Isis Messages 4 Today 10/14

Isis' Message of the Day -
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages…

We are divine beings with a divine plan, doing divine things.
We send you many blessings on your spiritual path and journey home!
We wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
Isis & Archangel Michael

Today's Angel Message
Good morning, dear friend.  We are happy to confirm for you that the subjects, clarity, and recall of your dreaming consciousness have changed dramatically over the last days, as they have for many.  This will continue as long as you make it a priority.  Congratulations.
We urge all those who read the messages and writings of lightworkers to realize that they are merely showing what is possible for everyone.  As you feel your awareness changing, do not hesitate to try new things that seem attractive to you.  That attraction and intent, coupled with your trust, will enable wonderful things for you.  This is what the shift in awareness is all about.
Look again at all of your I-wish-I-coulds and I-would-love-to-be-able-tos and pick your favorite ones.  Perhaps they are what you think of as spiritual.  Perhaps they are not.  Of course, since you are a spiritual being, everything you do is spiritual.  But give those things new interest and effort, dear friends.
Perhaps a little wonder at why they seem attractive to you could be in order.  Skills and abilities which you have spent many lifetimes developing can be recovered easily for you at this time.  Your contribution may be something which you have already discovered, but it may also be hiding just below the surface waiting for you to look for it.  You will know it when the joy of it fills your heart.
You are here now because this piece of the puzzle of humanity could only have been brought by you.  Nurture it.  Love it.  And share it freely.  There will be those who hold similar gifts to share with you.  It is time now, my friends, to discover who you are beneath all the coulds, woulds, and shoulds that have been collected throughout your lives.  Who are you, really?  Mr. Accountant, are you a farmer?  Mrs. Housewife, are you a baker?  A gardener?  A writer?  Or, if all of the stresses and strains of today’s world were lifted, are you already doing something that you love?
It is time now to find that which you love and begin to give it the attention it deserves.  It is your time.  Allow it to come forth naturally.  Do you know one who does this now?  You will discover that nothing pleases them more than explaining it to you.
You may not change things overnight.  Unless, of course, you do.  But it is time for you to begin a life of fun.  You did not come here to suffer.
There are other changes which the next weeks will bring to you, but we will discuss them in due time.  For now, have fun with this.  Good day, dearest friends.
Channeled by Ron Head
Ocotober 13, 2012
Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: * 

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you hear of seeming tragedies, know that it is opportunity to look beyond the veil, to feel the presence of energy of the loved one, to feel their love that is truly free, free of the body, free of old restraints. And know that there is opportunity, there is possibility, even probability, that they will reincarnate quite quickly to bring a new message that the world is wanting to hear.
Visit our website:  *  

Jesus: What Awaits Your awakening Is Utter Joy
Channeled by John Smallman 10/10/2012

October 14, 2012
We are all rooting for you here in the spiritual realms – which truly are not a series of mythical realms set apart from yours in some alternate universe or energy field – as we watch you heading firmly and vigorously towards the moment of your awakening.  As you have often been told, there is only Reality, in which all of creation (which includes humanity) has its eternal existence.  You have just temporarily closed your eyes to this truth and therefore to your awareness of it.  But eternal sleep is not part of the divine plan for anyone, so you will awaken into the joy that is your birthright.  And the moment for that awakening is almost upon you.
Holding on to doubts and anxieties slows you down, so release them; you have no need of them.  In the illusion they are constantly disturbing and unsettling you, because there your experience has been of suffering and betrayal — by you and of you.  But what awaits your awakening is utter joy, as divinely promised by your loving Father, and because it is His Will for you, and because He has promised you that He will deliver on His promise, no other outcome is remotely possible.
You are heading directly for Home, after eons spent wandering through the illusion in a state of aimless confusion.  You thought you were seeking God and Heaven, but mostly you were occupied with your own individual beliefs and prejudices which encouraged you to judge, condemn, and punish others angrily for beliefs or behaviors that did not align with your own.  But God is found in the peace and quietness within, when you set aside time to relax alone, undisturbed by the noisy external world which is driven by ambition to inordinate levels of egoic thinking and planning; and for eons only a very few of you sought that inner path.
The illusion encourages the egoic way, and it has been humanity’s choice over the eons to place its focus there.  The world, as you have been experiencing it, has always been a place filled with either winners or losers, and when you have had a choice you always attempted to side with those whom you thought would win. Of course, often there was no choice at all; you were born into an environment, an area of the world, from which you were for the most part unable to move, and so you unavoidably became involved in the conflicts going on there.  And that could be and has been a very embittering experience for many.
Over the last few decades the desire to achieve global peace and abundance for all has spread far and wide, and the impossibility of achieving those ends by cajoling, threatening, punishing, or going to war has become increasingly apparent.  Much creative thought has been expended on seeking solutions that work for all of humanity, as opposed to the old ideas of just looking after those “on your side.”  An energy of compassion and caring has been building right across the planet, and there are now many groups co-operating to put into effect the necessary processes to achieve these essential aims.
Those groups are communicating with each other, becoming more efficiently organized, and making their creative concepts available to all who wish to join with them — to make winners of you all.  Governments are having to take notice and formulate new policies that appeal to this new breed of compassionate and highly intelligent constituent.  It is apparent almost everywhere that the citizens of the world will no longer accept decisions made by their governments to engage in warfare, because all have become fully aware of what a disastrous course of action that is.
Countries engaged in war are at last working to withdraw from those calamitous situations and bring their armies, freedom fighters, and other military operatives home from all such areas of conflict.  There remains opposition from the obstinate hardliners whose motto has always been “when the going gets tough, get tougher” — an insane response in insane situations.  They will be over-ruled and sidelined because their beliefs and attitudes are totally unacceptable to civilized peoples.
Peace and abundance for all can be achieved right now on Earth, as is well understood, if the inordinate amounts of military spending were reduced to only that necessary to run and maintain a small well-trained and well-disciplined force of high moral integrity, which could, without resorting to violence, prevent local hooligans from causing trouble and disturbing the peace of the majority.
People want peace and a reasonable standard of living, and that can be provided world-wide when selfish, greedy, egoic ambitions are reined in and the wealth that the planet offers is fairly shared.  There is absolutely no need for poverty anywhere and many of you are working hard to eradicate it.  And as governments begin to understand their true purpose – to treat all citizens fairly and honestly and ensure that poverty becomes a distant memory – and harness a degree of beneficent political will, amazing results can and will be achieved very rapidly.
The divine energies enveloping the planet are affecting all, by integrating and melding with the collective human energy field, as well as with individuals, causing major changes in attitudes that are beginning to benefit you all.  It may not yet be clearly visible to you, but if you consider all the places where peaceful demonstrations by a few have awakened compassionate awareness in the hearts of many, you will realize that enormous progress is being made.  The stage has been reached where there is no option but for peace and abundance to replace poverty and oppression worldwide.  The energy to make it happen is available to you, so reach out and grasp it and make it happen — because you can.  And from the other realms of creation which are showering you with Love, enormous and limitless assistance will ensure your complete success.
Your loving brother,
John Smallman
Messages from an elder brother Jesus. I hope you find them of value. * *  

And God Said . . .
by  Renee Snider 10-12-12

We are entering the vortex, the convex, the wormhole to the 4th dimensional foundation of the New Earth.  Many heads and hearts are spinning round and round seeking truth, seek relief, seeking peace.  Looking outside one will not find it.  It is not in the media. It is not in a building.  It is not in a book.  It is not in a class.  It is not in a certification. It is not in an approval.  You have all you need within.
The message and key to higher consciousness, to an expanded heart of love and compassion and closeness with the Most High is through your heart.  Quiet.  Within.  Peaceful.  Powerful and clear.
Weeks away from completion of a cycle never experienced such as this.  God speaks directly, our Creator, our Source, shares, as before in many paths of people, Masters, Sages, Hearts, Texts, Burning Bushes if you will, to say again . . .
Dear Children of My Light, I come before you, through you and in you to awaken that which was dormant for eons of time.  As you come out of an experiment of consciousness, as you come out of a space of not knowing who you truly are by agreement to help this beloved planet of Light, Earth, you are hereby notified, asked, poked, lovingly jarred, shaken, reawakened, ice poured on your face, kissed on the cheek and forehead . . . to know, you can leave your karma and lessons of the journey.  You can know that I am returning to your consciousness, to your knowing.  Many will say different.  Many, as always, will be in darkness . . . to shout darkness and you can’t.  Yet, hear my voice, feel the energy from the words this one types as fast as her fingers can go. " I Am Who I Say I Am!"  And I am calling you home.  Home.  It is a place of who you are in energy, in fluid matter of Light, of sound, of vibration, of complex organization and perfection of Being.  It is a space of expansiveness that that exists beyond the realms of your 3rd dimensional mind capabilities.  This is a space outside of your body.  Outside of the mind, moving into "My Mind, My Heart, Your One Source."
Earth is shifting frequencies and is about to change channels.  I felt the need, the pull, and the calling by many to come through in this way and with others . . . to speak to you.  You seem to think I can only come through a church, or old book off the shelf.  Dear Ones, "I Live and Love in Each of Your Cells and the Breath You Breathe."  "For I Am You."  "You Are Me."  This is simply a task, a grand one at that, to undertake your Self in a human form for multiple purposes of love and expansion for your own Soul and that of other human civilizations other species, other universes and star systems.
I Am here to point the way. "Go Within Your Heart." You will find "Me" there.  You must know that to tune yourself, to harmonize your being, to adjust your Self, you must go to your engine, just like your car.  You don’t wash the outside of your car to tune the engine.  You must go directly to in and in a space and way to align the parts.
Your engine is your heart.  Your life is in the physical and energetic higher heart.  I am in this Place.  Jesus The Christed One is also there.  This space only needs your love and listening.  As we approach a time that many still have yet to see, much to do with your numbness of movies, fears, voices louder than your heart and old past memories that are of Earth, not of your Godliness.  This must be reached back into.  Ask for help to know this.  Call upon the Legions of Angels, the Masters and Saints that you are comfortable with, yet listen for the words and knowingness that comes, there is a line of communication for you to tune into, it is a frequency as all things are.  Your science is up to date on this, seek it out for the human aspects as you need to qualify it.  Yet above all, "Go Within!"  Seek the love that you seek.  Seek the peace that you long for.  Find that "I Am presence" that is you in perfect form and knowingness for in that space I hold you in holiness of empowerment of your Being.  As you move into this space, listen more and more you "Will" hear.  For I am speaking "Louder" than ever . . . "Come Home." Home is a loving space in Heart Consciousness, that once there will evidence it self in your world in the physical ways.  "Know" the space of love is an energy and from that space the more love is held the more the physical form will reflect it.
Time to come home.  Take the step. It is not the end of Earth, the time that approaches, but it is the end of Darkness of not knowing your true "God-Self" that you are. The end of dark consciousness is at hand.  This is "My Decree" and nothing, "I Say Nothing" changes my Decree and the love I have for  "All." I thank each of you for your unending service to All and time to come home to higher consciousness and be ye reborn in consciousness and the body and for clarity, it does not have to mean Death!  You can supersede that and go back to the freedom of form as you choose.  But you must now leave this reality by choice, leave the attachments, leave the limiting beliefs, leave the hate, the anger and fear and simply move into loving one another.  That is all that is asked.  If you love one another as your Self, then all will align and your entrance into this new expanded reality and way back to a path of being that you existed as before will show it Self.
Dearly loved ones of my creation, upon this day, of this hour, of this moment, I say to each of you.  I love you and promise you wholeness and so it is.
God – Today as primary voice of your Family of Light and “The One”
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Renée is a bridge, melded channel  and Voice of Light and connects with the compilation energy of  “The One.”  All is contained in The One and from that space, individual and combined energies come forth from The Spiritual Hierarchy; The Brother/Sisterhood of Light, The Ancients and Elders, The Ascended Masters and Teachers, The Councils,  The Angelic Realm and other Cosmic Beings  of our Family of Light.  Renee’s purpose is to share the Light, show by example the process of the human expanding into the Divine Self and to share energies and insights for igniting the Heart, soul and DNA for awakening and personal expansion.   Loving pathways for this are created through Light Transmissions, Circles and Galleries of Light and individual and group sessions.  For more info, *  
Respectfully and with many Blessings,
Renée Snider
Igniting the Light of your Heart
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The Devic Realm: Be As The Little Children
Channeled by Bella Capozzi 10/10/2012
October 14, 2012
In the bright light of day, nothing shall be hidden.  Remember this well in the coming days;  because as  surely as the dawn breaks in the morning, so shall it herald the beginning of a new age.  You shall prepare yourselves for a different way of living by instilling within your hearts a deep determination-a vow-to drop the heaviness from  your hearts and cease giving credence to the chaotic illusions  continually bombarding  your senses.  Be as the little children.  For, do they pay the darkness any heed at all?  Are the wee ones even mildly aware, nor interested, even?  To be as a child is simply to emulate- and in the most positive sense, might we add-those ones to whom the serenity of Source is the freshest of memories.  They love purely and trustfully.  To imagine is to make make real.  They know this.  As these are the ones who are able to easily remember and thus embody the most fundamental Universal truths.  Innocence personified, they are.  And they have come in now to show the more jaded hearts the way it needs to be.  Allow the children to show you ways to recreate your present Home, your Home and Gaia’s Home, our Home-soon to become the most  splendid locale in all of the Cosmos.  Our dear Earth is destined for unparalleled greatness.  If only you could see it and touch it on this day, although in due course you shall know these things and much, much  more.
There is a simplicity to our existence, and to that of all of the residents of the Elemental Kingdoms.  And it is because you are created just as we are and by the same hand, that there is no plausible reason whatsoever that you cannot exist in a state of Divine generosity and gratitude, as we do.  No reason at all, except by your own choosing.  Plants flourish and grow, the fishes swim freely, the crystal kingdom glimmers and radiates bountifully of it’s lifeforce.  The animals romp and play amidst the grasses, the very grasses who in turn cleanse the air and give themselves selflessly over to you as vital sustenance.  Children live and children love.  And the seasoned ones, those of you who are the elder, strain and struggle to make sense of why you even came to be here with us in the first place.  In your heart of hearts you innately know that the ways of the world are off-kilter somehow, and deep within you now stirs the slumbering memory of your long lost innocence.  You want it back, you must have it, and you shall take back what is rightfully your own.   Now is most opportune moment to reclaim it.  Now.  As the clouds part and the storm abates, a rainbow of unfathomable beauty reveals itself to you as the pathway to salvation.
The stakes are high for Gaia-in truth, they are high for us all.   We who dwell together upon and within this planetary body survive here only by her good graces.  Gaia asks that you respect life, as all life is sovereign.  It is sacred.  The very act of life’s creation  is truly miraculous, and every one of us came into being as a deliberate decision and act of the Creator.  Creator chose to form each and every one of us,  and breathed life unto us as a means to experience and explore.  To end another life is to take selfishly away from your Creator.  Do you wish to be one who deprives Creator of the right to enjoy a chosen experience?  New ways of sustaining and expressing yourselves  must be found, and in addition you are tasked to devise alternative forms of entertainment, and more healthful means of channeling your worries and frustrations.  We cannot comprehend Mankind’s fascination with the darker aspects, and his penchant for killing and bloodsport.  It defies all explanation, in our eyes.  We caution you that it has come time to re-evaluate and re-prioritize.  The ways of old cannot long remain as the ways of the present, nor shall they ever be the ways of the new.  You must create other methods of diversion and conflict resolution now, in these last waning days leading up to the time when such issues shall cease to even be a factor of your reality.  It is by way of mutual respect, joy, laughter and the like that positive change shall come about.
Ours is the Realm of the water, and it is mutable and transformative.  The lakes, the streams, the rivers the ponds…it is these places which we call Home.  You have come to know us as The Deva.  The Water Faeire.  We are the vibration of green.  We share this jewel of a planetary body with you, and alongside you we shall collectively aid Gaia in her grand transfiguration.  May you reign forever young and playful, always .
Copyright © Bella Capozzi.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray.  I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner.  This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth.  I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.   
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives.  Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space.  This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us.  Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.
Whichever it is, or if you just happened to find this site by Divine Synchronicity (there are no accidents), be open to everything!  Speak your truth.  Tell the world who you “really” are.  *  Email: * 
Hilarion's Weekly Message: October 14-21, 2012
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are in the process of the further simplifying of your lives in all of its facets. As more Light enters your personal energy field, you are finding yourselves leaving behind all that would hinder or bind you to the past and the letting go of all that no longer serves your higher purpose becomes much easier. This process of evaluation and letting go is most prevalent at this juncture of the Ascension process, for all of your habitual thought patterns which you have carried within your minds from early childhood to your present moment come up for review.
It has been a difficult process for you to get to know yourselves and what is truly important to you in the healing and reclaiming of your state of wholeness and personal power. This is the current step for most of you – the realization that you are indeed the creator of the reality that you are experiencing at the present moment. It has or is, requiring of each of you to look deeply within to observe the patterns of thought that you have, for the most part, subconsciously carried and which have manifested in your reality, perhaps in ways that have created events, situations or circumstances that continue to bring into your lives that which you do not want or envision for yourselves.
Many of you have been amazed and disconcerted by the sudden onset of behaviours and speech that are not your normal mode of conduct. Be aware that these come from the deepest levels of your Being where they most probably have taken root in early childhood and have been suppressed and repressed as inappropriate and unacceptable by the constructs of the society you grew up in. This is why we counsel that you be good to yourselves as you work your way through this process.
As children, you were innocent and spontaneous in your thoughts and actions. If you were sad, you cried. If you were happy, good spirits were evident, If you were angry, you stamped your feet and freely expressed your feelings with full engagement of all your senses. In your innocence you acted – and were told these actions were not appropriate. Children simply live in the present moment and do not harbour thoughts of past or future or the complexities of adulthood. They simply experience what is before them at the present moment. This is what living life fully in its truest sense means.
You are all regaining this ability to be in the moment to appreciate all the joys and wonders of creation in its most simplest and basic of ways. All of the complexities of life as currently experienced are beginning to fall away and what you retain is that which is of the greatest value in the new beginning now opening up before you. As you journey upon this path, you will recognize those who are beginning to experience the processes that you have already left behind you. Give them compassion, kindness and direction when appropriate. Always remember that maintaining your highest Light during these times is of prime importance. Stay true to yourselves. 
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


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~ From The Light Circle Ezine Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  * 
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
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