HeavenLetters: 5-10-14

Your worries, your feelings, your thoughts arise in your own mind. You are totally responsible for all your feelings. How you feel, what you think, what you do, you are responsible.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4915 Put Down Your Bow and Arrow, May 10, 2014 

God said: 

There is no distance between Us. There is no time. Therefore, it takes no time for Us to come  together. You think of speed and soon and now and hurry up. Not necessary to worry about speeding up or slowing down your evolution. You don’t have to keep your eyes on your progress all the time. Question not. Don’t panic. You are evolving.
When I speak of your Awareness of Our Oneness, I don’t mean that you have to go out and shop for it. This is not an emergency. Your Awareness is a natural part of your growth. Certainly, you can attend to it, yet it’s not really your province to hurry it up. Your Awareness is inevitable. Have you been looking for safety, perhaps racing toward your evolution as you would a bomb shelter? Urgency is an idea you have. Concern is an idea you have. Prevention is an idea you have.
In a way, your Awareness of Me and Awareness of your Evolution is a little like your getting up in the morning and going to work. The more you rush, the more harried you are. You can’t find your keys. They are there somewhere. You run here, and you run there. Yes, you find them, yet, it seems that you find them despite your hustle. Use your eyes and not scurry to find your keys.
And so it is with your Evolution of Awareness. It’s there anyway. Your hand will pick up the Keys of Your Awareness, and off you go.
Your Evolution is intact, just as your keys are where you left them. There is no need to scurry around. It’s not that you rush to your Evolution, rush here, rush there. Evolution comes to you. Awareness comes to you. Of course, Awareness is the only thing missing, as it were, and Awareness will come to you on its own. It’s not necessary for you to run everywhere to find it.
In life in the world, We can say there are two motions – inhale and exhale, tense and untense, work and rest, effort and ease, foraging for food and eating. You can’t always be inhaling nor can you always be exhaling and so on. You don’t always have to be chasing after what you want. You may hurry all you want, and, yet, your desires come to you when they come.
Your Awareness is going to come to you. It may seem slow to you, and, once in a while, it may seem swift to you. You doggedly hunt for it, or you stumble on it. There is no urgency, beloveds. You will have your Awareness. You can put down your bow and arrow.
Desiring Awareness is much like hunting a deer or a woman to become your bride. Love will happen yet not always under your direction. Beloveds, let life be. You are fine. You are in My Arms of Love. You never were anywhere else. You dreamed a dream of far-away-ness instead of Awareness. You will wake up to the Truth of Who You Are and What You Mean to Me and to the entire dreamt-of Universe.
We have been talking here of what you seek. Let Us also mention that which you wish to avoid. What are you running away from? What is to meet you will meet you. You can’t really run away any more than you can rush toward. Neither chase life nor run away from it. Fear not. You are already in life. You can’t run away from life any more than you can grab it by its shoulders. Engage with life, beloveds. It is yours to engage with, not run after nor to run away from. Beloveds, life does not hide from you. It greets you. Do not whip life like a horse to obey nor abscond from it. Greet life. Live it.


The Ascension of Relationships By Master Kuthumi



The Ascension of Relationships By Master Kuthumi

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 7th May 2014- www.omna.org

At this time in the Earth's and humanity's ascension as all choose to evolve into the truth and love of the Creator to form a reality born from love, energies are coming forth to reawaken, shake up and reform your relationship with the Creator. As you are evolving spiritually with focus and dedication you will be asked by the Creator to revaluate, understand and form a new relationship with the Creator encouraging a communication, interaction and new perception of love. While the Creator is asking each soul to accept from within them new ways of connecting, integrating and merging with the Creator, it is asked also that you reform the way in which you communicate with all aspects of the Creator. With your inner energies evolving and making magnificent alterations and evolvements of a personal nature within your being encouraging experiences of bliss and love the Creator continues to ask you to create a new loving relationship with yourself, understanding, perceiving and communicating with yourself in a heavenly way. This must now be taken to a new stage of mastery and evolution as the Creator encourages not only a new Earth and reality of love to be created, new embodiments of love within humanity but also a new understanding of a loving and spiritual relationships of any form.

Many of you are being given the energies and vibrations from the Creator to build a new template of loving relationships upon the Earth for all of humanity to access. Couples who are ready to ascend together are now being given these energy vibrations to explore how they may advance the spiritual experience of relationships upon the Earth to align with the spiritual evolution taking place. Other forms of relationships are being evolved and enhanced at this time such as parent and child, soul friendships and mates as well as relationships between seemingly strangers but many couples are taking on the role of reforming earthy relationships as united love experiences in order to demonstrate to others and access deeper connections with the Creator.

If you are in a relationship and your soul has contacted to form a new template of loving relationships upon the Earth then you may find yourself and the soul you are in a relationship with moving through cycles of the rising of fear, pain, suffering, anger or separation as you work with the Earth's energies and consciousness of humanity to dissolve all negativity from the past experienced within relationships. This deep releasing process may have an impact upon your relationship but it is important to detach as much as possible from the emotions rising realising them to be wounds from your past and from humanity's past that now need to find healing. Many of these wounds are finding healing through you. There is a need for you to realise that many of your fears may not even be connected to you but are simply seeking an instrument of release in order to heal the Earth, its consciousness and vibration to anchor and manifest love.

Archangel Gabriel and counterpart Archangel Hope as well as Archangel Zadkiel and counterpart Archangel Amethyst are available for you to call upon individually and as a couple to support the eruption of wounded emotions through your being bringing forth healing and transformation.

'Beloved Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope, I/We call upon your loving support and graceful healing energies to surround me/us completely. Let me/us feel your loving vibrations penetrating through the layers of my being/ our beings bringing all energies and emotions of pain, suffering, anger, separation and wounds from my past and the past of humanity to be released, healed and transformed completely to bring forth a powerful wave of peace.

Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst, I/We call upon your loving support to bring forth transformation of a positive loving nature which instigates the building of the template and manifestation of the experience of the New Age Relationship of Pure Love, allowing each relationship to be a reflection and experience of divine and sacred integration with and exploration of the Creator in physical form. As souls upon the Earth accept their power so we all learn to form Creator relationships of truthful recognition upon the Earth, denoting a shift in our interaction and communication with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator. I ask for all aspects of my relationship with........./ We ask for all aspect of our relationship together, to be healed, positively transformed and aligned with the New Age and Era of Love and Ascension, thus supporting the evolution of all as we all exist as one, as the Creator on the Earth. Thank you and let it be.'

In many ways we cannot truly comprehend how souls in the New Era and Earth of Love will exist in relationships of deeper soul integration and merging with the Creator, it is an exploration many souls are embarking upon at this time in order to create a new loving way of communicating, interacting and merging as pristine souls and expressions of the Creator upon the Earth. We do know that it is something your soul has been waiting for because it is the ultimate experience of Creator expression, Creator mirroring and Creator acceptance, which is an experience many yearn for, it is to be as one with the Creator fully while in physical form.

To continue to recognise yourself as the Creator and a source of powerful light, love and consciousness is essential at this time as well as supporting the growth of your own self love to strengthen your energies and inner power/presence. It is also essential to encourage your heart chakra to be open and loving even in times of pain, suffering or chaos.  It is often that the heart chakra closes to aid protection but this simply forms separation and disconnection from the Creator and therefore the purpose of the experience or the divine solution is unable to manifest, encouraging suffering to continue. You are at your most powerful and deeply connected to the Creator when your heart chakra is open and loving, even if this encouragement needs to first come from the mind as reminders that you are loved, safe and secure at all times, embraced in the love of the Creator. With focus upon these practices you will hold greater courage to open yourself up fully to that which is manifesting as your experience thus with awareness and understanding you will be able to anchor and achieve healing with great ease and perfection.

With the forming of the new relationship template for the new era and Earth of Love it is actually the emotional body which will experience the greatest transformation. Much focus has been placed upon love, the heart chakra and the acceptance of the Creator within your being and others, with these transformations it is now time for the transformation of the emotional body as it is brought into alignment with the heart chakra and new vibrations. Much of the pain or memories of all forms of relationships are held within the emotional body this is why there is a need to support the clearing and strengthening of your own emotional body as well as the emotional body of Mother Earth and humanity as a general united energy.

'I call upon Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael and Lady Nada to cleanse, purify and heal my emotional body, dissolving and releasing all forms of pain, suffering, anger and emotional wounds formed from relationships of any kind in my past and in the past of the Earth and humanity. I ask you and my soul to enthuse my emotional body with the truth, divine essence and love of my soul to strengthen, stabilise and support my emotional body encouraging it to hold the new energies and vibrations of an experience of evolved, light, love and Creator consciousness filled relationships upon the Earth with understanding of how to interact, communicate and integrate from the essence of the Creator within. Let this healing begin now, thank you.'

This invocation may also assist you if you find that you are more sensitive to the energies, comments and actions of others than you use to be due to your awakening into the light. Often protection that acts as a buffer when we are not spiritually awakened is dissolved when we awaken spiritually to bring freedom to our inner truth, this coupled with the intense downloading of love can cause feelings of being vulnerable, sensitive and exposed. This will dissolve as you learn to trust more fully in the presence and power of love. Your sensitivity symbolises your openness on a spiritual level but also symbolises the need to bring forth your spiritual and soul power. When you awaken to the love of the Creator the dawning that everyone is connected as one with the Creator creates a powerful integration and illumination within your being but it can mean that your personal reactions to situations and experiences enhances as it feels you have a personal connection with everything. Through your enhanced trust in love you will dissolve personal reactions as love will act as your new protection and security.

Remember you are all acting in service to aid ascension in your own unique and beautiful ways, honour yourself and hold gratitude to yourself for all that you are.

With love and peace,

Master Kuthumi



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