Heaven Letters Channeled


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4409 The One God, December 20, 2012

God said:

I have never forsaken you. You may have wandered off from yourself, but I wander from you, never. I gave you life. I sent you on your way. I have never left you. I am always been right with you. I have never veered from you. There is something you are looking for and have not yet gotten in your mind's grasp. Therefore you think you are missing something.

There is something in you that makes you look outside you. You look for Me outside you. You look for proof of Me, and you are bereft when you don't find it. You may even think: "God has betrayed me. He certainly has let me down."

Beloveds, you have looked down, and you have looked up. You have looked everywhere to find Me. I give you that. And yet what does it mean that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you? It means that this is where you will find Me. Yes, inside you. You are the carrier of Me. I am that Still Voice within you. I cry out to you, "Find Me, find Me." All the while you are muttering: "God, where are you?"

It often seems that rather than seeking proof of Me and Our Love, you are seeking proof that I am not. "Aha," you may say. "See, You're not here. So much for You, God. You're a great idea, yet You haven't shown Your face to me."

And I say: "I cannot say to you that you should look to your face. I am not your face. You might see Me in your eyes, however. So look into your eyes, and meet your gaze. I do exist within you. I am within you. I am not hidden. It is you who hides yourself from Me. There is some rascal within you who refuses to recognize the depth of wealth that is yours, mightily yours, yours always and forever. Yours," I say.

You went out for a stroll and you forgot your way back, and still you stroll or still you troll looking for that which you are sure belongs to you that you are, at present, unable to claim. Your name is written all over it, yet you miss what is right in front of you - rather, what is deeply within you. It belongs to you. It is yours. I gave Myself to you. I give Myself to you now. I wave My hand, and I yell, "Here I am. Right here," and I pound inside your chest, and you hear Me not. You may think you are having palpitations. Stop diagnosing and simply open your heart and mind to Me. I am calling on you.

You may have somehow gotten the idea that I am to submit to you. I submitted Myself to you from the beginning. Somehow you seem to feel that submitting to Me is tantamount to giving up yourself. Well, go ahead. Turn yourself into Me. Give up your stubbornness. Concede. Concede to My love which is stored within you. Take Me out of storage. You have kept Me hidden from you for far too long..

Accept that I am One with you. Therefore, you are One with Me. I may dance in front of you, trying to get your attention. I point to inside you, and you say that I am absent. You, beloved, have been absent-minded and absent-hearted. No longer refuse My Presence within you.

Where would I be but within you? I would never be without you, and you are never without Me. I accompany you. I AM you. There is One of Me, and it is you. I reside within you. It is time now to stop looking so much for Me outside you. Here, here I am, right in your heart. I await your recognition of the God Who loves you no matter what you say. You do not know better than I. Your thoughts wander off somewhere. That's all that has happened. Know Me, know yourself

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light, www.circleoflight.net

The World Becomes a Reflection
Of Our Reunion with God

Beloved ones, as you already know, this is a pivotal time. It is the time for your awakening to awareness of what the world is, that you might be making fully conscious choices and thus creating the world of Love for which your hearts are longing.

This world is a reflection, in essence, of what stands between you and Me. It is the expression in images and experiences of your journey Home. When you are ready to let go of your resistance to Love, to open and be penetrated by this grace and this promise, this ecstasy and this joy, then that which is made manifest through your hearts will be the expression and the images of the world of our reunion.

This world is created by the power of unity, of Love, of consciousness made manifest and granting you the ability to see yourself -- heart and consciousness – before you as the world you live in and as your experiences, whether they are born of the belief in separation from Me or whether they come forth in celebration of our union and the Reality of One Love.

You are standing on the turning point, the awakening into full awareness of what this world is. The fact that there are so many different experiences, so many "realities" is simply because each person is on his/her own journey home. Each one is presenting his/her heart's beliefs that they might become aware of what is within them and make the choice to return Home to Love.

You who are gathering the forces of your heart are already aware that something profound is happening. This is the time when all the forces of God are here to assist you to make this turn and to bring into full awareness the mechanism that creates the world, that you might create it consciously with Love. Your blossoming awareness may then come forth to bless and magnetize the consciousness of others and the awakening of other hearts.

When you recognize that the world is a gift -- it is a growing of the awareness of what lies within as barriers to Love -- then there is no reason to attempt to correct the world. There is only the journey of the heart. Because you are standing on this threshold with all the forces of Love aligned with you, you have the ability to not only make the awakening conscious but to finish it – to return to Me, to come into the merging of this Love, to release your resistance to life, to become penetrated by the Divine in the true LoveMaking that is the relationship of your hearts to Me.

All the longing that you have felt in the world for whatever symbol draws you, it is absolutely the longing for the resolution of this quest and your return Home to Me. When you understand that the world is simply images broadcast from the creative power of hearts and consciousness, not only can you honor the awakening of everyone. You can put your whole self in the service to life, that you might bring this awareness to humanity and assist in releasing the old images of separation from the truth of your being – that you and I are not only One, but we are engaged in the making of Love that is the expression of My deepest heart in every nuance of Love, every part of the whole of Creation.

So you are powerful not only here on Earth but you are the power and force of life everywhere. The fact that your consciousness is turned to the world is simply and profoundly a blessing for it means that you have decided to bring forth all obstacles to look at yourself and to find your ability to let go of all old images of separation from Me -- and make the turn -- come Home.

There is no way that I can tell you in words what you shall experience when we are joined and you are given wholly to this devotion, this acceptance, this experience of breathing Love directly into being through your heart in all of its joyous aspects. But beloved ones, you already know how it feels, what it is. It is what is calling you forth so profoundly, bringing you here to contemplate the images before you, images of freedom and Love.

You would not be here celebrating this time, filled with this awareness of profound change if you had any real barriers to Love, to Me, to all the glory that lives within you. So you are the expression not only of this change but of the whole reason for it, the awakening of the consciousness of Love into remembrance of its union with Me, and thus, the end of the journey and the beginning of wholeness.

When you have allowed this merging and released the barriers of the ego, then what shall appear before you as your world shall be beauty and joy unceasing, the expression of the world of Love. We have spoken often of creating this world of Love. Well, beloved ones, it is the expression of your heart and your consciousness freed from all beliefs in separation from God and ready to live in this communion, surrendered into the mystery of the merging of Love and the thrust to express it and to create more expressions of the heart of God, more avenues of creativity of the heart which is what you are to Me.

Therefore, let this time be the dissolving within you of all old images of a life separate from God. Let Me come sweeping into every aspect of your life and live every breath in communion with Me. Be free from the construct of the mind, from the debate of the little mind, the ego over what is God and what is Love. Beloved ones, you already know the answer and you are far greater than a mind can comprehend.

Come into this sacred chamber of your heart and let go of anything that keeps you from immersion in this joyous surrender and creation of new life that is happening continually between us and between the aspects of yourself. As you open into the mystery of Love and say "Yes" to this continual communion, you will comprehend completely the workings of the universe, the power and limitless nature of Love, and you will marvel at the images before you of a world of unity, beauty and joy that are the expressions of your heart fulfilled.

Everything that the ego has reached for has been a substitute for the longing of your heart which is ever to find this sacred union within. Right now you have every assistance for making this the reality of your life and thus becoming the vehicle for the bridge through the images of life in the world of union with the whole of God I Am.

Let this be the shedding of old perceptions of fear, of all the things that have kept you away from Me, from the awakening of your remembrance of the unity of Love and the pure and fiery presence of Creation itself that pulses through your heart and being.

While the coming of Love in the world is done, there will be a time of shedding old images, a time for the transformation of old heart's beliefs that have manifested as images of separation. You who understand are meant to show the way, to assist in the awakening to life and to the transformation of all resistance to our communion.

Beloved ones, you are meant to be in constant communication with Me, the creative force from which you spring fully formed, that we might be the expansion together of the heart of God, the expansion of the beauty of Love brought forth in every dimension. The creativity from which you are birthed continually can be fully and joyously expressed here and now.

There is so much for you to take in directly, so much of the working of it all. To do so requires surrender through the fullness of your heart for I Am the fulfillment of its longing. When this becomes your inner reality, this union with Me and life eternal, then what you see and experience in and as the world will be the affirmation of your choice for Love, and believe me, it is contagious.

So let this be a time when you say "Yes" to the power of grace that Love might penetrate your being and transform your resistance to Me, that this may be the instant of your turning and the celebration of being Home. It is not that you have ever really left. You were simply turned away and pretending that the longing that you felt was for something else – that you could somehow be separate from the whole, that you could go your way, create your own energy, take control and be "individual."

But beloved ones, when you turn back and come Home, every longing, every wish is fulfilled and you remember what it means to be the heart of God fully loved and creative and expansive.

The surrender of the ego mind may seem hard. But I promise you, that you will recognize this Love. You will remember it is the truth of your being and you will live in pure joy, true ecstasy as being Home in Me. So, dearest ones, say "Yes" and let the images of the old world fall, that you might be fresh and new in your consciousness and allow your heart to feel this joy, to be fulfilled in our communion.

You will live fully aware of My presence within and fully part of the creative whole of Love. Move beyond the need to intellectually understand. Drop all the pro's and con's and let your heart decide where it belongs, for beloved ones, it knows its Home.

The Beloved One.
Subject: “With Wings of Faith and Trust.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “What wonderful subject this is as I share your mindal image of butterflies and your thoughts of how life itself is a practical dance on wings of faith and trust! I know how enamored you are when you see a young butterfly trying its wonderful new wings to take flight into the world. The same feelings abound when celestials notice when a human child is sincerely trying to lift his or her thoughts above every-day happenings, spontaneously breaking out into a song of gladness in feeling secure and well cared for.

“It is this thought which lately has kept you busy as to why there are humans who never in their earth lives learn to ’fly’, as their thoughts remain earth-bound, so the richest and greatest of blessing from on High escapes them. It is this lack of exercising their trust and faith muscles which prevents them from soaring, and it is the cause of all misery. The purpose and richness of life remain somehow out of reach, whilst the solution to all their unhappiness is simply to spend some thought in meditation as to why it is that they are alive, and to ask themselves the question if perhaps they are living on the fringe of life, like an animal.

“It is truly sad to see how little effort goes into flexing the wings of faith and trust, for it is these muscles that will grow stronger according to the work-out they get. It is truly of little use to go to sundry clubs to exercise the physical body, with nary a thought given to the spiritual part of the human whole. Sure, you have your mental and emotional part, too, but even these are oftentimes neglected, and only come to the fore when something goes awry in the human system, making the person stop and think.

“It is taking humankind quite a long time to finally realize that, even from an education viewpoint, equal time ought to be thoughtfully and purposefully spent on all areas – physical, mental-emotional and spiritual – in raising the human child, and therefore the totality of the maturing human being would be able to develop equally, so a balanced personality can develop. It is this lack in home and school education, but most of all the negligence on the part of the human self, which leaves behind the important aspect of self-discipline and self-correction in character training. It is the responsibility of each maturing person to become consciously aware of how they add to their personal development in all areas of life.

“The most frequently neglected part in life is the testing of one’s wings of faith and trust, which lift one’s thoughts heaven-ward and to the Creator of all, who gives life and a life-plan to each one. It is the responsibility of each maturing human to realize that life itself consists of learning curves to help one’s mortal advance to higher levels of thinking. It is this most precious and wonderful commodity of thought, which is so often squandered with mundane, low level thinking and which therefore suffers most from a lack of exercise and an ensuing failure to grow stronger. What calamity or illness must first befall you to bring you to your senses, so you will willingly learn to flex your faith and trust muscles and learn to fly?

“Life will become far more interesting when all accept their responsibilities in these ‘flying’ lessons during sincere prayer and meditation. There are many celestial onlookers, who will cheer you on in your attempts.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA