love. And of course, men are never excluded from this and have so much to share themselves. But love is the particular domain of the feminine within all of us – men and women. It is something we treasure so much, and yet often-times we work against it, eclipse it, busy ourselves with things that seem to bury it in the sand. So we need reminders to come back to that beautiful space of love that we love, and yet, tend to shy away from, to be afraid of at some level.
This is part of the third-dimensional journey that you experience in so many ways, in so many of your relationships or even with yourself—opening to love and then backing off, wanting to love but being afraid, testing the waters, getting hurt, deciding “should I” —“shouldn’t I,” or not deciding. So much of it happens at a level prior to consciousness. Much of it is the way you’ve been trained, what you learned at a very young age, what you see modeled all around you, what your society has agreed upon is acceptable, and normal, and even safe. Many of these things do not support you. They do not support your heart and they do not support you in love.
So there are teachers who come to teach about love. There are beings, such as myself, who come to remind you, to whisper in your ear. We come in all forms—in poetry, in music, in books, in words, in looks, in smiles, in embraces. There is no limit to the form that love can take. Love can take the form of helping someone. Love can take the form of challenging someone. It is all about the heart and about coming from the heart. Within that there are infinite possibilities.
As you manifest love more and more, the infinite possibilities of yourself, and who you are, and what you are to become will start to manifest as well. For love is not just about what you do. Love is about who you are. And who you are will change with love, in ways that you may not be able to even imagine at this time. If you go to the limits of what you can imagine, that may just be the barest beginning of what is possible in love. You have a great discovery ahead of you. It will be most wondrous. And for this you can celebrate.
And yes, there is a letting go in love. Sometimes it’s seen as taking the leap, jumping off the cliff. And sometimes it can feel like that, and that is a good thing. It does take courage, for everything you know will be telling you, “No, no, that’s not safe. Don’t do that. No, do this instead. Don’t be silly. Don’t be unrealistic. Don’t be a fool.” But listen to your heart, and your heart will guide you wisely.
Other people may have help for you, and it is well worth it to take their help in and consider it. But it is up to you to choose your course. And you alone know what that is. No one else does. What may have been a great help for someone else may not be your course at all. That is part of your journey. It is a hero’s journey, a journey of discovery, a journey of trust, of being guided.
Ultimately it is your higher self that is guiding you. You may experience this in many forms. You may experience this as an angel. You may experience this as another being that supports you. You may experience this as God, however you relate to God. Ultimately you will discover that all these things are true. And they are all true of you. They are all parts of who you are.
Please do not worry, dear ones. Things are fine. Even if it appears that things are falling apart, even if it appears that people are suffering or dying, there is a much greater story that is actually going on. All of these people are fine. All of these people are on their path. Can you trust that? Your life would change dramatically if you saw it that way. And curiously this is the greatest good you can do for others—to see that they are perfectly on their path and that there is no problem; there is nothing to worry about.
Of course you will do things, because you are in the third dimension right now, and the third dimension is a realm of action and doing. Of course you will do things that are aligned to this vision that everything is fine. Perhaps you will more and more feel less called to do things, less called to do things that you did in the past. That is fine, too. It is all being guided, and your challenge is to trust. Your challenge is to find the joy in your heart. What a delightful challenge! Not necessarily an easy one. And we have great compassion for what you suffer and the challenges that you face. They are real, and yet there is more. The “more” is in your heart, in the God-space in your heart. That is the treasure. The treasure chest of your stories of old was all a symbol for what you all have in your heart. And yes, you are on a journey to find it—the road back to your heart.
My, my, I have gotten very philosophical. It is not my intention. I hope this has been helpful for you. But more than that, I hope that you feel your heart, that you see the shining of your heart, the light in your heart, the joy, the love of your heart, the blessing that this fills your whole self with and goes out to others with. This is the stage of the world, in your heart. Put your attention there. The news pales in comparison to that. You are loved immensely. And you are love immensely. Both are true.
As I am seen with wings, your heart has wings. Your soul flies on those wings when you unlock the doors. I urge you all to do this. I encourage you and support you. I whisper in your ear, “Remember your heart, dear ones. Remember your heart.” Do you know that everything happens within your heart? It is all within your heart. This is the great frontier to discover. And you have wonderful discoveries ahead, as you go more and more into the heart.
I invite you to be in the heart space. I invite you to simply be aware of what you experience in the heart space and to receive whatever is being given to you from the heart in this moment. This is the space that you will more and more be living from. This is the space you will meet others in. This is the space you will create your new world from.
I love and bless you all most fully, from the depths and breath of my heart. I enfold you in my wings of love. I see the highest blessings for all. I am filled with joy to be with you.
Isis: On Dealing With Fear
The third dimensional world is a very frightening place, where people are left to their own, for better or for worse. And yet these things can also be the very things that transform us, that become gifts, that cause us to go beyond our limits—self-imposed and other imposed.
The first step in any type of crisis where you feel scared is to, first of all, care for yourself. Love yourself in your fear. It is like the Mother-love that I spoke about. You give it to yourself. That love that says, “I understand. Of course you feel scared. I’m here with you. I won’t desert you. I love you. We will see this through. We will find our way. I am here for you.” This is your heart speaking to yourself and it is a very important step. For in our fear, we often lose ourselves and lose connection with our own heart. So that is the first step, the step of loving yourself and embracing yourself with Mother-love.
Again, this is not just for women. This is for men. This is for all beings to find. We all have Mother-love and Father-love within ourselves. And it is beyond just within ourselves. It is part of the divine. It is part of what we receive, that Mother-love that so many people connect with through the Earth. It is our divine nature. And so you connect with yourself, and you give this beautiful, nurturing loving to yourself.
You may need to connect with it through others who are nurturing to you, or through connecting with the Earth, through connecting with the Mother in that form, through connecting with the Mother in whatever form you experience her. Many people have the experience of connecting with the Mother through a particular personality or being, such as Mother Mary. That is wonderful, if that is your path. If it is not, do not be concerned. Everyone has access to the Mother’s love, to the divine Mother. So you begin with that, with nurturing yourself with the love of the divine Mother.
Through that, you find your connection to your heart. And when you find your connection to your heart, you find your connection to God. It doesn’t have to be a certain figure of God that you were taught as a child or in any particular religion. It is your relationship with God, and it is found through your heart. When you find that, you will be guided to what you need to do, because there is a plan to all of this. It is not just a random set of gruesome events that you are pitted against, and you are struggling, like running on a conveyer belt, trying to keep up so you don’t fall off and get eliminated. That is not the nature of the world. But in the third dimension, it can feel like that. It can appear like that. It is as though you have glasses on, and the glasses are coloring the way everything looks. This is why it is so important to connect with your heart, and through that to connect with God. Because through connecting with God, you will start to know your life’s plan. You will start to know what you are to do. This knowingness comes in different ways for everyone. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. But your heart will know.
And the truth is that you are supported in this circumstance for the perfect amount of time, the amount of time that you have selected at the soul level. When you are no longer supported being here, when it is no longer your time to be here, you will be supported to leave, and to go where you’re meant to be then. The truth is that you are always supported. But this particular third dimension can be a scary place. It’s like signing up to go on a roller coaster. You signed up for some fear! (laughs) And that’s part of the ride. So it can be scary. And there’s a purpose to that, too. There’s a purpose to your soul’s knowing that experience and understanding what that is—the experience of separation, which is ultimately separation from God. That is what all fear boils down to—separation.
This is part of what you have come here to know and to explore and to learn. It is all perfect. Your challenge is to trust. What can help you beyond these steps that I have given is to ask for help, which is simply prayer. This asking can come in a verbal form. It can come in a heart form. It can come in whatever form is true for you. But asking is an important step. So when you are connected to your heart, to your higher self, to the divine, ask for help. And you will be helped.
Blessings of Isis to you all.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my e-mail ( and website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. E-mail ( Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to, or contact her at
Conversations with the Galactic Federation of Light
Channeled by Blossom Goodchild
August 14, 2012
Hello my friends. Another week done here on Earth. You have no time, yet how’s things been for you?
We are ensuring that although there has been mayhem and disruption throughout universal quandaries, all in all everything is flowing along beautifully.
How would you explain universal quandaries?
We would say that there is so much that is in need of our attention regarding the anticipated transition and it is not always possible to have results that we opted for. Yet in general we are most pleased that everything is above board and on course.
We have been told that we here on the ground are doing well in our part of the plan. We wouldn’t know to be honest. Yet if you say so … we’ll go by that. What would you say we are to expect in the coming months?
Turmoil and upheaval of many things that you considered stable.
Oh nice! Something to look forward to then?
We would say that would be a good way to choose to look at it, yes. For all that is to present itself is necessary in order for change to occur. You cannot have change without firstly discarding that which is of old school. Much of the old ways are to be removed and replaced with a new format that will surely serve all.
We know things are happening, yet not quite as we expected. Ok. Llet me try and put things another way, for it seems often we are going over old ground. For instance, say that we leap forward to August 2013 what do you expect to be talking to us about then?
You are so keen to move ahead are you not?
No, actually fine as I am, yet being down here at this time and only a few months to go before Dec 2012, and being told so many different versions of what may take place it can be a little unsettling. If you would prefer to chat about something else that’s cool. Whatever you think would be most beneficial to/for us to hear.
This is what we would like you to hear…That there IS to come and Will Be a time when all things that bother your head and your hearts Now shall be resolved. All this wondering and pondering on What IS … is not What IS ... At All. You have been confused greatly by suggestions put forward as to how the rest of the days in this year alone are to pan out. You have wrestled with yourselves as to whether or not you believe one message from one soul or another. You have been plagued with disinformation in order for you to end up in a state of disbelief about anything to do with your future days upon Earth.
How do you Feel? How do you Feel about all this?
As you say, confused. To be honest I take everything I hear or read now with a pinch of salt, and my friends in all honesty, this includes what you are saying to me also. That may seem odd but when I ponder on all this what makes me any different from anyone else? What makes your messages more Truthful than another’s? Yes my intention is for/of truth but so are many. My point is I am not about to stop communicating with you and I have learned a lot from you without doubt but until the day when so much of what you, or anybody else that is not of this planet has said to us, Actually comes about … I am left I Feel  with the decision to carry on along the road and simply see what happens as I travel. Do you understand why?
To a certain degree. Yet on many other levels we find it strange that you Feel  this way. We do not judge this decision and yet why would it be so that you choose to still communicate and yet not agree with what we say?
I neither agree nor disagree. You speak of things you cannot indulge upon and I respect that yet it does leave us in limbo. I have travelled down this road for a long time now, as indeed have so many, am I any the wiser? Yes. Definitely! Within myself and who I am. Am I more knowledgeable about Ascension? Nope! You ask us to Feel go with what we Feel  about it and as I say, I Feel  confused! So I now have the motto of ‘We’ll see what happens’ and in the meantime do the best I can to Be Love. How do you Feel  about that? I would be keen to know your point of view and whether or not you Feel  you have been wasting your time with me?
We would consider that which you have put forward to be an interesting case. It is of a natural consequence to find that after all this which we have spoken of you say you will ‘wait and see.’
By that do you mean it’s natural for me/many to Feel  like this about it all?
We do.
Then with respect what are you actually coming to speak to us of?
We have come with a view in mind and we are positively assured that our view and our outcome has been extremely successful. We came/have come to remind you of who you are the Light in which you carry within side of you. The flame of Love within each soul that cannot be put out. It simply cannot.
So very many Lights upon your planet shine brightly. The news of who You Are as Light has spread far and wide and allowed so many to take off their blinkers and see all around.
You … All Of You, who are in touch with these words that resonate with your soulself have made such a difference to all that is happening .
You Are the Happening. You Are the Change. You Have Brought about Change Already to Such a Degree and Yet Here You Are Waiting for It. You say not much is going on … Look at You! Look Inside of You!
Has not a vast change taken place over say, the last 12 year period of your lives? Can you honestly say you are that same soul with the same thoughts and opinions and Feelings? Indeed you are the same soul yet you have set yourself free.
And what we say to you regarding that which is coming is, that as the Higher energies pour into your planet and into your Being, it awakens that which you are. That which is already inside of you. That which has lain dormant awaiting this time. We cannot express it in any other way, You Are the Change.
OK, but are we going anywhere? It is said we are moving into the 5th dimension. Yes we are changing, but I don’t understand, are we staying here on Earth as we change /after we change? Many say not.
What do you Feel?
Don’t ask me you’re supposed to be the experts! That’s why I am asking you!
Consider this. You understand that you are here to assist in the transformation. The uplifting of planet Earth and this is what is happening, Planet Earth is lifting Now  it is already taking place and are you still on her?
So do you think you are going to get off her as she continues to rise?
Not unless I am about to croak.
Precisely. Our interpretation, if it is of interest to add to the pot, is that’s you shall remain upon the Earth, if you didn’t how would you help her to Ascend?
Yes, and yet there is talk that some who are still asleep will remain on Earth exactly as it is and those who are awake will move into a Higher dimension a New Earth.
You say ‘exactly as it is’ we would say, ‘exactly as they are.’ And those who are awake will remain exactly as they are and we would say too that All in whatever ‘state’ they are, will continue to rise always. This is evolution. On and on and on and on it shall continue to go Higher and Higher and Higher it shall continue to rise.
The part that is so hard to grasp is all this talk of the 5th dimension for those who are moving into it, won't those who are not wonder where those who are have suddenly gone? I know I’ve touched on this before, yet clearly in need of some revision on the matter before the actual exam! Can you make it easier for me /us to comprehend, to grasp even just a little bit?
There is nothing to grasp.
Then please can you throw me a straw to clutch then? You are saying we are already in it, we are rising and so is Earth as we speak, right ?
Yet you also say there is going to be a Big Event (Most channellers, non channellers, bible studies, you name it) speak of this. Is that Big Event not going to change everything, including us, shift us all Higher up the ladder so to speak?
There is an event that is to take place yes.
A big event? Like a Really, Really Noticeable One?
And how/why will this change us/everything.
Because it has been destined to do so. There is Nothing that can get in the way or Prevent this occurrence. This is Known by all.
I am hearing the word ‘shift.’
You are picking up correctly. This event when it takes place will inevitably cause a shift of great magnitude to take place within the hearts of mankind. We have spoken before of a mass awakening. An opportunity for many to ‘pull back the curtains’ and ‘see’ What IS. When this occurs, it is as yet unknown how things shall transition from there on in. For it will be according to its velocity that shall dictate the next stage to follow.
Velocity means ‘how fast and in what direction the object is moving.’ Care to elaborate?
There is no need. It speaks for itself.
I meant about the word ‘object’?
And so did we.
Do you mean the object being Planet Earth with us on board?
We mean the entire project object.
I object me Lord!! We are going round in circles.
Not so. It is all here in black and white when you allow your Knowing to Know.
Let us if we may reassure you. All that shall be taking place will seem so familiar to you when it does. Because you already know the script. ‘Ah yes’ you will say, 'This is what I do next.’ And you’ll do exactly that. Do not allow the fear mongering to work! You are above all that now.
You Simply Need to Know, and You Know So Well, that you are here to fulfill your part in the Divine Plan and that which is of Divinity cannot contain fear so let go of it it is not part of Your plan.
All You Ever Need Do Is Remain in Your Hearts Home. Where it is cozy and warm and filled to the brim with Love, Only Love.
You’re right of course, even though I take all this with a pinch of salt. You are absolutely right! Thanks for your input. Thanks for your service. Thanks, just thanks. In Love and Light.

Blossom Goodchild


The Second Wishes Fulfilled Foundation: Live From The End
by Wayne W. Dyer
August 10, 2012
The Power of Your Imagination

Figuratively tattoo these words of Neville onto your forehead. In other words, memorize them, and repeat them to yourself every time you look into the mirror:
Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your Infinite Being are merged in creative unity, and with your Infinite Being (God) all things are possible. God never fails.
Your concept of yourself is being replaced by a new concept of yourself.
A new self-concept begins with you placing it in your imagination and living from this new perspective. You can count on your five senses to attempt to convince you that you should pay homage only to them and treat your imagination as unimportant and illusory. But that doesn't mean that you have to allow them to usurp your new concept of yourself.
Right now, in this moment, you can practice this. Say aloud or to yourself, By placing new I ams into my imagination, my future dream is a present fact. Repeat the statement a few times. Can you feel your ego resisting? Which of your five senses is most adamantly annoyed? Notice and repeat. This new concept of yourself as God, or at least as a spark of God, asks you to think like God, Who "calls those things which do not exist as though they did."
Here, you are creating an ideal of what you want to be and assuming that you already are that person. This is what Neville calls the Law of Assumption, and he states emphatically, "If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable."
Remind yourself that your imagination is yours to use as you decide, and that everything you wish to manifest into your physical world must first be placed firmly in your imagination in order to grow. Let Neville's words guide you:
Therefore, to incarnate a new and greater value of yourself, you must assume that you already are what you want to be and then live by faith in this assumption—which is not yet incarnate in the body of your life—in confidence that this new value or state of consciousness will become incarnated through your absolute fidelity to the assumption that you are that which you desire to be.
This is a total transformation of your entire being.
Within your imagination, you can conceive thoughts of what you want as already here—prior to their birth in form in the sensory world. This means that your thoughts aren't along the lines of: I will be. I hope it works out. I'm praying for good results. Instead, you say to yourself: I am—acknowledging the I am presence as God dwelling in me. Then your mind as that I am presence will become the dominant creative feature in your life. This generative force will gently assert its authentic creativity and power as you conceive it, and in the process replace a dependency on your physical and intellectual abilities. Your renewed reality does not rely exclusively on those five senses that keep you attached to the false beliefs that you are your body or its possessions, achievements, and reputation.
You've already discovered that the different bodies you've occupied throughout your life so far no longer exist for your senses to experience. Now you can choose to consciously participate in this nonsensory supreme reality—your imagination—where you assume your future dream to be a present fact and live from this new awareness. This isn't pretending or fooling yourself, it is inviting your spirit rather than your physical form to generate the creative essence of your reality. It's what it means to transform your life.
The word transformation has the word form right smack in the middle, preceded by trans—meaning going beyond form. Live from the place that will indeed take you way beyond the limits of your seemingly limited life. Explore imagination, which is the Source of all being or physical reality.
Throughout my life I've often been called excessively persistent and even obsessive in going after what I wish to fulfill. The truth is that I have within me a very powerful knowing that when I place something into my imagination, it is already a fact for me. I just don't seem to have the capacity to erase from my mind what it is that is already my reality. For instance, earlier in my life when I applied to a doctoral program, I already saw myself with a doctorate, although I hadn't taken even one course toward that degree. When I was told that nine out of ten doctoral students do not receive their degree because they cannot complete the vigorous requirements of writing a dissertation, I knew that this did not apply to me, because I was already a doctor in my imagination. I persistently acted as if my dream were a present fact.
I've had this same kind of "thinking from the end" in every phase of my professional career. As a young boy I saw myself on television shows and vehemently held this inner picture in my imagination, ignoring a lot of naysayers! And these imaginings ultimately were taken from my mind, where they were real, to the material world, where my senses finally caught up and confirmed them as truths.
The facts are, for me, that a picture in my imagination is already my reality. I live from this perspective, and nothing can dissuade me from this stance because I am not hoping to get someplace else. I am already there. I just don't know how to erase what I am living in my imagination, even if the whole world attempts to persuade me of the folly of my dreams. This is a mind-set you can choose to embrace.
Let go of all doubt, forget about the when. It will develop into a material fact on Divine time. Forget about the how. Live it inwardly. This is a great power that you possess if you are willing to claim it as your own.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough how vital it is for you to claim this inherent power of God and use it for manifesting the life you desire. Be obstinate regarding this idea. Hold your vision relentlessly, and more than that—live each day as if that idea you have in your imagination is in fact your reality. In The "I AM" Discourses, Saint Germain repeatedly reminds us that we are the master and have dominion in our lives; once this is part of your awareness, you can access the energy, power, and intelligence of the mighty I am presence, which is your very birthright. This I am presence is always with you.
An Excerpt from the Book "Wishes Fulfilled"
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D. is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of 30 books, has created many audio and video programs, and has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. His books Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration and Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life have all been featured as National Public Television specials. See Wayne in his new feature length movie The Shift. Visit for details. *  
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~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
