Have Faith & Trust in your Spiritual Guide-Channeled

CEDOMIL VUGRINCIC, M.D., Ph.D. lighttoparadise1@yahoo.com
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Learn to Trust.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Your search will yield results. Your desire to be better – inspired by the Divine Spark within – will guide your thoughts to higher ground.

“They are your decisions at every moment that will determine your progress. This is how you have come to where you are today.

“In those moments when you face your weaknesses, you can pray for me to take control. Ask your mind to step aside and let my mind take charge. You are not your mind, and you will still be the master of your decisions. My mind can transform your mind and make it more useful.

“The choice for good is always possible. It is your individual and personal act, not depending on anyone else. It is human fear and distrust of the Father which sometimes prevents you from making the right decision. Sometimes it is only ignorance. Learn to trust and you will see how pleasant your path will be.

“There are no valid reasons for making decisions in haste. Stop and think all you need before choosing a course of action. Find the time to come to Me and search for my guidance which you will always receive.

“Do not be ashamed of your mistakes. If you are not on purpose choosing evil, you are not iniquitous. Sometimes there are true doubts in you about whether something is an error or just another human superstition. Once you have cleared this in your heart, be firm in the course you have chosen. In all instances, and in anything you contemplate doing, even when it is not ‘bad’, ask yourself, ‘Does this add any value to my spiritual life?’ If you cannot answer affirmatively, you will not loose anything by deciding not to pursue that option. You would not be depriving yourself of anything valuable.

“The freedom you desire can be yours, immediately if you really want it. Become the master of your decisions. Maybe you can’t be the master of your mind just yet, but you can always ask my mind to take the wheel, sometimes just by simply asking ‘what would the Master do?’ During every moment of doubt, the Master would ask His Father and await His answer. Every habit that is not beneficial should be replaced by a better habit. This is the positive approach. This is the way to overcome your weaknesses and triumph over your animal nature.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Teacher Hezekiah.
Subject: “Evidence of Genuine Spirituality.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

“Evolutionary religions are presumed to teach spirituality, but they frequently miss the obvious; that matter has little to do with spirituality. Matter is indeed a means to spirituality, but it does not define the spiritual. Throughout the ages, religions have been expressed through the building of temples, the making of ‘holy’ objects, and the practice of ‘sacred’ rituals, in trying to form a bridge to the spiritual, yet sadly distorting true spirituality that comes from within, from the soul. Spirituality neither negates material realities, nor does it rely on the material. Its essence is spirit, its source is God, and its repository is the human soul.

“Pause to consider that spirituality does not define you at the present time. The day will come when you will acquire a spiritual nature, but for now spirituality in you is a construct of values inspired by the Spirit Within, perceived by your mind, and manifested in your soul through its most genuine characteristic: Faith. In other words, in your current condition, that which really defines your spirituality is your faith in God. Faith is spiritual because it believes in life beyond matter, eternal salvation in God. Irrespective of how it labels these spiritual realities, faith is basic, the first evidence of real spirituality.

“Further evidence of spirituality – the most beautiful – is love. Religiosity without love is an empty shell, words without substance, mere dogmas of a sad and barren life. While faith is totally subjective – from you and for yourself – whilst love is altruistic – from you to everybody else. Love is spiritual because it originates in God, and God is Spirit. Loving is not to want somebody only for you; love is to give the best of yourself to everybody else. Love is what makes your spirituality meaningful, not self-centered religiosity. Love is faith, propelled by the outgoing force of God’s goodness.

“Finally, genuine spirituality is evident through genuine humility. Religion often has been associated with human pride, through self-righteousness, by the display of good deeds and personal exaltation. How different from the spirituality shown by the humble Carpenter of Nazareth, who considered His most valuable treasure his humble, tender, and unsophisticated relationship with God, whom He graciously called ‘My Father in Heaven’! Humility is natural, effortless and tremendously simple. Being so authentic, humility is the right way to express sincere spirituality – nothing less and nothing more than who you really are; neither worse, nor better than any other son or daughter of God.

“These characteristics, my dear, constitute the evidence of true spirituality. There is a vast difference between being religious and being spiritual. Spirituality can only come from what is spiritual, whilst religion can, and sadly has been, associated with things that are far from spiritual. True spirituality cannot exist without realization and acceptance of the ministry of the Spirit of God within you. You and anyone else, irrespective of your present moral condition, can cultivate genuine spirituality, so take the time to listen to, and follow, the sweet and tender voice of the Spirit Within. In this fashion a re-birth in real life beyond matter, beyond false ego, and beyond sin, will be yours!”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

A Lesson in Gardening.
A Thought Adjuster Transmission –

Today, let us have a discussion about gardens. Gardens, you ask? Yes gardens! See your heart as a garden. Is it surrounded by a fence, and how high might that fence be? Is it an open, or a solid fence? Is there a gate, and is that gate open, or locked and inaccessible?

You see, child, most hearts have a high fence around them, and are not easy to penetrate to let love in or out, because of a locked gate. Then the question also arises if that garden tended to and how. Is it cultivated or overrun by weeds, and how tenacious are those weeds?

Let your imagination roam, and see in your mind’s eye what your garden looks like. Does enough sunlight penetrate, as in positive thoughts, or is it dank and dark because of negative thoughts. Can the flowers bloom because of the love, care and respect you give your physical body and your surroundings, or are they wilting and in need of nurturing be cause of the love you withhold from yourself and others?

Jesus gave two commandments: To love God first, then yourself and all others equally. Of course, you realize by now that I am not talking about selfish love and the ‘hoarding of things’ behind the locked gate of your heart. No, I mean a respectful love, in which you honor your mind and body by the thoughts you think and act upon, and the food you eat to feed your body-temple which houses your spirit.

The garden of your heart can be a riot of flowers in various colors; a symphony of music when blended together harmoniously, and when you bring forth the fruits of the spirit in loving tolerance and service towards all, in a forgiving and caring attitude, inspiring hope and confidence in others, and being a comforting presence in hours of need. It is so very important to be an island of peace in this confusing and perplexing world, where there are so many floundering souls seeking their way ‘home’.

Tend your garden with care, and see to it that the tenacious weeds of fear and anger, of envy and jealousy, of suspicion and intolerance do not take root in your garden, because these weeds tend to overrun and choke the flowers of truth, beauty and goodness. Be ever vigilant and leave the gate of your garden open, so others might find an easy entrance, and rest while their souls are being nurtured in your presence. Be likewise alert for other gardens which present a joy to you, for these moments of refreshment are the relationship builders of your solid friendships in the Hereafter.

And child, remember that I live in your garden.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4410 Point of View, December 21, 2012

God said:

If you want peace, peace in your personal life, then make peace within yourself. When you are feeling intensely tense, it is your tension. This and that may be assaulting your mind and impacting you, yet your mind is confronting you with something within you. Your mind, at such times, is not presenting you with love. In flashing red lights with a loud siren, your mind is saying to you: "Alert, alert, alert, problem in front of you. Big problem in front of you."

When your mind says Alert! Alert! Alert!, your mind is saying: "Tense up! Tense up! Tense up!" Your mind is telling you, "Danger ahead! Danger ahead! Danger ahead!" And so, your mind tells you to watch out for what is outside you. Your mind doesn't want you to accept what you are bringing to the table.

I keeping saying your mind, and, yet, who is it that invites your mind to parry the real issues that are, ultimately, yours? Yes, you are. Of course, there are degrees of this. If someone holds a gun on you, there is not too much inner work you can fit in at the moment. The threat is right there outside you. And yet, and yet, no matter how innocent you may be, this is your responsibility now. For the sake of argument, let us skip that sort of emergency and talk about patterns of response that you are quick to choose and are of your making, these little triggers from outside that set you off.

We can call one general response that of victim, innocent victim. So and so doesn't understand you, and you fume or you pout.

Beloveds, when have you understood yourself? Whatever the intentions of another may be, he or she is pointing you towards greater awareness even on a very basic human level, perhaps one you thought you were beyond. He is helping you learn what you may need to do in order to be better understood. Perhaps you have been sweeping yourself under the carpet. You really can't fault another person for your own sweeping. Perhaps you have been erasing yourself for one habitual reason or another. Your issue isn't what someone else said or did or didn't say or didn't do. Your issue may well be what you didn't say or didn't do. You may be the perpetrator.

If you are a victim, you may well have neglected and rejected yourself. You may have put a big V for victim on your back.

You do understand what I am saying, don't you?

You have spotted this in other people. Whatever the manifestations of their difficulties, you can see that the difficulty is theirs and not the innumerable people who present it to them. Habits of a lifetime have to be made right, and you, whoever you may be, are the one who has to make the habits of thought right. At the same time, don't be too hard on yourself. You aren't a bad guy. There is no bad guy. There is you learning and growing in life. And there are steps that are hard for you to take. They are hard for you to even look at and are hard for other people to understand.

When you are all tensed up, you are not breathing. You are freezing yourself up, and you become brittle. So take a step back and breathe.

You can know that whatever is going on does not have to continue this way and that you are the solver or resolver of it. There is something within you that is bothering you. You are taking responsibility now, and you can begin to see something you have lived with for a long time. Now you begin to see what is really going on. Could it be your habit of swallowing what you feel and, therefore, swallowing that which is really bothering you? When you can see where the smoke is coming from, then you can put out the fire.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA