In Proportion - Channeled


Urantia, October 4, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “In Proportion.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “Let me state that I am pleased that you listened to my prompt to come to center. You still need to calm your mind so you can come to the center of your being and gain some helpful insights and receive instructions as to what living is all about. A question you hold in your mind is: ‘To whom am I listening?’ This is not important. The important thing is that you are willing to lend me, or any celestial, your inner ear, for this path is open to anyone willing to learn from their elder siblings, visible (human) or invisible.

“Yes, I know that your Beloved resides within you, but may I also divulge that She is the one who gives me permission speak. I speak about your Thought Adjuster-Controller as being a She, because Thought Adjusters through a certain spiritual development of their charges become known by the personalities and the gender of the mortals they inhabit. This always still depends on the readiness and the development of the seed-soul, which is still in its embryonic form but through the diligence of the vessel they inhabit, the Thought Adjusters will take on the personality of that creature at a certain point of that creature's spiritual development, which is the moment when that young person makes his or her first conscious moral choice, and chooses to behave in a moral way.

“Of course, everything is always ‘in proportion’ and with the decisions following that first and most eventful moral choice, the little one will be prompted from within. At first, this prompting from within may go unnoticed, but parents familiar with the fact that such a moment can take place in the life of their little one, and if they are also actively seeking to do God’s will, will recognize that a most important event has occurred as the youngster begins to behave better.

“This is a most significant event after which, or even before which, any observant and interested parent can encourage their children to develop the habit of daily prayer to guide the little one in its rightful path towards a balanced maturity. The child will then grow in the secure knowledge that he or she is in the ever-loving overcare of a Spark from the eternal Creator. This Spark from God, known as a Thought Adjuster, always has a direct link to the eternal Creator, so the person is never bereft of celestial guidance, as this is the method the Creator chose to be intimately involved with all His mortal offspring.

“The listening quality of the mortal is always in proportion to the time spent in the stillness of the heart. Think about this: if God seems far away, who moved? It is simply not possible for God to be far away because of that intimate involvement of every minute of every day. Perhaps it would be useful to remember how much time you spend thinking about that inner Companion of yours. That on-board Partner will always point you in the right direction, as this development is always in proportion to the time spent listening to Her.

“Thank you for listening to my plea, and give this information some thought.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4395 You Have a Golden Mission, December 6, 2012

God said:

From the stars of My heart you came. Birthed from the stars, you burst forth to shine upon the world. You are here to embrace the world and to make it holy, full of love, full of discovery, full of what makes life on Earth and everywhere worthy of the designation Life. Life is about Love and Light. You are about the same Love and Light. Love seeks love, and Light seeks Light, and all on Earth seek their counterpart.

You seek to know your counterpart because in another’s reflection, you begin to see yourself. When you study another, you are really seeking for yourself. You get to know yourself through the spectrum of a seeming another. You are sent to Earth, not for a middling or small purpose but for a Great Purpose. Whatever purpose you may think you are here for, you are here for a yet greater purpose. You probably don’t know what your purpose is except in a general sense. What you can know for certainty is that you do have a purpose, and it is not shabby, dear ones, not at all.

You do not know all that goes on behind the scenes. You do not know the good you do. You have no idea of your contract. What you can know is that you have been chosen and that you also chose a Great Contract.

What could a contract signed by Me be but Great? Therefore, all you can be is Great.

Put away your sword. There is nothing to defend yourself from. There is much to sign up for. Know that you have something wonderful to be part of while you are on your stay here and ever afterward. Next to one drop of what you are on Earth for, what can equal it? What can come near it?

No matter what you may go through in life, you are on a sacred mission. It is a secret sacred mission unknown to you. Take the wildest guess you can think of, and you may come close yet not close enough. You have a Divine Mission. You may not grasp what it is, and, yet, day by day you come nearer until, one day, you will know. I shall stamp you with a seal: Mission Accomplished, and, then, you are onto your next mission.

Just when you finish one mission, there is another, and another, and another, all passing like the sun.

If missions came in the shape of bottles, your mission would fit inside a bottle perfectly. Neither you nor anyone knows the extent of your mission. You are not here randomly, and your mission is not a pig in a poke. Well-chosen is your mission. No matter who you are, no matter what you think you are, you are here for Me, and you are accomplishing whether you know it or not. What you can know is that you have a firm purpose, and it is yours, and all missions are golden.

What would you like your next mission to be? Perhaps we can rearrange all the missions you have and put the next one on top or wherever We would like. Be thinking what you would like your next mission to be. Dream it. Sketch it. Feel it. Be it.

One mission may last what you would call one second. Another could last a year. Yet in Eternity, there is no time. In Infinity, there is no space, and yet missions are given, missions are shaken hands on, and missions are accomplished on Earth as in Heaven.

You have a Heavenly mission. It will likely be more a mission of being than doing, yet, I stamp My seal: Mission Accomplished.

SaLuSa, November 30, 2012

You are about to enter the final stretch of your journey, and very soon to experience a great increase in your levels of consciousness. Most people would agree that this year has passed quicker than any time previously, and after Ascension it will be even faster. We would like to confirm again that progress is also speeding up where the many needed changes are concerned, and you will not miss out on anything that you expected. The timing has never been that critical, and for obvious reasons we look at the period immediately following Ascension. It is a time where our work and that of our allies will not be hampered by outside influences, and we can be more open about it.

After Ascension you will soon forget the past difficulties and delays, as there will be so much to interest you. Learning about your life in the higher vibrations will be exciting and uplifting, and joy and freedom will draw people together as true Brothers and Sisters. It is your natural inclination to share your love with others, but you have been taught that many countries and their people are your enemies. The fact is that the majority would live in peace if only there were no barriers erected between them. As trust is restored so you will see a great change take place in peoples attitude to each other. Sharing and love for what each other represents, will become the new level at which other cultures will be accepted.

Understand that the changes we speak about, are simply the first of many that will transform your different societies. They are a stepping stone to further your advancement towards not just becoming a Galactic Being, but part of a Galactic Civilization. So even the present changes that are in hand will be short lived, because you are destined to leave the last aspects of a 3D civilization behind. However, rather than leave you confused or bewildered by moving too quickly, we do it in way that will enable you to be fully prepared. Even we are not sure what changes will come first but we do know that when they commence, as you might say, they will become fast and furious. The point is Dear Ones, that we are ready to go speeding ahead as soon as we are given the signal.

At present it is not so much that the dark Ones are a problem, but the size of the tasks that have been undertaken require a lot of co-ordination. Much of the plans are now in place, and to do much of it in secrecy to protect those involved has been demanding. Fortunately there are now so many Lightworkers continuing to uplift the energies, they are preventing the dark Ones from having any real impact. Their days are over to all intents and purposes, but even individuals can be troublemakers. We simply keep on reminding you the need to keep focused on Ascension, and sending your Light to any point in the world that is not at peace. Of course it can also be directed at any individual, for example one who talks against the Ascension process to distract them.

Stay positive as you are almost at the portal that allows you to step into to 5th. dimension. You will feel the change in vibration, and it will be a most uplifting experience. Imagine never having to feel those heavy lifeless energies again, that are cold and uninviting. You will be surprised at what a vast difference there is, which is why people that have already experienced it never want to leave the higher levels. It is your more natural state of being but you have been pulled down by the lower vibrations, and it has been a hard challenge to find your way back. However, with great perseverance and determination you have found the Light again, and it will continue to grow and carry you through many dimensions.

As you must know by now, love is all there is and it is what everything is created of and may be changed in form, but cannot be destroyed. It is the most powerful force in the Universe, and it is what you must learn to control and use wisely. God is that power and has shown how it can be used in the most gentle and beneficial way, and that is what you are also experiencing and learning to do. Understand that when we say you are Gods, you have the full potential to be one which tells you that you have unlimited power. Once you ascend your powers of creation will commence to be returned, and you will become co-creators with God. So do not underestimate your abilities and go forth with confidence, as it is you who are setting the scene for your time in the higher dimensions.

Even now some of you have developed powerful healing abilities, and it is belief in yourself that enables you to do so. Most of you do it subconsciously and do not even realize what you have done. When you do realize be aware that you may not necessarily be successful, as some souls do not wish to be healed and desire to go through illness as a means of experience. So do your best with a positive intention that any healing you send out will be for the best results. Instant healing has taken place many, many times as has been recorded. It may not however last unless the recipient is prepared to eliminate the causes that brought it on in the first place. Most illnesses are self inflicted even to the point of causing the bodies immune system to weaken, and making them vulnerable to disease. A healthy body often goes with a healthy mind and habits.

The Galactic Federation of Light is working hard to bring conclusions to a number of projects that are in their final stages. It is touch and go whether you see them this side of Ascension, but if it has to be afterwards the way will be clear for them to go quickly ahead. Be assured that events are creating their own path forwards, and are like a snowball gathering speed and mass. Nothing is clearly now going to stop progress, and we stand by ready for action. We see the Light on Earth reaching new heights as the grids are stabilized, and ready for the final input before Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you our blessings to keep your spirits high, as we do not want to see anyone falling back at this late stage in your preparations. We love every soul, and work for each ones release from the dark energies.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light