Higher Dimensions On The Way |
Isis' Message of the Day -
Another name for Ascension . . . the Rapture?
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
============ Uriel's Message -- Your Ascension Roles
Each of the energy shifts you have experienced in your own lives is a small representation of the much larger shifts that are affecting your planet, galaxy and your Universe. Because you each feel these on a collective and individual level, and they are all around you so there is no escaping them, you have nowhere to turn. Like an earthquake which moves the physical earth, you are experiencing energetic earthquakes that are shifting the energetic dimensions all around you. At a time when nothing is stable, you must be grounded in order to remain stable as all of the energies around you move into alignment with the crystalline matrix. Being grounded takes on new meaning at this time and there
are different levels of grounding. First you must be grounded in the third dimension and release the temptation to find refuge
in the higher dimensions. Your presence is required on earth as you are part of its journey of ascension. Without your conscious
participation in the healing of separated energies and karma, you cannot complete the ascension journey and the earth is unable
to process these energies for you.
Each of you has agreed to be here to heal and transmute your
karmic signature on the planet. You do this through conscious transmutation of these energies, sending them back to the earth,
to the angelic realms or the light with the intention for their healing and transmutation. These are energies you created
and are responsible for; they belong to you and are released by you.
You must also be grounded in your divine energetic signature,
which is the soul potential you have agreed will be your contribution to the ascension. The Universe will not tell you which
energetic levels to embody, as this is within your contract. As the energetic shifts move old energies out, they are replaced
with your soul signature and this becomes your new paradigm. Do not feel that your roles in this process are insignificant,
each of you must embrace your role, release your karma, heal and transmute energies, become one with the crystalline matrix
so your soul's signature can join the harmony of the Universe as it moves into ascension and creates heaven on earth.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor,
teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the
Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.
SaLuSa: Transition to the Higher Dimensions is
Rapidly Approaching
July 7, 2010
Do you feel calm in the midst of what is going on all around
you, because they are very trying times? Yet if you can rise above them, it is the best way to cope with the pressures they
bring. Unlike years gone by whatever happens will have only a passing impact upon you, as it will quickly be surpassed by
the more positive actions that will be taken. There clearly has to be a crossover point when the Light once again becomes
the dominant force upon Earth. You Dear Ones are bringing more Light to Earth, that is speeding up the path to completion
and all of the changes it entails. We can hardly fail to mention the Gulf Oil Spill that is a major concern to very many of
you. It may threaten your coastlines, and in the context of the size of the Earth may appear a relatively small incident.
However, as a news-worthy item it has travelled the whole world, and its impact has impinged upon many, many people. It has
highlighted the dangers of Man’s actions, and the crying need to stop raping and polluting the Earth. It often takes
a threat of this nature to awaken people, to the impending possibility that the “fall out” of such a spill could
spread far and wide.
The more people power is used to promote changes, the more
likely it is to succeed in getting action. Your leaders are aware that there is a changing mood throughout most countries,
and that the people realise it is time to get them to act in their interests. Therefore a new type of leader will step forward
who has them at heart, and the dark Ones will be unable to stop them from being elected. Fair and honest elections will be
demanded, and steps taken to eliminate fraudulent voting. You will learn that most of them of late have been rigged, to ensure
the puppets of the dark Ones are elected. That will all change of necessity as a start to a new period in Man’s life,
leading to more honesty and open handed dealing. Spirituality must be expressed in all facets of your lives, if you are to
have societies that treat each other with love and respect.
What you give your power to will blossom and bear fruit,
and if your intent is to experience a new way of life that is joyful and happy, it will manifest. That is indeed what is happening
now, as so many souls have lifted up into the Light and are bringing down the necessary energies to achieve it. So you find
yourselves virtually living in two worlds at once, the one that no longer serves your desires, and the other one that is touching
your hearts with its promise of all you could wish for. You choose which one opens up before you, and every effort is being
made to awaken those who are struggling to bring the Light into their lives. Believe us because there is not one soul who
is condemned to remain in the lower vibrations. Opportunities to rise up are there for you all, but if you should walk past
them that is your personal choice.
As Humans your courage against adversity is legend,
and your history is known throughout the Universe. The Earth is very special in this respect having presented challenges so
foreboding, yet brave souls have stood their ground and learnt how to overcome whatever has faced them. With your ongoing
series of lives, your experiences have made you into warriors who have become unbeatable. Your shields have been the Light
you carried, and the sword of freedom in your hands. It is why we can quite positively tell you that you have already won
the battle between the dark and Light. Therefore you can strike out towards Ascension, as the final days of the dark Ones
are numbered and they can no longer stop your onward march. Try they may but without success, and you shall brush them aside.
We of the Galactic Federation shall be with you all of the way home, and our presence will give you every encouragement to
cut your ties with all that belongs in the past. You are creating a new paradigm, which will ensure a smooth flow from one
to the other. Changes often unsettle people but what is coming will delight you and fulfil the promises that have been made
to you.
You are certainly sensing the speeding up of time more than
ever before, and it is becoming obvious that the transition to the higher dimensions is rapidly approaching. Your Ascension
is the most important event of all, and what is taking place is specifically intended to hasten your progress towards it.
Simply put we must get rid of the old to make way for the new, and our involvement will become more apparent as the weeks
go by. Much happens behind the scenes, and we are not always in a position to be able to release information about it. It
is sufficient to say that we closely monitor all that is happening on Earth, and as always will play our part to contain the
dark Ones.
As with individuals who have their own life plan, so the Human
Race has one that arises from the collective consciousness created over millennia of time. With your freewill it could have
directed you onto a different path to what you are now on. As with your earlier civilisations, you could have slipped further
down the dark road to destruction. However, with the will to lift yourselves up you have averted what could easily have been
another disaster. Now the forces of Light are so well established upon Earth, there cannot be a return to darkness that covered
Heavenly Beings of mighty power know of your future
and guide you to it, and it is one of travelling the dimensions of Light. Life on Earth left you isolated from contact with
other civilisations, until the latter part of this cycle. Now you are beginning to understand that the Universe is teeming
with life. You have gradually been introduced to those like us, who have travelled with you on your journey. It has been a
planned program of acquainting you with our craft, and allowing for your natural curiosity to seek knowledge of the intelligence
behind them. It has not been easy to guide you to the truth about us, as your sources of information have clouded the issue
by giving out disinformation. Fortunately your minds have awoken the vastness of space and life beyond Earth. Your moon and
Mars are now known to have carried life as you understand it, and are in fact still used as bases for a number of different
extraterrestrials. You shall learn much more about these matters, and proof of the truth as it is already known will be released
for you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is
coming to fulfilment, and we can at last openly visit you and your beautiful Earth.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey The Masters of Light: Alternative Realities
As Received by Ruth Ryden July 2010
“The afternoon is warm and you feel lazy, lying back
and gradually slipping into a light sleep. A dream immediately appears in which you are doing basically what you have been
doing in waking consciousness, but a little differently, kind of like a distorted vision. It is a bit strange, but easily
forgotten when you awaken perhaps a few minutes later. What you have really experienced is a glimpse into your own alternative
Life in the universe is a very complicated thing, and human beings are finally beginning to realize that there is much more to what they think they are than what appears. You realize by now that the essence, or small part, of the Christ Spirit resides in the consciousness of each living thing, for all life is connected to each other. In addition, each Soul Being who incarnates into human form also has more than one life form, essence or being, and often has many more, of which the human consciousness is generally not aware. Why? Because the parent Soul is seeking many experiences, many lessons, in as many forms and ways as possible. When you hear the terms “third dimension” or “fourth dimension,” you understand in a general way what they mean. That understanding is just the tip of the iceberg. Dimensions have many layers, many spiritual doors and chambers. Each time you reach new knowledge of a spiritual dimension or force, realize that there are many sub-layers beyond that, and sub-sub-layers again beyond the sub-layer. Humanity has not been given the ability to gain or retain full knowledge of the physical and spiritual universe, for it would take an entire lifetime to even begin to process all the information. Instead, knowledge has been given, and is being given, according to the rising intelligence of human beings and their ability to understand more a little at a time. When humanity evolves into the new race of Light Beings in about a thousand years, the ability to understand the knowledge of the universe will rise to the level of the spiritual beings they will still be. An alternative reality is simply one of those sub-layers. You exist consciously in this lifetime in what seems to be a very simple and straightforward physical life, where things begin and end, start and stop; things and issues are either good or bad; people are good or evil. Your experiences, challenges and accomplishments are entered into your memory and knowledge is obtained from the lessons you learn. By your side, unseen, is another part of your spiritual self who is also living a similar lifetime, but perhaps making different decisions, going in different ways, reflecting the path you are taking. You may think of it as a twin who has the same opportunities but chooses to explore them in a different way. Does this twin really exist in your three-dimensional world? No. It exists in what we call a sub-dimension, created expressly to provide an alternative experience for your spiritual essence. To really confound you, for many people there may be several alternate you’s living in separate sub-dimensions, all trying to walk your spiritual path in different ways. This seems to depend upon the strength and determination of the Higher Self, or the parent Soul. The Higher Self watches over and guides all of those alternate you’s at the same time. And you thought you had it hard! These sub-dimensions are tied to your own (and their own) personal vibrations and frequencies very closely. Each of your realities pick up from the others the choices that must be made, the opportunities that abound, and the challenges that sometimes cause traumas of every kind. Then, each you decides how to handle it in their own environment. You cannot see the alternate you, unless you are extremely advanced spiritually and understand what you are being aware of, but the bonds are very tight. Each of you in your own reality lives in a third-dimensional world just as yours. If you were to slip into that sub-dimension, you would find a world exactly like your own, except that things would probably be a little different. Governments might operate differently, homes might have different appearances, the money might be coins instead of paper, etc. In each sub-dimension, different choices have been made, technology has taken a different path and the mechanics of everything would be entirely strange to you. Even your body might feel or appear slightly different as organs would have a different arrangement. Come to think of it, are you the original, or the alternative reality? Actually, you are all alternative realities; all experiencing, feeling, learning in order to process information and love to the parent Soul. Many ancient spiritual organizations have taught that life on this planet, this dimension, is an illusion. For most of you that has been a hard concept to swallow. How can that be, when you can see, feel and move around all the physical things that make up your life? Let us put it this way: The Supreme Intelligence, God, The Source, created all universes, all solar systems, all galaxies, all planets as a way of expressing the thoughts of creation that needed to be brought into physical reality. These expressions of creation continue to expand into new formations of every kind. The Creator uses the creations who have been given conscious thought as a way to expand the knowledge of eternal seeking. Each of you brings to the Creator the benefit of your own experiences and lessons, because you are all connected to the Creator by the essence of your very being. Now perhaps you can begin to really understand the meaning of being "One." The "illusion" is that all things exist in the Mind of God and can be, and are always being created, changed, and improved upon, even you. It is difficult, we know, for the human mind to even begin to grasp the enormous implications of a Supreme Superior Mentality existing in total thought, existing from a time which had no beginning and will have no end. The Mentality is the totality of Love for all things, toward all things, in all things. It eternally reaches out to absorb all new experiences, to create beauty and universes and life forces to be expressed in spiritual and physical forms. Your scientists will never be able, even in the next thousands of years in the life of your planet, to even begin to see the end or the borders of creation, for they do not exist. Human beings have a chilling fear of death, for most of you yet have not the knowledge of who or what you are. Life in physical realities and alternate realities is but a slight moment in the eternal time in which you really exist. You are all wound up in fear of every kind; of death, of lack of acceptance, of not doing the right things, or committing a sin, etc., etc. It is time to realize all of these things are but the experiences you came here to learn from. Every contact with another human being brings new knowledge simply from the inter-relating that is created by the contact. Even a simple hello and goodbye sets up new frequencies in the cosmos, to be absorbed by the Energy that is God. There is never a reason to feel as if you are not as good as someone else, for every one of you is a teacher, a contributor to the universe, your world, and everything there is! Every negative thought, every hurtful deed adds to the knowledge of the universe; would you believe that? If a person who has chosen the wrong path hurts him or herself and/or others, the lifetime will be a miserable one; when it is over, the lessons will be very apparent when the spiritual self is given the opportunity to review that life. There can be no learning without a give and take; the negative experience which teaches that only heartbreak and pain are its fruits, the positive attitudes which help others see their mistakes and bring their conscious minds and beings to a point of happiness and evolution while still in the body. This is a planet and dimension that is vitally important to the Creator, for it is bringing new knowledge every moment to that Supreme and Loving Intelligence. No, you are not the only planet of this kind; there are untold millions of others in the outer spaces that, even when in spirit, you will not be able to comprehend. The only word we can use to express the entirety of it all perhaps, is “Creation,” existing without beginning, and without end. Can you expand your minds and thinking to envision this? If you can, you will realize what a wondrous being you are; what an unbelievable part of the pattern of all things you are, as a spiritual being and as an incarnate human being. Fear is such a petty thing in your life in this totality of all things and you, with the knowledge of who you are, can easily put yourself far above and beyond the negative thoughts that exist around you. How can understanding that you exist as many alternative beings make any difference in your life? As you let this knowledge soak into your mind and heart, you will gradually accept the presence of your alternative beings and begin to understand the glimpses of their lives in your dreams, in flashes of scenes or remembrances in meditation or just while walking down a street. The Guidance that you receive from your Higher Self is a combination of the Laws of the Universe and of what has been learned from you and all of your alternates, for what each of you is learning along the way is shared in this manner with the Higher Self, and thus sent back to you all in the guidance you receive. This is especially important, for you are each given essentially the same problems to solve, the same challenges, the same negative emotions and forces to overcome. Each time there is success in any one of these areas, it is shared between you all, and you all benefit. What about traumatic events you or an alternative you experiences, what effect do they have on the Higher Self? Traumas either pull a person apart or they bring forth from deep within a wellspring of strength and fortitude. When you or an alternative you experiences a terrible tragedy or the loss of a loved one in a terrible way, etc., the choice is there whether to give up and wither away, or to accept the finality of a part of the life and start again with the help of the inner strength and love that is always present from the Higher Self. If the person gives up and lives the rest of the lifetime in denial, it certainly does affect its alternate life-mates. Depression is often the effect that comes upon all of the other life-mates, perhaps in different ways. Usually, this hits without warning and without any reason that the person can perceive, which only makes it worse. Remember, learning experiences have to have both negative and positive aspects, and this is another way, another challenge to be faced and met. When one or more of the life-mates overcomes the depression and faces life with cheerful determination, this gives the others a sudden lift and encouragement also, seemingly out of the blue. Isn’t life interesting? We are always here for you and it is time to stretch your minds to a higher understanding. Ruth Ryden
From : Digest #31 from Ruth and the Masters of Light
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions
and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in
the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth
is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. * www.planetaryheart.
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, being the extension of the One Creator, you are
by nature creative. It is also in your nature to come to a place of realizing that which you are, that “I am the one
who is creating all of this,” in concert with the brothers and sisters, yes, but also as to how you choose to see things
and what your response will be.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.
HEAVEN #3512
God Created a Wonderful World
July 7, 2010
God said:
Life in the world is not all-dependent upon the physical.
Even so, keep something beautiful before you. A flower, a pot of herbs, a bamboo shoot. Let your eye fall on something that
stirs beauty in your heart. A swatch of cloth in a color you like. A little painting. Keep those rays of sunshine available
for your heart. It will drink in the beauty between beats.
Wear jewelry to make you happy. Nothing wrong with that. A
simple piece of colored glass will do.
Trigger your life with beauty, the shape of a circle, or a
pear, or three points of a triangle. Change around the placement of that which gives your heart a little happiness.
Enjoy the trickling of water over your fingers.
Listen to music that you love.
Spark your heart with that which you love.
Take a colored bottle. Put a stick in it like a straw and
have beauty in front of you.
Look out the window, or place a simple work of art where you
can look up and see it.
Create even physical beauty wherever you are. Walk in beauty.
Let your walk be beautiful.
Let the motion of your hands be beautiful.
You have the grace of God. God’s grace is beautiful.
Do not dismiss the power of beauty.
Drink deeply of all that life offers you. Your heart will
thank you for your consideration of it.
Place a stone on your mantel. Let the light shine on it.
Love the bit of earth that your feet step on.
Make beauty your centerpiece.
Look into eyes and see the beauty eyes reflect.
Love everything you look at.
And if your table is cluttered, remove that which does not
make your table a work of art. Make the room you work in a still life worthy of an art museum.
Today, have in mind the idea that you make everything beautiful
for yourself and for others.
Have I not surrounded you with beauty? Take your pick of what
is beautiful. Choose one beautiful object that signals for you the beauty of life.
One candle on the table is beautiful. Light it.
Place two feathers on a wall. Three polished apples in a bowl.
Make whatever you touch beautiful. Let your eyes and hands
and heart alight on beauty.
If you have ten beautiful items on your table, take away nine.
Tomorrow you can take away the one and choose another.
Pretend you are on an island, and you select beauty where
you find it. A seashell adorns the world. A leaf. A few strands of grass.
Even emptiness can be beautiful. There is a fullness of emptiness.
Paste a note on your mirror. “God created a beautiful
world for me. Beauty is everywhere. I highlight that which is beautiful. My eyes photograph beauty wherever they look. I too
am a beautiful work of art. The palm of my hand is beautiful. I love My hands. God made them for me. I use the hands God gave
me to add to the beauty strewn before me. I am God’s handmaiden. God would only make me to add to the beauty of the
world that God stars in.”
Paste the words in your heart so that the light of the words
emanates from you with every breath.
You kneel before Me only so that I may dub you the light of
the world. I place My sword of Truth upon the halo of light above your head, and I pronounce you love, art, beauty, wisdom,
engenderer of lighted life upon Earth. You are My Light-bearer. My Light is everything, and it weighs nothing. You wear it
like a tiara, for I have crowned you the Light of the World.
Dear Lady of the Light, Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty * www.godwriting. Heavenletters *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic
Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If
you haven’t tried this yet, click: www.heavenletters.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999- What Does God Want?
by Neal Donald Walsch
July 2, 2010
My dear friends...
Last week I mentioned a little book titled What God Wants.
Several people wrote in to me and asked, "What is this book? I never heard of it."
I wrote What God Wants a few years ago in answer to the many
questions I was receiving about how to please God and give God what God wants.
Very few people will be able to believe what's in this book.
At least, at first.
There will come a day when everyone will accept what has been
said there as an "of course." On that future date all of this will seem so obvious. Even today it is obvious to some.
There are those who will believe the message in this book
right now, this moment. Of these, a few will find it difficult to sit still. They'll want to do something with what they've
heard, because they'll recognize immediately that it can change everything in our world.
These will be the fearless ones, stepping into uncharted territory,
blazing a trail for those who would follow, dreaming the dreams that only the courageous can dream.
They may not hold positions of great visibility, but they'll
soon be seen as candles that truly light the world. They may not be found in places of great power, but they'll soon empower
an entire species to claim its inheritance and live out its destiny at last. They will, therefore, be among those human beings
who change life on the earth in remarkable ways. And this will be their legacy.
You may be one of this select few. If your soul leaps with
joy at the message revealed in this little book in such simple terms that it can no longer be misunderstood, distorted, or
denied, you are. If your mind races with new possibilities for your own life and for people everywhere as a result of that
message, you are.
If you are, you may find yourself beginning to live the messages
that you have found there. And by your living of them, you will be silently inviting others to consider the dramatically alternative
ideas that inform your experience, for others will not be able to ignore your behavior, and they will wonder what you know
and how you have come to know it.
That will be the perfect time for you to extend what I call
The Quiet Invitation. Your behavior, your life lived, is the first part of your Quiet Invitation. Others around you will soon
desire to explore the extraordinary possibilities that your thoughts present. When they ask you how it can be that you move
through the world so much of the time with such peace and joy and love, you will tell them. Quietly, without any attempt at
"converting" or proselytizing, you will simply tell them what you understand of the world, of life, and of God.
You'll do this because you know that the ideas in What God
Wants could turn your world upside-down-
The message presented in What God Wants will come to the attention
of many persons in positions of influence and visibility. It is too astonishing a message not to make its way to people of
high profile within government, business, media, entertainment, sports, academia, and religion. It is also true that, of these,
a handful may find that they actually agree with the message. Hardly any, however, will be able to admit it.
Prominent people of influence and power do not like to make
too many other people uneasy. That's the problem with prominence. If you are married to your prominence, you are often divorced
from your power. Prominent people cannot, therefore, be expected to do much in a public way to activate the ideas with which
they may agree if those ideas are unconventional. Some do. Most do not.
Corruption comes in many forms, including corruption of the
conscience, of the mind, and of the will. It's the last of these that is the most devastating.
Most corruption is not placed into the world by what people
do, but by what they do not do. To do nothing is to do everything. Saying nothing is saying yes.
No, it turns out, has to be spoken.
Because it's difficult for people in prominent positions to
say no to humanity's present ideas about God and about Life, new leadership will have to be found if new ideas are to reach
a larger number of people for their consideration and exploration.
The first qualification for becoming one of these new leaders
is will power. Humanity must regain its collective will, and new leaders must show it the way by leading the way.
That's where you come in.
Please consider the possibility that you brought yourself
to awareness of the healing message of What God Wants at this moment in answer to a call from your own soul. It is a call
to soar. It is a feeling of yearning from deep within for you to make a difference in a world of indifference.
Because of that indifference, our world is being taken from
us. The life of which we have dreamed is slowly turning into the nightmare of which we have despaired, and it will continue
to do so if we do not now wake up.
We have seen the sun set on the hopes of many. Yet, as Ernest
Hemmingway so eloquently said, the sun also rises. Let us not now sleep through the dawn. This is the time of the awakening
of humanity.
Shall we arise, one by one, and gently wake each other?
Love and Hugs, Neale P.S. Persons interested in finding a copy of this extraordinary
little book may do so here: http://www.cwg.
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose
words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality,
Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now
famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives
and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. |
Ashland | OR | 97520 *
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