How Alien Spacecraft Work {see bottom of page}


Yoga takes you close to your true nature. Yoga with its techniques helps you to harmonize with nature. Peace is our very nature, and yoga leads you to inner peace.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Illawarra District, Australia, January 01, 2014. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “The Akashic Construct.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Samuel: “My greetings are extended to the many on the English 11:11Progress List, as well as those, and today especially, those on the Spanish11:11 Progress List. It feels kind of refreshing to me to be the first in this, your brand new year, to chat with you. 

“I wish to speak with you about the Akashic Construct. What is this Akashic Construct? The Akashic Construct is a method of establishing communication. It is so named because it puts a building, a place, and great scenery to your meditation efforts. It is a place you can design yourself, feel at home in, and invite others into – mostly Celestials – but humans in need of healing as well. 

“The Akashic Construct, as do many other visualization techniques, helps bridge the gap between your mind and the vast knowledge of Spiritual Teachers, who may otherwise remain invisible or even unknown to you. The Akashic Construct gives you a meeting place between ‘heaven and earth’ where you can ask questions and receive answers, even record messages from Celestial Teachers, as this human is now recording my words on the subject I volunteered to speak about. 

“Visualization techniques are in use all over the seven super-universes. On my planet, Panoptia, there are literally thousands of such methods, as these are designed by the individuals and used just by them personally, for any kind of achievement at all. The Akashic Construct, however, is specifically put together for communication with Celestial Teachers, as well as the healing of human friends and strangers.

“The method is designed to allow you to become deeply relaxed (Part One), move brain and mind activity from left hemisphere to the more creative right hemisphere (Part Two), and build and enjoy a private place of your imagination where you can learn and observe what goes on in any place, and any time at all – past, present and future (Part Three). 

“Many receivers of Celestial messages and even more of the 11:11 Progress Group healers began their careers by practicing the Akashic Construct. 

“This is Samuel of Panoptia. 
May 2014 become a successful year for you all. Good day.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.  11:11 Store


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4801 The Generosity of Greatness, January 16, 2014 

God said: 

written August 10, 2013  The Generosity of Greatness
God said: # 4801 – 16.1.2014
Today you are a cut above where you were yesterday. Yesterday is already past. How you leave the past behind is by progressing. No one stays the same. In the world, nothing stays the same. There is a new dawn. It is not just another dawn. It is a new dawn. And you are dawning on yourself. You are ever getting closer to Me and to the selfsame Your Self.
You follow one route or another to your Self. It is inevitable.
You may not be aware that you go at a steady pace, yet it is inevitable. You are a human being who grows. You can seem to shrink from growing. You can think you travel the same route every day, yet there is always a new road before you. It may look like a repeat, or it may look like a diversion, yet you have a path before you. No matter how seeming roundabout, it will take you to where you want to go. Inevitably, you come to Me Who has always been with you.
There are no stalemates, beloveds. It may seem to you that you retrogress, yet there is only going forward. You may stumble, and yet you fall forward. Lift yourself up, and never put yourself down. For a time, you are a Divine Being scrambling around on Earth. That is not the whole story of you, not by a long shot. There is far more to you than the eye can see. There is the I of you. You wear a royal crown that you may have no idea of. It’s time you do have an idea.
There is Greatness within you, and you can let it out. You are not confined to a little body or any kind of littleness. You can break out from your fetters any time you want to. Never mind the objections and obstructions of the world and the objections and obstructions of your own. You are a Free Being set to burst through all barriers, for barriers are waiting for you to break through them. How barriers may seem impenetrable, and, yet, how imagined barriers are. What you imagine doesn’t have to be believed in. Believe in greater, and greater will stream to you sooner or later. You are a magnet for Greatness. Be it and attract it. Share Greatness. You do have a good foothold whether you know it or not.
There is no falling from Grace. Regardless of what the world says, regardless of what you say, you have love to reveal and love to extend. It is all within you. You don’t have to dally.
What if you are right on schedule now? When you grasp the Generosity of Greatness, when you recognize that Greatness is in your hands, you will give it gladly. See how it will bounce back to you. You ride on your own shoulders. There is no limit to the heights you can reach, little by little, or all at once. Giant steps are yours to take. Take them. Want to fly? Fly then. Your feet have lifted. You are reaching to Your Self.
I have appointed you My Self. I chose you well. You whom I appoint cannot disappoint. You not only follow My Will, you are My Will. I willed you Greatness. Accept. Go forth, and accept. Accept by giving. Accept by knowing that all you give, you give to Me. I uphold you. I hold you high. Well, what else do you think I would do? Let go of outmoded thinking. Perhaps even stop thinking, and simply be. Greatness surrounds you, and you are Greatness meeting Greatness. You are the Light, and you are the Energy of the Universe. You are not less. Widen your perception. Widen your heart. Widen your path through life. And so I have said, and so now do you know.


The Pain of Ascension by the Celestial White Beings

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Beloved Magnificent Beings of Light, we come forth with great love and honour for your being and the pathway that
your soul has chosen to take on the Earth. You are demonstrating to yourself, to all aspects of the Creator and the
universe of the Creator the blessed truth of the Creator. Not only is your pathway supporting your soul’s evolution
and understanding of itself but you are supporting the evolution of all.  Your spiritual ascension is like the unfolding
of the Creator from within you to reach its greatest potential as a radiant being of light. You may ask why this
unfolding is needed but as the Creator unfolds, expands and seeps into all aspects of your being, you are raising
the consciousness of everything within and around you. As you ascend so you energise and amplify the entire
vibration of the Creator. It is important to understand that your pathway on the Earth is not just personal but benefits
and aids a collective consciousness. At this time you are working in a team with humanity to raise the vibration of
the Earth through the admittance of light through your being. With every step you are taking you are supportive a
collective consciousness in experiencing the Creator. Every situation and experience in your reality could be seen
as an exploration on behalf of the Creator and as a tool to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. Each
time you master an aspect of your being or do not succumb to your ego this means that the same lesson doesn’t
have to be overcome by so many others on the Earth as each of you are accepting aspects of a collective initiation,
playing your role in moving all closer to a greater awareness of the Creator. We ask that you value the experience
and situations that you are moving through, as you are assisting a deeper unity for all with the Creator.
Moving through your ascension pathway you begin to discover the keys to your spiritual awakening, understanding
your innate ability to love, manifest, be at peace and project from within. With this awareness you are then faced
with a world of your own creation and the manifestation of the collective consciousness of humanity. So many
unneeded and restrictive habits can be absorbed from the collective consciousness of humanity that the outside
world can seem vastly different from that which you realise and discover within. As you awaken it could be likened
to suddenly realising that you are a superhero and you always have been! You understand most of your abilities and
can see your great potential as a being on the Earth. The only problem is that you are aware of your superhero
powers but you have to give yourself time to grow into your powers, to become familiar with them and to learn how
to wield them in your reality. With a beautiful perspective of yourself it can be painful to not instantly be able to
project your powers into your physical reality to make the necessary alterations to the reality that you experience.
This in itself can cause pain and suffering until you learn to accept and be content in the speed of your ascension
awakening. With many other people around you realising that they are superheroes, it can be difficult not to
compare yourself but there is a need to focus on loving yourself unconditionally as this will nurture the divine powers
within you at an accelerated rate.
Many people experience suffering because they are not yet able to project the divine that they recognise from within
but as you make the transition from awakening into realisation and complete projection from the inside out, you
may also find that past creations continue to remain in your aura and mind repeatedly projecting into your reality
until you notice them. Ascension is about noticing yourself; there is a need to notice all that is divine within your
being but also to notice with a loving heart all that is not.  As you expand your ability to recognise energies and
aspects of yourself that need to be projected and that which no longer needs projection you are stepping into your
power, as if you are cleaning your superhero suit and preparing to wear it. The process of noticing yourself can feel
as if it causes suffering and pain as you realise your habits and focuses, but as you raise your vibrations lower
vibrational habits and creations can be experienced as larger than before as they battle with the high vibrations of
your being causing friction.
The greatest way to dissolve ascension suffering and pain is to be deeply loving with yourself and your reality at all
possible moments, be gentle with yourself and reality while allowing yourself to be as neutral as possible in your
reactions to your realisations and projections. It is also essential to be aware that you are in control of your reality,
you are the main instrument of creation for your reality and so it is through you that everything flows and is
manifested. You are always delivering the vibrations of the Creator through your being, you are constantly be given
the most beautiful abundant light to create with and project as and how you wish into your reality. You can project
this beautiful light as it is retaining its magnificence or you can project it as a negative thought or a negative
circumstance, the light can be moulded into anything that you wish and choose. Becoming confident in the
presence of the abundant light within you and that flows through you allows you to bring your attention back to your
truth and to an existence of a more neutral nature.
To be neutral is to hold powerful belief and trust in the Creator and light within you, even when you experience
suffering and pain, to be neutral is to remain in your attunement and alignment with the Creator. Remembering in
essence your magnificence and realising that no pain or hardship can take you away from your power, which is the
divine light within you. Your power is also the way in which you choose to use and wield the divine light within you.
The purer and more loving your intentions the more power you will recognise within you. With a strong and growing
belief of the divine within you, you will notice that extreme reactions to your circumstances and most importantly
your creations will lesson, acceptance will become your greatest tool. This will allow for lessened experiences of
hardship, suffering and pain because it is often your reaction that causes the most turmoil. Reactions are actually a
moment when you have disbelief in the Creator, focusing upon separation and disempowerment. If you can
maintain your belief in your power and truth then you reduce your reactions and are able to move through
circumstances, habitual projections and self-realisations supported and loved by the Creator.
It is important to realise that there is a magnificently loving power growing within your being, it is your purpose at
this time to nurture this power, observing its growth and clearing space for it to expand into. Take time to observe
yourself and to sit with your own energies, then it will be easier to be aware of what is occurring within your being as
well as the creations and projections you are materialising so that you can either stop or energise them before they
become grounded into your reality.
We ask that you sit in meditation, focusing upon your breathing to remind yourself that you are a beautiful light filled
peaceful being. You may wish to say this out loud a few times,
‘I am a beautiful light filled peaceful being.’
Then ask yourself, what has most preoccupied my mind up until this moment of my day? Observe what your mind is
holding onto and allow yourself to breathe it away.
Then ask yourself, what are my emotions most reacting to up until this moment of my day? Observe what your
emotions are holding onto and allow yourself to breathe it away.
Continue by asking yourself  what pain, suffering or hardship am I consciously or unconsciously creating up until this
moment? Observe but if you are unable to understand simply know that by focusing on breathing away the energies
and creations you are erasing them.
Allow yourself to then focus upon the power within your being, begin to breathe from your heart radiating the light of
your divine self, your power, building and observing your trust in your own divine power.
Just allow yourself to be in your own energy, observing the growth of the light from within you for as long as you
This is a simple meditation but encourages you to explore much of your energies getting into a habit of dissolving
unneeded energies, thoughts, creations or emotions before they manifest and project into your being thus reducing
your ascension pain.

We are with you always, loving you unconditionally,

Celestial White Beings


Trust and Let Go

Image courtesy of Arturo Mann

A Message from Mercedes Kirkel’s Guides and Higher Self

Received on January 13, 2014

[NOTE FROM MERCEDES: This message was directed to me personally. I’m sharing this because my guides told me it would be helpful to others, as well.]


Blessings dear one,


We are happy to communicate with you this day. It has been a while and you have been through a lot. You are feeling cut off a good deal of the time from your connection to Spirit, including your guides. This has been difficult for you, both personally and in terms of your work. So we would like to begin by addressing that.


You are going through a purification. You are somewhat aware of this, but don’t totally understand it and often lose your awareness in the midst of challenging aspects of the purification that come up for you. You are not alone in this. This is happening at a grand scale on the Earth right now. But you are particularly sensitive, so you notice what is going on. You feel at times like you’ve lost your direction and purpose in life. There’s a sense of ennui, of lack of energy for continuing the path you are on, or of apathy, feeling “What’s the point?” This is very hard for you, as you usually are very clear about your purpose and motivated to action based on that.


It is a very deep level of purification that is going on that produces this kind of feeling of being un-tethered, disconnected from your spiritual source. You are being asked to connect from a deeper place, beyond your mind or emotions or physical sensations or energetic experiences. You are being asked to connect from your spiritual body, your higher self, the light that is ever-abiding within you, which is not bound to experiences in your inner or outer life.


This is the purpose of traditional meditation, and many traditional paths focus on this as their primary attainment. While you have had exposure to this, and have experienced that path to a very significant depth, it has not been your primary path. Your primary path has been the more Feminine approach of the heart, the body, the emotions, and sexuality. You understand this Feminine path very well, and have advanced to a great degree through being true to yourself through this path. Now it is time for you to go beyond the confines of that path, just as a traditional eastern practitioner of meditation or yoga or any other practice focusing on the transcendent must at some point go beyond that path and come into the Feminine world of embodiment, manifestation, and form. You are being called to strengthen and become powerful in the transcendent, which is not your natural leaning, but you are fully capable of it.


You have already understood correctly that your daily practice of meditation is very important for finding your stability and centering in something other than the world as you know it. You must begin to allow more time in your meditation for simply resting in the higher dimensions, without manifesting intentions or receiving guidance. Instead, let yourself simply come to rest, to receive whatever is being given to you, beyond form or comprehension. Trust in this process. It is important and will lead you to your next level of growth and development.


Whenever the familiar is being gone beyond, it is challenging. There is a death of the old before, or sometimes as, the new comes in. Particularly at the third dimension, and in your culture especially, there is struggle with this, because it is not understood or embraced with acceptance and surrender. Rather it tends to be fought against out of fear. We understand this and have compassion for you, yet want you to know there is another way. It is the way of trust and faith.


We ask you to have trust and faith, to allow the process that is underway in your life to unfold, to find new avenues of connection to God that are right for you now that will take you to new vistas and horizons of communion with Spirit. Allow it to unfold. Embrace your fear but do not make it your idol. It is a part of you that needs love and attending to, so it can join you on the journey. We are here with you, even though you may not feel us in the ways you are used to. We have not abandoned you. By no means is that case, nor would we want that. We love you and are here with you.


When you are dissatisfied with your life, it is a sign of the old dying. It may also be a sign that you are resisting that death, not allowing it to move forward. Take your dissatisfaction as a sign that it is time to let go. Push off from the banks of the river and allow the current to carry you. It is the current of your life. It has wisdom. It knows what you need in ways that you don’t. Let yourself be carried. You are very good at doing whatever work is involved. Now is a time of trust and allowing yourself to be carried. It is not about self-effort and directed action. Of course there are actions you will take in your life. You know what those are. But at the deeper level, that is not the primary movement of your life. Right now it is about being carried and allowing. We bless you to trust that process, to give yourself to it and to let it take you to the next unfoldment of your life.


You have done this in the past. It is how you were brought to where you are now. You tell your story and it inspires many people. And it is absolutely true. Yet now you are being called to a greater level of this, and even your own past doesn’t necessarily make it easy or clear. Such is the nature of growth and transformation. This is why we are here to support you. We love you and are dedicated to helping you. We are so glad you have opened to us today. We recommend that you do this regularly, so we can regularly infuse you with our clarity and direction.


We are so proud of you and pleased with the work you do. You tend to be quite hared on yourself, which has its benefits because it supports you in striving for the highest. But your view is not always balanced. We want you to know that you are doing superbly well and we are extremely pleased with all you have done and continue to do. To you, it often seems like not enough or so little that you’ve accomplished, but that is because you only understand a small part of what is going on. This is why it takes great faith and release into the greater process, even if you can’t understand  or grasp what that greater process really is at this time. That will change at some point, quite possibly after this lifetime, when you will gain great clarity about what you were actually doing and why. But that is not necessarily going to be the case until then, which also has its purpose. That being the case, we urge you to trust, to continue to strive and stretch into the light and love, as you have and continue to do, but with great letting go and allowance as the primary director of your life altogether.


We love you so much and hope this has been helpful for you. We trust that you understand and will make perfect use of this.


In light and love,

Your Guides and Higher Self


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