I Adide In You - Channeled

Michigan, US of A, March 31, 2013.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “I Abide In You.”

Received by Chris.

Michael: “Good morning dear one. This is Christ Michael. On this day, a sacred day for many of my followers, I want those who work at feeding my flock (the 11:11 Receivers) to know how important they are to me and to the work of the Correcting Time. We are partners in this work – I abide in you, and you abide in me. What I have asked from you all, you have done out of love for me and for your fellows. This, my beloved, is what I had asked of my own twelve when they walked with me on this earth. It is this great fatherly love that will heal each individual, which will then heal your world. Your dedication to the great work is duly noted and shall be written in the book of life. I thank you for this most sacred service.

“For those who read the messages, you are like a seed in the wind. You take with you each day the love and the light from these messages and carry it to your friends, your family, your co-workers, and to the strangers on the street. Those who shine their light into the world also abide in me and in the Father, and when you love without condition, without the need to receive something in return, you receive life from me and from my Father.

“You are all my disciples. I know each one of you intimately, and I love each one of you dearly. The healing of your world can only come through love, and so I ask each one of you to plant that seed of love in the hearts of those who are near you, and in doing so, receive from me that abiding love I have for you. Faith, love, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding is the living water that gives life to the seed of the soul, and so I ask you to water your souls.

“Each one of you reading this message, right now, in this moment, I ask you to close your eyes, clear your minds, and take a few deep breaths and breathe in my love. Please take a moment and do this now. This is my gift to you my beloved children – may it seep deeply into every fiber of your being and grow in your hearts. Take as much as you need, for this love is eternal, abundant, and without end.

“My love is a healing love, and it is available to you always. Call on me and I shall abide in you.

“Peace to you, my beloved.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4535 Greater Treasures Than You Can Imagine, April 25, 2013 

God said: 

When something comes to you, it comes easily. This is what I want to say:

You can struggle and struggle, work very hard, and, yet, when your efforts bear fruit, they arrive easily just the same way as beautiful fruit on the vine fulfills its purpose. One day the fruit is green. Then all of a sudden, the fruit is at its peak of ripeness. Just so, all the forces of nature seem to gather together to give you gifts in life. When success comes, it falls into place. When success comes, it is almost as if you couldn’t stop it if you tried. Have you not received bounties in life before you could sayRumpelstiltskin?

Sometimes, not always, when you desire something deeply, avidly, perhaps even desperately, the fulfillment of your desire may elude you. It is as if your holding on tight prevents you from fulfilling your desire. It may be that you hold on so tightly that your desire cannot catch its breath.

I am not saying that you are to be lackadaisical or that you are wise to care less what comes to you or does not. I believe in desire. I believe in it strongly. What I do not endorse is tightening attachment to your desires, as if they are essential to your well-being. I am saying that letting go, relaxing, and resting in Me can work wonders. I will go so far as to say that sometimes, all you do and all the effort you exert are not what turn the tide. Sometimes, it seems that success comes to you without all that much participation. Sometimes rewards seem to come of themselves. It is like you receive manna from Heaven. You have a windfall. You stand there agog at the good fortune that has visited you.

You certainly feel lucky. And sometimes, from a larger perspective, you may even be lucky not to reap the rewards you may have so desired.

Do not consider Me rude, beloveds, when I tell you that the case is that you know little or nothing! Life reveals a lot to you, and you learn considerably, and, still, what do you know? What can you foretell?

And yet you can foretell that great good fortune is on its way to you. You don’t have to make yourself a hard taskmaster. It makes more sense to thank than to demand. It makes more sense to be agreeable to life as it presents itself to you than to object. If life is the King, you are the gracious servant. Despite what you may think, life is patient. Life is patient with you. You are the one who is impatient with life. You would like to call the tunes that life is to dance to whereas you are to follow life’s biddings, not the other way around.

When life tells you to go here or there, even when you can’t possibly understand why, graciously go here or there as life indicates. You may not see how or why, beloveds, yet life is holding a blessing for you, many blessings for you. The blessings may come under the umbrella of challenges. Challenges are like the salt of the ocean. The salt of the ocean holds lots more gifts than you could have ever imagined. Beloveds, even death that you look amiss at holds greater blessings than you can see from your vantage on Earth. Everything in life holds greater treasures than you can imagine. Imagine the greatest blessings you can think of, and you haven’t thought of enough.
