Heal Our Diseased Planet

If you are grateful, gratitude will increase in you and you will be given more.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic <lighttoparadise1@yahoo.com>Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 4:44 AM
Reply-To: Cedomil Vugrincic <lighttoparadise1@yahoo.com>
To: "LighttoParadise1@Yahoo.com" <LighttoParadise1@yahoo.com>




Topic: Aspects of the Supreme

Group: Arcadia TeaM


Teacher: JarEl

TR: Henry Z.



Greetings to you my friends. It is good to be here this evening. It is I teacher JarEl. We will continue our discussion on the state of affairs in the layers of reality; the higher and more refinedspiritual reality bearing weight and gravity on the present physical and emotional reality of the inhabitants of this planet.


Human Condition

Tonight we are going to look metaphorically at the inhabitants of this planet as a whole body. In this respect, we want to see the all of these relationships as a whole system. If we take a count of the state of this relationship, a sense of what this body would look like, it would not look tremendously healthy. Though there is a pattern of Health, we would see a lot of compromise within its system.
What we are intending for this Teaching Mission is to train individuals as spiritual therapists for a diseased planet. A planet full of spiritual pathologyapathyagnosticismmaterialism, rampant disregard for life, for neighbors, a lack of self-esteem and self-respect for the Spirit of Truth which lives within each on everyone of you.
You are being called forth as individuals to stand and ground in the light of truth and the heart of love; to extend your arms and your minds of compassion and mercy to the human conditionof this world.
You have heard innumerable lessons on the stillness, holding a spiritual presence, contacting the spirit within, even last week we were still discussing spiritual identity; how it was useless to stand in the light with closed arms or while your hands were in your pockets. To stand in the light and ground is to put your hands on the pulse of the human condition; to get a sense of bringing into alignment the frequency of the human condition; to charge it with vitality and potency, to instill love and compassion back into the integrity of the health of the human condition.
Step out of fear and beyond fear. Fearless. Unafraid. Not self-righteous, but God-conscious. Hold the wholeness of the human condition. In meditation like holding the hands of those around you and they begin to hold the hands of others around them until everyone on the planet is holding hands, until every one is connected to each other. Ironically, everyone on the planet is connected to life, connected to wateroxygen, to need. Everyone is connected by the adjutant mind spirits, the Spirit of Truth and the circuits of the Thought Adjusters.
What is it about the human mind that segregates everything from it, when everything else is connected. Why is it that the mind can close off life and create a room of death.? This is thechallenge, "To hold the condition of the planet and to slowly and gradually begin to feel it shift." To begin to listen and feel for the potency and the vitality of perfection, to begin to listen for the Spirit of Truth, to begin to contact the Adjuster's circuit (Father's will) within the confusionHealth is there! Perfection is there!
The human ego-mind, quite frankly is not all that powerful. It is not as powerful as spiritual mind and God-consciousness. The human mind controlled by the human ego is bound to repetitious consequences of mistakes. Some ego's are quite clever and manage to think that they have escaped the cycles of attainment, Ha!
Begin to sense the power of God to move as a deep current, to swell into the tide of the human condition. Holding forth in consciousness is quite a powerful fulcrum. Be careful not to squander your time. Your time here is valuable. The Master gave you an incredible example of this with His life. He did not squander time. The Master used a majority of his free time connecting with the Father; in conferencestillness and meditation contact. He was able to hold a frequency and a pace so that no matter who he came upon or whatever situation came upon Him, he was there grounded in the light, seeing quite clearly, unemotionally with insight and clarity into the intention and heart of a person.
The humans on this world these days live in very interesting times. The gamut of experience is incredible, as wide as it has been in quite a while. This makes for an interesting and very confusing situation on this planet. Careful not to get swept up into the surface movement. Ground with the deeper spiritual current. Remember to listen for the Spiritual Health of the human condition. Are there any questions?



Stella; I think most of the people on this world are basically good. They are controlled by a handful of evil people; intent on controlling, destroying and enslaving. How can the majority of these well intended people prevail against this powerful handful?
JarEl; It probably seems that way on one level, Stella. There is also a lot of truth to what you say. To balance with what you have said, there are probably an elite group of well intentioned people with integrity who are trying to do things for the human condition on the planet. This is part of what I am referring to when I am saying that there is a widening gap within the experience available for the planet these days. The human condition has not kept up to par with science and technology, that the human condition is tremendously impoverished as a whole and not just monetarily but spiritually impoverished.
It is very easy for a few people to lord it over a whole bunch through the use of fear and oppression tactics. Spiritual light intends to free the individual from the shackles of the flesh andoppression. We are not talking carnal knowledge here, we are referring to the restraints and limitations of your own ego and consciousness. Begin to open to the possibility of changing thepattern and construct of thinking which holds people in these patterns of situations.
This is what needs to be done. You cannot destroy a handful of so-called evil people who think that all of a sudden the masses are going to fall into line. Wrong! What is going to happen is that another handful of well meaning individuals from the masses are going to take on the roles of the ones you just described. Why, because this is a pattern with built in maintenance.
To take apart the pattern, there has to be a fundamental awareness and need to change as individuals. This is what the spiritual dimension has to offer, a chance to change this pattern by opening up to the light which available to each and everyone of you. To see that it is possible. Things begin to shift nearer a threshold of awareness. It is very difficult because you have noreference for this and you are still a bit away from this threshold.
I will give a small example of what I am trying to say from the Urantia papers. In the time right before the Material Son and Daughter came on this world. For hundreds and hundreds of years that Van and Amadon planned for the Garden, and generation after generation of well meaning people were taught that Adam and Eve were coming and that great things would happen. Generation after generation their faith grew weary and thin. They felt that this was all in vain. As much as they were trying to build the garden, there were forces around it that were trying to destroy it. In the same vein, they thought that this was incredible ridiculous. Faith was truly tested with these people.
Your faith is being tested today, is it not? (Yes!!)
Stella; I have faith in God and Jesus, but I see these terrible things happening and it seems that the good cannot overcome the evil, and thousands and millions of people are sufferingneedlessly where this could be a world of plenty for everyone. (Why are you not suffering?) Well, my faith probably. (I rest my case)
JarEl; It takes will and courage to choose, to want to better one's self, to want to get ahead, to want to make the most with what one has. Yes there are situations on this world that are not quite up to par with the ways and means of lifestyles that you folks here in the United States enjoy. These other and developing countries are experiencing growing pains. There is a tremendous compromise in the human condition. There are also organizations who go into many of these countries with help, sanitation, agriculture, schools, and business proposals. There are other organizations who go in there with more powerful agendas. There is no question as to the complexity of the world you live on today.
You will probably face no greater challenge in the Universe than you will face here. (Pray to God)
You are born and raised on this rebellion planet, a discard, reject from the universe, a reject which Michael reclaimed through his bestowal. Though he has not yet fully reclaimed the human condition, it is His utmost intention to at least for the moment grace this planet with as much help from above which can be absorbed from below. Regardless of the ranting of this t/r may lead you to believe, Michael and the spiritual administration of the Universe do care and do intend for this world to crawl to the portals of light and life.
I cannot fully explain to you the situation and the dilemma you question except to acknowledge to you that you have a pulse on the human condition and view this through the lens of truth, as to what is going on here. We who are somewhat tied handed, meaning that we cannot get directly and personally involved in your affairs, are allowed to motivate you through discussion to understand a much bigger picture. To help you see the layer of spiritual activity which is overlaid on the stage of this earth drama. Be aware that there is also a stage of spiritual drama, many stages, though the drama unfolding here is particularly not the most graceful drama. It does though have its leading melodies and chorus, a few of grace amongst the discord. There are individuals and there is a swelling movement and the individual contact and a greater number of you are beginning to sense a change of heart within your own lives. If you can change your own heart, this is change which will affect something else.

Thought AdjustersSupreme

I have a request mention a few words about the "oversoul".
Without getting too deep into semantics, I will say that the oversoul is that aspect of the Father which the Thought Adjusters come from, the allotment of prepersonal Deity which will becomethe Supreme. It is that prepersonal aspect of God the Father which is evolving in to the Supreme Deity. God has dissolved himself into thought adjusters and these Father fragments within the time and space universe have come with a mission to evolve into the next phase of Deity manifestation which is the Supreme. This is the oversoul.
In this respect, as we relate this to your world, the Thought Adjusters are working very hard to change individuals. To change the learned and behavioral patterns of being. Not that you are not good enough the way you are, but to make adjustments to allow for everything to come into better alignment.
You have the Thought Adjusters who are connected to everyone; they are connected amongst themselves, you have water-oxygen-sunshine/life. You have humans with personality potential and mind endowments. In a very crude fashion, these mind endowments are still beating within the ego frequency, the transitional identity between beast and God. The part that God begins to work within your soul and heart, mind to begin to explore the possibilities that you may be involving into something greater than you originally could have imagined. God maybe trying to show you something you might not be aware of, possible your comfortable lives may take on some adjustments to take on God in your life and the possibility of other people accommodating God within their lives.
The Correcting Time is about adjustment. You are hearing a lot about adjustments these days, people going to chiropractors and getting adjustments, people adjusting their finances, and God is adjusting your thoughts. Helping you to change the pattern, yet your human mind is afraid. It doesn't want to change, it wants to keep the stage set, guarded to keep the play intact. This is not the way that God intends for man to live with other.
God intends for man to live without fences, borders, walls, restrictions, without fear. In terms of oversoul, God is working into each human mind an aspect of perfection, an aspect of theSupreme-evolving. This is an opportunity for you to exercise free-will choice.
I am going to change. I am going to start listening to God. I am going to believe that it is possible for me to take control of my life, I have a choice. I am going to help someone else. I see a need, I continually see this need, now I am going to do something about it.
Begin to exercise your freewill choice no matter what level you are at. It does not matter what you choose, for there is always a lesson attaches with a choice. A lot of life is a continualgrowth of knowledge and experience through learning life's lessons.
Nell; I am trying to understand about the Supreme. Is the Supreme prepersonal?. (No)
JarEl; The Supreme is an evolving aspect of Deity. The Trinity is the evolved aspect of Original God. The Father created the Son, Paradise came into being. The Father and Son created the third person of Deity, the Infinite SpiritHavona came into existence. In these three dimensions you have the first and second universe age. We are now in the third universe age, time and space. The Supreme is the evolving consequence of Deity manifestation in this universe age. God is sending these completely neutral Thought Adjusters out into the universes. The Trinity are sending out Creator Sons and Daughters, and many Paradise beings to help in administering this universe age.
All of these aspects of Deity manifestation are evolving into an expression of Deity known as the Supreme. Individual human life is an important aspect of the Supreme because part of the design to evolve the Supreme was to create descending orders of perfectedness in beings all the way down to a non being, animals. Therewith turned and charged the animal with spirit, that the animal begins to evolve and turn within, begin to climb the ladder of existence and perfection, into the light of spirit.
When innumerable amounts of men and beings have traversed the grand superuniverses and all of the planets in all of the constellationssystems, universes in all of the superuniversesreach life and light, the Supreme will actually become a Deity. (A personality?) A Deity with personality. A being. (That personality already exists.) Yes, but this personality has not yet evolved and manifested. (This personality is separate from the Trinity) Yes. This personality has all of the aspects of trinity within it and much more, it has every experience of every being ever to come into beingness in the grand superuniverse.
To give you some indication of the boldness of Deity, Deity is able to encompass everything, just like the first person of Trinity, the primal God choose to separate himself and qualify himself, unfolded tremendous aspects of reality, actually brought a new level of reality into existence. The creation of the Original Son in Paradise was a tremendous event in eternity. Theircommunication created another tremendous aspect of reality and perfection in the bringing into being the Infinite Spirit and Havona.
The patterns of Havona which are taken as seeds to build the superuniverses; all of the perfect beings of Paradise, patterns of personalities to be used as seeds in patterning the Thought Adjusters for personality. Are you beginning to see how God can have everything within and give it expression; also the Supreme can take all expression in this universe age within.
You as an individual have a part in becoming Godlike. This is a gift. This is a tremendous gift that God has chosen to grace animal life with spirit. When I say, "Do not squander your time here" is that every breath has the capacity to give expression to the Supreme. This is about as beautiful as I can put this at this time.
Chris; Will there be new orders of beings created from aspects of the Trinity with the Supreme.
JarEL; Yes.
Nell; I yearn to see more light on this planet.
JarEL; Well daughter, begin to see more light within your own soul, eyes, heart. When you can see with your own light, you will see more light on the Planet. Do you not think that the Masterwasn't moved by the human condition of this planet? Do you not think that the Master also yearned for more light two thousand years ago? (Amen, brother) Do you not think the Master weptat what he saw, wept at what his brilliant and chosen son Lucifer has set into motion in Satania. It was because the Master was able to see the light of his own soul, he was able to administer to those in need.


It was that singular amount of light that to this day still shines on this planet. Do not belittle your own light. Any light at all dispels darkness. One ray of light is enough to shed light on at least one thing. Begin to send forth a few rays. It is your light which will lighten up your world.
This is how a spirit led individual must think.
Thank you

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 7:49 AM

Illawarra District, Australia, May 12, 2013.
Life Carrier 
“Creation, Evolution and Nurture.”
(A Shortened Transmission).

Received by George Barnard.

Orion: “Today we once more cover ‘the either/or mentality’ that so divides humankind when it comes to beliefs dealing with your origins. Is it creation or evolution? As I earlier made clear, it is both of these, making both the parties at odds either equally right, or equally wrong – depending on one’s point of view – but certainly ill-informed from where I stand. This is Orion, Life Carrier, Spokesperson for my immediate family, here at your request to answer a question any untrained ‘freshly-born’ Cherubim could answer.

“It is, however, my pleasure to once more be among co-workers, students and friends, and I greet all assembled right here and below on your terra firma. It is good to commingle, enjoy the company of those we know and love, and reaffirm in some minds what has been overlooked, perhaps may be seen as revelation by some. Beyond and besides creation, further to and apart from evolution, there is an equally important factor so easily overlooked by the vast majority of you, caught up in the daily humdrum of life – Nurture.

“Call it Sustenance if you will, and see it as an equally important factor with creation and evolution. Without lasting sustenance, creation would become a momentary affair. Without ongoing nurture, evolution would not be a possibility. And yet, the fact that Lower Paradise and the Creator of all, personally, in one of His self-appointed functions nurtures all that is, is rarely thought of. Universal sustenance is awarded as little thought as the origin of water coming from your taps, electricity coming from a power socket.

“What is this universal energy? In essence it is love. When we simply tell you that you are loved, it includes all this which I have just explained – Nurture, sustenance, maintenance, the energy for growth, being held close to our hearts – all this and more, and it is what keeps us orbiting around Paradise. As the Chief (ABC-22) told you many years ago, ‘Should the Gods have it in their minds to stop sustaining all that is, there would immediately be nothing left – not the earth, not the sun, not a feeling, and not even a thought.’

“It is easily remembered, difficult to bear in mind, unlikely for you to feel the awareness of. This basic sustenance ‘percolates’ throughout all existence so silently, it is given little thought, yet it is a major part of universal love for you to remain aware of. This is Orion, enjoying your attention, and so your friendship and questioning minds.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22
http://www.1111angels.net • Financial Support 


Michigan, US of A, June 2, 2013.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Give Pause and Let Your Light Shine.” 

Received by Chris. 

Ophelius: “Today we would like to speak to you about raising your vibration and tuning into the Will of the Father. Many of you feel discouraged and isolated because you struggle to ‘hear’ the voice of the Indwelling Spirit that lives within, but there is a way in which you can prepare yourself to ‘feel’ this Higher Power within, and that is to raise the frequency of your thoughts. This can be achieved through a process of conscious monitoring of your thoughts and a regular practice where you set your intention on thoughts of higher vibration and healthy emotions. 

“We often hear that many of you students on the path fail to achieve stillness – that your minds simply will not quiet down – that there are constant streams of thought and chatter that prevents you from achieving stillness. I now challenge all of you who struggle with ‘busy minds’ to prepare your mind for stillness by conditioning your thoughts and raising your vibration. Let us first ‘till the soil’ before we ‘plant the seeds.’ 

“For one week, try to monitor your thoughts and eliminate or change the direction of all negative thoughts or emotions that come into your mind and go out from your mouth or in written form. Do not feel discouraged if you fail, and speak or act in a negative way, but become aware that you have allowed this lower vibrational energy to pass through you. Change the direction of that thought now and ‘counteract’ it with a higher vibrational thought or emotion. Ask a friend to help you identify your weaknesses and negative thoughts and challenge each other to change the direction of those thoughts. 

“It is helpful to ‘pause’ and adjust your thought before you react and speak as you go about your day interacting with others. It is in this ‘pause’ that you can change the direction of your thoughts like flipping a switch. See the switch in your mind and imagine the aura of your energy changing to a lighter color when you think and feel positive loving thoughts. If you fail and fall back into negativity, imagine the brightness of your energy fade and then adjust your thoughts and see it brighten again to a healthy hue. 

“You see, my friends, when you give ‘pause’, you ‘allow’ the Indwelling Spirit a chance to help you through suggestions and options on how to think and feel about a particular situation, event, or circumstance. By allowing this space, you are in essence saying, ‘Father, let your Will be done.’ When you do this, your spiritual vibration is elevated to allow the Father’s Will to pass through you and into the world. Many of you do this unknowingly and this is how love and light is transmuted from the Parent to the child. 

“With each pause, decision, and action you make to allow this conscious process of changing the direction of your thoughts, your souls are fed by the Father and you become more like Him moment to moment, day by day. By practicing this method of changing your thoughts (raising your vibration), you shall soon be ready to sit in the stillness with a peaceful mind and connect with the highest frequency in creation – the Father of all there is. 

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.

Illawarra District, Australia, May 12, 2013.
Life Carrier 
“Creation, Evolution and Nurture.”
(A Shortened Transmission).

Received by George Barnard.

Orion: “Today we once more cover ‘the either/or mentality’ that so divides humankind when it comes to beliefs dealing with your origins. Is it creation or evolution? As I earlier made clear, it is both of these, making both the parties at odds either equally right, or equally wrong – depending on one’s point of view – but certainly ill-informed from where I stand. This is Orion, Life Carrier, Spokesperson for my immediate family, here at your request to answer a question any untrained ‘freshly-born’ Cherubim could answer.

“It is, however, my pleasure to once more be among co-workers, students and friends, and I greet all assembled right here and below on your terra firma. It is good to commingle, enjoy the company of those we know and love, and reaffirm in some minds what has been overlooked, perhaps may be seen as revelation by some. Beyond and besides creation, further to and apart from evolution, there is an equally important factor so easily overlooked by the vast majority of you, caught up in the daily humdrum of life – Nurture.

“Call it Sustenance if you will, and see it as an equally important factor with creation and evolution. Without lasting sustenance, creation would become a momentary affair. Without ongoing nurture, evolution would not be a possibility. And yet, the fact that Lower Paradise and the Creator of all, personally, in one of His self-appointed functions nurtures all that is, is rarely thought of. Universal sustenance is awarded as little thought as the origin of water coming from your taps, electricity coming from a power socket.

“What is this universal energy? In essence it is love. When we simply tell you that you are loved, it includes all this which I have just explained – Nurture, sustenance, maintenance, the energy for growth, being held close to our hearts – all this and more, and it is what keeps us orbiting around Paradise. As the Chief (ABC-22) told you many years ago, ‘Should the Gods have it in their minds to stop sustaining all that is, there would immediately be nothing left – not the earth, not the sun, not a feeling, and not even a thought.’

“It is easily remembered, difficult to bear in mind, unlikely for you to feel the awareness of. This basic sustenance ‘percolates’ throughout all existence so silently, it is given little thought, yet it is a major part of universal love for you to remain aware of. This is Orion, enjoying your attention, and so your friendship and questioning minds.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4586 By What Divine Right Your Anger, June 15, 2013 

God said: 

Why would anger play such a big role in your life? Without the three A's – anger, aggravation anxiety – would there be illness? These three eat at you, do they not? You feel them in your gut. They squeeze your heart. They get your dander up. Sometimes these three witches are the mainstay of your life. Well, yes, at least they let you know you are alive. Be alive without them.

Can you not allow three other A’s: -- allowance, acceptance, and absolution take the place of anger, annoyances, and aggravation? Just like you, everyone is trying to get along in the world. Everyone is not always thinking of you all the time. They may be forgetful. Why would you be upset with someone because he or she forgot something or, perish the thought, you were not uppermost in someone’s mind? By what divine right does anyone have to make you uppermost?

People are not always perfect, but what does that have to do with you? Can you not be easy-going regardless of what other people do or don’t do? Must you let another’s spin on life impact you so much or at all? Why must it matter to you so much what another says or does or thinks or prefers or does not prefer? Why does someone else make you upset to the degree that you are furious and filled with anxiety and keep making you feel offended. And if you find yourself reacting, why would you keep that reaction vibrant over and over again?

Taking these presumed errors personally is a child’s game, beloveds. What someone else does or does not do has nothing to do with you. Maybe you really believe that you should be uppermost in everyone’s mind, and, if you are not, then you are forsaken or relegated to the back door as unimportant. It is you who relegates yourself to the back door. It is you who makes yourself small. Certainly, you are making small matters big. You can over-do such presumptive sensitivity, you know.

A year from now, are you even going to remember what today seems like a huge offense?

You can always take offense. It’s not hard to do. By the same token, it may be just as easy or easier to not take offense. Someone doesn’t listen to you? What is the big deal? Can it be worth all the furor you give to it?

You say you would like to be more like Me. You say that. Do you see Me getting perturbed over everyone who doesn’t listen to Me? And with Me, We are speaking of bigger issues, while, instead, you are angry because someone doesn’t adore you.

I do not give you life as a test. At the same time, life can be seen as a test. Pass the test of aggravation. Pass the tests of anger and anxiety. If you would like to be done with them, be done with them. Do not be so attached to getting your own way. No matter how wonderful your way may be, your way is not everyone’s way nor is your way memorable to everyone. It just may not be important to everyone. Does it have to be? By what divine right, do you say that what you like must be as important to others as it is to you?

Make allowances for others. When others don’t seem to suit you, this could be a sign that you need to remember less your reactions and, rather, pardon others for being as they are rather than what you might like them to be. Would you want them to be like you who so frequently finds error?

Be at peace. Why choose anything else?

Heavenletter #4585 Love Like A Rose, June 14, 2013 

God said: 

The sun always comes out. After a rainy season, the sun is still here, shining and lighting the Earth. Of course, beyond the rain and clouds, the sun is always shining anyway.

Only in a sense of isolation is there a feeling of desolation. Broken hearts mend. They always do. On Earth, you feel blows. You have been shaken, yet the shaking always stops. During the rainy seasons in life, foliage and fruit and vegetables grow. They don’t mind. They know that the sun will come and bless them and warm them, and so living things look at the sun and don’t berate the sun because it seemingly didn’t shine for a while.

What is your happiness dependent upon? Why are you astonished when it rains? It may seem it is raining endlessly, and yet rains come and rains go, and you dry off.

Believe in Eternity, beloveds, rather than suffering. You may sometimes feel that you were made for suffering. No, beloveds, you were made for joy.

Even when a loved one leaves his body on Earth and his soul rises to what is named Heaven, have happiness in knowing that your loved one spent time with you on Earth. You had good visits. Your hearts were touched, and maybe united. Is that to mourn for? Would you undo the friendship and never have had it? You wouldn’t. I know you wouldn’t. You really wouldn’t miss one experience in life. Even if you could undo it or unwind it, you wouldn’t.

You have the idea of risk. You risked something as you gave your heart, or so you feel. Yet that comes from your misperception of love. Bodies may die, yet love circulates the world and is never-ending, just as life itself is never-ending. Love flows regardless.

Let go of the idea that when you open up your heart, when you open it wide, that you are letting yourself in for what you call loss and heartache. Love is the balm. Heartache is not. Even if you predict the end of love in one fashion or another, you are one who loved. You are one who has the capacity to love. Love, like money, is to be spent. Love is worth a fortune. Love is your fortune. Only you can’t amass it. Love is a living thing and can’t just hang around in a bank. Love has to be used. It has to be taken out of its safe box and spent. This is how love grows. Exercise it, and it becomes stronger and mightier and the more love you have.

Whether your love falls off a cliff is not the issue. Love itself is the issue. Don’t clamp your heart. Keep it open and free, and you will be full of love regardless of what your focus has been or has not been. Love is definitely not to be kept. It has to be free to love regardless of an object you have procured from the garden of love that surrounds you. Think of love like a rose that blooms. Even when a rose fades, you love the roses no less. You do not indict roses for fading. A beautiful rose lingers in your heart. It can stay forever.

There is no need for you to regret where your heart has visited. Be glad for the visit. Your heart is viable, and you are a real live viable human being, heart and soul.

And, when, for whatever reason, an object of your love must leave, you still are love. Your love is primary. Love is from you. Love is the mainstay of your life. Be in love. Love.

When your mind is not complaining and is responsible, courageous, confident and hollow and empty, - you are inexplicably beautiful.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

