Isis Messages 4 Today 8/11/12


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John - Cleveland Ohio

Isis' Message of the Day -

Don't try and destroy darkness . . . bring it into balance with the Light. You cannot have one without the other anymore than a light bulb can work on only positive energy. It takes both positive/negative working in balance for electricity to work.  Darkness cannot remain if fusion of Light with dark takes place. Both will then be in balance.

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message

Dear Ones. Bathe in our love. Feel us sending our love to you and it washing over and around you. See how the air vibrates and is filled with our love. Feel the gentleness of our wings. Feel the brush of our touch. Hear the music of the spheres. Open to the magic that is around you when you connect with us and God/Spirit/All That Is. Bless your hearts.

Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *   *     
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, the measure of mastery is to be able to choose to live in the space of divine love, a space that knows that no matter what the world is doing, no matter what the body seems to be doing, no matter what anyone else is doing, I am living the I Am Intelligence. I Am Love. I am okay.
Visit our website:  *    

Awakening New Realities
Summer continues to heat up and the sense of being untethered continues. Staying in Mt. Shasta for 3 months, a power place and one of the most sacred mountains of the world, has brought about some interesting ascension symptoms. I have likened it to being a sea creature that has outgrown her shell, and now is scrambling around the sea bottom to find a new one that will fit me better. In the meantime, it leaves me feeling somewhat vulnerable and displaced, while extremely expanded at the same time.
I thought it was just me but many people I have spoken to are also experiencing their own version. To me it seems that this disconnected feeling is a part of the shift to another world reality. We are on the cusp of a consciousness breakthrough of unprecedented proportions. The frequencies of energy are more powerful than we have ever experienced. The unknown qualities are great yet the empowerment from Divinity is exceedingly strong.
When I took this situation into a meeting with Archangel Gabriel, he offered some powerful suggestions for grounding the emotions that come up for us and creating a new inner reality that can move with these changing times.
Harmonic Convergence
I feel very confident in the beauty and power of the energetic shifts that will occur through the commemoration of the Harmonic Convergence next week. Thousands of people are gathering all over the world to receive the massive downloads of Divine Love flowing to us.
Together we will be able to create a new world reality that expresses the desire for a Peace and Harmony within each of us and on the Earth. The actual days of the Harmonic Convergence were August 16 and 17, 1987. It does not take much imagination to notice that the boundaries and countries on the map of the world are now very different from what they were before those dates. The fact that the World Wide Web is now part of our every day reality is in itself a miraculous occurence. Since 1987 the acceleration of the planetary energy frequencies is obvious and has become part of the mass awareness.
For thousands of people, promises of a peaceful harmonious world began to awaken in them during the time following those days in 1987. The predictions of many indigenous peoples agreed upon a time when the old ways would no longer work in the world and new waves of accelerated energies would affect the planet in unprecedented ways. From the Mayan prophecies we were offered a 25-year period that would culminate in the possibility of a massive awakening of consciousness as well as vast changes on the Earth.
This August marks the end of that 25-year period, and it’s our time to create the world we are choosing to live in.  Although there have been references to the collapse of life as we know it, there are also clear directives for the potential of a world anchored in Peace and Harmony. Many people have been working throughout these years to assist the grounding those powerful qualities of awakened consciousness.
The week beginning on August 11 and culminating on August 20 has been called Nine Days of Awakening Light by Archangel Gabriel. There will be worldwide gatherings of dedicated souls who have opened to receive the massive downloads of Divine Love. Thousands of people will be working together to anchor a new reality of Peace and Harmony on the planet. This is laying a powerful groundwork for the Solstice gatherings on December 21, 2012. Because of the level of support from the Angelic Realms and Masters, our work together may supply the momentum necessary for the quantum shifts to occur so a Spontaneous Evolution can occur. As each person holds the Truth of a peaceful world in their hearts and minds, the enlightened unfolding of dimensional shifts in consciousness becomes the new reality.
Shanta Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel: Nine Days of Awakening Light
Received by Shanta Gabriel
August 9, 2012
Dear Ones,
This time you have been living from 1987 to 2012 has been called the Great Awakening, the Shift of the Ages and the Nanosecond, among others. No matter what it is called, these last 25 years on Earth have been held in great interest by the worlds that exist on other planes and dimensions. Will humanity of the Earth be able to use the high frequency downloads of Divine Light to create new life on the planet? Will there be a spiritual awakening or mass destruction? All is possible.
We were aware that this time held the triggers for awakening within the core of humanity so it held great promise. There was curiosity to know how you would handle the pressure of accelerated energy and to see if you would be able to use the power of your thoughts and beliefs to create a new earth that reflected the desires of the many instead of the few. This time on Earth holds the promise for great feats of renewal, empowerment, harmony and peace.
There are vast changes now evident within the forces of people’s awareness. More and more groups have formed in conscious community to use the gathered wisdom to bring transformation into the world. There have been gateways and portals that have been observed and used to bring awakening energy onto the planet. Now the time has come for the quantum leap to new consciousness, a mass awakening. Will you be able to do this together? There are many from other star systems and dimensions who are watching to find out.
They are also here to encourage you and to let you know how much you are loved and guided. These are the unseen cheerleaders for those willing to take a leap and receive their assistance. That you have turned to us in this time is no accident. We have known of your love and your trust. It is now time to carry these teachings forward because the years after 2012 are going to be times fraught with disappointment and fear, as well as exhilaration and joy.
These unseen Forces of Light are not going to leave the Earth in the lurch as this awakening occurs. You will need to have vast levels of guidance to keep the Illuminated Glow of Truth burning in the midst of the changing life all will be experiencing. You are not without support and we will help you through these times – both collectively and personally. There are many Teachers of Truth who are multidimensional in nature. We are here to assist you through this tumultuous awakening that is occurring. We prefer the word awakening to ascension because there is so much baggage and confusion attached to the word ascension. This is a time of new freedom and opening to the abundant life. You don’t need to bring along the old paradigms attached to verbiage.
From August 11 to the 20th, there will be 9 days of awakening. Openings will occur within portals all over the planet and a massive download of Divine Love will be radiated from the Cosmos. This will spark mass transformation on a cellular level as people receive this energy of love in a way that was never possible before. By August 20, all who are attuned to frequency will be able to experience a greater sense of inner peace and more clarity in their lives. This will be of great value because the energy waves will continue to accelerate through December 21 and grounding will be needed.
Commemoration of the Harmonic Convergence, August 16-17, 1987

Many of you have been fascinated with this much prophesied 25-year period from the original Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and have been working to ground the Divine Light within your beings since that time. You have known that you were meant to be on the Earth during this momentous time in history to hold Divine Light within you, and to also hold the belief in a new peaceful awakening for the planet. Even though the years from 1987 have looked anything but peaceful, you have known in the core of your being that “birth is messy.” You have anchored within you the growing power of Divine Light and welcomed more Love into your life knowing you are a part of a new birth in consciousness.
Through this time most of you lost all that was dear to you as the rugs of contentment were pulled out from under your feet. And still you held to the faith that a new world would awaken from the ashes, and new life would be one with more harmony and the peace you knew was possible. To you, Warriors of Light, we offer our gratitude and honor, and yet it is not over. The culmination of 2012, this Year of Promise, requires an anchoring of the Light for a World of Peace. We come together to use this energy of our collective knowing to hold the truth of a Great Awakening, a Spontaneous Evolution for all on the planet.
Some off-world inhabitants playing God did not create this tumultuous time. The cycles of time now coincide to create the opportunity for large numbers of people to awaken. The level of frequency of cosmic energy has never been greater. This provides impetus for powerful shifts and can be used for ill gain or spiritual awakening. This is not dissimilar to times in ancient past when the power available was misused. You can be sure that many will do that very thing. But the sheer number of people who are dedicated to spiritual awakening and peaceful planetary shifts has never been greater. This provides an unprecedented opportunity for new levels of awakening and a greater level of assistance from the Angelic Dimensions, the Ascended Masters and multidimensional teachers from many realms who hold the Earth in a sacred manner.
When one looks back on the changes that have occurred on the planet since 1987, it can be mind-boggling. The power of the World Wide Web alone has changed the way the world communicates and does business. These same interconnecting links will lead the world into even greater levels of evolution. During the 9 Days of Awakening Light, there will be opportunities to transmute the power of the old paradigm where the needs of the many are usurped by the few. You will have the chance to activate completions from the misuse of power and bring more balance and sustainability to life on this planet. Portals will be opening all during that week from August 11 to the 20th that will enable those who have been attracted to this awakening to work together for a new planetary shift into Divine Love and emerging consciousness.
You will align with leaders, teachers and groups all over the world who are being impulsed by the awakening forces of the Angelic Dimensions, the Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light from many realms who observe and protect the planet. It is a gorgeous gathering for the force of Divine Love as has never before been witnessed. You are all coded for this awakening. Many who have carried a fascination for the Harmonic Convergence since 1987 will come to greater understanding of the part you have played over the past 25 years.
All is in readiness. Join with those whose love attracts you and create together your vision of a new world that is filled with Harmony, Beauty and Peace. Remember, you would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel

For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: August 9, 2012
Join Shanta, Kelly Beard and the conscious community gathered around the world to honor the Harmonic Convergence and the time we are now awakening.  Shanta will lead teleconferences on August 16 and August 17, 6:00 pm PDT. More info here.  * 

(c)2012 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel, is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. *  Shanta posts regular messages on her blog, * Shanta also leads an experiential seven month Archangel Study Program. For more information about this powerful soul's journey, her private sessions or workshops, visit   * 

Mayan Message: Transforming Belief Codes
As Received by Reverend Theresa Crabtree
DAY  65  Chicchan  13
I am Chicchan with the Tone of 13. Today we would like to approach the topic of transformation. Within each of you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All this takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something out of balance that you can change.
What areas in your life are not suited to your liking? Does your work bring you joy? Are your relationships mature and satisfying? Do you spend recreational time in activities that are fun? Are you following pursuits that bring you happiness? Do you like your living situation? Are you physically fit? Does your income match the goals you wish to attain in this life? Do the goals you wish to attain bring you a sense of excitement? Are you working toward these things or are you feeling stagnated? There may be several areas in your life you would like to change. Today, pick one and let us find ways to create the life of your dreams.
First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. This allows your left and right brain synapses to flow freely from one side to the other. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your life. Being in a state of gratitude will increase the frequency of love within your body, allowing you clearer access to your subconscious mind.
When you are uptight, stressed out, depressed or angry, your body vibrates at a lower frequency. When this happens, it is harder for you to think clearly. You may go into a downward spiral as you focus your thoughts on negative issues. Once this spiral gets out of hand, it is easy to slip into victim mentality, making it harder to think clearly.
This may happen quite often throughout the day if you are not watchful. Those who consciously work on maintaining balance through meditation and mindful living are more easily capable of snapping out of these moods and situations. However, those who are living unconsciously may take years or lifetimes to pull out of the spiral of negativity. We are here today to assist you in living more consciously, so you can pull yourself from the mire and be able to recognize the spiral of negativity in its beginning stages.
Today, choose one area of your life you would like to change, it matters not which one you choose for you can return at any time and choose another area of concern. Notice where you are today with this situation. What areas are not working for you? You may wish to write down anything pertaining to this matter that is causing you unrest. Include things beyond your control such as what other people are saying or doing in relation to the matter.
Now, take as much time as you need to visualize how your life would be different if this situation were not present in your life. Write these things down; be creative and think big. Erase any doubts that come into your mind or any concerns regarding how impossible it would be to attain this vision.
Keep in mind this is only an exercise, you can change anything you wish along the way. You may choose to come back to this list at various times and add more to the vision. It is not uncommon for people to dream bigger as they work through their fears and beliefs. Also, it is quite common that as you release negative thinking and replace it with courage and a positive outlook, your dreams and desires will also change.
After you have your initial lists written down, begin with the list of things that are dissatisfying in regards to the issue you have chosen for today. Look them over carefully, one at a time and notice how you feel. If you have a sense of joy or euphoria, this segment is probably not an issue for you. Pay close attention to those items you have listed that cause you to feel anxious, upset, angry, frustrated or any other low frequency emotion.
Next to each one of these items, write the feelings that have arisen. What you will do each time you return to resolve this matter, is to go into each of these emotions and find the cause of them. As you practice this technique and allow yourself to feel these emotions, many times you will find that the initial cause of your discomfort has nothing to do with the present situation, it has simply triggered something from a past event.
For example, you have listed how it annoys you when your spouse chews with his mouth open. On the paper next to this item, you wrote: crude, disgusting, embarrassing when others see it, angry, etc. Now, as you go further into each emotion and look at why this behavior triggers you, perhaps you will remember that when you were young, you were spanked when you chewed with your mouth open and were told that you were being crude. As a result, a new belief code was created, that people who chew with their mouths open are crude. Furthermore, you were told, “Stop that! You are embarrassing me and making me look like a bad parent!” Now the belief code that what you do is a reflection on others has been created.
You may further realize that you get angry when others chew with their mouth open because you have a subconscious belief code running that it is not fair that others are not being punished for chewing with their mouths open and you were. Now that you are consciously aware of why the open mouth chewing makes you angry, you can look at the issue with new eyes.
Remove any judgments you have made about the other person’s behavior. This is done through a sense of allowing, which means that others have a right to choose what they wish to do. Recognize that the embarrassment you feel is your belief that your spouse’s behavior is a reflection on you. You may also have a sense of superiority that you have better manners or know what is best for the other person.
No matter what reasoning you use or what emotions you are feeling, you would be wise to let go and allow the other person the freedom to choose how to live his own life. Now that you know the reasons why this issue is bothersome, you have the chance to go back and heal the original situation.
Perhaps you still harbor anger at your parent for spanking and scolding you when you chewed with your mouth open. This is a good time to work on forgiveness towards your parent. Also, you may choose to look deeper at the belief codes that were instilled in you at that time.
You have the option to retain these belief codes, to discard them or to modify them. You may still think it is crude and disgusting for people to chew with their mouth open. However, you are desirous of letting go of the belief that your spouse’s behaviors are a reflection on you.
More than likely you will have an “Aha!” moment and realize that you have this same feeling in other situations, such as certain clothing your spouse wears. When you release the pattern of being overly concerned about how others think about you when they observe your partner chewing with his mouth open, all of the other related patterns, such as his choice of clothing, may dissolve at the same time. Like dominoes, when one aspect of a belief code falls, all others related to it may fall, as well. You may also discover that you were embarrassed by specific behaviors of your parents, your siblings or your friends. Once you break the pattern with one person, it is easier to release the same pattern with others.
If you have children, this could be a great freedom, for many parents feel their children’s behaviors are a direct reflection on themselves. To a certain extent, this is true, but as the child matures, if given the freedom to make choices, those choices are a reflection on the child only. Can you see the point we are trying to make?
No matter what belief code you are operating under, it can be changed. However, most of you are running on automatic pilot and are not even aware of the reason why various things bother you.
You may come to the understanding that things other people say or do that upsets you are triggering something inside yourself that needs attention. You can use this process to discover any belief codes you have running. When you are consciously aware of the belief codes that are triggering your emotions, you are then able to choose those you wish to modify or discard. This is what it means to be a conscious person.
No longer are you simply reacting to circumstances around you. No longer are you swaying like the flame of a candle in the wind. As you master your emotions and the belief codes that trigger them, you will become more proficient at making choices for your highest good. You will learn to dream bigger as you release the fears and judgments that have kept you imprisoned. As you discard concerns about how you feel others think you should speak, dress or behave, you will blossom into the beautiful, unique flower that you are. These changes take time, energy and courage.
You have taken years to create the belief codes that currently rule your life. You have fallen into patterns of spiraling negative thinking. Your attainment of freedom is directly proportional to your desire to free yourself from these patterns. Limiting thoughts can be untangled, layer by layer, as you modify the belief codes that no longer serve you.
Do not expect to attain enlightenment in one day. Many are overly concerned about getting past their negative stuff so they can ascend and leave this world. If you are in this mindset, you may be forgetting that the reason you came to this planet was to experience the beauty of its physical nature. There is no need to focus on leaving the planet. Perhaps you would consider the beauty of living on this planet as a compassionate, loving human be-ing. We use be-ing this way to point out that most of you are so focused on do-ing that you forget the beautiful essence of simply be-ing.
There is no need to save others or the world. Imagine how you would like the world to be, then mold your belief codes and practice changing your thoughts, behaviors and emotions to fit into that life pattern. As you change yourself, others will have the courage to change themselves. When just one of you raises your vibration to a higher level, it ripples throughout the fabric of the entire universe.
What one does affects all; that is why it is important to be cognizant of what you think, say and do. Your emotions carry throughout the universe. Negative emotions glop with other negative emotions, which creates dense matter that can create havoc in your world. Positive emotions flow freely, blessing all that come along its path.
Which do you choose, a life of bliss or one of despair? Either is in your grasp. This universe was set up to allow those entering into physicality to have the free will to experience anything they choose. There are many complexities within these choices. We will speak of these on various days throughout the year.
However, for today, the assignment is to choose which belief codes you wish to live by. We encourage you to release your fears and judgments and to dream big. Allow yourself the freedom to choose what makes you soar. It may be difficult to let yourself loose at first. Look around at free spirits who are living out of the box. It might do you good to befriend some of them and to discover the ways they were able to muster the courage to live a life of freedom.
Have courage and know that we are always here to support you. Know that within yourself lies all you need to break the bonds. After all, it was you who created the bonds in the first place. Take responsibility for your actions and have the courage to move beyond limiting beliefs and to explore all that nature has to offer you.
Have fun! Celebrate! Peace and joy to you!  Chicchan 13

You are encouraged to share this message with others. To read this Message in its entirety, and over 60 previously posted Mayan Messages, please visit:  * The Mayan Messages follow the Tzolkin calendar, held sacred by the Maya. * All 260 Mayan Messages are available in paperback, eBook or EPUB. *To purchase your copy of the Mayan Messages, visit our main website where you will also find a wealth of information on Spirit, Emotions, Exercise, Diet and Sun. *  Are you ready to sow your S.E.E.D.S. for Change? Join my Facebook circle of Friends!  Mayan Messages *!/profile.php?id=100001790012919 *  

Saint-Germain: Living with Integrity
By Alexandra and Dan
This channeling is part of Soul purpose reading with Saint-Germain.
"Dear Saint-Germain, my family is treating my husband with a total lack of respect. It hurts me to witness this. I've tried to forgive them for their interference in our lives, but I find that I cannot. Their continued negativity is preventing me from forgiving them and healing this wound. Can you help me, please?"
Beloved friend, I AM Saint-Germain. Your Soul’s purpose in this lifetime is to live in accord with your highest truth and integrity. Since living this way is so very important to you, you are naturally reacting very strongly to your family’s inappropriate behavior. They have fallen out of integrity with their higher principles, and their actions have made this obvious to you.
You should congratulate yourself for having recognized this, but not give it any more attention. There is little that you can do now without aggravating the situation and entrenching them more deeply in their mistaken convictions.
Instead, you should focus on yourself. In particular, you should be careful not to develop equally strong, self-convincing beliefs about the way things are. Your family has made this mistake already. And while they spend much emotional energy defending their positions, their hearts are suffering for it.
Trusting Your Inner Wisdom.
Why not stay aligned with the Higher Truths that are written on your heart, rather than hiding behind your strong beliefs about what has been done to you? Believing that these transgressions can hurt you, will only make them seem real in your mind. If you listen to your heart, instead, you will remember that you are all Children of God.
To do this effectively, you will need to trust your inner wisdom. What is inner wisdom? Your inner or intuitive wisdom is something that is revealed to you in your feelings and accessed through your heart. It cannot be summoned from the beliefs you have about what has happened to you, nor conjured up from the resentment you may feel because your convictions and principles have been violated.
The more you focus upon this, the more difficulty you will have in healing the betrayal of trust that has taken place between you and your family, and the greater challenges you will face in opening your heart again.
You’ll be convinced that you are right and they are wrong, and you’ll be determined to walk this line with your family to the bitter end. But the intensity of your convictions will also make it difficult for you to heal this situation with compassion and forgiveness, and thereby free yourself to move on.
Blessing, Releasing, and Forgiving.
You are encouraged not to react angrily against your family members based upon this betrayal of your beliefs and principles. These Are important, it is true. But you may be hiding behind them in an intellectual way in order to protect yourself from the hurt and betrayal that you feel. The anger and bitterness that you feel toward your family are secondary emotions that only mask the deeper feelings of rejection and loss that you are experiencing. This is what needs your healing and forgiveness now.
What might be more productive is to allow yourself to feel and grieve deeply about this – and then to let these difficult family members go with your inner blessing. To bless your family members means to release them to the guidance and direction of their Higher Selves in a way that allows you to move on and live your life with the grace and dignity you desire.
Then if they gain insight into the situation and want to re-establish contact with you, you could try this again, but only if it feels right to you. First, you might want to “test the waters”. This means that you should go back into a relationship with them gradually; discerning the depth of their transformation with caution and without closing your heart to protect your feelings, as you have done in the past.
As long as you hold on to your anger and resentment, you will be unable to process your deeper feelings of hurt, and then offer them the forgiveness, blessing, and release that will heal you. It is through allowing your deeper feelings to reach a point of forgiveness that you will heal yourself, and also leave the door open for a possible reconciliation with your family later, provided that they make significant changes in their attitude and conduct.
For the time being, you must be firm and steadfast in your choice to let these difficult family members go. But please remember to bless them, and then release them to the love and guidance of their Souls and Higher Selves. Doing this will help you disentangle yourself from this situation, and allow you to heal yourself from the ordeal.
What you will discover is that through healing yourself of this emotional wounding and blessing and releasing your family members, you will create the greatest possibility for them to shift, too. You will create a healing path that they can walk on – if they choose – but without the need for you to confront them angrily again.
If they truly belong with you, then they will find their way back on their own… But if not, then it is better to release them with your love and blessings, and heal your own heart.
Living with Integrity.
You are not here to fight their anger with your anger, nor to fight their controlling behavior by controlling them in return.
Instead, you’re here to offer kindness, understanding, and awareness whenever possible – first, to yourself and then to your family members, if they are receptive. In doing this, you will raise yourself to another place of consciousness and silently invite everyone else to do the same.
You will do this with a quiet persistence that is a testimony to your integrity. And then you will step out of conflict once and for all.
This is the message that we have for you today, dear friend. Thank you for allowing us to share it with you. I AM Saint-Germain.
Would you like to know more about your Soul's plan and purpose for your life? Then please consider having a Soul purpose reading with Saint-Germain.
© copyright 2012 Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack

This material is offered to help free us from limitations by expanding human consciousness. It may be distributed without charge, provided this intention is honored. Commercialization by other parties requires the expressed written consent of the copyright holders, Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack. If you are reproducing this material, please credit the authors by name and include the following link:*

You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
