Isis' Message of the Day -
"Like the eternal divine child which we each are, let's celebrate
this time of divine re-unity!!! Let us dance singly and together; let us shine and be music singly and together; let us remember
ourselves and remember our unity, singly and together; let us share heart hugs, tears of laughter, remembrance, and
joy, singly and together; let us honor ourselves and one another, singly and together; let us remember that we are not separate
from any other being or from any other part of the universe; singly and together, we are ONE."
In joy,
humility, and a dancing heart,
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Beloved masters, it is vitally important that you understand
the different phases you are in the midst of, and also some of what you will most likely experience in the future as you traverse
these critical times of evolutionary transformation. It is time for you to take inventory of your “spiritual agenda”
as you evolve beyond the practices of a beginner in the “awakening process” and accept your role as a full-fledged
disciple on the Path. Many Divine dispensations are being granted, and you, the aspiring Bearers of Light, have more
assistance available to you than ever before. In the past, we have explained that it is time to combine the “emotional
nature of Spirit” with the “intellect of Spirit.” Your Emotional Body and your Mental Body must advance
in knowledge and expand in consciousness as you strive to reunite, balance and harmonize your physical, emotional and mental
bodies with the integration of the many facets of your OverSoul Selves.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear
Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the
name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through
this Channel please visit: *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, some of the experiences that were the most difficult
for you are the ones that shine most brightly now. So whenever the world will give you lemons, you make lemonade. Whenever
the world will present to you an issue that seems to be difficult, know that that issue is going to be the brightest jewel
in your treasure chest.
Archangel Metatron: Energising the Water for Ascension
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 13-08-12
It is with love and joy that I step forward to communicate
with you today. It is with great delight I reassure you that the vibration of love upon the Earth is increasing and unfolding
with each new day. Your efforts to embody light and love are greatly appreciated and honoured; you are assisting in the creation
of the Era of Love upon the Earth.
Upon the inner planes we are achieving and putting into place
many sacred plans that have been long awaited by many. In truth it is as if we are organising a most beautiful festival, there
is so much to focus upon in order to enact the will of the Creator. This beautiful festival or celebration I speak of is the
ascension process that is occurring and will continue to occur upon the Earth. For a festival or celebration you would probably
decorate the area and maybe even ensure you are wearing your most glorious clothes. We are achieving this energetically for
the Earth at this moment, we are preparing Mother Earth and humanity so they shine brightly come the time of the magnification
in December 2012. We wish for you to visualise and acknowledge from this moment forth you are experiencing and preparing for
a wonderful celebration, it is a celebration of yourself, your truth and the Creator. So many beautiful opportunities are
manifesting for you at this most sacred time, it is important you do not worry about what you haven't or need to achieve but
celebrate what you have achieved and who you are; a beautiful aspect of the Creator upon the Earth. By celebrating your truth
with each day you will build an energy of excitement, appreciation and acknowledgment of yourself and those around you, creating
a wonderful foundation and boost to your spiritual growth.
Before a ceremony or celebration, it is often that we cleanse
ourselves as purification for all levels our beings. The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels are now achieving a most
beautiful cleansing process on the Earth which I desired to make you aware of. A deep cleansing vibration from the Pleiades
and Venus is now being anchored into the water upon the Earth; this is to purify the water in order to enhance the vibration
of the Earth. So much of the Earth is composed of water, water has the ability to magnify any intentions, prayers, thoughts
or spiritual experiences, it is a divine light to the source of the Creator. Water is a physical representative of the continuous
flowing light of the Creator that nurtures and feeds your soul and entire being, it is essential to physical life in the same
way light is essential to spiritual life. You may have noticed when you are close to water or bathe within water you feel
rejuvenated, it has a cleansing propriety but also has the ability to hold the light of the Creator therefore refreshing your
alignment with the Creator and enhancing your energy vibration.
As with much physical energy, water can become stagnant in
its energy and can be influenced by negative energy, the vibration at which physical manifestation exists can allow for infiltration
of negative energies. In some areas of the Earth the water has washed away the pain of Mother Earth but has yet to disperse
these energies. The energies being anchored from the Pleiades and Venus are assisting in the purification of all water upon
the Earth; their mission is to raise the vibration of water to a balanced frequency which will then melt and seep into the
Earth and bodies of humanity.
We have seen that water has been a prominent focus for many
countries as it disrupts everyday life both in the present and past; through lack of water or too much water. This is because
the water is cleansing the land but also due to the energies being anchored which offer more vitality and vigour to the flow
of the water. With the intentions which can be anchored into water it makes it an effective and quick way of cleansing areas
of Mother Earth in order to create a balanced enhanced vibration of light upon the Earth. The water is an element force that
holds great power and resemblance to the constantly awakening life force energy of the Creator. Depending upon the way in
which water is portrayed to you in your reality, it may act as a representative of the light that flows through your being
or the peace needed to surrender to the Creator.
It is important to note at this stage that your physical body
holds a great percentage of water which you recycle through your physical body. The water you take into your physical body
can have an influence upon the vibration of light you exists as, it is the same with the food you feed your physical body.
It is also interesting that when you are able to focus for a good portion of your day upon your truth and the love of your
being the water, blood and entire manifestation of your physical body begins to maintain a heightened vibration of light.
This means that when you consume water the water is transformed as it moves through your body into the vibration your body
exists as. In this way it is impossible for water to lower your vibration it only magnifies the vibration of light and love
you hold. Water can also have a high influence upon your consciousness and mind, cleansing your mind while bringing a greater
source of clarity and alignment with the Creator. It is often why water is poured over a person's head; it is to cleanse their
thoughts, consciousness and mind.
When you begin to observe water as a tool for ascension then
you begin to access its power. Water can be charged with intentions and energy; the water will hold, maintain and magnify
all you express to it. If you imagine you have a glass of water before you, normally you may just drink the water and it will
transform into the vibration of your being. If you were to first open your heart to the glass of water, bathe it in your love
and place into the glass of water all your divine intentions for your accelerated ascension, then consuming the water, you
would embody all that you wish and intend. I am aware my ideas may not be new but I wish to stress to you that you can manifest
your ascension through the water you drink and bathe in by simply placing your intention and the energy of what you desire
into the water and then embodying it or surrounding to the water and all that it represents.
Let us now take this to a larger scale, maybe there is water
near to you, a pool, lake, river or sea. If you were to sit by or within the water even if your feet or hands are in the water
you are acting as a tool of anchoring into the water and transformation. If you then focus upon the love that you wish to
share with humanity, the peace you wish to experience and the truth you wish to unfold, imagining this energy beaming from
you into the water you will create a large source of highly energised water. Your intentions will naturally be magnified by
the water and will seep into Mother Earth, the atmosphere and to anyone who connects with or passes the water source. If the
water source is flowing across land then your intentions will be magnified across the land and maybe even across the world.
It is important to remember that water is above, below, all around and within you, it holds great presence and power in your
reality. Even if you send your love and intentions for the Earth's ascension and humanities awakening into water during meditation
the chances are that you or another person will drink or bathe within the same water that you have enthused with love, allowing
the energy vibration of all to enhance and be supported by water.
You may ask within meditation for the Pleiades and the Venusians
who are energising and cleansing the water of the Earth to send the same energy into your being to cleanse and energise the
blood and water within your physical body. Just allow yourself to be open to their light as it cascades with liquid flow over
and through your being. You may wish to ask them to anchor the same energy through you when you are near water or to anchor
their energy into the water of your surrounding area. Let your intentions and love come from the truth within your heart chakra,
if all achieve this then we will see the true manifestation of your intention.
You may also wish to assist your manifestation ability by
anchoring what you wish to manifest into the water you drink before consuming it, therefore allowing yourself to physically
embody your manifestation.
I give thanks to the energies of Venus and the Pleiades that
are anchoring into the water of the Earth at this time.
I am Archangel Metatron
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael,
she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers
to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service
of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies. *
Pleiadian Archangelic Realm: The Golden Energies Of The Lion’s
By Bella Capozzi (AuroRa Le)
August 11, 2012
Beloved Ones, we wish to make you aware-if you are not already-that
you have shifted into an era of instantaneous manifestation and answered prayer. The linear time frame between the setting
of intent and materialization is scant now. This window of time becomes smaller and smaller with every passing
day, and with the raising of your frequency and the honing of your skills you are now able to bring forth into your physical
reality the essential tools you require for survival in these tumultuous times. Your prayers and requests for assistance
never fall upon deaf ears, but we choose to remind you it is through your own power and trust in God, that you bring
your deepest desires to fruition. With the 8-8 came a freeing up of much of that which lay fallow behind the veil.
Memories, stunning realizations and yes, your long-buried manifestational skills are now yours for the taking. You need
only to believe and trust in what your heart and inner voice are telling you.
While these abilities are inborn and, by rights, yours
to do with as you will, we caution you that they have long lay dormant. In many of you, for thousands of lifetimes they
went unnoticed and untapped. As you rediscover your infinite power, do begin slowly to integrate them into your life.
You shall require practice, and you must become aquainted once again with the correct ways to use them. With this new
unearthing comes a glorious freedom, allowing you to put your house into some semblance of order and bring into your lives
all you need to thrive and to live peacefully in these last days of the old paradigm. Make the choice to exist
in a state of total detachment. Please seek to remain untethered to the drama which surrounds you, harbor and
express few opinions and avoid engaging in conflict of any sort. Stay as an observer, as though you are watching
a play unfold upon a stage. You may find it entertaining and somewhat shocking, but be of the knowledge that it has
nothing to do with you, this other story. None of it is happening on your chosen timeline, and thereby none of it is
actually occurring in your own life. The casual observer has the ability to remain neutral and centered, his energy
free-flowing, clear and unblocked. There are no obstructions to the alchemical abilities of the neutral ones.
Abundance flows freely.
The Lion’s Gate energies favor the success of most any
ventures you may choose to undertake at this time, provided that they are aligned with your own Divine truth and contractual
obligations. When something fails to work out, repeatedly, this is most often a sign that you are attempting to force
something which is in opposition to your life’s purpose. It might very well take you down a road along which you
should not go. When what you seek to manifest is in sync with your own life plan, these new energies will assist in
it’s quite rapid materialization, almost right before your eyes. Have you experienced this occurring at all in
your lives of late? It begins in subtle, small ways, especially in areas of financial concern. An example might
be; your automobile breaks down and you do not have the funds to repair it. A kind soul offers you a discounted price
to get it done-for no other reason than his heart has guided him to do so. He knows what he does is right, and even
though he is unaware on a conscious level of the Ascension process itself, he cannot help but be affected by The Light and
be changed by it’s increasing presence on the planet. Keep your eyes open for seemingly insignificant events like
these, for they are anything but that! Often without knowing, you are sending out the intent to receive a solution,
and it is being brought to you immediately. It is because your hearts are open and your energy centers clear, that the
energy streams through unobstructed. Be observant of this and give thanks.
This is also a fortuitous time for those who wish to be of
service to the collective. With the energy of the 8-8 also comes a greater awareness of your connection to All That
Is, and you may find yourselves more able to feel the truth of this and what it actually means to you. More than ever,
you wish to be of help to others and to play an active part in the unfoldment of events. What is it you desire to do,
Beloveds? Do you wish to begin a healing practice? Do you see yourself writing or teaching? The list is
endless when it comes to the ways of service. Think about it. Where do your talents lie? What makes your
spirits soar? You may love caring for children or animals, and wish to offer your services in these areas.
Perchance you are a culinary artist, a crafter, or you make beautiful garments. All of these, and so much more,
serve to bring joy to the hearts of their recipients, and joy is one of the crucial, initial stages of enlightenment and spiritual
awakening. Set your intentions, then give them over to God. Envision your intents in colorful detail, then see
and feel them materialize into being. The Lion’s Gate has been thrown wide open, and the shade of the energy spilling
forth is of a molten gold. Gold. The color of power, abundance and miracles. Gold is the color of the Unified
Heart of the Mother and Father.
Faith. Trust. Gratitude. Intention. Remember well
these four words. The days of having to squeeze blood out of a stone are ending now. The old ways are dying and
before you know it they will have quickly faded off from your memory. What’s coming shortly are the Golden Days,
and it is time now to seize your birthrights and put into practice all that you have learned. Accept that you deserve
to be happy and at peace, and you are worthy of all the Universe has to offer. Intend that you will receive it.
Release it then to God, and allow the freeflow of abundance to come into your life. And never, ever waver in your faith,
as faith is the fuel that drives your personal vehicle to reach stellar heights, once unimaginable. Believe. Trust that all
is in Divine Order. Envision only positive outcomes, and never wish harm upon another. Remember that the laws
of alchemy swing in both directions, and in this time of rapid manifestation you must take care what it is you choose to create.
Then lastly and most importantly, remain in a state of gratitude, always. Be as we are, ever grateful to have the opportunity
to stand by your side at this unprecedented time. Thanks be to God, for we are abundant in love, and so eternally blessed.
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian,
Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business
owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known, as we all
are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary
lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred
space. This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet,
kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their
aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Galactic Federation of Light: The Science of Timelines and
their Prediction
August 10, 2012
As we will move forward now with our plans for this world,
you will begin to see rapid changes in many governmental systems as well as other systems throughout your societies. These
changes, although gradual in some areas must be sharp in others as there are not too many choices that we have here, as some
of your systems must tumble as if a rug has been pulled out from under them. We wish to proceed as slowly and as cautiously
as is possible and we will do just that, however, in some cases as slow as we could go would still be considered relatively
fast from your perspective, as new systems need to be built quickly to preserve much of your world and to safeguard some facets
of your life such as food production and distribution and other areas of necessity such as your water and electricity utilities.
These systems need to be preserved for now, for we do offer you replacements for these systems that will change how you produce
these commodities and how you distribute these commodities, however, these changes must for the time being be put on the back
burner, so to speak, while we focus our efforts in other areas that necessitate them being moved up the list.
We feel you will understand this when you realize that
at this current time period your planet sits precariously upon a few different outcomes. We will refer to these outcomes as
timelines, and we will discuss these timelines, how they differ from each other, what will cause a shift for you from one
timeline to the next and how we feel it would be best to prepare for all of these possibilities, for we do not know which
timeline it is you will choose through cause and effect, through your thoughts, actions and intent. We do not possess a crystal
ball as many of you think, allowing us to easily read you your fortunes. This is not how it works. How it works would be that
we do possess certain technology that assists us more accurately project future timelines. We also possess technologies to
allow us to visit, if you will, future timelines to assess them and to gather reports, research and surveys and return this
data back to our present time. We do not however possess any means to predict which timeline it is anyone will experience
by altering their course through choice.
Do you understand this difference? This is a very important
point. We wish for all of you reading our words today to think about what we just said and reread this section of our message
today and study it, for we want all of you to be very schooled on this topic as well as many more, but for today let us focus
on this, the science of timelines and their prediction. We do not possess any technology or psychic abilities to know precisely
which timeline a people, even our own people, will choose and experience through their creative powers of manifestation through
words, action and intent.
We, from our perspective, more consciously create the
timelines we wish to experience, this is true. We do enjoy this advantage over you because not enough of you understand your
powers of creative manifestation and therefore do not, in many cases, consciously create the timelines you will experience.
The timelines you as a collective experience are chosen by a few different methods, and some of these are unconscious means
and some of them are through the manipulation from some of those in your world who do understand the process of creative manifestation
and influence the rest of you through trickery, deceit and influence, what some of you may refer to as mind control, although
no one is controlling your mind but you. Keep that always in mind. What they are doing is influencing your thought patterns.
This is quite different than someone controlling your mind, for it is you and you alone who possess the power to create anything
that you wish for yourself and you have the power to block out any other distractions or thoughts. Remember this. Remember,
no one holds any power over you that you do not willingly give over to them.
Back to our discussion on these timelines. At this current
period in your journey there are, as there always are, many timelines possible for you, and we will say without trying to
confuse that you have an unlimited number of future timelines to choose. We will say though, due to the current mindset of
your collective and individual consciousness, that there are many future timelines that are very improbable, statistically
speaking, for you. In other words, there are thoughts, ideas and dreams that most of you are just not having, therefore, the
odds of enough of you thinking along these lines will probably just not happen, so we can disregard these possibilities for
you on a mathematical and statistical basis.
So what are some of the common dreams and visions that
your people are having for your future? This is where we can compile data and statistics and come to some sort of reasonable
conclusions as to which timeline or timelines are statistically more probable than others. This is what we are doing through
our surveys with you, through our messages to you, and why we are so interested in your comments that you leave beneath our
messages throughout your online communities. Although there are a few of you who, either prior to their current incarnations
or during this incarnation, have agreed to allow us to review some of their thought patterns as we proceed through these changes,
the overwhelming majority of you are not participating in this sort of research.
We wish to make this perfectly clear, as quite often we
come upon comments from those of you who believe that we use our telepathic abilities to eavesdrop on your personal and inner
thoughts, and some of you question why we would ask you to leave your comments beneath our messages if we could simply read
your minds. This is not done. We do not just read your minds. We do not violate anyone's rights in this manner whatsoever.
Please understand this. Please remember this. We ask you to leave your comments, for this is the way and the only way that
we can ascertain what it is you are feeling and what it is you wish for yourselves. We hope we have made ourselves perfectly
clear on this, as no one has the right to invade anyone's personal sanctuary which is their inner being and we, the members
of the Galactic Federation of Light, certainly do not violate this right in any way, shape or form. Now let us move on.
In reading your comments beneath our messages, we are
collecting data, we are surmising what it is that you as a collective are creating for yourselves, for this is what you are
doing each and every moment of each and every day; you are creating tomorrow. So what is it that we see you are creating,
this is the big question, is it not? This is the biggest question that we feel should be on your minds and on your lips each
and every day, yet we see so many of you so distracted by so many other things and we must only wonder because again, we are
not reading your minds, we can only ascertain your thoughts by the words that you are leaving throughout your on-line communities.
What we are seeing is either a lack of understanding or a lack of caring for the creation of your future. We wish you to know
that as each day closes and a new one begins you have modeled something, sculpted something that all of you are going to experience
and in many cases already are experiencing.
So what is it you're molding, what is it you're sculpting,
what is your creation? These are your timelines that you are creating. You are creating more than one possibility, as the
power of creative manifestation is complex and it is not one particular or precise future you are creating, but you are creating
many possibilities, and as you swim through the fluids of creation you are ebbing and flowing, rising and sinking, if you
will, through different possibilities at every moment of every day. Timelines are not a straight arrow, they are not a level
road. They are a complex web of possibilities. Do you now see your timelines a little differently, a little more clearly,
and how each of you are creating these timelines as you move ahead through your day, each and every day?
Now that you do, we ask you today could you possibly know
what your future will bring you. Of course, you cannot know this and neither can we. So often throughout your on-line communities
we are asked to tell you what your future will be and what you all will experience, and we say to you that you now know that
we cannot answer this, for we do not have this information and neither do you. No one has it. Anything is possible for you,
this we have shared with you many times. We have discussed with you many of your possibilities, describing for you wonderful
things that are all possible for you, for indeed they are, but it is up to each and every one of you to manifest these things
for yourselves, for your people and for your planet, for this is how it works.
We wish for you to think about what we have said. Please
reread our message if this helps you better comprehend our lesson today, for we feel many of you are missing an opportunity
to learn even though you are taking the time to read our messages, as we feel some of you are rushing through these messages
or are not properly focusing on our discussions and our missing some of the finer points at times. Our messages can be very
instrumental to you as an individual and to your people as a collective as this, for now, is your lifeline of higher dimensional
information. There is no other pipeline, there is no other avenue for any of you to collect any information from the higher
realms other than telepathically, and if there are those of you who are not yet proficient at this means of communication,
then our messages are your lifeline in this regard and we advise you to see them and treat them as such and not treat them
so harshly, so judgmentally, so disrespectfully, as our messages are messages of love, of caring, of higher dimensional wisdom
and information and these messages can be very helpful to you at this time. This is all we have for you today, our loved ones,
and we say to you carry on through the rest of your day consciously knowing that you are creating your tomorrow.
We love you, and until then, we are your co-creators of
our tomorrow. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Received by Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for
the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System
Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta,
Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education
and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence. *
These Are The Days...
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
August 12. 2012
Greetings and blessings dear friends as once more we resume
with our intimate discourse as the energies are fine and the spirals of light are in a wonderment of persuasion. Great it
surely is that these Grand Olympic Games of 2012 are now behind us and the grand closing ceremonies are now being effected
in the physical as it were. But of course, as we are very well aware, there is now a tumultuous issuing forth of vibrant light
energies encompassing all the many rays of the universal spectrum which is indeed relevant as they are added to and blended
with these heightened Olympiad energies, gainfully accrued over these last weeks of endeavor and divine intent. The preparation
and readying of such an event as these has been challenging with an accumulative resounding effect, resulting in positive
energy that is now being alchemized and sent out to the very heart of the Earth Mother and to her many consorts world wide
who likewise are using these benevolent energies for the highest good.
There is such a pride of place and an intermingling energy
of truly loving achievement and the ethers are indeed full as these energies are engraced in those parts of the world that
are most in need. Vibrant and volatile, healing and caressing, an abundance of building and co-creating for the betterment
of one and all. The competitiveness and the completion of all and everyone involved all giving of their own golden bit of
expression and achievement. The sheer determination, the divine will, the pursuance of, as amicable as can be, manner in which
the 'Spirit' of the Games progressed and continued to flourish as the fruits of their so many labors were realized and came
together. From singular and personal efforts to the collective end results that brings these first games/ events to a successful
and abundant closure. Similarly will there be the enactions of the paraplegic games that are soon to follow in their grandness
and vibrant energies shared and partaken.
These Olympics will be remembered as The Games Of Tears, the
games of E-motion and intensive emotional heart values, as each and every contestant and participator were given to shed so
many tears, so many feelings, so many excitements and so many fulfilments as he/she accepted that medal, accepted that bouquet
of flowers, accepted the rapture of the applauding crowds. Each and every athlete rode on a cushion of love and inner intensity.
It was a game of revelations as each and every participant were coming from the heart, as tears of recognition overflowed
from each as the realization was evident for each and every one. This was the games when all HEARTS OPENED wider than ever
before as pure E-motional values bubbled to the surface, and this was to be the grand 2012 OLYMPIAD of JOY and CELEBRATION
- of LOVE. This was/ is the almighty realization by all souls present and all souls watching of being ONE with each other,
being the true ultimate recognition of a truly UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS. Love is...
Many lovingly and rightfully coveted their well earned medal
and applaud, yet there was here a far deeper realization and as grand as it was/is to receive that medal of honor, there is/
was a hidden agenda that was being fulfilled - an inner accepting that those medals were symbols and merits of a greater acceptance.
That the medals were tokens of unifying bonds as fellow travelers walking one road, togetherness, one life! All of a sudden,
there were inner knowing looks as they surveyed their hard won medal and this medal was just that! What they had gained was
far superior to that bit of gold, or silver or bronze or no medal. Those bouquet of flowers were far more beautiful
and acceptable as true recognition for their endeavors. During the closure celebrations when athletes were freely mingling
with their various national flags held aloft, there was one display board with, not a country thereon, but one with
’Mom and Dad’ painted on it! Love is... Oneness.
There was much fear and negativity co-created unwittingly
by the British Government and those in some organizing roles but all went well as the games proceeded and the fear began to
dissipate. There was also fear co-created by some over zealous earthly channel’s yet again pronouncing that our off
planet fellow travelers would make appearances during these momentous Games. These too dissipated as that likelihood was unheeded
by those who ‘feel’ and ‘know’ otherwise - and the fear creating energies dwindled away leaving the
usual heavy disappointment for those who do not listen to their own hearts.
Joy filled celebrations as the closing ceremonies brought
all to a graceful closure, with a greater purpose indelibly etched upon the world's many hearts.
This might surely magnify and empathize more with the unrest
around our beautiful planet. Looking into the faces of those winning and other competitors at the closing ceremonies until
the early hours of Aug.12th., they were there at this time to share their expertise, to share their competitiveness, yet also
to share something far greater - and that was unity, unification and simply love!
Selemat Ja
Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever
United Kingdom * *