Humanity Is Poised To Change Direction {Channeled}


(PROGRESS Service Sector)

The Cosmic Window

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In this final message of the year we wish to address an energetic opportunity for the elevation of consciousness and the illumination of your mind, heart and body. We call this the Cosmic Window because it is an opening through which you can more easily transcend the perceived limitations of time and space.
The window we are speaking about in this message begins on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice) and continues for three days, through December 23, 2012. This Cosmic Window is visited twice every year during both the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox..
As each year progresses various planetary and galactic alignments take place and “color” the window through which you can perceive your expanded nature. There are other cosmic windows as well.
Two of Earth’s most frequent cosmic windows occur just before sunrise and just after sunset. These two windows are dimensional portals through which you can peer more easily through the veils that separate the worlds. Shamans are well aware of these auspicious moments, but the Cosmic Window we are speaking about in this message has greater import, due to its alignment with the galactic core, the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in fact, a black hole.
This particular and rare alignment will result in a broadcasting of evolutionary energies throughout the galaxy. Your Earth is one of innumerable planets receiving this energy of upliftment.
As we view it, this cosmic alignment does not sound the end of your world, but it does herald a new beginning. How each of you deals with these catalytic evolutionary energies is a personal choice.
Indeed many individuals might experience these intense energies as an irritant. If you are not prepared mentally, emotionally and energetically to jump to higher levels within yourself, these energies can make you feel like you’re losing your mind.
If, however, you are aligned with the movement upward you will be carried by these energies. They can open extraordinary vistas for you if you are open to them.
This three-day period is an ideal time to contemplate your life from the vantage point of expanded states of consciousness, to step outside your timeline to sense the patterns of your life and your personal history that have brought you to this point in time.
Do not shy away from those portions of your earthly experience that have been and perhaps are, difficult. There are treasures to be found in the shadows.
Indeed, it is from the shadows of your collective and personal history that new energies will be released. Our suggestion on how to enter into this window centers around the Aethos Sound Meditation.
We suggest you read a previous message entitled The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness to more fully understand the method. We suggest you work with the five-minute version of the sound meditation unless you are familiar and comfortable with the intense upwardly moving energetics of this catalytic sound piece in the longer version.
At various moments throughout this three-day period we suggest you set aside some time in which you will not be disturbed. Listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation with your focus of attention in your heart chakra, unless you have discovered that focusing in another chakra imparts more powerful experiences.
After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation imagine in whatever way feels comfortable to you that some part of you floats up above your timeline. Imagine that this part of you can sense your entire history and perhaps the histories of previous lives as well.
Resting in this transcendent state of mind, contemplate the mysterious gift and burden of your embodied life.
If you stumble upon a “knotty” or difficult situation that brings you down from your transcendent state into the emotional cauldron of regret, anger, despair and/or hopelessness, pause and return to the Aethos Sound Meditation again and rise upward, as it were, upon it’s wings to your transcendent nature and contemplate again. For some of you this may take many cycles.
We suggest you undertake this as many times as you are comfortable with during this three-day period. If you can manage yourself through the art of patience we suggest you avoid the temptation to create outcomes until the last portion of this window, which will be in the evening of December 23. The more deeply you contemplate your life in the manner we have described the more powerful your creations will be.
In a previous Planetary Message entitled The Sphere of All Possibilities, we shared a method for manifesting positive outcomes in your life. We suggest reading this if you do not have a personal method for manifesting. Seeding new realities during the final phase of this Cosmic Window will greatly assist your creations.
Finally, we ask that in the final portions of the Cosmic Window, the evening of the 23rd, you add the powers of your consciousness toward a planetary outcome. Envision planetary cooperation and humanity’s collective recognition of life’s inter-connectedness as we described it in The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness.
The great vessel of humanity is poised to change direction. As the winds of change press against the sails of this metaphorical ship, do not be concerned as the ship lists as one side or the other presses against the waters of collective emotion.
The keel will keep your vessel safe. The keel is your human heart and whatever occurs around you, set your keel deep into the waters, and you will find safe passage.
The Hathors
December 4, 2012


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HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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Heavenletter #4405 An Eternal Being Visits Earth, December 16, 2012

God said:

As the years go by, life does indeed come to seem less real. More and more has receded to the past. Even memories flee. So many loved ones have left Earth. Life does begin to seem less real. You begin to feel the unreality of life on Earth and your own non-existence even while you live on Earth.

It is not new to you that life is fleeting, fleeting. It's that life is feeling more ephemeral to you. You can't deny this any longer.

Even the common occurrence of what is called death, even as it is prominent and universal, that, too, is beginning to feel unreal, and, of course, it is. Death does not exist. There is no death. There is mass mourning, but no death, not one death.

You are not born to die. Your body drops away, but not you. You never were your body, and no one else was ever only his body. The body is the least of you, a shell of you. It was nice yet only a fantasy of a body. You are ever more fluid than a body.

Bodies have their limitations. You are unlimited. You are relegated to far more than a body. As dear as bodies are to you, bodies aren't so much. You endow bodies with so much. You stake everything on your body and on others' bodies. You even call a body life, as if the body were the sum-all of existence. The body is a flash in the pan, no more than that. It is a vehicle that serves you for awhile and that you seem to be stuck with. It is serviceable so long as it is. And then you turn it back in and keep right on. Later you may get a new model, yet you are eternally you.

On Earth, you play a role. You adapt a role. You have an identity in the world, and that seems like everything. Oh, My, what attachment there is. How you hold on to that identity all the while, all the seeming while while the identity doesn't exist except as a guise.

Your true existence is timeless. Without time, your existence is eternal. You are eternal. You exist, and you exist for something, not for nothing. You are a Being who walks on Earth. You are an Eternal Being who is visiting Earth. You pose questions, and you ponder. There is something you are trying to find out. You already know it, yet it has slipped your mind.

What's the big deal that you forget something? Existence goes on just the same. You go on just the same. You are Eternal just the same. You have eternally been a reflection of Me. Made in the image of Me, you are always. The essence of you is always. The essence of you isn't your body. The body is a kind of paraphernalia. It's like a sticky-note. It is pasted on. You become partial to it. It becomes your idol, and you worship it as if it were holy.

You are holy but not your body. Your body encases the holy. It is the shrine.

Do not weep for your body nor for another's body. Do not weep for the Earth and the temporariness of the body. What's to weep for when the heart and soul of you are a constant? Take care of your body while you have it. It is entrusted to you. It is your pal. It is your pony. You are the jockey who rides it only so long as you are in the race. Of course, you race for you know not what. You think you race for a purse, but the purse, like the body, is incidental. You, however, are significant.