Fifth Dimension is Here
What does that mean, the fifth
dimension and that it is here?
What I want to explain to you is what just happened Sunday,
August 4, 2013, noon EST.
At noon the world split into two
dimensions. Many of you have
been experiencing and are attached to the third dimension.
Some of you moved onto the 4th dimension effortlessly and yet
others have moved
onto the 5th dimension which now appears
as the reality to many of you at this time.
What does this mean exactly? Thousands of lifetimes and years
ago, more than you
can imagine, it was determined that at
some point we would need to bring you back into the
dimension where many other planets already reside. It is your
planet, in particular, that has been left in the dark so to speak
for quite a long
time due to a number of circumstances specific
to your planet.
am not going to discuss those circumstances. I am here to
discuss these. These are what will
make the difference to you
and your existance here on the planet earth. It is to you whom
I am speaking.
All those here at this time have chosen to
be here. You have
chosen, even if not consciously, the light path or the higher
road of the options provided all at this time.
There have been two basic camps for
a long time now, light and
dark. Two sides of the same coin with God in the middle of
them both. God, you see, is at essence of all. Therefore, God is
within all, both
light and dark. The dark side of God, so to
speak, turned away from that essence and went
off on it’s own
to discover it’s own uniqueness and power. During that
process, it became full of itself and decided to take control over
all others to
make itself even more powerful. It stretched its
wings and overtook others in a way that
served only the self,
the darkside of self.
That self grew
ever more powerful influencing others to their
ways further separating from the truth of
the Godself within.
At this juncture, man was going to brought back into balance so
it no longer had to know it’s darkside of creation. By bringing
you back into
the light, you could once again know your
Godself. It is that juncture now that we speak.
We have been leading up to this time and place for a long time.
have reached out to all those left in the dark inviting them
to join the light giving them
the choice that free will has always
provided that God gave so long ago to all. That free
will choice
provided the options to choose which side of the camp and
which world to commit to going forward. That option had run
out as of yesterday.
Yesterday at noon, all those who chose the light were able to
on the planet and move forward in the light. A split
occurred - a shift - between dimensions
allowing those that
were ready to fully embrace the light to move forward at light
speed to a new easier dimension of existence. Those that
embraced the light and
chose the light from within their own
hearts merged into that light becoming one again with
divine source.
Those that chose the light path but
aren’t fully commited and
connected to source yet have remained here to work toward
that goal of merging with divine source.
The problem lies
in that not everyone has been properly taught
on where to find God, who and what God is and
the benefits of
what that offers you.
Over time, the darkness
has maligned God and made him pay
the price for the misfortunes brought upon you all these
eons of
Often God has answered your prayers and either
you could not
accept what he provided you or you had interference from
outside of you that inhibited receipt of that which you asked. In
either case, you
lost out on what you desired for yourself.
We cannot help you when you block our efforts
to provide for
you but we can assist you when you are being sabotaged by
dark forces. And, believe me you have been sabotaged plenty
by them for eons of
That, as of yesterday has been seized as the dark forces that
have been manipulating humanity has been eliminated as an
They have either, of their own free will, chosen to join the light
or leave the
planet. They made that choice from within their
own being. It was not forced upon them. They,
however, would
not be allowed to bring harm to you any further.
August 5, 2013, marks the first day, that the darkness,
that has manipulated you, has been
gone from power and
possibility of manipulating you any further.
brings us here for a day of celebration. This means for all
a new day has dawned and a beginning
for all those in these
lands across these lands called earth.
I say to you now is congratulations! Congratulations for
choosing the light. Congratulations
for winning a hard-won
fight. All have embraced the light remain here on earth. All
those who preferred not to, left of their own accord leaving you
in peace.
I realize there needs to be further explaination as to all this and
what that means
for all going forward but that is for another
day. Today I wish to leave you in peace, knowing
that peace
will one day prevail in these lands.
This is
a beginning; only a beginning, but a most momentous
planet is free of the powers that be that have been dark
manipulating the planet and its
peoples as a whole as well as
individually. You have been set free from their tyranny. You
have been set free to embrace the light and grow in the light.
that actually means for each of you will be addressed at
another juncture. Today, however,
is for celebration. Celebrate
this hard-won fight. Celebrate your success! Celebrate new
I love you all.
it is time to love yourselves.
Archangel Michael
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