How 2 Explain GOD

How 2 Find GOD

How to Explain God

Posted: 28 Jan 2013 11:35 AM PST

This was a response to asking God how to explain him to a non-denominational congregation where I was a recent guest minister. There was a discussion about their variety of beliefs and backgrounds and sometimes using words that don't address God as such in order to not offend anyone.

I didn't know what I should call him or how to position what I had to say since much of my channeled messages mention God. I thought it useful to share because of the explanation of who we all are in this dynamic. This is his response:


Peace be with you my child. Do not be worried about offending people on Sunday. They long to hear what you have to say. You have a personal relationship with me - your creator. Tell them that. Explain who I am to you. You do not need my words to explain who I am. I am that I am. I am within you. I am you. You are me. We are one when you don’t separate from me. Through me all is possible. I am there for you always. Be there for yourself. Seize the essence of who you are by embracing yourself as the divine being you are. I am not separate from you. I don’t reside outside of you. Seek me inside at your essence. It is you that you seek - not me. I am you.

The godhead is different and that is an area you cannot address easily. Stay away from that and you are fine. Stick with the divinity within. What is divine, is pure. What is pure is divine. Therefore you are all divine. There is no separation as what is divine and what is not. The divinity within is your essence. Go with that.


Message channeled by Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach. Author of channeled book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures from Archangel Michael to Change Your Life. To read more about the book and also receive a free 5-week mini e-course from Archangel Michael, visit You can read more about her work and receive a separate free mini e-course at

This channeled message is copyrighted to Joy Pedersen and Angel Enlightenment. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and www.Angel is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without permission from Joy Pedersen. Permission may be requested by sending an email to

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Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “A Life of Growth and Great Satisfaction.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Realize that in order for you to be doing the Father’s will, you neither need to go to far away places, nor abandon your community. Here and now you can do a lot for your fellows, and for your spiritual growth.

“A life dedicated to doing the will of the Father is by all accounts a life of growth and great satisfaction. The will of God is that His creatures are to grow spiritually and become increasingly more like Him. This process involves for the creature to discover the wonders of the universe and to grow in the understanding of that universe. In other words, it is the greatest adventure to which mortal creatures can aspire, the wonderful destiny of returning to the Source and Center of all that is.

“This is why when today you notice that you are indeed doing what the Father expects of you, your soul does experience great satisfaction. In these moments, when you surprise yourself in enjoyment of what you are doing – being in a state of total concentration on present tasks – that is when you are made aware of the fact that you are on the path that your Father has offered you. This satisfaction is available to all who choose to follow the guidance of the Divine Spark that dwells in their hearts.

“There may come harsh times. Maybe sometimes you will have to choose between what you want to do and what you need to do. Sometimes the will of the Father will seem to be against all routine progress of the material world. This is only a myth created by human beings when they try to impose their own material desires over the impulses of their spirit. However, those uncomfortable moments happen rather infrequently and when you make the right choice, it strengthens the muscles of faith and makes the human personality more balanced and firm.

“Living according to the will of the Father is consciously choosing what is best for you. The wisdom of this choice may not be evident at first, but soon you will start to see the results and start to notice how you begin to transform from the inside into a being of light with an increasingly more real survival potential.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Your Software is Your Path to New Communications

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for


Dear Ones,

Some dilemmas in the next few days will not have comfortable 3D solutions. Such is so for a reason.

It is unlikely you would explore your new personal software if it were not necessary. You have the best intentions - perhaps are even excited about using your new software. But your 3D life often requires more attention than you would like. So you and the Universes have added a few glitches to your life - such as you cannot find your favorite necklace or a repair person is not available.

The thought that  issues were added to your already full schedule is daunting to some and aggravating to others. In truth, it is little different from a pop quiz during mid-term exams. Even though the pop quiz is a small part of your overall grade, you are appalled that your instructor felt the need to add one more stress to an already full week.

Let us explain what will likely happen. Perhaps you wish to wear a special necklace to a party but cannot find it. As you search, you become more frustrated knowing that you need to leave for the party in just a few minutes. That frustration forces you to give up in 3D terms and to turn to your higher self in exasperation. That is when you will suddenly remember where you stored your necklace after you last wore it.

Many of you feel that such is not that unusual for something similar sometimes happened in your 3D world. The difference is that you most often assumed finding your necklace was luck in your 3D world. This week you will know you found your necklace with your new software.

Even though we labeled this piece new software, this software has always been a part of all on earth. You were just afraid to use it. For you have hidden your light, your inner-power for eons to better fit within earth's density. It is a bit like purchasing a new television with internet capabilities and limiting your viewing to local television stations. You could search the internet on your new television, but you do not read the manual or explore your options - because of fear or disinterest. So it has been for you for eons.

Some of you will easily access your new software. You will not fear being more skilled than friends and relatives who do not wish to explore their software. Nor will you feel the need to describe your new skills to others. You will just be - as would be true if you bought a rug or a vacuum cleaner. You will accept your new being as a normal progression, not something unique to you.

That is not to say you are not unique and special to the Universes, but instead to inform you that everyone on earth downloaded their new (or opened again, if you will) physical software. What you do with that software will create your uniqueness.

Let us return to our lost necklace example. In the 3D world, you had several options. You could attend the party without the necklace. You could continue searching until it was too late to attend the party. You could replace the necklace with another. You could change your clothes. Or you could decide not to attend.

With your new software, you will expand your search functions to include memories and patterns you could not easily access in 3D. You will do so first by asking your higher self to open that option - and then you will do so as a matter of course as you become more proficient.

Even though the obstacles in the next few days will be minor in the overall picture of your life, those obstacles will encourage you to open and expand your software skills. Somewhat like a flower opening to great beauty.

Your new software (or newly accessed software) is a major stepping stone to communicating throughout the Universes. Just as you needed to learn how to use a computer before you could explore the internet, you are learning the basics of your new software so you will eventually be comfortable with new forms of communications between you and other earthlings, the plant and animal world, unseen earth entities, your higher self, various dimensions and the Universes.

The next few days will be lesson one. You will find yourself exasperated with 3D solutions and cry out to your higher self for a better method of solving a problem. Discovering that method will encourage you to repeat and expand that pattern until it is as comfortable as your 3D techniques. Once you have mastered communicating within yourself, you will advance to communicating with the greater world and finally with the Universes.

Brenda is concerned that not all will easily access their software so some will feel less worthy, less of a Lightworker than others.

Learning about your new software is a process - as was true when you first learned to use a computer. Like any new lesson, some will learn more rapidly than others. You all have software capabilities you can use today, tomorrow or never. It is your choice - and your joy.

The lessons of the next few days are to encourage you to better communicate with yourself. You will soon expand those lessons to communicating with the Universes - easily and effortlessly - as you once did eons ago and do now within other planes with other parts of your being. So be it. Amen.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4449 Wonder of Wonders, January 29, 2013 

God said: 

I have assigned My heart to you. I have assigned My Will to you. What else is left for Me to assign to you?

I assigned Heaven to you, and I assigned Earth. Do you struggle against your God-given assignments? Truly, would you refuse Me? Truly, would you say to Me: “Well, God, perhaps another time.” Would you say, “God, I’m not quite ready. This isn’t the most convenient time for me.” Would you say to Me: “God, it’s too hard to be alive on Earth. There are things like difficulties, and I would prefer to be in pure bliss.”

I would smile at you and laugh. I would say: “Beloved, you are in mid-stream. Would you quit in the middle? Look at how far you have come. Look at all the people you know. Look at how you have grown. Look at how much you have learned and how much you have accomplished.”

And then I would tell you: “You have almost reached all you want to reach. You are almost at the top of the mountain. Beloveds, you are so close. Now it is for you to smile and laugh and tell Me that all is okay, maybe even fine when you think about it. Even if you can’t say that all is wonderful, can you not stay the mile? Will you finish your contract with Me and not back out? Will you see it through? Have joy rather than discouragement. You have just about reached the shore of Heaven. Rest in the sure knowledge that you are ready to leap over all that you imagine holds you back. Sing a happy tune, beloveds. Do a little dance. Swing your arms and say Hurray to life.

“You are not at the end of your rope, not by a long shot. You are flying higher than you know. It just doesn’t feel all golden to you – not yet. Hang on, and you will see wonders that befall. You don’t want to miss it. This is not a time to give up. This is a time to move forward as though your feet had wings. Certainly, your heart has wings. Certainly, your heart can take you anywhere. There isn’t anything you can’t be or do or fulfill.

“In any case, the job is about done. From then on, smooth sailing. Wonder of wonders, you are that culmination of all you desire. Of course, now, at this point, you may desire different things from what you once desired, that’s okay, isn’t it?

“In some ways now, you seek less. You are not so avid to seek when you realize all you have received. You begin to realize that you have everything! That is the joker! You are already fulfilled. You are already at the apex which you had once seen as so far away. Now it is in your hands. Now you can kiss life and love it, for it never was a stranger to you. Life has always been a marvelous array of shapes and colors and beautiful undertakings. You have no burden to carry. It has dawned on you that you carry nothing but love, and love is something. Love to give and love to receive is what your heart cries for.

“A few more lazy steps, and you reap the crop you so long ago planted, so is it in the land of time and space. Your perspective is gaining. You used to say quite often: ‘Oh, where did time go?’ And now when you say those words, they have an entirely different meaning. You may still be able to read your watch and tell time, yet time will not be telling. Time was always fleeting, and now you will see that it has gone, gone, gone. No more time to lead you around by the nose. No more space to get stuck in.

“Wow, you are almost a freewheeling God Being that knows no boundaries and knows no attachments, for, of course, when all is love, what on Earth or in Heaven is there to attach to?”
