Isis Messages 4 Today 7/1



July 01, 2012
Note to all readers from Isis: Looks as if the artcles will come as they have been in the past few days some pages single articles some more than one on each page. Like all things in our lives this had to change too.

Isis' Message of the Day -

"Unless you can create the 'Whole' universe in 5 days, then  perhaps giving "advice" to God, isn't such a good idea!."

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Part of your human experience, dear ones, is dealing with rejection. There are times when others will reject you and times when you will have to turn others away. There are degrees of rejection that range from having someone simply look away when you give them a smile, to having the love of your life abruptly leave for no apparent reason. There are rejections that are done kindly, such as a friend politely declining an invitation, as well as rejections accompanied by incredible cruelty.
It is sad to us in the heavens to see this topic so charged with negativity, because in reality, a rejection is simply the honest echo to or from the universe saying, "What I see does not match me." There is no such negativity in the natural universe. Male animals court the female but if she refuses them, they simply find another to impress. A tree root digs deep into the ground and when it runs up against hard soil, it simply seeks out softer ground. Water pushes up against the boulders, but eventually carves a channel around those it cannot move.
Likewise dear ones, if someone or some situation is not willing to receive your love, then move forward, around them, and allow God to bring you a more perfect match. In the eyes of the angels, "Rejection is simply Redirection."
So next time someone rejects you, smile to yourself. Say, "Ah yes, thank you! You have shown me that you are not perfect for me! You have shown me that you do not want to receive what I have to give. You do not want to give what I wish to receive. Because I trust God and know I am loved, I will bless you and continue forward, knowing the universe will find what is perfect for me. I will trust God. I will bless you and release you and in so doing, release myself from the thankless task of trying to make someone or something "Fit" my life, when in truth it does not."
And so dear ones, likewise when you must turn someone down, there is no need for justifications, excuses, or anger. You simply need to say, I'm sorry, this is not perfect for me, and on you go. If someone gets upset at you for being kindly honest, well then dear ones, that is their point of growth. Sometimes you are redirected, sometimes you redirect others.
Within a puzzle each piece is unique and fits very uniquely amidst the others. A puzzle piece does not take it personally when it has not yet met its perfect matches. It does not say, "Can you believe that horrid piece that didn't want me!" Instead dear ones, each of you, like the pieces of that puzzle, can bless those who reject you because in truth they are your guides, leading you to situations, people, and patterns of thought that give you greater and greater joy.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here:  *  

Heavenletter #4237
What to Do in Life
July 1, 2012
God said:
Be of good cheer is My main message for you today. Such a simple thing, it hardly seems necessary to mention. Why wouldn't someone be of good cheer on a sunny day like this - or a rainy day like this? Grumpiness arises regardless of the weather. The weather is not responsible for your frame of mind. You are.
Grumpy days will descend uninvited. When they descend, let go of them. Instead of being grumpy, why not enjoy yourself? Even grumpiness doesn't have to deter you from good cheer.
Look, if you slip and fall in the mud, what is there to do but laugh at yourself? Maybe you slipped in the mud so you would laugh at yourself.
Notice I said to laugh at yourself. I did not say to laugh at anyone else. A good sport does not laugh at someone else, only himself, unless, of course, the other person is laughing, and then you can join in.
What else is there to do in life but develop a sense of humor? What else in there to do in life but enjoy it?
If you want joy in life, take on the intent to enjoy it. This does not mean to be false. This means to say: "Okay, I fell down in the mud. Shall I stay down in it? Shall I spend my whole day groveling in the mud, even after I've climbed out of it? I will have to wash my muddied clothes as soon as I get home, yet I can clear my mind right now on the spot. I'm not going to let a little mud accumulate in my mind and spoil my day. No sirree."
And if you don't slip in the mud today, and you find that your boss is displeased, do you have to be displeased too? Does someone else's surliness have to sully your mind? Perhaps you have thought it must. Perhaps you have thought that you have to copy someone else's bad mood. Perhaps you have thought your mood has to match someone else's.
Be of good cheer. Be serious in response to everyone. In response to yourself, move on. If your boss or your wife or anyone is displeased with you, be courteous and carry on. They will get over it by and by. As for yourself, get over it now.
The key word today is now.
You have gotten over much worse. If you're going to get over something sooner or later, get over it sooner. There is no good reason to ruin your day. There is every good reason to have a good day.
We are talking common sense.
When you are in a slump, your mind has suggested that you must be in a slump because your mind says that B must follow A. Change your mind then. Change it now.
You are under no obligation to stay in what is called a bad mood. Moods are temporary things. Moods are going to change anyway. If your mood is dark, change it now. You are not to be at the mercy of your moods. Moods are not the master over you. You owe no loyalty to your moods. You don't have to honor them. You don't have to keep them. Let them go. Step out of one mood into another. Unless you favor dark moods, step out of them.
You can change your sweater. You can change anything. Maintain light moods. Abandon yucky moods. Make light of yourself. Respect others' moods, but not your moods unless your moods are already of good cheer.

Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  * *  *    
Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 1-7, 2012

Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones,
Across your World, weather patterns are changing and creating a great cleansing as old stagnant energies are dissolved and dissipated. These weather anomalies will continue as humankind releases all that is not Love from their Beings. The great transformation of everything continues unabated as the new higher energies from the Cosmos come into your atmosphere. Do not lose heart during these times, Dear Ones, and help each other when it is needed.
As the old ways of expression are dissolved in this higher Light, more Light enters the cells to take its place and this is felt by Humanity at a deep, deep level. As more Light enters your personal energy field, your DNA is activated and more strands of it light up within you. Your four lower bodies are in the process of a transformation that has never before occurred on a mass level and there will continue to be many symptoms of this process as it takes place. These changes can bring up emotions that are triggered by a reminder of old issues that still need to be faced, acknowledged, accepted and released.
This is why we counsel you to be kind, nurturing and loving of yourselves. There are many deeply embedded thoughts and stories within you that come from previous generations which are passed on genetically through the DNA coding and as these are activated into life again, will pass through your four lower bodies. If you do not engage and fall into these stories but merely observe them, these will dissipate. Your bodies are living libraries of all that has gone before and so the stories in them that have been passed on through your ancestral lines will be activated. Observe them with detachment and they will fall away.
On a lighter note, many of you who have willingly and consciously chosen to go through this process will find yourselves experiencing greater periods of sustained joy within and will embody more and more the thought that all is well, everything is perfect. A deep trust in your connection to Source will be evident in all that you experience and as this feeling of joy persists, wonderful synchronicities will occur in your personal lives that will bring more of this feeling to you and will become a normal way of living and expressing.
Know that all old and sad stories are falling away and you and everyone else upon your World are being renewed on every level of your Being. You and the Earth and all Her inhabitants are being given a fresh start, a new lease on life. Rejoice in this knowledge and maintain your balance and equilibrium at all times, in all that takes place. Be the calm in the storm of change that manifests around you. Smile often and practice conscious compassion to yourselves and others. You affect more than you know by your presence.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Messages from The Masters of Light

As Received by Ruth Ryden
June 30, 2012
Q: Masters, what is causing these abnormal heat waves across North America – the rest of the world?  How long are they going to last?  How drastic will the effects be on food supplies/crops?
Masters:  You may feel the world is exploding around you, but it is not.  The elevated heat around the world, yes - in many places besides your continent, is occurring because of the heightened frequencies as the Earth hits a closer orbit toward and around the Sun right now.   Prior weather records show this happening every 10 or 20 years, but this orbit is closer because of the galactic re-alignment now taking place.  Temperatures will start dropping off during the first week of July, then stay at slightly lower numbers  for another two weeks. 
The monsoon moisture coming up from Mexico into the western states will bring relief to the dry forests but also cause many fires from lightning strikes.  July will not be a laid-back time of vacations, but a month of highly unpredictable storms, not just on the North American Continent, but all over the world. Temperatures will stray from what is normal to intense drougths that has fried crops and dried up fruit on the trees.  Water sources around the world will be seen to be erratic in their flows and amounts.  Storm runoffs are already causing flooding and hardships.  The intense suffering of humankind caused by all of this will continue to pop up as humanity continues its path of selfishness and greed, denuding lands of forests and prairies that kept nature in balance.  
The hurricane season is starting off slowly, but we see violent storms to birth off the coast of Africa, as they do every year, but we see them changing course from the norm, hitting the American coasts slightly further north.  The eastern Canadian Coasts may even feel the effects of these whirling winds during the month and into August. 
As the world experiences these elevated temperatures, the opposite is always in effect.  The arctic realms will be experiencing unusual weather patterns also, as temperatures plunge into unusual depths.  Even so, deep under the seas the Earth’s inner furnace continues to heat up and is causing melting of the huge ice sheets.  Increased calving of ice shelves will be reported and shipping lanes will see more bergs as they travel through these waters. 
Europe is also experiencing elevated temperatures, while Australia will experience some very stormy weeks this month.  We sense some earth movements  in the northern oceanic islands north of that continent.  
As these temperatures massage the planet one way then another, the seas will be reacting also.  It is not a time to be cruising in deep waters as they are being pushed and pulled by the movement and temperatures of the restless continents.  Water currents are especially dangerous near beaches where holiday swimmers enjoy their vacations. 
Expect food prices to rise sharply in many areas as fields and orchards feel the lack of rain, then flooding.  Time to stock up on canned/frozen fruits and favorite vegetables.  
This is not a happy forecast we realize, but what each of you will gain by understanding what to expect and working out your own solutions is the real reward here.  Bringing forth your own inner knowledge and strength is an important factor in the growth of humanity.  For too long, entertainment has been of the utmost importance to the younger millions who live by their electronic helpers and wallow in the senseless monster movies and violent music of the age.  To survive, in many places, only good common sense and the inner senses of danger and/or opportunities will need to blossom again.  No, God is not punishing you, and we know many religions will say this, but it is an opportunity to grow in mind and spirit when nature flares up against you.   God does not punish; He (it, whatever you wish to call the Creator) gives created souls the means of overcoming anything and everything; it is your choice to give up or prevail over the difficulties.  This is prime time for humanity – time to wake up and understand this universe.  We are always here to help when you call.
Q: Masters, the subject of Crop Circles is still very important to a lot of people, especially  since now they have been turning up in different foreign countries.  I am asking you , finally, for the truth in this matter.  The Circles have been attributed  to UFO’s, Little Green Men, frequency messages, abnormal energy in the earth, not to mention all the man-made designs that the jerks of the world insist on wasting their time and that of really intent seekers of information.  Who or what is responsible for these beautiful and sometimes mysterious designs in the crop fields of the world (even seen in ice fields)?  What are the designs meant to convey?  Many of the earliest ones were faithfully mathematical and extremely detailed.  I haven’t followed them for some time, but many do.  At the end of this answer I will give a web site where they are recorded by a very reliable organization.
Assuming your answers will be forthcoming, and I do request a really definitive response on this, do or have these designs have anything to do with the current global problems of governments, politics, global warming, starvation of masses, etc., etc.?  Do they have to do with the earth changes we are experiencing – are they an effort of some other planetary civilization to communicate with us?  If so, are there sensitive people who are able to understand them and pass the messages on to humanity?  I haven’t seen that yet, although they are trying very hard, but perhaps no one will listen.  (What else is new?)
Masters: Your inquiry is most timely as the designs in the English fields are increasing now and will be seen in many parts of the world, even drawn out in crusted desert sands.

Listen to us.  Higher Intelligence, the spirit world (whatever many of you wish to call it, or us), has, for centuries sent messages to humanity in many different forms, according to the ability of different societies to understand them.  All of the ancient designs chiseled into stone by those whose minds reflected the designs were messages for those times. Concepts of Gods artistically created by all peoples have always been part of the messages that have been sent.  Today, the crop designs are part of universal communications from Higher Intelligence in the universe to give humanity the realization that there IS a creative intelligence that is just as real as the sad efforts of some people to duplicate the designs.

You must realize the universe is primarily afloat with primary energy, which has created, and continues to create, conscious souls that are constantly co-habiting with the beings in matter on this planet and millions of others.  Souls that have spent lifetimes on Earth are very active, especially trying to help humanity through their rough times of dealing with terrestrial problems.  The differences in the designs have to do with the conscious knowledge of soul groups who have experienced human lifetimes, trying to get the attention of those who are able to see the message in them.  Many others are from energy beings sending their concepts and knowledge to humanity in this way.

Are societies from other planets trying to communicate?  Yes, sometimes.  It is interesting that your art works have depicted the Hand of God as a finger reaching down to Earth.  In a way, that is how the circles are created.  The energy that is involved in laying down the grain stalks is extremely powerful and can be felt for a few days after their creation.  Living beings are protected from that energy by only sending the designs to unoccupied areas.  The lights that are seen by those who have had inner knowledge of a protracted design going to be made is high voltage energy, sometimes seen as balls of fire, etc.
Many of the designs have even been accurately defined as predictions to future planetary storms or earth movements, but that information is still not understood nor realized by humanity in general.  Most of the designs are mathematical in nature for that reason.  Some of the designs are simply a fingerprint of an energy being doing some art work.  The consciousness that dwells in the far reaches of space has many concerns, experiences, concepts about life, etc., etc. that are generally not of real concern to humanity, but are very interesting to see and experience.  It takes those who really study this to find the important messages in these phenomenon and to tell the differences between those messages and those of some fanciful spirit doing a little art work.  The differences may be seen in the complexity of the designs.  Modern aircraft whose pilots fly over the designs provide excellent records by photographing them from every angle, thereby making the messages available to the world.

As to the designs relating to current world conditions and problems, yes, of course.  Your world is in a time of violent changes, both in your societies and in the physical planet itself.  The designs are sometimes set down in what you would deem to be unusual areas, as a way of getting the attention of those who have not yet experienced them in a physical way.   Energy designs have been with you for many centuries.  Consider the beautiful designs drawn in colored sands by American Indian spiritual leaders.   Designs have been carved into granite or stones all over the world by those who are inspired by their inner minds to   put them to canvas and stone.  They all have had significance to their societies and even for you today.  As the intelligence of humanity continues to rise their messages will become more understandable.
To find meanings in the Circles, try first to find the basic design in each of the large mathematical designs and then work with the variables.  Remember, there is not just one consciousness sending these designs, but many from sometimes all parts of the universe.  At some point, the meaning is found in the reader’s own higher awareness – what comes into the mind through the Higher Self of the reader.   These message designs come from intelligences that are still far beyond human understanding, trying to find a way to communicate.  Go ahead and reach, for that is the entire purpose – to send out knowledge and information to those who are expanding their own awareness, and there are many of you all over the world.  The great mathematicians of the world are starting to understand and work with these designs – quietly, of course.

Many people who are working with their awareness to be closer to spirit often receive the knowledge of a new design to be made and where to go to see it.  They have learned to keep their distance while the energy “fingers” are laying down a new design in the field.

Listen for news of unusual designs being observed in the Middle East and in Africa that will be drawn in those crusted sands – sometimes far out in the deserts.  Designs created by swirling waters are being seen, but disappearing quickly.  Designs have been seen in ice formations.  Cloud formations over disturbed land will sometimes take on simple designs that reflect the disturbance.

In essence, you are surrounded by intricate designs in nature all the time which simply and beautifully reflect the Creator’s creations of beauty and knowledge.  Humanity is starting to understand this.   Let your inner awareness see the beauty, be warned of difficulties to come, learn of the ultimate creation that will go on forever. There is an ongoing  conversation to read and interpret in the crop circles. “
(Crop Circle web site: )
Ruth Ryden
I have published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally.
I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  * *    

Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
June 30, 2012
Dear ones, we greet you in this time of much change and seeming chaos. We are here to bring hope through the awareness that all is proceeding according to plan even though as of yet you are not hearing anything different than the usual on your news. Indeed much is transpiring that you are as of yet unaware. Hold to the truth dear ones, and do not allow yourselves to go into fear and doubt from those manifestations of duality and separation from which you are ascending in this lifetime. All is moving swiftly to bring you into the new energies now pouring onto your planet.
Every small loving deed you do for the world and each other . . . easing another's burden, adds more light when done through the recognition of truth. Try not to act from the level of a "do gooder." A "do gooder" is an individual who through a false sense of "holiness" goes about looking for things to fix and whose actions are often ego based, done with the expectation of a return in the form of money or in ego gratification. "Do gooders" work from the third dimensional belief in duality and separation, seeing people and things that need to be fixed. This is not a judgement, for this is where all start out in their evolutionary journey and much profound help has been given the world through this state of awareness, but you have moved beyond this way of seeing and working and are now required to work from a higher level; a level that knows there is really nothing to fix. We are not saying that you are to deny what you see in the world, nor are we saying that you are not to give a hand where needed. What we are saying is that it is time to begin to recognize that the outer forms are not God ordained, but simply the manifestations of concepts based in duality and separation. This is the journey of evolution dear ones, moving beyond seeing appearances as reality.
Do your work quietly, allowing it to flow out from a consciousness of oneness, seeing every life as in and of the Divine whole, even if they themselves do not yet know it. The bible message is true in saying that what you do for another you do for yourselves, for there is only One. Always examine your intentions when helping others, and remember that many have chosen their particular experiences in order to learn. Trust your intuition on these things, always working from compassion and not sympathy, for when you enter into sympathy with another's problem you merge with the energy of it. In compassion you listen, offer what you can, but stay centered in truth and light.
Many moving into the light of new awareness are trying to incorporate their old familiar beliefs into the new. This cannot be done. You must leave behind all beliefs that resonate with duality and separation if you are to enter into the mystical message of Oneness. New wine cannot be put into old wine skins as is stated in your Christian bible. Many fear leaving behind that which has been their truth and comfort for perhaps their whole lifetime and which has been the glue holding together family and friends in common worship and beliefs. However, as you open to deeper truths, you must make a choice; "Do I stay in what is comfortable and familiar, or do I move into the new awareness presenting itself to me?".
Often as with any profound change, there is the fear of upsetting or angering families or partners, and indeed this is often the case especially in strong traditional belief systems. Realize that human worship, ceremonies, and teachings of the past as well as now, are simply concepts of truths; truths interpreted though somewhat un-awakened states of consciousness. This is why in organization, the deeper truths of a message are lost once the original consciousness is no longer around to clarify. Sacred teachings are then interpreted by those not yet functioning at original teacher's level. Know that through spiritual evolution you lose nothing of value, but simply move your worship to higher levels of that which is represented by the symbolic rites and rituals of many organized religions.
If those of your "group" are not yet ready to embrace the deeper truths, that is fine. You need not shout your enlightenment from the roof tops, but simply begin to practice it. Go within each day (and as often as you can), taking time to center and contemplate new awareness. This need not be long, just the incorporation of truth into your daily life. If you experience anger from those who wish you to continue in the old ways, ways you feel you have outgrown, then is the time to lovingly take a stand. Explain only once that you are examining new directions for yourself but that you honor them and their practice and allow them to also choose. Never apologize for your enlightenment but also never try to force it on another.
One of your famous people said that the definition of insanity was to keep doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results, and yet that is what many continue to do. Those that try to continue with what is old and finished after they have evolved beyond it, will consistently meet with failure because that which is finished, is finished. New awareness ready to be lived will be incorporated either the hard way through repeated failure of doing things the way you have always done them, or the easy way through moving into and living out from the new awareness. This is often seen with relationships where an individual continues to play third dimensional games of relationship after they are ready to live out from a deeper, truer sense of relationship. These individuals move from one partner to another, always seeking the fulfillment promised in old energy beliefs, and always experiencing painful failures until they "get it." This is what you have asked for, chosen, and are receiving for yourselves dear ones, to evolve.
Many through ignorance or malevolent desire are still working to keep the old energy alive and well. You are the forward flank. You are those paving the way for others. You carry the burden of releasing all that is old and finished in order to bring the whole planet into readiness for the shift into higher dimensional light. You have chosen this. You dear ones, who are clearing and releasing that which is old and finished in your own lives are at the same time helping to clear and release these beliefs from the impersonal universal human matrix of beliefs; adding light for those others who are ready and are attracted to truth.
You are paving the way so to speak and because the head of the arrow creates heat as it moves through the air, so are you often catching heat from those not yet able to fully understand what you are doing, believing, or trying to tell them. Let this be of no concern. Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work sacredly, secretly, and silently which will emanate Light wherever you are and those with "eyes to see and ears to hear," will respond.
Soon you will see the fruitage of you labors. All is well.
We are the Arcturian Group

Marilyn Raffaelle

I live in  beautiful  northern Michigan close to  Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began  meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and  began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way"  material.  These deeply mystical teachings moved  me into  an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many  world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths.  This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an  ability to  communicate with my guides and other Teachers  of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out  to the world at this very important time.
 ** *   

Trying On The Costume Of Deserving
As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The financial consciousness of planet earth changes into a higher brighter light exhibiting finer more defined lines of manifestation.   In the past you have always looked to others for support and a foot up – now as the worlds face confusion you worry like an old woman, who asks, ‘Who will be there if I fall?’  Fear lines the outer banks of your thoughts.
The question, little ones, is why do you want to fall at all?  Are you or are you not in charge of creating your life? Are you just a victim of happenstance?  Why do you want to fuel your life stream with such trampled thoughts and creations? You are just learning to fly, leaving the nest of what was your safe space and building a place even the Angels need permission to go. Grasp what is golden about you and your world and your decisions.  Hold on for dear life and swing into a bright shiny future.
Many have learned to play the part of martyr and savior, whipping post and slave - now its time to try on the costume of Deserving.  We see within the souls of so many of you how life has hurt you, how you’ve been raked over the coals and burnt. With a higher thought you can whitewash the broken fence of your heart.  You have the ability to the heal past all soul scars.
Your Universe, your God does not hold you to your past, the universe lives in the present moment.  It is time for you to release your past, for even the very Gods themselves do not hold it against you.  Your past is held in a holy repository and you have the only key to open the drawer- even the Creator does not go there.  Nothing of divine holy light will ever point out the past to you.  Move up and out of what has caused you pain and sadness and anger.  Do it thought by thought, decree by decree.
With a flip of a switch in your next thought, you can either turn on the light or continue to sit in the dark room developing negatives.  If your heart truly desires something, just give it to yourself.  First with a thought, then with an intent, then permission to receive and then allow the rest to follow.  If you want a new car, give it to yourself verbally first, out loud.  Whatever you speak, the Universe hears and mirrors back to you.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan| PO box 217| Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217|  | |   

You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
