


 | Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our
belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing
us closer to Him. | Heavenletter
#4916 Truth Is More Than a Story , May 11, 2014 God said: Hear
Me. Look up at Me. Raise your eyes to Heaven. Have your awareness on Me, and you will feel the beat of My Heart. You have
a God Sense to avail yourself of. It is not necessary to hear Me on a physical level, or see Me, or feel the
beat of My Heart. Yet, on a far more subtle level, you do hear, see, and feel the love I offer. A thought of Me is a thought
of Me. A thought of Me is enough to rekindle your oh so fine memory of Me. Of course, memory can be consciously-remembered.
Memory can also be more subtle. Subtle does not mean less powerful. In fact, it means more powerful. And there is the memory
called DNA. How dry DNA may sound next to the Word God, yet I am in your DNA. What is called your DNA connects Us. This is
irrefutable. I am in every cell of your body and mind. It doesn’t matter whether you call Me objective or subjective.
What can any word be next to God Himself -- Me Myself? You can feel Our Connection. Call it Oneness. We are so
deep in one another’s heart that We are not two but One. Oneness IS. One Heart in the Universe exists. The connection
We speak of is Truth which, then, entwines the so-called Us so tightly that We become I, and I am One, and the so-called you
is also One and the Same. This Truth seems so far away from your daily life that you may consider it something like an Old
Wives’ Tale, yet Truth is hardly a story. Truth Is. The Truth is love, and nothing but the Truth. Love
Is. And love reverberates. Being is love. I am love, and you are love. The twain have already met. There is no separation
nor has there been separation ever. That idea can only be illusion. It seems real to you that you are separate, yet illusion
is convincing even as it is illusion. Life on Earth is simply love reverberated. A heartstring was pulled like a string of
a guitar, and the moving music of Life on Earth was plucked, and, so, the rest is story. Where do notes of music
exist? Where do these notes go after they are played? First, there is the call: Lights! Cameras! Action! And the reel
begins. Reel or wheel, life turns. The song has begun. You drop into an Ocean of Life. The word drop is used commonly because,
in the World of Life, up and down exist, high and low exist, and there is falling falling falling, and there is rising rising,
rising. The world is astir even as it is asleep. What is going on here on Earth? Whirling illusion is going on.
It is play. It is a play, and it is play. Life whirrs and makes sounds. The world of sound comes from Silence. Sound is pulled
out and diversified and seems louder than Silence. Out of the Silence comes sound, sound more audible and visible, more viable,
louder than Silence, and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Do not think that I devalue Life on Earth. Silence
is Holiness. Earth Life pretty much is a recording, of Silence, let Us say, and the recording is scratchy. At its seeming
best, Life on Earth is music. Less at its best, as it may seem, life is noise. Life sputters sounds. Life is noisy, yet, it
is from the Silence beneath the noise and the sound of music that all blessings come. Call Me Silence, if you
will. Certainly, call Me to you, or get up, and come closer to Me in your heart and mind. Know God as Thyself. |
Arcturian Group message 5/11/14
MAY 11, 2014 Greetings dear ones, we come once again to guide you in whatever
ways we can, but you must always remember that enlightenment is your mission, your journey, and your choice. There are still
some who choose to do nothing while awaiting a savior in the form of a man, book, tool, event, or galactic. This reflects
an old belief system--separation from Source and the need for something outside of oneself to be "saved". Your savior is within you, dear ones--always
has been and always will be-- it is what you already are. Your Savior has been resting quietly within, awaiting recognition
lifetime after lifetime through the good and not so good experiences of life lived in duality and separation. There comes
a point in everyone's spiritual journey when they are finally evolved enough to recognize and embrace the truth about themselves.
Issues of life that seemed important then begin to fade into the nothingness that they are and the individual no longer feels
the need to look outside of Himself. He begins to seek within to his own Divine essence for guidance and discovers that he
is that which he has been seeking--the long hidden secret, dear ones. Arcturian Group wishes to speak of love as the essence of spiritual growth. Love is the realization
of and the activities that flow from an attained awareness of ONE in which everything and everyone exists. In the third dimensional
belief system of duality and separation, love (Oneness) is always interpreted in a personal way depending upon the individual
state of consciousness--the energetic connections of oneness between people thus are sometimes good and sometimes bad. Love
is the Universal Oneness of all within an Omnipresent Divine Consciousness ever expressing Itself in infinite form and variety. As the realization of oneness awakens
within an individual, it begins to appear in the outer as peace, joy, understanding, and cooperation, those qualities that
make life enjoyable--the activities of many within the ONE. As you observe a world of strife and war, know that what you are
seeing is the manifestation of impersonal universal duality/separation consciousness which has no Divine law to hold any of
it in place. Illusion is how
the world has been seen and interpreted. The earth (Gaia) not an illusion as many have thought, but is a living Soul. Anything
you can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell is a material interpretation of its spiritual reality. You may say; "Is war a spiritual
reality?" War is the outer manifestation of the consciousness of separation which will change as more and more awaken into
the realization of oneness. The spiritual Light of an awakening world is bringing to surface and illuminate much that heretofore
has been kept in the shadows. It may seem as though personally and globally things are worse, but everything that is old and
finished is being exposed by your Light dear ones, in order that it may be cleared and released. You are changing world consciousness
simply by living, moving, and having your being in the truth of who you really are. As individual and global Consciousness
of oneness (love) grows, it automatically transforms the appearances of discord into cooperation and peace, whether it be
in family relationships or in the world. It is important to understand that your oneness with Divine Consciousness constitutes your oneness with completeness--your
good. This may manifest outwardly as closure to those things you no longer resonate with--people, lifestyles, or activities.
Anything that no longer resonates with your energy may cease to be a part of your life because it does not represent completeness
for you. This is why we urge you not to try and hold on to anything that is finished, no matter how well it may of served
you in the past. All are moving into new places of energy and enlightenment which in turn will manifest outwardly in new forms.
Be prepared for change, for evolution will always manifest as change. As you see and interact with all other life forms, you interact with yourself for there is
only One, One, One, and therefore that which you do to another, say to another, give to another you do for yourself, see?
This is the origin of Karma and is how it works until an individual is able to move into a more evolved state of consciousness
where he no longer needs the difficult and painful lessons of karma but instead is able to be taught from within. This message of Oneness has been given by
masters throughout time but has always been lost through the ms-interpretation of un-enlightened followers who would teach
others their limited and less evolved concepts of the original message. This has been reflected in the many "holy wars" throughout
history and even now. Whenever pure teachings are organized, the deeper truths are always lost through the actions of those
who join and begin to present their own concepts of the original teachings. The belief that one needs someone, some organization
, or some tool in order to spiritually grow is false and obsolete and will keep you locked into separation. Your church is
within you, dear ones. Oneness
(love) is the law, the reality, and the truth but this realization may cause confusion for those comfortable within their
established belief system. Truth can be accepted and lived or not, but truth itself changes not. There are many spiritually
ready living in resistance--having to move forward the hard way by getting "wake up calls". Others are suddenly "getting it",
having prepared themselves in other lifetimes. There are also those who fully awakened in other lifetimes and are now choosing
to be on earth in order to assist an awakening world. It is a time of great change for all. Everyone, whether aware of it or not, is feeling physically, emotionally,
and mentally the intense energy pouring onto earth and bringing with it the release of all that is finished personally and
globally. The new and higher energies of Light are causing many to rethink their beliefs and some with no understanding of
what is taking place, are tempted to panic. You can help those tempted to fear and panic to open to the bigger picture--NOT that you become "missionaries"
but that you simply throw out seeds of truth to those receptive. Never force the deeper truths on to another, thinking you
are helping them for they may not yet be ready and your actions can easily become exercises of personal ego--the mistake many
have made in the past and still make. As you observe the efforts of those who would keep the world in lack, chaos, and war, know that there is no law
to support or sustain these appearances and that all are in and of the One even though unaware of it. How often do you pray
for your enemies, dear ones, or do you pray only for "victims"? There is only ONE and this realization is Love and the secret of life you have sought for
so long, lifetime after lifetime, symbolized as the search for the Holy Grail. You are now ready to grasp and live this Divine
secret, and in so doing will see the change you desire. Be the light, be the way, be the truth--a reality that not only refers to one man 2000 years ago. This is how the world will awaken. We are the Arcturian Group 5/11/14 |
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A GIFT OF TRANSFIGURING DIVINE LOVE FROM THE DIVINE FEMININE by Patricia Cota-Robles May 10, 2014 This weekend there are millions of people
around the World acknowledging the Love they have for their Mothers. This has formed a collective Cup of Consciousness through
which the Feminine Aspect of our Father-Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout ALL Creation are projecting
the most intensified frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that Humanity has ever received. This unfathomable Love is flowing
in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth, which has the ability to greatly assist the purging and
cleansing process Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom are now going through. The Feminine Aspect of our Father-Mother God is the Being of Light we have
always known as the Holy Spirit. After our fall into separation and duality we lost awareness of the Feminine Aspect of God
and we developed a very Patriarchal concept of God. Amazingly, our fragmented and fear-based human egos began to believe that
as Sons and Daughters of God we had a single parent. Our fallen human egos came to the erroneous conclusion that the only
parent we had was our Father. Well, what child is ever conceived without a Father AND a Mother? “As Above, so below.” For aeons we have known that the Holy
Spirit is the Love Nature of God and the Holy Comforter, but we thought of it as a masculine aspect of our Father God. Now
we KNOW that the Holy Spirit is in fact our Mother God, the Divine Feminine, who works in perfect balance and harmony with
our Father God. Our
Mother God is also the exponent of the Elemental Kingdom which we are, at long last, beginning to remember is an Intelligent
Lifewave that is critical in our Ascension process. Our Mother God is the Loving Presence that supports the Mighty Elohim
who are the Builders of Form, the Directors of the Elements who guide and direct the Divine Intelligence within the earth,
water, fire, air and ether elements, and also the Body Elementals that have sojourned with the Sons and Daughters of God since
we were first Breathed forth from the Core of Creation. This is why we refer to MOTHER Nature and MOTHER Earth. During this Cosmic Moment, when Humanity
and ALL Life on Earth are experiencing an unprecedented opportunity to transmute the past and to move up the Spiral of Evolution
into the Loving Embrace of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth, we have been given an Invocation from On High that will allow Humanity
and the Elemental Kingdom to take full advantage of the Transfiguring Divine Love our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects
of Deity are Blessing the Earth with this sacred and holy Month of May. Through this Invocation, the Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will be
secured in the Heart Flame of every person on Earth by his or her I AM Presence. This Divine Intervention will occur in perfect
alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for ALL concerned. Once this has occurred, the Flame of
Transfiguring Divine Love will build in momentum, with every Breath we take, throughout the rest of this Life-transforming
year of 2014. A Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM
Presence of ALL Humanity. What I ask for myself, I ask for every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine
Plan and the highest good for all concerned. “Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now expand the Flame
of Transfiguring Divine Love through every person’s Heart Flame. Create from this Sacred Fire a tremendous Heart of
Pure Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth. “This Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love is now magnetizing
the Love of our Mother God from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This Life-transforming influx of our Mother
God’s Love is pouring through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness and blazing in, through, and around
every person, place, condition, and thing on Earth. Our Mother God’s Love is empowering our planetary CAUSE of Divine
Love, our newly Birthed Renaissance of Divine Love, and ALL of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. “Now, our Mother God and the Feminine
Aspects of Deity in the Realms of Illumined Truth send forth a Clarion Call asking the Legions of Love throughout Infinity
to come forth now. In addition to the Legions of Love, Twelve magnificent Solar Archangels representing the Flame of Transfiguring
Divine Love descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the Great, Great Silence. These powerful Archangels take their strategic
positions around the planet standing equal distances around the Earth’s equator. Each One of these selfless Messengers
of God willingly prepare to assist Humanity, Mother Earth, and ALL Life evolving on this Planet during this Activity of Light. “Now, as One unified Force of Divine
Love, our Mother God and the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, Inbreathe from the very Core of Creation the highest
possible frequency of the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love that Cosmic Law will allow. On the Holy Breath, these Feminine
Beings of Light now Breathe this Sacred Fire into the Heart Flame of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. “This influx of Divine Love, which
is now flowing through every person’s Heart Flame, creates a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved
Mother Earth and ALL her Life. Through this Activity of Light, the I AM Presence within every person becomes the Open Door
for this resplendent frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love. At inner levels, every person on the Planet is experiencing this
forcefield of Divine Love. “Through his or her I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love,
smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this Activity of Light,
we are ALL, truly, Love in Action. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has
gone into creating the present negative conditions that are surfacing from the old Earth to be transmuted back into Light. “Through the Love of the Holy Spirit—our
Mother God, the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, the Twelve Solar Archangels, and the I AM Presence of every
person on Earth, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have
set in place the basic Spiritual Forces of Divine Love over which Humanity is now Ascending out of the long exile in darkness
associated with the old Earth, into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light and Divine Love associated with the New Earth. “We are ALL being raised into a
profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined
to be. We are Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with
this blessed Planet, and the Planet is One with us. “The Twelve Solar Archangels are now intensifying
the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love through every person’s Heart Flame. This Activity of Light is lifting Humanity,
the Elemental Kingdom, and every particle and wave of Life on Earth into a much Higher Octave of Divine Love and Light. “With the influx of this Light,
every man, woman, and child on Earth is being initiated into a Higher Order of Being and invested with a Cosmic Forcefield
of Divine Love that will be permanently sustained by his or her I AM Presence. “This Forcefield of Divine Love is lifting each of
us into a Higher Level of Christ Consciousness, which will result in a Higher Order of Divine Service to Humanity, the Elemental
Kingdom, and Mother Earth. And so it is!” A POWERFUL TOOL FROM THE ELEMENTAL KINGDOM Flooding into the mental and emotional
strata of Earth at this time is the profound Truth that the Earth is a living, breathing organism. People everywhere are at
long last beginning to remember and acknowledge that the earth, water, air, fire, and ether elements are intelligent. These
aspects of the Elemental Kingdom constitute Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, as well as the
bodies of the animals, plants, and everything else that exists on Earth. The reason it is so vitally important that we remember the collaboration
we have with the Elemental Kingdom and heal the schism between us, is because we cannot complete our Ascension onto the 5th-Dimensional
New Earth without the deliberate cooperation of our Body Elementals and the Elemental Kingdom. At any given moment, the Elemental Kingdom
is reflecting Humanity’s consciousness. The inclement weather conditions we are experiencing all over the Planet are
an indication of the greatly intensified purging Humanity and the Earth are experiencing. As Humanity shifts into higher and
higher levels of Christ Consciousness, we will heal the atrocities we have inflicted on the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.
This will be accomplished by joining our hearts and minds as we cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. These
patterns will manifest as the Heaven on Earth we have always known we would one day be abiding upon. The following information reveals a powerful
tool that was inspired by the Company of Heaven to help Humanity reconnect with the Elemental Kingdom in a loving and gentle
way. If this powerful tool resonates in your heart it is available on our website at the following link. (If this link does not work please copy and paste it into your browser.) 2014 SACRED LIGHT
ELIXIR and Humanity’s Ascension into Christ Consciousness This exquisite Aromatic Light Elixir is a multi-Dimensional Synergy,
inspired by the Masters of Light. The Harmonic Oils and Crystalline Liquid Light in this beautiful Elixir were blended into
a frequency of Divine Love through the unified efforts of the Elemental Kingdom and the Company of Heaven. This Light Elixir is specifically designed
to assist Humanity’s I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Body Elemental to raise the vibrations within our energy
fields. This will occur regardless of any adversity from the old Earth
we may still be experiencing. This Divine Intervention will accelerate
the Divine Alchemy taking place in Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies and pave the way for a
greater shift into Christ Consciousness. All we have to do is gently spray this beautiful Light Elixir above our heads two or three times each day. Our
I AM Presence and our Body Elemental will assimilate the beautiful fragrance and Elemental substance within the Light Elixir,
thus lifting each of us into a frequency that will make it easier for our I AM Presence to quicken our return to Christ Consciousness. Returning to Christ Consciousness is the
single most important thing Humanity can do in order to shift our reality into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
From the level of Christ Consciousness, we have the ability to tap into the Realms of Cause where viable solutions exist that
will help us to eliminate the pain and suffering we are still experiencing from the surfacing negativity of the old Earth.
This exquisite fragrance has been consecrated with the powerful energies from the unprecedented Celestial Alignments and Activities
of Light that are taking place this year. Our supply is limited, so if you are interested please respond as soon as possible. 2014 SACRED LIGHT ELIXIR (If this link does not work please copy and paste it into your browser.) Patricia Cota-Robles New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s
Purpose PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717 This article is copyrighted, but you have
my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line
is included. Thank You. ©2014
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles The
information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The
Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the
bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.


