Inspiration - Channeled

Illawarra District.
Midwayer Messenger Sharmon.
Celestial Artisan Athena.

Subject: “Co-creation and Inspiration.”

Received by George Barnard.

Sharmon: “This is Sharmon doing the honors this evening. I am here with you this evening to pass you on to Athena right now. My love to you all.”

Athena: “This Athena. For those of you who are not familiar with my task – the work that I do with many on your planet – I am a Celestial Artisan, a former human though not from your planet. I have taken the name, Athena, because my real name is unpronounceable to you. On my world I spend most of my adult life as a government employee busy with artistic work of all kinds, of pottery, of sculpture, of painting and of drawing including some interesting work and rather unusual things for an artisan – architectural models for building projects.

“My fusion is on hold, which is typical for very many Teachers that prefer to do creative and cooperative work with human beings. And for me it is a great honor to have many students on your world. All of you are entitled to Teachers and in addition all of you are entitled to have the input of a Celestial Artisan in a wide range of creative work. Many of you do not understand, or perhaps overlook, the fact that you are creators, co-creators together with that Fragment of God which inhabits you and it is possible for you to so create many things.

“I am not in this particular instance discussing the making of paintings or the production of sculptures. Creative work may involve cooking, it may involve mathematics, it may involve active problem solving in areas where nothing physical is produced but solutions are to be found. I encourage you to try finding a Teacher for your specific lessons and do your meditation until you have contact with this Teacher. In addition also request that you may be given access to a Celestial Artisan to allow you to solve the most complex of problems, to be creative to your utmost ability with the input of the advanced minds of the Celestial Artisans, who will make themselves available to assist you.

“This is Athena saying it is wonderful to be in touch with you again. My love will be with you all your days. Goodbye for now.”

George: “Thank you both.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972. 

Cedomil Vugrincic MD, Ph.D.
April 21, 2013 
My beloveds, this is your Universe Mother of Spirit.  Many of my children are now awakening to the promise that lives within them—the union of their spiritual natures with their human ones.  This is an undertaking that will take you into the depths of your humanity that you may co-create with your indwelling Spirit the truth of who you are and the expression of your personality into the material fabric of LIFE.  This is a blessed journey and one that you are not taking alone, as you will encounter various personalities of Spirit to impart higher truths to you about the universe that is your home.
There is much to learn as you open your hearts to this vast inner dimension of reality.  What are your hearts’ desires?  What do you love to do that brings you joy and a sense of contribution to the improvement of life all around you?  These are the seeds of potential that your indwelling Spirit carries within its divine nature—ever enticing you by providing that spiritual pressure through thoughts, intuitions, and feelings that you have something of value to contribute.  Pay attention to these inner feelings and thoughts as they are God speaking inside your heart, ever urging you to move into creative expression of what these seeds represent.  Sometimes you ignore these signals due to feelings of fear or unworthiness, but I encourage you to cast them aside and trust that these are just masks merely preventing you from embracing the great goodness that lives inside your hearts.
Precious children, the time is NOW.  Claim the inner destiny within your hearts and know that you have everything within to bring forth the beauty of your soul into the world.  Remember, you are God’s eyes, ears, hands and bodies and that when you claim and live from this part of yourselves, you are truly manifesting and demonstrating God on earth.  It is time, my children, for your brothers and sisters to witness the great blossoming of the HEART OF LOVE.  You have been prepared…now demonstrate the beauty within and know your Father and I support your efforts to BE THE LOVE YOU ARE!


First Salvos of the New Astrology

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are familiar with astrological events as portrayed in the Old Age. Just as is true for you, there are no longer astrological group activities or messages.

In the Old Age, you received information that all would be erratic during a full moon or that an eclipse would shift all people in some fashion. Sometimes those patterns were accurate - sometimes not. But because you were comfortable with group thought, you continued to follow what others projected might happen. Perhaps you have read astrology books that indicated what a Pisces or Aries should be like - only to find some correlation, but not a complete list of activities relevant to you or the person in question.

Some of the Old Age astrological readings were fairly accurate because  humans moved en masse so one could roughly calculate what would happen to someone with that sign on a particular day or even year. Such is no longer the case.

Even though the broad categories of the 12 astrological signs continue, as earth and the Universes shift so do stars in the heavens. Old Age astrological readings were based on planets and stars that remained in a pattern for eons.

Those stars and planets are now evolving as are you. What does this mean? Just as you previously noted how you reacted during planetary activity and how your being fit within the broad categories provided by astrologers, you will probably want to study  the new you with new indicators.

Eclipses and full moons, as will be occurring this week, are not necessarily worrisome as has been true in the past. Perhaps you will feel a bit spacey or find yourself doing or saying something you had not meant to say - but these next few days will be more about celebration than hunkering down to await some trauma.

Some are discussing how dramatic the next few weeks will be because of three eclipses and two full moons. Drama time - Old Age drama time. The new interpretation is celebration. For now eclipses and full moons produce more light on earth ensuring that more and more Lightworkers awaken.

Of course, that last thought is one of those blanket statements often used in the Old Age for whatever was to befall you. Will everyone be gloriously happy in the next few weeks. No. But will Lightworkers who have awakened be more joyful and sparkle a bit more? Yes. For indeed, you have reached the tipping point of this New Age. As of this week's lunar eclipse, there will be more of those of the Light than not.

Such a statement does not yet answer your initial question - how will this affect you? However you want. That is not to tease you, but to remind you that you are in control of your life and reactions. You no longer have a book that tells you how you should react during, before or after a specific event. For some of you will be sad that you are no longer the lonely Lightworker beaming your mysterious, but loving grace to the world. Others will be joyous that the new earth and all that entails will be more evident every day. Neither response is right nor wrong. There is no longer a specific response for any astrological sign.

Perhaps that is difficult to understand for you have tracked so many people who have acted and reacted as your astrology books indicated they would. Do you remember a few months ago when astrologers were discussing how perhaps you were no longer a Leo - that you should adhere to the sign before or after because of shifting star patterns?

Such was the first salvo of the new astrological world. Some astrologers pooh-pooh the concept. Others are excited by the idea. Still others are ignoring the concept.

Just as more people will find channeling a common means of communication - which will soon be outdated by the way. Others will find the new astrology more accurate and informative - and not designed for the masses. Indicators will combine with inner messages to project a more specific and detailed road map for individuals.

Some astrologers contend they are combining channeling with astrology and so they are. What we are speaking of is a step beyond that. The messages will be extremely specific - almost like a virtual reality game where the client tests various options to decide which best suits him or her.

Previously, astrologers created broad descriptions based on what most people in a specific group might do. Even if they combined those readings with channeling, the astrologer's belief system created a future confined to what a Gemini or Cancer might do. Now that the planets and stars are shifting, as is true for all entities on earth, readings will be more specific - much less generic.

Are astrologers outdated? Those who depend on Old Age systems and beliefs are. Those open to new ideas and beliefs will have a delightful time discovering new directions for clients and themselves. Such will be more evident in the next few weeks. Pieces of information will just seem to appear from nowhere.

Those of you who work with astrologers, will know who is offering Old Age readings and who is comfortable with New Age thoughts and actions by your sense of comfort and rightness.

If you are an astrologer, know that the next few weeks will be a glorious adventure. Throw out your old books and beliefs and start anew. You will be amazed at how unique and exciting your new readings will be. No longer is it necessary for you to merely determine when someone is going to meet their soul mate or find the perfect job. Your new readings will be so much more interesting - both for you and those with whom you are working.

We have told you that all is shifting in this New Age - and so it is. From governments, to astrology, to channeling, to the corporate world. Nothing is going to be as it was. Just as the automobile changed your world, so will the New Age produce so many new adventures - if you are willing to move outside your Old Age box - whatever that box may be. So be it. Amen.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4533 What God Did Instead, April 23, 2013 

God said: 

Many questions do not bear a Yes or No answer. In terms of the relative world, the true answer to many questions would be: “It depends.” That is how it is in the relative world. Some of the laws of the land leave no leeway. There are no exceptions. There is no room left for heart to enter.

Adhering becomes a question of practicality and consistency. Should a clerk in a particular situation have the discretion to change a law according to her judgment and common sense and the love in her heart? Or must she follow the rules? The law of the land says she must. Because of this, there is the expression: The law is the law. Exceptions are frowned on. The Supreme Court is a court of last resort in the world. Yet who wants a court to decide his or her fate?

Unwieldy are many regulations, and, impersonally, they leave no room for the heart. Cut and dried. Black or white. Something has been arbitrarily set. It could have been set a different way, only it wasn’t.

Who hasn't made a law and then protested it and thought of a better way to write it? Yet the law is the law, and it is the rule of the land. Yes, of course, there always could be another way and another and another…

And then responders get tired and they respond: “You can’t fight City Hall.” They say: “It’s too much trouble.” They say: “To heck with it.” They grit their teeth, and they knuckle under. They pay the fine. They just want to be done with the whole thing and put the past behind them.

Life in the world encroaches on everyone’s style. It seems that individual free choice is sacrificed for the good of the whole, even when everyone knows that it may not be for the good of the whole. There is a greater law that calls for warming hearts and making room for all hearts. And so it seems that in the world, whatever decisions are made, someone’s heart is left out in the cold. Yet who is it that says things have to be one way or the other?

And, so, sides are born. Positions are taken. And sometimes one who takes a certain stand later changes his mind. He sees differently. Once he saw one way, and now he sees another.

Licenses are required, and there is a lot of rigmarole to go through.

Once upon a time, there were wise counselors who sat around the fire and made decisions based on each case. Time was allowed, and time was taken. Perhaps even then there were times when the elders made a decision and someone cried out, “Foul,” and left dissatisfied.

I Myself do not wish to sit every day in the world in a court dispensing wise counsel, making one decision after another for others. What I did instead was to place My heart of love in every human being so that love and wisdom could be meted, for everyone wants to be heard.

Yet in the world, all hearts are not heard, and all hearts are not taken into account for the reason of expediency. And, so, not everyone is given a hearing. Not everyone finds a comfortable seat to sit in. There have not been enough comfortable seats for everyone on the bus or the train of life.

And life has become two-sided when actually there are infinite points of view. In the world, some matters are not worth the bother of fighting for, and you wonder where is Unity? Where has it gone? You would like a Live and Let Live society where borders are not and enforcement is not necessary, where all hearts are wise hearts and loving hearts making room for all. You are voting for the freedom of the individual within a peaceful accommodating world. Long live peace. Long live freedom, and long live happy hearts making happy choices with the freedom of hearts in mind.
