Isis Message Of The Day - 9/1/12

Isis' Message of the Day -

"Life is change.  Life is growth.  And if you live it with integrity, if you follow your own path and your own dream while also being respectful of others' needs and desires to do the same, you will do well.  Less energy is wasted in allowing life to flow as it needs to flow, as it does flow, than in fighting against both the forces of life and your own nature."
~ Quado ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message

AA Uriel - Time to Cross the Threshold
As far as current energies and happenings, things may seem to be a bit unsettled for some, a bit difficult in many ways.  This is because it is the last few weeks before the equinox and is a time when many things are ‘shaking loose’ and becoming (or for some – continuing to be) unsettled.  This is the universe’s little push to try to get you to release ALL that does not serve you in whatever form that may be.  We know this phrase has been repeated ad nauseum – yes, we are sick of it as well but nonetheless it is true.  It is now, beloved – that time is upon you – truly on your doorstep and to push the door and walk through to the next experience, you cannot be carrying all of that baggage.  We are on the threshold – it is only four months until 12-21.  You also may have notice in the news that there are many people passing on.  It was said previously that not all would choose to complete the journey or be able to do the work and would choose to leave instead.  This is what you will see happening at this time and we anticipate this will accelerate in the coming months and there will be a couple of very surprising deaths.  It will be repeated many times – ‘I can’t believe so and so died.’  But, this is their free will choice and all who choose to go will be assisting on the other side.  So, what will you choose – will you open the door, drop your burdens and boldly cross over the threshold or will you keep your feet firmly planted on this side of the door – the choice is yours.  We hope you go through and we will be waiting on the other side with open arms.  Until then…

Copyright 2012 * Please distribute freely as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way, the copyright and website is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial, no charge basis. * 
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, some days seem to drag on a bit and you say, “Well, I can’t see that much happened in this day.” But they are as building blocks every moment, because you get an opportunity in every moment to make choice as to where you will abide; whether you will abide in fear, in old generational teaching that you have to defend your beliefs, your property, your dwelling place, your family, etc. You have tried that, and all it has done is to make the stomach churn and it has made you a bit rigid in body and mind.
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We Were God Victorious!!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
September 1, 2012
The first thing I want to do as I share this amazing information with you is to thank those of you who physically attended the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination in Kauai and expended your time, energy, and money to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I also want to thank the millions of people around the world who added your Light to this awesome facet of the unfolding Divine Plan from wherever you were on the Planet. The Company of Heaven wants all of you to know that for your selfless Divine Service your name is being written in the Book of Lifefor all Eternity.
It is impossible to express in words the magnitude of what your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God that is flowing into Earth at this time means for Humanity and the Ascension process we are all in the midst of, but the Company of Heaven has given us a brief biography of YOU. Please take these words into your heart and contemplate the Truth of who you are.
A Biography of You
 The most important factor in Earth’s Ascension process is YOU. Your willingness to be an Open Door for the Light of God is the key to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. You are a magnificent, multifaceted, multidimensional Child of God. You are a reflection of our Father-Mother God and All that our God Parents have is yours. You are a radiant Sun expressing All of the various frequencies of Divinity pulsating in the Causal Body of God. You have volunteered to be an Instrument of God, and you are participating in the greatest shift of consciousness ever experienced in any system of worlds. Together we are cocreating a new octave of Godhood. Your service to the Light is expanding the Body of God without measure, and you are lifting every particle of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation into the Dawn of a New Cosmic Day.
And so it is.
We Have Successfully Birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love
Since the birth of 2012, we have been moving forward at warp speed. We experienced monumental influxes of Light through the New Year, the Vernal Equinox, the Solar Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the Summer Solstice, the Olympic Games, and the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Each one of these opportunities gave Humanity the ability to greatly enhance the Light we are adding to the world. Together we cocreated a tipping point that allowed Lightworkers around the world to join forces with the Company of Heaven to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love that will change the course of history for Humanity, the Earth, and all Life evolving upon her.
The vehicle that was used for this multidimensional event was the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination which was held in Kauai, Hawaii, August 11-16, 2012. I would like to share with you the events that took place during that vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.
On Saturday morning, August 11th, we were greeted by an exquisite double rainbow in Kauai. This gift from the Company of Heaven appeared in the sky for several minutes then it faded away and appeared again a few minutes later just to let us know that it was not by chance that we were being blessed by this Heavenly manifestation. The World Congress on Illumination (WCI) began with the Opening Ceremonies on the evening of August 11th. There were approximately 700 people in attendance from more than 20 countries. We were blessed with the music from the Goddess Chant Choir of Kauai and a sacred hula from the Auana Hula Dance Group of Kauai. A Kahuna high priestess and her Kahuna brothers performed a Divine Ceremony that opened the portal of Kauai to new breadths in preparation for the influx of Light that would take place during the week. Information was shared from the Company of Heaven that revealed the Divine Intervention that has taken place during the past 500 years, and the quantum shifts we have experienced since the initial impulse of Harmonic Convergence which occurred August 15th, 16th, and 17th in 1987.
As the Opening Ceremonies progressed step-by-step, the I AM Presence of those in attendance and those joining us in consciousness from around the world cocreated a Chalice of Light that enveloped the entire Planet Earth. This Chalice projected a multidimensional pillar of Light that Ascended from the Heart of Mother Earth into the Core of Creation which is the Heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is. The I AM Presence of every person involved and the Company of Heaven made the heart commitment to sustain this Chalice of Light as an Open Door through which the Light of God would flow throughout the conference.
August 12th was the Closing Ceremonies for the Olympic Games which had been building in momentum for the past 17 days. During that period of time, dedicated Lightworkers all over the world used that collective focus of Humanity’s attention to download patterns of perfection from our newly activated Planetary Cause of Divine Love. Because we are One and there is no separation, we had the ability to set the Divine Intention for the energy, vibration, and consciousness that was released by the people focusing on the Olympic Games. We invoked the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child and asked that the thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and beliefs associated with the Olympic Games be purified by the new frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Solar Violet Flame and utilized to transmute the human miscreations causing all of Humanity’s pain and suffering. We asked that this intensified purging transmute these patterns of imperfection cause, core, effect, record, and memory back to Humanity’s initial fall from Grace.
Due to the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God have given the Company of Heaven permission to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousandfold whenever we are adding to the Light of the world. That means that every invocation we make now has the power of 1,000,000 people invoking the same thing. Just imagine! With that Divine Intervention it is easy to see why the prophets and seers of old foretold of a coming time when our transformation would take place in “the twinkling of an eye.”
During the activities of Light at the WCI on August 12th, we utilized the collective energy, vibration, and consciousness of the billions of people who had in one way or another focused their attention on the Olympic Games. In unison with the Company of Heaven, we invoked the most intensified cleansing with the new 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame that Cosmic Law would allow.
Following that unprecedented cleansing process, Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Power and Protection to utilize the Infinite Light of God to seal the spaces where these grossly mutated patterns previously existed. This cleared the way for an activity of Light that was orchestrated by the Mighty Elohim who are the Builders of Form, and the Directors of the Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether Elements. These Beings of Light worked with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth and cocreated a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which the patterns of perfection for our New Renaissance of Divine Love could be encoded for all Humanity.
Another activity of Light that took place on that sacred and holy day involved a special consecration of the waters of the world. With the assistance of the Directors of the Water Element and the precious Undines who reflect the Divine Intelligence within all water, the maximum Healing properties that the waters of the world were capable of receiving were encoded into every molecule of water on Earth.
On August 13th, Alpha and Omega, the representatives of our Father-Mother God from our Central Sun, directed some of the Planets surrounding the Earth to anchor stabilizing shafts of Light into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. The intent of this Divine Intervention was to brace the Earth in a forcefield of protection that would prevent us from experiencing an orbital shift as we received the new and extremely powerful Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of our Father-Mother God. It was revealed by our God Parents that this new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love was the critical Essence of God that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth.
In 2001 the very first frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love were secured in every person’s Heart Flame by our Mother God who is the Feminine Aspect of Deity that we have always known as the Holy Spirit. At that time, we were told by the Company of Heaven that particular frequency of Love was the mightiest force in the Universe. Now, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love was Ascending into higher frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light. This would enhance the fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential that was necessary in order for us to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love. 
On August 13th, after the shafts of Light from the other Planets in our Solar System were secured in the Sun of Even Pressure, we were joined in the Heavenly Realms by our Loved Ones who have crossed over to the other side and who are now assisting us and Humanity with our Ascension in the Light.
During an activity of projected consciousness, these precious souls escorted those of us who were gathered in Kauai into the Realms of Illumined Truth where we were greeted by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. These magnificent Beings of Light then escorted all of us into the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. Held in the embrace of our Father-Mother God’s unfathomable Love, the new 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love were anchored in each of our Heart Flames by our I AM Presence.
Once this was God Victoriously accomplished, we were escorted back to Earth by Archangel Michael and our Loved Ones on the other side. As we descended into the atmosphere of Earth, we magnetized the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love from the Heart of God. Then, on the Holy Breath, we secured this Sacred Fire into the Heart of Mother Earth. Mother Earth then breathed the Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love out through her Crystal Grid System. The I AM Presence of every person on Earth then breathed this Sacred Fire into his or her Heart Flame and permanently secured this unique expression of Divine Love in the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Heart Chakra of every person on Earth.
The Crystalline Solar frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love is the vibration that will initiate the Divine Alchemy that will transform our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies from carbon-based cells into Crystalline-based Solar Light Cells of Infinite Perfection. This transformation will perpetuate our Ascension process and lift us into the frequencies of vibration that will transcend the pain and suffering on Earth.
August 14th, was our day to traverse Kauai north, south, east, and west expanding the newly anchored Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and further opening the portal of Light through which our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed later in the week.
We began the day with an activity of Light that expanded the forcefield of protection that had been placed around the Pineal Gland of every person on Earth during the global events that took place on November 11, 2011 - 11:11:11. This would allow every person to experience the new Solar frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love with the least amount of cellular stress on our bodies. After that was accomplished, we invoked the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether to prepare the Elemental Kingdom of Kauai and the rest of the Earth to receive the powerful patterns that would be encoded in Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures when we birthed a new Renaissance of Divine Love.
After our morning activity of Light was complete, the attendees at the WCI listened to their hearts and spent the rest of the day traveling around Kauai communing with the Elemental Kingdom and expanding the Light within our Chalice.
August 15th is celebrated in the outer world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. On that holy day Mother Mary joined our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout the Universe in an activity of Light that helped to heal the schism between the people who are struggling and suffering on Earth and those who are awakening and moving into the Light. The way to most effectively heal this schism is for those of us who are awakening and moving forward in the Light to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters who are so buried in the pain and suffering of their lives that they cannot see the Light. Jesus said we must be our brother and sister’s keeper. That statement was not just religious rhetoric. It was a profound Truth that is a necessary factor for our successful Ascension in the Light.
The final step of preparation for birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love on Planet Earth took place that afternoon. In a powerful activity of Light involving our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven assisted every person on Earth to begin the Divine Alchemy of transforming our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection. After that phase of preparation was complete, all was in readiness for our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to birth a Renaissance of Divine Love into the newly created fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential on Earth.
August 16th was the final day of the WCI and the day that our new Renaissance of Divine Love would be birthed on Earth for the benefit and enlightenment of Humanity and all Life evolving on this blessed Planet. Once again, as the Sun rose in the sky that morning we were blessed with a magnificent double rainbow.
Our Closing Ceremonies began with a sacred activity of Light that was conducted by the Kahunas. This event expanded the portal in Kauai into higher frequencies of Light than Earth had experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. Then our wonderful musicians blessed us with songs and music that opened our hearts to full breadth.
When the energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity and the Earth had been raised to the highest possible frequency, the Company of Heaven in unison with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth began the Divine Ceremony that would birth a Renaissance of Divine Love on this blessed Planet. During that Cosmic Moment, all Creation was focused on this tiny planet. The Sons and Daughters of God from every Ascended level of Being projected their Love to Earth through the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.
Since the influx of Light from the various activities of 2012 had allowed the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love to be downloaded onto the Twelve Crystalline Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA/DNA structures, All was in readiness to receive the awe-inspiring Gift of Divine Love from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix. In Oneness with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth and the entire Company of Heaven the I AM Presence of those in attendance in Kauai affirmed:
“I AM the Cup, The Holy Grail, through which the Love of God now lifts every particle of Life evolving on this precious Planet. I AM my I AM Presence, and I invoke my Father-Mother God to release the Love flowing through their all-encompassing Divine Matrix. Beloved Ones, project this Love into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth, and direct every person’s I AM Presence to expand this Love until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.”
The Earth became a blazing Sun of Divine Love pulsating in our Solar System. Then, on the Holy Breath, Mother Earth magnetized the Love of God that was flowing through the Divine Matrix and projected it into the Sun of Even Pressure in the Center of the Earth. As the Love of God merged with the Divine Momentum pulsating in the Heart of Mother Earth, she breathed this unfathomable influx of Love into her Crystal Grid System to embrace all Life.
Our Mother God then invoked the 5th-Dimensional Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love from the very Core of Creation and asked them to traverse the Planet north, south, east, and west. In response to our Mother God’s Call, these selfless messengers of God entered the aura of every man, woman, and child in preparation for an Activity of Light that would bathe the Planet in previously unknown 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of Crystalline Transfiguring Divine Love. On the Holy Breath, this wondrous Love penetrated into Humanity’s Crystalline Heart Flame, and the I AM Presence of every person became an Open Door inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Love throughout the Earth to envelop Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.
After this forcefield of Divine Love was secure, Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection descended into the atmosphere of Earth to anchor mighty shafts of Light throughout the Planet which would brace the Earth and create a forcefield of protection. The Divine Intent of this intervention was to prevent any outer-world cataclysmic events from taking place during the unprecedented influx of Light the Earth would experience as we birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love.
These extremely powerful shafts of Light were first secured through the countries of the Lightworkers who had selflessly volunteered to travel to Kauai to form the transformer through which the Light of God would flow to birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. Those countries were Argentina,  Aruba,  Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Cyprus, Germany, Honduras, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Sweden, the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, the United Kingdom, and 32 states in the United States of America.
After that facet of the Divine Plan was complete Archangel Michael directed his Legions of Light to reinforce the vulnerable places in the body of Mother Earth that have been created by an unaware Humanity. This included the wounds created through nuclear testing, drilling for oil, mining, fracking, and every other atrocity we have inflicted on this precious Planet. Archangel Michael’s Legions then reinforced the cracks, faults, fissures, and tectonic plates in the body of Mother Earth.
Once the Earth was secure, our Father-Mother God breathed into their Divine Matrix the patterns of perfection from their Causal Body that would birth a new Renaissance of Divine Love. This wondrous influx of Light flowed through the portal in Kauai and into the mighty transformer that had been formed through the unified Heart Flames of those gathered in Kauai.  The Lightworkers in Kauai then projected this awesome Light into the Heart of Mother Earth who in turn breathed it through her Crystal Grid System and into the mental and emotional strata of Earth.  
As these precious patterns of perfection expanded through the mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth, the I AM Presence of every person on this Planet encoded these patterns onto the  newly activated Twelve Solar Strands of Humanity’s RNA and DNA structures, thus God Victoriously birthing a Renaissance of Divine Love in the physical world of form on Planet Earth.
Now, moment by moment the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth is permanently integrating these patterns at an atomic cellular level into our mental and emotional realities. Step-by-step the sacred knowledge contained within our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is filtering into every person’s conscious mind and feeling world. The predominant frequency of vibration reverberating through this Renaissance of Divine Love reflects Humanity’s Oneness with All  Life. It also contains the patterns of perfection that will allow us to express Reverence for All Life with every thought, word, feeling, action, and belief we express as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. 
The Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love reverberating within the patterns of perfection in our newly birthed Renaissance of Love is a perpetual vibration from our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which embraces every particle of Life throughout the whole of Creation. This Love is the pulsation from which every other attribute of God emanates. It is eternal and cannot be destroyed or diminished. Whenever the Solar Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love is invoked, it will enhance and alter the very fabric and texture of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Matrix which positively affects every particle of Life from all time frames and dimensions.
Our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love is now healing the illusion of separation and duality within the hearts and minds of Humanity. It has begun the process of rejuvenating, revitalizing, and making whole every particle of Life evolving on this Planet. As we tangibly experience the patterns of perfection from our Renaissance of Divine Love, we will Know and Accept the profound Truth that we are One with All Life.
We were God Victorious in this holy endeavor and now a Renaissance of Divine Love is in the process of reclaiming this Planet. At long last, the Love of God has once again taken full dominion of Earth. Humanity will now joyously cocreate the Heaven on Earth that is our Divine Destiny.  And so it is!

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.
©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization E-mail:  *    
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, Inc., which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination.
Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her Weekly On-line Radio Program, Website, Books, CDs, Tapes, DVDs, E-mail Articles and Free Seminars.
The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth.
Patricia is publisher and editor of the monthly newsletter Take Charge of Your Life, and she hosts a weekly On-line radio program with the same name. The radio show airs Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the On-line Community for Positive Change,  *   
The Masters of Light: A Time for New Beginnings
As Received by Ruth Ryden
Septermber 1, 2012
Masters: This is the time of beginnings.  Humanity is in the midst of unlimited opportunities of mental and physical understanding of the universe and all of its powers and integrated productivity.  The wonders of planetary reconstruction that are now being felt and observed in your world are part of movements in your universe that will soon be observed on other planets that you are at least aware of at this time.  The Mars mission will be one of the first to observe the changing tides of frequencies as its roving machine picks up more than soil samples and records power surges not known or understood at this time by your scientists.
The hurricane watches sighting in on the winds racing across the African continent and over the Atlantic will see many unprecedented higher-velocity winds coming toward the North American Continent during the coming month of September.  Instead of hitting the East coast of the U.S., some of these high winds will change course and hit Canada and work up toward the Arctic. Your planet has been moving slightly in its orbit for some time and the energy flows, of course, are also making different tracks across its surface.  This information is not meant to alarm but to provide some advance warnings to those who may be in this new pathway of storm activity. 
The U.S. and Canada will find September a month of contrasts as it brings both excessive stormy weather and days of ultimate beauty of the skies and temperatures.  Young people on their way to educational institutions should be prepared with light-weight bad weather gear at all times, for conditions will change sometimes very rapidly.  Vehicular traffic should realize this also and be prepared for sudden winds or downpours, even to the point of keeping emergency  weather supplies on hand.  Earthquakes throughout North America and Central America will continue to increase this month over much of the continent, even up into the northern climes, as the almost undetectable shifting continues to take place.  We do not see any drastic movements at this point, except for man-made quakes from the fracking to get gas continues to take place. 
The Middle East will continue to experience ground movements as the plates underlying all of the surface areas are very disturbed at this time and for a few months to come.  This includes Egypt and surrounding countries and the southern areas of Africa.  Unusual weather disturbances will make the political problems in these countries come to a stand-still temporarily and help to bring factions together in order to save lives. 
Asia, including Russia and the great mass of China, will face enormous amounts of flooding from snow melts in the north.  Ground movements will bring down ancient buildings and damage the Great Wall.  Japan will continue to experience shifting of its oceanic base, causing more quakes in the coming months.  Mass movement of population is even now underway to avoid poising from the damaged nuclear plants.   
Europe, for the most part, will remain pretty stable, but sudden shifts will bring down avalanches in the mountains and move highways off-center in heavily traveled areas.  Australia is resting on a very stable underpinning so far, and should not feel much movement for a few months. 
Atmospheric conditions around the world will provide forecasters with some exciting days and nights as they endeavor to keep up with the changes racing around the globe.  Be very thankful for these people and keep on top of their broadcasts.  September is not going to be what it was 50 or more years ago.  Keep supplies on hand in case of bad weather and be ever ready to help those who cannot help themselves.  Togetherness is not a nasty word!

(A gentleman living in New Zealand wrote asking for information regarding the Chemtrails that are now showing up in the skies over that part of the world, wanting to know what they really are.  The following is what I received from the Masters to share with our readers:)
Masters:  The fumes spilled out from myriad airplanes equipped to carry large amounts of fluids fill the sky with long trails of a white cloudy substance.  The so-called intelligence behind this effort has to do with the concept of making the air you breathe heavier in content and focusing the contaminants that abound in your air today to coalesce into droplets that will fall harmlessly to the ground.  This is not put forth by your government, but by a scientific group that now is extending their efforts into many parts of the world, including New Zealand.  The sticky layer of dust you may have found on your cars is the result of the contaminants being surrounded by this misty fluid falling to Earth.  The long lines of mist you see are usually crossed in order to confine the area being sprayed.  There is a new concerted effort now being put into place that will affect  other parts of the world, causing a lot of anxiety as to what they are and why.  The governments involved will disclaim any part of this.  Why?  Because the chemicals involved, while indeed trapping noxious particles in your atmosphere, can also be very harmful to living beings when they fall to the ground during times of high humidity.  Otherwise, most of it simply dissolves, along with the noxious particles it consumes.  As the world’s atmosphere continues to be filled with the by-products of fuels, you will be seeing many more Chemtrails in the skies.  Better not to be outside if one feels any kind of residue on the skin.  It is not dangerous in such small amounts, but sensitive people could feel a bit nauseous.  This entire program is due to increase in the next few months as the climate changes push air currents in different ways.  It is nothing to be feared, but to be aware of humanity trying to combat the chemicals influencing the air you breathe.
Dear Ones, please remember that you are everlasting soul beings to whom this lifetime is an extremely important one for your waltz toward the higher states of being.  It is perfectly natural, at this stage, to greatly fear the ominous forecasts and try to find places of safety.  For your physical well beings, that is wise, to a point.  Remember, fear completely wipes out your wisdom and inner guidance.  Keep your emotions under control; if you find yourselves in areas of danger, it is needful to keep a calm, clear mind.  Following your inner guidance, you will know what to do and where to go without outside directions, that sometimes are not given wisely.  At this point in time, very few of you need to find these predictions of any import, as you are probably in a very safe and calm situation.  You are the ones who have the responsibility to put forth your thoughts and prayers for those who need your assistance in this manner.  Never doubt that the love and concern you send are going directly through the spheres to those who need them.  In the meantime, keep life on an even keel; keep yourselves in good health, see that children are well cared  for, for they are your direct future and will see a very different world in their adult years than you do now.  The Earth will have found its new direction in the solar system, and new crop systems and seasons will produce what humanity and all life needs to form a better world of joint determination and cooperation.  Humanity is now experiencing the final battles of greed and power structures that will finally bring the lesson of Love to a conclusion that has long been prophesied.  Live each day to its fullest and change something for the better; that is part of your reason for living.
Ruth Ryden
I have published two books that are very basic teachings about our role in the universe. They are both still available at Amazon and other book stores. The books are: “The Golden Path” and “Living the Golden Path”. Go to: and enter in the “seeking” place, “The Golden Path by Ruth Ryden.” * Easy to find and deal with – some used books there too. * If you wish to express your appreciation for these messages and can afford to donate a few dollars occasionally, it would be a great help to me. Please do not use Pay Pal. Personal check, cash, or money orders are just fine. Please, Please!! Make sure to include your e-mail address so I can thank you personally.
I am still accepting requests for personal spiritual readings. Your Spiritual Teachers and Guides are contacted for this purpose. Please e-mail me for information. She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™ Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew  *
Published Worldwide 365 days a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light"  * ***  And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
***  Exact date not decided yet by my Higher-Self. *  * 
*  * Please create harmony by giving others credit for their work.
