Cedomil Vugrincic
MINISTRY Service Sector)
Urantia, December 23, 2012. (date of transcription). The Beloved One. Subject: “A Lesson on Selflessness.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “In
this lesson we consider what it means to live in a state of selflessness. This is one of the rarest qualities to be found
on this planet. Selfishness runs rampant as all her citizen struggle to attain a semblance of independence, which ought to
be an unquestionable human right for those with the capacity to think clearly, so they can become independent citizens. This
is a worthy goal to strive for, but it should not be taken for granted at the cost of less fortunate persons who do not have
the inner resources to think clearly and who are easy prey to be taken advantage of. This is an area were selflessness can
be practiced to its fullest.
take responsibility for your less fortunate brothers and sisters, as collectively you are responsible for the self and progress
for all, including care for the weakest of your citizens. There is a need for you to become more altruistic. Humans on a young
developing planet such as this are not known for having this quality in any great measure, although there were shining examples
throughout history. One of the better known selfless persons has been the man Jesus from Nazareth. His life as a young man
growing up, fending for His widowed mother and younger siblings, is a sublime example of training in selflessness as he, together
with His mother trained the younger children to become independent citizens. This is the most important part of child-rearing,
so they become worthy citizens, able to look after themselves and help others.
“Selflessness is a shining example of a well-developed character with enough
training through self-discipline to self-mastery. This is the ideal way for a human to develop. It is what you do for yourself
to counteract negative impulses. People who can train their selves in these important matters are on their way to become truly
free of the negative influences that assail them every day. They do not let criticisms from others deter them from doing what
their heart tells them to do. It is to those who develop a strong connection to their Source within, and who learn to be able
to listen to heaven's guidance, who will ultimately live the most satisfying lives, as their sense of altruism becomes well
cannot indicate often enough how important it is for you to know that you don’t have to live isolated lives on this
planet. You are not cosmic orphans. But it is up to you to establish that most important connection with your Source from
Heaven within you. You are gifted with the ability to do so. All it takes is the flexing of your faith and trust muscles in
whatever circumstances you find yourself, allow enough time to reinforce that oh so important connection with Me. In time
you will come to realize that this connection is always there, but you need to do your part to keep your faith and trust alive,
and this can only be done when you use it regularly.
“Search within and you will find the greatest Source of selflessness right within you
to ever guide you as to the proper way to live. It is entirely My pleasure to help your soul and character develop to the
glory of God on the long road to perfection.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
Urantia, December 28, 2012. The Beloved One. Subject: “Merely
on Loan.”
Received by Lytske.
The Beloved One: “It
is of unending fascination to me to note how your mind operates and how the thoughts which continually appear on the screen
of your mind are instantly reflected into the system. You mortals simply have no grasp of the operation of the human mind.
It is an unknown to almost all how the Universal Creator through the agency of the Infinite Spirit is the bestower of mind.
Your mind is merely loaned to you during your lifetime in the flesh. You will surrender your earth-mind at the dissolution
of mortal life, and at the moment of your resurrection – should you have chosen eternal life – you will gain an
new mind with greater capacity for knowledge to build upon that which you have garnered during your earthly life.
reason why I am telling you this is because I shall now point out that your earth minds are on loan to you, so you will all
need to give reckoning as to how you used your mind during your life in the flesh. Did you use and enlarge your mind for good?
Because the capacity of the mind is elastic, and there is always more you can add to it? Oh yes, sometimes it is well and
good to take a break from the intensity of stressful thought, as this wears on the mind, just like the physical system can
suffer from ‘burn-out’. And this condition can reflect onto the entire physical, mental and emotional system,
affecting everything else. So please, become aware of how you use even your body, which is also on loan to you for the purpose
of housing your undying spirit. In other words, and one more thing to ponder here, you did not give yourself life. It happened,
and continues to happen, by the grace of the Creator and Architect of all life.
“This needs to be pointed out
so you can all become more thoughtful about why you have been given life, and if there is a purpose to all of this. Perhaps
it may inspire you to gain more respect for life itself, knowing that sooner or later the day of reckoning will come and you
will be made to pay back your loans to the Creator. It will be asked of you each how many talents you discovered within yourself,
and what use you made of these in your life. Hopefully I’m making you a little more aware about how to spend your life,
so when you move to the next level of your eternal existence, you will have fewer regrets because of the knowledge you have
gathered here in your earthly foundational life.
“It all comes down to prioritizing, so there is also time set
aside to check with your on-board Partner, your Thought Adjuster, also on loan from God. However, you may keep this Partner,
and eventually become one with Him or Her, depending on the connection you have established during your mortal life-time.
Please consider these matters, and how it is that you live a life of grace and mercy given to you by an unconditionally loving
Creator God, so you will not squander this sole chance and opportunity to develop and grow your seed-soul. Life is given to
you for the purpose of advancing yourselves spiritually to the next level of eternal existence.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22,
January 1972.
http://www.1111angels.net |
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: *
Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on
Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. |
Heavenletter #4430 Because of the Illusion of Time, January 10, 2013 God
Relationships are a bit like Godwriting itself. You never know what I’m going to say, and so you never know until
I say it. You never know how a relationship is going to go straight, or swerve, or go back around again. Relationships are
always moving. There is no staying still in a relationship. There are surprises ahead, and, sometimes, astonishments. Relationships
may bask in the sun for a while, and yet, relationships get up and move along. Relationships are like ships that sail the
seas. Relationships are sea-going adventures. They don’t stop at port forever.
I speak of all kinds of relationships, family relationships, teacher relationships, good friends, romances. They all take
their winding turns. They all take their own flight. Some grow closer. Some grow apart. Some grow and grow and fulfill dreams.
Some begin, and some end. Alas, some relationships spit fire at each other. All relationships are in process. Matches are
made on Earth, beloveds. In life, relationships are always worked out on the ground. A match may have been thought of in Heaven,
yet it is on Earth that it is clinched.
Relationships do not seem to soar without the couple’s participation. Pretty much relationships grow together on
Earth or break up on Earth. And who is to say whether that is right or not right. Perhaps whatever is is right right now.
Nor is it true that the path of true love is steep. It’s just that it winds and curls around in various ways.
Is love only spontaneous, or does love grow and come to be? Everyone knows that falling in love is not the whole story.
Human lives are quite some novels, wouldn’t you say?
A baby is born. What a nice connotation the word baby has. The baby grows and becomes a young boy or a young girl. Then
a teen-ager. Then an adult. Then the baby has babies. Then the parent, like the parent before, becomes gray-haired, and, then,
before you know it, the grandparents are on their way back Home. And so it goes, one wave of life after another, all on a
voyage on the Ocean of Life. One page turning after the other, and nothing the same. All is being altered as We go along.
Yet, remember, I go with you.
Because of the illusion of time, all this occurs. It is repeated how many times and never the same and you always want
to read more stories. You think you live them, yet it is more like you read them or see them as a movie occurring before your
How little in the world is there to hold onto, and, yet, how tightly you hold. And how you won’t let go, even when
you know whatever it is has already gone. It has slipped by. It has gone somewhere somehow. Unbelievably, a fish has swum
away. A chapter has closed. Nevertheless, The Book of Life never closes, nor do you ever really exit. The physical drops away
and the Radiant One rises.
What is the harm in this, beloveds? What makes any of this tragedy or storm? Why does the world diagnose this as something
the matter? It has always been so. It is not a new development. This is how life goes, and this is how life goes on. When
all is said and done, the stage play is the same. Minor deviations, yet the same plot. Must this be a shock to you, beloveds?
Enjoy your chance on stage. | |
John - Cleveland Ohio USA