Hilarion's Weekly Message


Hilarion's Weekly Message: January 10-17
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Lightworkers, 
This week I want to talk to you about the ongoing task of letting go of the old paradigm thinking that you have all been subjected to in the World that you grew up in. Letting go of all the ‘shoulds, musts, have to’s’ that have been ingrained in every waking moment in your lives and embracing instead, the concept of the moment of ‘Now.’ What does this really mean? It means that you are doing in every moment that which is your joy. Realize that it is a pleasure to be doing that which you are doing in the moment, for you are Creator, living life through you. You are not doing work for another in order to get paid, you are Creator joyfully participating in life. It is time to free yourselves from the illusion that you must be doing something, accomplishing something in linear time. It is linear time that is holding you back. 
When you connect within to your Higher Self, you are going through the Portal that is beyond time, linear time, into boundless spherical time. It is here you are always your true self, an expanded Divine Being, immortal and powerful. It is here you can create the life magnificent. It is here where you are boundless and free. Many of you have already begun to experience this in your daily lives. If you think back, you will remember those moments when it seemed that you accomplished an extraordinary amount of work in a small space of linear time and that it did not seem to be work at all. This is what is meant about creating in joy. 
Right now, the World is being bombarded by all those ‘little self’ distractions that keep you trapped in linear time. That is why it is important to spend ‘time’ in stillness each day, for when you do this, you step off the old World paradigm and simply experience Being. Of what matter is it really, what starlet did what to whom? Stop for a moment and think about this. Daily, you are bombarded by concepts that really are not life enhancing to you personally. Your television shows perpetuate the impression that you are each ‘little selves’ who have no control over their own fate and lives and live perpetually in victimhood. This is an illusion that has been created to keep you enslaved and under control. This is why we have been encouraging each of you to be discerning in what you allow yourselves to participate in. 
Set your high visions and sights and keep working steadily towards your intended manifestations. It is by persistence that excellence is achieved. Connect to your Inner Being who is always in control and in mastery and hold to that vision. You are mighty Beings who are here on this Planet to create change and release, to your brothers and sisters. You are the Templates, the chain breakers, the magicians who transform the World and perform miracles. Yes, YOU! It is true that you do not resonate with your old World any longer, for you are in the process of cutting through the bonds that have bound you and Humanity to self imposed slavery for eons. You are by your daily practice of connecting within, disengaging from the cords of attachment to an illusionary life and taking firm hold of the new way of Being that is now possible because of the efforts that you, the Lightworkers, on and off Planet, have been making. Grasp these thoughts and hold them high. 
You are the lighthouses upon the Earth and at this time, many are reaching and grasping for that which is no more. Stand tall, stand strong and believe in yourselves with all your mind, heart and spirit. Remember that you are each surrounded by multitudes of Beings who support you at every step on your journey. 
Until next week…. 
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
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