Conversations with Monjoronson, #31 – Consciousness –
Oct. 28, 2011
Teacher: Monjoronson
The ‘new
beginning’ of our world
The Melchizedek
Schools will begin that process
The Occupy Wall
Street Movement
God-centered leaders
will be promoted to come forward
Today’s theme
is “consciousness”
What is consciousness?
The relationship
of consciousness and the brain
The role of genetic
Achieving sustainable
social structures requires being spirit-led
Learning to share
will be the most difficult aspect to social change
The purpose of
doing ‘energy work’ to clean the ‘grid’
The spectrum of
Your spiritual
Consciousness and
universe energy and the merkabah
A question on Dante
Are we tested by
the celestials?
The upcoming cataclysm
Theory of Relativity and science in general
TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray
28, 2011
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Divine Parents, we welcome you today to be with us, to have a conversation
with Monjoronson. Amen.
MONJORONSON: This is Monjoronson.
Team: Good morning! Hello,
Monjoronson. How are you?
MONJORONSON: I am very well, thank you.
MMc: We’ve been looking forward to talking to you—at least I
MONJORONSON: Thank you. Yes,
there have been a number who have expressed gratitude for the reinstatement of these conversations. Many see these as a means of listening in on the hierarchy of discussions among the Deities and
celestials and the created beings that manage this planet, this sector, and this local universe.
The ‘new beginning’ of our world
This planet is now fully engaged in immense geo-physical
and weather changes. You are seeing great sociological movements
beginning—and I say ‘beginning’ because that is simply what it is, as I was overhearing you two discussing
the ‘old skins that cannot hold the new wine of innovation, new thought and new social processes’ that will lead
ultimately to the sustainability of your societies and your civilization. Just
as a chick in an egg outgrows the space from within, it must break out of that shell, which once was its nurturing home, the
environment of stability. It is past the gestative stage and now must
break free from the bonds, which in fact gave it life. So too,
your forms of democracy that are typical of developed, maturing societies, will change—they must change or die. You should know that
from our assistance, your societies will grow, and it is the God-conscious individuals who will assist this process, without
proselytizing their religious position as a political speech, as a political proclamation. Rather,
God-thinking, God-centered individuals will be of great influence in the development of sustainable communities, sustainable
designs for social institutions.
The Melchizedek Schools will begin that process
The Melchizedek Schools began that process, and though you
may see them move into a very temporary dormancy, they are already in the forefront of this activity to begin training those
God-centered individuals who would like to know how to bring about the evolution of their societies. Not withstanding this development, there are millions of individuals who are quasi-God-centered,
or God-unconscious, who will be trained, who necessarily will be trained to participate in this peaceful social evolution
of your maturing societies.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement
The metaphor of the awakening chick in the shell is a prime
example of your maturing societies, which no longer can grow within the constraints of the old political paradigms, and so
you are seeing this first burgeoning movement in the form of “Occupy Wall Street” and the “occupy”
social phenomenon about the new forms before the first of the year. These
individuals know what they feel, and they are revulsed by the greed and the hoarding of the largess of work by millions and
billions of people, into the hands of one percent. This is not
immoral or unethical, but it simply is unproductive, it will not sustain your societies, and so there must become a new process
of distribution of wealth—not by violence, not by usurpation, but by the benevolence of those God-centered people who
understand the dynamics of a growing, changing, metamorphosing social system. And
so, these changes will come about and you will see documentation about the new forms before the first of the year. Thank you for this opportunity; I will
step off of my ‘soapbox’ and disperse the crowds. Now,
let us get down to the lessons.
MMc: I think that that was a wonderful dissertation and I am very willing to let you step
up on the soapbox and speak again at any time, because I think in listening to you, there is very much truth in what you are
telling us, that this is the way we are going and there is a head of steam in that direction. The question was, is it going to be picked up by individuals or are there going to be leaders
that come out of this? Is it going to be a popular movement?
God-centered leaders will be promoted to come forward
MONJORONSON: Yes, yes and yes. I
might say that I will step upon this soapbox from time-to-time in the future, until there are moral leaders to come forward
and speak on our behalf. We will be showing you a moral compass
that will assist your leaders in the background to step forward with greater skill and strength, and understanding of what
is to become. Until that time happens, I will occupy that space
and I am not to be seen as your political leader, but as your spiritual, social leader into the future. You must not defer to me, but use the instructions of former celestial teachers, who are
still a presence, such as Rayson and many other wonderful teachers who taught the moral lessons for a moral society and moral
communities. And be assured that we will be promoting God-centered
leaders to come forward, who have a greater understanding of what is to become. We
are appreciative of those who have the capacity for leadership, and who seem to be apparently prescient of what is to be,
for the highest and greatest good. So yes, I will come forward
as necessary, until the time that I can step aside more easily, for those who can speak for us.
MMc: Thank you. I
think perhaps the theme that I have chosen for today might be in some ways, adapted to what you have said, but if that’s
not the case, then I think it may… it certainly is one that is expansive enough [and] it may show itself to be educational.
MONJORONSON: Yes, you ask the questions, straightforward as you have prepared them
and I will interpret them for the times.
Today’s theme is “consciousness”
MMc: As a theme for today’s questions, I have chosen the concept “consciousness.” It is a very large and important concept, and yet I have not asked
many questions. Each question requires a context: Ask an anesthesiologist
what is consciousness and unconsciousness, and the answer is going to be quite different from the answer to the same questions
by a psychologist. I would prefer to ask questions where little
context is needed and let you expound. I am hoping that you might
do that today. Please don’t feel limited by the questions. We are going to be talking about the concept of consciousness, unconsciousness,
interactions with universal energy, our conscious journey through this life and how that is limited by our not being conscious
of what might be possible, and perhaps a little bit about our eternal journey into consciousness.
MONJORONSON: That sounds entertaining; I look forward to it.
What is consciousness?
MMc: I find that I’m confused by the concept of consciousness and how consciousness interacts with universal energy. But before I get into that question I need to ask some basic questions about consciousness. Consciousness is one of those complex concepts that we’ve talked
about in our earlier session that is poorly understood by humans. Earth
scientists are currently involved in a multidimensional study of consciousness, but they don’t understand that mind
is a bestowal of our Universe Mother Spirit, so I don’t expect them to come up with a complete answer. Tell us please, for the sake of these scientists, what is consciousness?
MONJORONSON: Let us begin even more elementarily. You
know that you are now conscious, correct? (MMc: Yes.) And that when you go to sleep, you are unconscious,
correct? And that when you are under an anesthetic, you are unconscious. And that your psychiatrists have proposed the concept of the subconscious, which we recognize as true and valid. So
there are three levels to discuss. You have also learned that
there is the superconscious mind, which offers the gateway to the morontial
mind, so there are four levels of ‘conscious.’
Now, consciousness is different, as you know. Consciousness is the self-awareness of being conscious, that is you can observe yourself
thinking—that is consciousness. But this observing self
is itself a consciousness; and the observing self can observe far more than just the conscious mind. It can observe the conscious mind of others. It
can observe and witness the consciousness of all humanity, the collective consciousness of all humanity, which is resident
in and around this world.
And then, there is the cosmic consciousness of that which
is outside the realm of human collective consciousness of Urantia, earth. You
can be a witness and participant and observer of that as well. Through
your conscious mind action, you can direct your consciousness to a distant time in the past, or potential future, to describe
it to yourself or to others. Most people have this capacity. This is differentiated from psychic observation in that it is more
of the mind action of the universe, of this world and of individuals and even groups.
Let us continue with consciousness apart from the four levels
of the conscious mind, and apart from psychic/intuitive phenomena. It
is important to discern these levels of awareness, and you could call them all awareness. The
four levels of conscious mind are awareness, and the two levels of the psychic/intuitive phenomena is awareness. Consciousness is the self-awareness of all those levels to the capacity of the individual
to be an observer. Are you with me so far? (MMc: Yes,
I believe so. The two levels of psychic awareness—could
you name them please?) Psychic and intuitive.
I set these out to you, at this time, to eliminate a great
deal of confusion, as these are new pigeon-holes in which many people can sort and sift the data that comes to them, as they
discern it, and give it labels or places where they can simplify or categorize their thinking. Yes, this is a high intellectualization of a lot of mindal and spiritual phenomena, but it
becomes second nature to morontial students as they progress through the worlds. This
thinking is essential to you now, as it is part of your elementary education of the morontial, as we can provide it to you
in the material realm. I will wait for your next clarifying question.
MMc: Can you tell me where does this consciousness come from?
MONJORONSON: It does not ‘come from;’ it is the result of a mindal process,
an evolved mindal process. Simple minds do not have self-consciousness,
self-awareness. It is a development, a faculty of a developed
mind mechanism. Does that help?
The relationship of consciousness and the brain
MMc: Yes, it does. So
the relationship of consciousness and a bio/electrical/ chemical brain is that… because we have a mind that is able
to be self-conscious, is that mind dependent upon our biological brain? Our
consciousness is also dependent upon our biological brain? Am
I correct?
MONJORONSON: Yes, let me explain this. I
will try to explain it so all the students are able to grasp this. You
are an electro-chemical, physiological, material being, correct? (MMc: Yes.) And that any development above that is dependent upon the good working of this mechanism,
correct? (MMc: Yes.) And
that there can be organic deficiencies of the brain, which affect the development of mind, and the investment of mind by the
Mother Spirit, correct?
(MMc: Yes.) So
in the case of an individual who does not have the organic, physical foundation for the development of a mind, then this will
not occur. Mind—a capable mind—is functional…what
I am trying to do is separate as psychiatrists have done, between the organic and the functional mind. The organic mind is dependent upon the organism, a good psychological / electro-chemical
mechanism, and the functional mind is simply in terms that you can understand, is ‘software,’ that this software
is downloaded and invested by spirit in the processes that occur shortly after conception, and that this software can also
be not fully developed because of genetic anomalies that affect the inter-working of the mind.
The role of genetic codes
You see, your genetic code contains far more than just the
simple material development, the sequential development of a material being, a material mind. It also contains its own software that assists the brain mechanism to work at its maximum,
and to its highest capability. This is dependent upon the will
of the individual, or the inclinations of the individual to grow. The
development of consciousness is dependent upon: 1) The organic
mechanism of the brain, and 2) upon the functional development of mind from the genetic code of that individual.
When you came into existence, upon and shortly after the
moment of conception, you are given the full software download according to your life-plan. Your
life-plan dictates the type of, or level or grade of software that you receive, so that the lessons that come into your life
can be learned. When you see children who are savants, but who
are autistic, what you see is a miss-load of the software mind mechanism from spirit. This
is in part, a transition, of your species to a new variety that is what you have called the ‘crystal children,’
‘indigo children’ and so on. Many of these are attempts
by the Life Carriers to infuse your planet with more genetic capacity to unlock the genetic capacity that is already there,
to evolve a new variation of your Homo sapien species.
Now, back to consciousness. Consciousness is self-awareness. Self-awareness
has its limitations to the individual belief structure. That is
why the evolution of your societies is now being given consciously to those who are God-centered, for you who are God-centered
can more fully understand the direction, the extent and the development of your social structures that support the days of
light and life. Are you with me so far? (MMc: Yes,
I am.) This does not preclude those who are not God-centered from
making major, significant, tremendous contributions to the development of sustainable societies in your world at this time,
but ultimately, human oriented beliefs can only take human societies to the extent of those minds.
Achieving sustainable social structures requires being spirit-led
To think in terms of sustainable social structures in the
terms of 250-500-1000-2000-3000 years requires far more than the intellectual development of beliefs to develop societies
that can attain that longevity. There must be the subtle contributions
of knowing spirit from the managers of this planet, infused into individuals who are accepting of those developments and emplace
them in the designs for sustainability. You literally need to be spirit-led
as individuals to develop a spirit-led society. Spirit-led societies
are the awakening, the beginning of societies of the days of light and life.
I have taken you from conception to quite a ways forward
into the future. I know this is difficult; I know that it is complex. It engages many, many levels of development of individuals and societies,
but it is necessary to reveal this to you at this time. We see
this as a simple explanation, but we know for many, this will be very complex and difficult to grasp. What we ask of you to do is to remain in faith, trust and knowing, and then you will be
certain of the direction that we go.
MMc: After traveling from conception to 1000 years in the future, when we
see light and life actually here and traveling through that situation, and seeing where we are right now and what needs to
happen over perhaps the next 50 or a 100 years, it is a wonderful journey—I’m not sure that it’s going to
be wonderful going through it, because there is supposed to be lots of ‘bumping heads’ I think, to move us along.
Learning to share will be the most difficult aspect to social change
MONJORONSON: Yes, you are seeing the very first, the very, very early ‘bumping
heads’ going on in your ‘occupy’ phenomena. Few
have discerned the way forward; those people in those protests are aware that there must be compromise, and particularly sharing,
and that is what will be the most difficult aspect of social change in the near future, is the ‘how to’ of the
sharing. This too, will be aided by a clear picture of the development
of sustainable families, communities and societies. But we will
be proposing a process that engages all of those levels, to provide solutions for a sustainable society, but getting there
may be very difficult and in fact, socially traumatic.
The purpose of doing ‘energy work’ to clean the ‘grid’
MMc: As to the question that is burning at me at this point in time, I’m
a member of the “Second tier Grid Team.” There’s
a group of five of us, who get together each week, and we have been engaged through five different meetings. We’re doing what I’ll call, ‘energy work.’ That is, we use the merkabah and light anchor to raise energy that is then gifted to the
Melchizedeks for use where it is most needed. Am I correct in
thinking that universal energy and consciousness are two different things? (Monjoronson: Correct.)
MMc: What purpose does it serve for us to do energy work in repairing the
collective consciousness?
MONJORONSON: Actually, I have spoken to you that this is an educational process,
to educate you to work with us in clearing the grid of erroneous beliefs that underlie the consciousness of your world. It is important to curry this energy system around your world, much
as though you curry a horse or comb the hair of a dog. It is straightening
the lines of energy on your world, so that they are all in alignment, and that which you comb out is left behind, is combed
out and sent to another location. Your work is both to do
that, and to learn to live consciously in alignment with spirit consistently in your life, so that you continue to imprint
the consciousness of your world with aligned ideas, beliefs and energy. This
has a positive influence upon all people of your world and is constructive and helpful to the advancement of a maturing social/
spiritual development of your world.
You are learning to become responsible, spiritual citizens
on a material world by doing this. Also, by providing a service
of removing those miss-beliefs, you need not be conscious of them, but simply project your consciousness onto the grid to
remove those elements, those snarls and snags, which are not consistent with an advanced society. Once in a while, you will bump into an individual, who is stuck in the borderland—and
I differentiate the ‘borderland’ from the ‘grid’—and you will bump into these individuals and
your duty, your service to your world and to this soul, is to guide them to the light so that they may make their passage
The spectrum of consciousness
MMc: On our world, we are often not aware that looking at the various transcripts
and other information in preparing these questions, I found one by Sondjah on 04-18-2004, where Sondjah said, “The frequencies
of universe energy throughout the various levels of existence, is empirical to us. Yet,
it is paralleled by this spectrum of consciousness.”
The personality with the greatest spectrum of consciousness
is, of course, the Universal Father. Humans have a limited spectrum
of consciousness, but this spectrum of consciousness is almost always more limited than it needs to be.
In other transcripts astral projection, mental telepathy
and spiritual healing are mentioned; these aren’t usual concepts
in our western thinking. I wonder if you might comment on what
we may look forward to in the future, as far as things we might do as our consciousness expands?
consciousness expands, it gives you greater facility to move about the universe of consciousness. A simple metaphor: it is much like a young child looking at a gymnasium set on the playground. He first arrives at the school and they have recess, and they go outside
and they stand before this wonderful gymnasium, with swings at different heights, and rings at different heights, ladders
that they can traverse across by hand, and bars that they can twirl on with their body. They
look at that and they see it; and they [say,] “I want to play on that,” and so they begin without any instruction,
practicing, lifting themselves up on the lowest bar that they can attain, and so they gain strength. As they age, they become taller and stronger and more skilled in the various skills that
are needed to traverse rapidly across this gymnasium set and they learn to play and can go from here to there, jump and swing
and be safe among all the contraptions of this gymnasium set.
So too, is your consciousness much like that, and when you
are in the positive consciousness, in alignment with the universe, you will have great skills to go here and there, to see
and to probe and to examine, and to know, to feel, to see whether it is here or there, or now and then—and when. Consciousness is a developed skill that you can expand upon as you
mature in your spiritual capability.
Your spiritual capability
Your spiritual capability is separate from your consciousness. Your spiritual capability is that aspect of your connection, maturity
and alignment with the ascendant journey that is before you, and which you engage even now. And
so, as you mature in your alignment with the universe and with the Father’s love, and that which is existent in the
morontial, spiritual and eternal, you will become more adept in projecting your consciousness.
Now, imagine yourself in Paradise, at the end of your ascendant
journey, and you have—so to speak—‘shook hands’ with God, and been hugged by God, and are embraced
into the corps of finality. How big, do you think … how
extensive and how skilled do you think your consciousness would be? Well,
you were told that that which you have already ascended through is open to your awareness, and so you literally have a consciousness
that can ‘see’ and ‘know’ from the earliest beginnings of your life here on Urantia, through all your
many lifetimes of the morontial, through the spiritual realm and on to eternity. Whereas,
you now are beginning to look up to that realm, and you are only looking through the end of a small diameter straw, so to
speak, looking at the universe. Whereas on the other end, in eternity,
in Paradise, you look through one of the broadest scopes possible, looking at yourself, where you came from in this world. So, consciousness is there, but it is developed by your skill and your
maturity in the spiritual realm, and there will be little that will be closed to you that you have already experienced. That which is ahead of you, however, is quite limited to your capacity
to grow into, the skill to see.
MMc: Very good. Thank
you. I am looking forward to this.
MONJORONSON: You are engaged in it now, my friend. Never forget that you live in the moment of eternity, now. And
this moment ‘now’ is the same ‘now’ moment that is experienced by all the universe.
MMc: I have several questions that have been given to me, I wondered if
you would mind responding to those?
MONJORONSON: I would be glad to, but first I want to return to the sphere of consciousness
and energy.
Consciousness and universe energy and the merkabah
MONJORONSON: Let us begin to sort out this difficulty between consciousness and
universe energy. I will as well, speak about merkabahs. Let us begin with merkabahs: Merkabahs
can be built by the human mind, in their consciousness, their awareness that there are energies that can be aligned and created
in a crystalline formation that is a flowing process as well. We
have continued to explain the merkabah as being built from the streams of universe energy that stream into the crown chakra,
and out the base chakra of individuals. It originates from Paradise
and circuits to earth center, and back to Paradise, completing the circuit. The
merkabah is built by at least two, and better if there are more individuals, who sit in a circle in the presence of each other
and create and move or bend the Paradise energy stream to a north-pole point above them, and the stream that flows to earth
center from a south-pole point below them. The south-pole point
and the north-pole point are equidistant as the points of east and west in the diameter of this circle. When they do this, there arcs between the north-pole point and the south-pole point a stream
of energy, in addition to that which continues to each individual. The
merkabah takes on its own identity, its own existence at that point, as long as those individuals remain in that circle. However, that arc of energy can be made to exist as a permanent shaft
of energy—some of you call this an energy anchor—in that geographic location by the assistance of your spiritual
guides, guardians and assistants and any other spiritual beings who are present to assist in that process, to anchor that
arc of energy in that geographic location.
What you are seeing is the interaction of consciousness to
build an energetic construct that is either temporary or permanent, depending upon the intention of the individuals and the
participation of their celestial, angelic and spiritual helpers. This
is not a crystalline structure per se, but as an existent process flow of energy. Individuals
afterwards can connect to this arc, this anchor of energy, this shaft of energy at that north-pole node, and project energy
to any place in the world, to assist in the original intentions of that merkabah. You
see, the intentions of the individuals that dedicate that merkabah, are actually tuning the merkabah much as a crystal radio
that was used by early radio makers of the previous century and before. These
frequencies are inherent and permanent in the merkabah energy anchor. Your
consciousness can tap into and direct that energy with that intention to any place on your world, if you so choose. Therefore, you are seeing the interplay of consciousness and universe energy in action. Some of you have interpreted this as to inverted pyramids of energy,
and that is one interpretation, yet that is the crystalline interpretation of the merkabah, whereas actually, the merkabah
is a flowing mechanism, formed by the consciousness of individuals.
Now, I will leave that with you at that, because you can
think about this and realize the implications of universe energy within the merkabah construct, and separately, you can think
of consciousness as it applies to, as it can manipulate universe energy. With
these two concepts, you can build upon tremendously to devise and reinvent how you interpret your interaction with your universe. The unfortunate side of the merkabah is that it can be constructed
and it can be used for negative purposes—immoral, unethical purposes.
MMc: Are you going to venture any more on universal energy and consciousness?
MONJORONSON: Not at this time. I
will be glad to entertain simple questions in the future.
MMc: I will try to make comprehensive questions that are not so long.
MONJORONSON: Thank you, that would be appreciated and be much more informative at
elemental levels for your readership and your listenership. Not
everyone thinks at the level you do, Michael.
MMc: I’ll accept that as a compliment, but I would very much like
to simplify this so that all the readers can take advantage of it.
MONJORONSON: Yes, ask questions for the elemental reader; the advanced readers can
put the simple pieces together for more complex answers, but don’t worry about that too much.
A question on Dante Alighieri
MMc: I’m going to trip over this name—Dante Alighieri?
MONJORONSON: Dante Alighieri—I know him well.
MMc: You do? In
a past transcription, it said that one of the celestial artisans (or a midwayer) worked with him on his book, “Dante’s Inferno.” I
am curious about the details of the concept of Hell that Dante presented. Were
those his own ideas, or the celestial artisans?
MONJORONSON: As is usual of minds that do not have a clear view of the afterlife,
and who still live in the realm of duality, he was helped along in these visions. However,
what was not anticipated was the acceptance by the vast readership and listenership of the Church at that time that this truly
represented Hell, which it does not. Hell has been more accurately
described by the Greeks and by the Hebrews, thousands of years before. This
mind of the artist embellished the confusion of non-existence to the point that he had to hang visual concepts in front of
the readers, so they could visualize this Hell. What occurred
was almost the acceptance of this ‘Hell’ as a fetish belief of most Christendom, which was most detrimental. On the other hand, it provided such an obviously clear separation between
that which is truly “Hell”, that which is synonymous with non-existence, and that which is “Heaven,”
or the afterlife in the mansion worlds.
MMc: Roxanne, did he answer your question?
R: Yes, I think so. It
was a different answer than I expected, but that’s good. I
was concerned about how much the subject of fear of hell has permeated our societies, because of books like “Dante’s
Inferno” and I was curious how this ‘fear’ was used either for better or for worse with our religious institutions.
MONJORONSON: If I may comment? (R: Certainly!) That was used politically by the Church at the time as a fear
tactic, to embellish the fear in individuals of the afterlife, to assist goals of the political Church to attend to its own
agenda. I wish not to continue any further discussion of that. (R: Okay, thank you.)
[This is Daniel: He didn’t put it in words, but he saw that as a curiosity question
and he was reluctant to answer it.]
Are we tested by the celestials?
MMc: I’m not sure we are going to get this one past the censors, but
I wonder, do celestials test humans by placing inaccurate words in the minds of the TRs?
MONJORONSON: No, they do not.
MMc: So there’s no… celestials are not trying to fool us in
any way? They are totally –I’ll use the word, ‘righteous’—in
what they say?
MONJORONSON: Our staff in every conversational relationship will strive for authenticity,
sincerity and engender response that their superiors would approve of.
MMc: Good. You
mentioned to me the last time we met, that if I was standing in a garden and wanted to call myself a ‘rose’, you
wouldn’t object to that. Would your staff then refer to
me as a ‘rose?’
MONJORONSON: No, certainly not. Our
staff is taught in its ethics class not to support unethical or illogical or irrational perspectives or erroneous perspectives
of the mortals they deal with, but to be forthright, candid with them in all their dealings and conversations, and though
there may not be objections stated to what mortals say in conversations with them, the mortals should not interpret that reluctance
as condoning erroneous beliefs. It is a teaching method for mortals
to learn to ask questions about their own conversations with celestials. This
has the further capacity to teach people/mortals, to be self-observing and self-monitoring. And
this deals, of course, with the self—observing-self, the self-observing mind, with a capacity to grow in its consciousness
MMc: I think we should also add to that, humans need to be more self-correcting, once
they observe themselves in a situation where they have erred, to be self-correcting and bring themselves back in line.
MONJORONSON: Exactly, that is a point of being self-observing.
The upcoming cataclysm
MMc: We’re told that there is going to be an upcoming cataclysm. My friend is asking if this is going to be a physical mechanism, as
in earthquakes, tornados, some type of disease, or if it’s going to be the unraveling of the economic system?
MONJORONSON: It will be all of the above.
MMc: Is it desirable to have a “Jubilee” event in the future,
where all debts are cancelled? The world economy starts over? Or will the debt overhanging our economy be liquidated by normal transactions,
and possible bankruptcies of individuals, corporations and sovereign governments?
MONJORONSON: This is a global issue, which does not concern us, and that answer
may be disconcerting to you, however, we are much more involved in the attendant processes of individuals, as they act in
that process. The Most Highs are invested and involved in the
workings of the—what we have said is ‘the groups of men’, ‘the powers of men’—whether
it is the boards of trustees of corporations, agencies of government, community developments, state entities, or international
agencies. The Most Highs bring influence to the minds of individuals
for the best outworking of these large socio/economic/political developments. Other
than the Most Highs, the realm of celestials and angels work in the minds of men, to offer them options for making decisions,
without affecting the outcome of those decisions.