Have Courage To Make Spiritual Ascension

Long post, but well worth it ...


Wake up and see that everything is changing, this is Truth. This one principle of Truth can save you.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D

Christ Michael—T/R-JL
(Meditation and will power)
(Mystery and reality)
(Individual initiative)
(Starting, continuing)
(Spending time together)
(Christ Consciousness)
(The purpose of meditation)
(The mystery of genius)
(Meaning and value)
(Hope, anticipation, creativity)

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, we thank you for coming to us again this particular way. Strange as it may seem, or just illogical, some of the members of the Teaching Mission actually seem to denigrate this practice as leading to--somehow or another--folks being dependant upon someone else t/r-ing for them. But we would definitely follow your lead in suggesting that everybody give this a try. They can sit down and write it out or, if they’re good enough, they can sit at their computer and type it out; or get one of the little recording devices and record their own attempts at this.
So definitely, we’re all encouraged to try this process of t/r-ing, and give you and Mother Spirit a voice, an objective/physical, written-out or recorded version of what’s coming through. It should help our meditations all that much more, and remind everybody that your presence is right within them. All they have to do is learn how to tap into it, and then either write it down or record it for their own benefit. Hopefully, someday, they’ll start t/r-ing for the rest of us.
Tonight I would like to ask you to give us a lesson, if you would, on both the mystery and the reality of free will. You’ve mentioned so many times, that’s what makes a human being what they are: we’re a creature of free will dignity. So if you could speak to, like I say, both the mystery and the reality of our will power, we would appreciate that. Thank you very much. Amen.

Michael: Good evening, this is Michael. I welcome everybody here, and all those who will come to hear or read what I have to say in the days to come. Mother Spirit and I are glad to have this means of addressing you, and we will definitely back up that invitation for anyone who’s even slightly interested to give it a try--this transmitting-receiving. We’ll do the transmitting, if you’re happy and obliged to do the receiving end of it.
(Meditation and will power)
As the introduction went, in your mediations take some time to ask us to come on through. Or you can even invite another celestial being, as a kind of teacher, to instruct you how to do this. That too depends upon your will-power, doesn’t it? It’s your desire and then your actually carrying it out, sitting down in your meditation and receiving us, and giving us voice. So tonight I will address this mystery and reality of will power.
I’d like to tell a story that many of you may have heard before, so please bear with me. I guess some of you would call it a joke, but it’s about a young book salesman who travels the back country roads, looking to sell his rather encyclopedic version of modern farming. Of course he spots an old farmer plowing his fields, so he pulls off the road and walks over to the fence and waves at the old guy. The farmer sees this and turns off his tractor, climbs down, and comes on over. They shake hands and get to know each other a little bit, and the old farmer does patiently listen to the youngster selling his wares for about ten minutes or so. Finally he holds up his hand and says, just to keep the youngster from wasting his time, that he really doesn’t want to buy the book, and so the young man might as well give up. The young man says, “Sir, you don’t understand. This book would really, really help you be a better farmer.” Then the old farmer reaches over and pats him on the shoulder and says, “Well, son, I don’t doubt that. But you don’t understand: I already know how to farm better than I’m farming.”
Now I like that story because it comes at the human situation from many different angles. Of course it points out the difference in age, the young man with his head full of all the latest scientific, idealistic, you might say, theoretical ways. And then there’s the old farmer with his whole lifetime of real experience working the land. It also points up the open-mindedness of the old fellow--for a while anyway—as he listens patiently and considers what the young man is telling him about his big encyclopedic book there on how to farm.
I think more than anything else it points up what I think most of you can identify with, when the old farmer says he actually knows a better way to go about things than what he’s actually doing. That’s why, I think, it leads right into this critical thing of will-power—what it is to be a creature of free will dignity, and just how much of your dignity is dependent upon that free will; or whether you have become an automaton, perhaps maybe a slave to convention, or someone else’s authority, or habit.
Let me point out this too about the old farmer. Here is a kind of triumph of spirit in that he realizes the difference and is willing to admit this to himself, and to the young man, that he actually knows within himself--he’s conscious of--the difference between, shall we say, a better way of going about what he’s doing, and what he’s settled into doing in spite of that.
I think this is where most folks identify with this story. You all have this same situation: that is, if you are equally open-minded and not into what your psychologists refer to as denial, where you are really split within yourself but identify totally with what you’re capable of doing, or simply what you have been doing. Because it takes a degree of open-mindedness just to entertain, and keep in your mind, that there might be a better way to go about things.
(Mystery and reality)
And yet if you’re not in denial, if you do identify with the old boy, it raises this question: why aren’t you actually doing what you know within yourself is a better way of living? Because free will—will-power--only has meaning in the reality of it. True enough, you can ponder the mystery of it indefinitely; spend your whole life just wondering why you can’t do what another part of you tells you, you should do. Also in this there’s that question of morality which your Urantia Book says is a function of your personality, or at least a potential ability of your personality--the question of morality, of the better way of doing things, of living.
You can get lost in what we say is mystery-monitoring, making a mystery out of everything. You’ll be saying, “It’s just beyond me. It’s some kind of ultimate mystery I can’t begin to solve.” Yet the instant you start doing something, especially that better thing, the mystery evaporates and you’re in motion. It’s happening. It’s real. So it’s that first step.
I think Shakespeare wrote a whole play about this, called Hamlet. Hamlet knows from the very first few moments of the play that something has gone wrong, and the only way to remedy it is to take care of the uncle who actually killed his father. As somebody has pointed out, you wouldn’t have a play that way if it was all over in the first few moments, if Hamlet came in, and drew his sword, and killed his uncle. But the play does capture those who are caught up in the mystery of free will.
So how do you take that first step? How do you begin to do what you know within yourself might be a better way of life?
Towards this end I’d like to address just the physical part of your being, your body and your health, for I think this is where the crux of this situation is most apparent for those who do know that the way they are living is not the optimal way by any means. Mother Spirit and I have not denigrated your habits just to call them bad; we call them unhealthy. What you’re doing is unhealthy, and most folks with even somewhat of an open mind can admit within themselves that definitely this habit of theirs--whatever it is--is definitely unhealthy. And yet, and yet…
This is where your mediation comes in. This is where your contact with the spiritual presences within you--my own Spirit of Truth, Mother Spirit’s Adjutants of knowledge and wisdom, and courage; and then our Father’s presence within you--can actually help you keep ideal thoughts in your mind of a better way to live.
Here’s where meditation can be that essential break in your activities where you will intensify this wondering, this curiosity, about a better life. It’s where both the ideas and ideals can come to you. You can entertain them and build up some kind of weight, then, that can get you to take that first small step. Towards this end we’ve encouraged you to take notes while you are meditating--to help you keep that open mind, to jot down those things that will occur to you when you are, as much as you can, opening yourself to everything that can occur to you.
Let those ideas happen. Be like the old farmer and at least entertain what’s being suggested. That can be a positive activity, just to write these things down to give them physical reality outside of you. That can be that first step. You can put them in some convenient place where you will see them and remind yourself, because all of these messages are to you in the future, this future you that you want to be healthier, stronger, more alert, more alive.
Then there’s another small step with respect to some unhealthy habit--to put it off even for half a day. Set aside some very special spiritual devotional time because this is a positive activity, my dear ones. This not-doing-the-wrong-thing can seem like a very weak, almost terrible kind of thing: to give yourself credit for not doing something. But if this is where you are, have the courage to accept it. Embrace it.
Take that first small step, for again, you all are familiar with stopping some bad habit for a few weeks--going cold turkey, as you say--then it all collapses again. It’s better take a first few small steps that hold, that hold and keep holding until you can add another little step to it.
(Individual initiative)
Sometimes Mother Spirit and I feel that you wish we would speak more to your political or social or even world situation. Yet we keep coming back to the fact that even the world situation, for all of its physical attributes—say, whether or not a large section of the world might not have enough food to eat--in terms of actually going towards that better world, in order to have everyone evolve, it all comes back to each and every single individual. It all comes back to you, to improving your life, to you evolving.
This is what takes will power. This is why your freedom is so dependant upon that. That’s why we call it free will. You actually have to exercise it, first spiritually in embracing and being open to the greatest totality that can occur to you. And then mentally, giving it thought, giving it reason, giving it structure and organization. And then, finally, physically actually doing it, whatever it is.
That’s how it starts. It starts with an embrace, an openness to embrace whatever can occur to you. And that takes courage when you are, you might say, down and out and thoroughly depressed with your lack of will power. It takes so much courage just to take that first small step and then hold it, and continue to hold it, and have that be a little more firm ground under you with which to take the next small step.
This is your dignity as a human being that no higher spiritual being will interfere with. We do all we can. Even the presence of God within you does all he can to encourage you to take that first small step to transform your will from some vague mystery into reality for you. So be like the old farmer in one way--of being open to the fact you may already know how to live a little better life than what you’re actually living. But then too, allow that young person’s idealism of a better way to fill your soul, and step off. We’ll be right there with you, saluting that courage.
Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, let’s do that.
Student: Good evening, Michael and friends, J. I got here during the prayer and enjoyed the story you told about the farmer, but I missed the punch line. I still have as much as I could from the dissertation, but I really just wanted to say I have been counseled by my spiritual mentors for many years on making better choices with my free will, and have done some significant re-choosing, and would have done some of them sooner. But I’ve never really been berated or browbeat for what I didn’t do. It’s been really more encouragement and accolades about what I did finally manage to do. I really appreciate that about Father God and the spiritual hierarchy--that so much of our relationship is encouraging rather than demoralizing. We are good enough at demoralizing ourselves.
Michael: Well, yes, my daughter. You might say the punch line to the joke is when the old farmer responds to the young, idealistic book salesman, with his book of how to be a better farmer, “Young man, I already know how to farm better than I am.”
Student: Yes. Yes. Thank you.
Michael: I was trying to address the whole question of will power, so I’m sure many of you can identify with the old farmer and think of those things in your life that you would rather not be doing or, shall we say, rather bedoing. There they are. It takes a certain amount of courage just to be open to that, to know you are within this broad realm depending on your will power--your ability or inability to do the better thing, and yet not be drowning in guilt, or simply taking all your time denying that what you are doing is ruining your health, or losing all your friends, or all those various things that do happen to folks who get into denial.
(Starting, continuing)
Tonight I wanted to give you a way--for those who may not have any comprehension of: How do I start? You start by being open, maybe by making notes to yourself in the future. It even helps to get one of those calendars that has space to write in each day, and make little notes to yourself there on the calendar so the whole dimension of time comes in. Again, you’re doing all of this to help yourself in the future look back and have some continuity of what you’re trying to do. That helps a lot. So congratulations, my daughter, on what you were able to do.
Student: Thank you. I did it with your help.
Michael: That’s the teamwork.
Student: Right. I couldn’t have done it by myself.
Michael: Ah yes!--and we do appreciate the part you played. Be in my peace.
Student: Thank you.  I was just thinking that so much of this has to do with a low self-esteem. I look around at some of the new generations, some of the attitudes of young people, and they’re just so discouraged. They have no opinion, no worthy notion sometimes. It really is, well, it is a challenge to know how to counsel these people who don’t think they’ve any worth, who don’t believe they have anything to offer, or will have to offer. It’s really very discouraging. One of the first things, when you look back to those who have lost their self-worth, I swear some of these people have never had it in the first place.
(Spending time together)
Michael: This is where there is almost no substitute for setting a good example. Some young people unfortunately do not have the good mother or the father. As ironic as it may appear to parents, by taking care of themselves and living a good life, that does more good than being overly concerned for their youngsters and trying to live their lives through their children. It’s not a very good example to set.
The best is spending time, the parent’s time with the children, especially in all the daily activities, all the household chores, getting the children involved in these as much as they might want to go out and play with their friends. It’s having them share the work that shows them this is what a family does, that there’s so much work to do every day, and having the youngsters take part in that. It’s spending time with them because as much, sometimes, as they would rather be out playing, these are actually the things that in the years to come, they will credit so much--the amount of time they were able to spend with their mother and father.
Sometimes there’s a disconnect between the generations where the old folks are put off in a home somewhere. The breakup of the family among the generations this way is also an enormous loss, especially in some of the more so-called developed countries where the sheer amount of wealth makes this possible. It’s ironic that in some of the so-called poorer countries, where you have several generations living together, the youngsters actually have some real  contact with people of different ages and different life experiences. That’s where the young, idealistic bookseller can learn from the old gentleman farmer.
But it takes this human-to-human contact. Mother Spirit and I are concerned sometimes too about the endless, endless hours your youngsters spend with their electronic devices rather than learning how to relate with others face-to-face. That’s because of their valuing something so electronic, which is such a tiny part of another living human being. You need to get in personal contact to have your youngsters appreciate and give value to that exchange. That’s why the Urantia Book mentions so many times the basis of civilization—the family--falls apart when the youngsters don’t have all that contact with someone older: there is so much lost. So you are definitely right to be concerned, yet each person can only do what they can to help the youngsters along.
Student: Thank you. (long pause)
Michael: Were there any other questions or comments this evening, about anything? Let me practice what I preach here and be open to whatever you wish to suggest.
Student: Hi, this is L. I came in late. I’m sorry. I wanted to ask you about…  I’ve been reading a lot about this “Christ Consciousness” that has been on YouTube, and going around on papers. That’s one question. Can you explain that a little for me? And number two, there are so many people out there that believe that we are incarnated. But I don’t understand why they tend to believe that. Can you explain that, too?
Michael: Well, yes, my dear. About that second question: it’s largely a matter of wishful thinking, I’m afraid. Folks sometimes do feel helpless, and so they look to some kind of savior and hope. They look towards a second coming--of my coming physically to be with you and solve things. I do have the power to wave my hand and make everything good, but that’s not our way. This whole life of yours is an experiential one. It’s your experience, and the only way out of wishful dreaming is to value your experience--as I was just talking about--especially your experience with each other, for this is what fills your soul--these other folks. Now what was your first question?
Student: It was about this thing called Christ Consciousness. And it’s basically… I mean, I think it’s got a lot of nice aspects to it from what I’ve been reading. But…
(Christ Consciousness)
Michael: Yes. That expression, by the way, has been around for a long, long time within Christianity; and every major religion has the same thing, like to have the mind of the Buddha or of Mohammed.
Student: Oh. Okay.
Michael: It’s merely an invitation for you to think and act, as much as you can, as these ideal lives that are being presented to you, either of Mohammed, or Buddha, or myself. The only way that this goes astray is where you are told is simply copy what someone else’s life is, even that of the Buddha, or Jesus, or Mohammed. The more correct way of looking at this is to live your life as much as you can, in your whole situation, with their consciousness. Here is where your Urantia Book--with respect to my life--your Urantia Book points out so much of the way I lived my life day to day--with all the things I was confronted with--was by staying as close as I could to my Father. He is also your Father, and he indwells you just as much as he did me.
I don’t know how many times I had to tell this to my followers, to introduce them to mediation and prayer. And again, I set the example myself and very freely admitted that sometimes I needed to go off by myself, to be with myself and my Father alone, so I could really tune into his presence within me. It was what he had to offer me so I could get through the next day, so I could do my best to do what I felt was the right thing to do. It’s what I talked on this evening, if you came in late. It was all about how to tune in to spirit--the greater picture, if you will. Then do it.
So this is what it means by having Christ Consciousness; try to do your best to have in your mind this consciousness of a spiritual surrounding. Also, you actually have spiritual presences right within you that you can appeal to in prayer, and then do your best to try their suggestions.
Student: A lot is that--you know--that I would be able to hear some of a midwayer, or someone that I could actually listen to; or even my own little spark of God fragment in me. Yet I’ve been mediating every day, and it just doesn’t seem to happen for me. I’m not quite sure why.
(The purpose of meditation)
Michael: This is where it takes a lot of courage to accept what is happening, ever more fully. In other words, part of good meditation and prayer is getting beyond notions of what it should be, in order to accept what is. Here again it helps to have an actual inner conversation because in your prayers, as we’ve taught so many times, the more you can articulate yourself, the better. This is your work. This is what you’re bringing to the moment. Your part is to articulate as much as you can, as precisely as you can, as detailed as you can, what you would like to hear, what you need to hear. For this determines to a large degree how you are opening yourself to what you feel you need, or what you would like to know.
It’s why I encourage everybody in these (Lightline) sessions to come to me with these questions, like you have now, of what you really don’t know. Rather than trying to play some game to test me, make full use of this time; and do so in your meditations. That’s why it really helps, especially when you’re starting out, to take notes. Actually formulate a question in your mind and then write down what comes to you.
After a while this can get into something where you don’t have to ask the questions so much as that your mediations can be a way of reviewing what your life is all about. And so it’s a matter of trusting what does come to you. If it seems like it’s too dull and you’re getting bored just sitting there, wonder about that. It’s about being wondrous and open to whatever is happening. This is practice for your daily living, being wondrous and open to whatever it is.
Student: Okay. Thank you.
Michael: Right. This is how you can do your part.
Student: Right.
Michael: Approach your mediations with this curiosity. And if it seems like nothing’s happening, well then: stir it up. Start asking questions that you really don’t know but you would love to find out. That itself can be a great thing to do. What don’t you know, but would really love to?  And be in my peace.
Student: Thank you.
Student: Michael, I have a question, or I have a question that we can discuss privately. It’s perhaps a curiosity question, but it’s one that has burned in me for a long time and I’ve longed to be able to ask it of someone who would have been there at the time. You spoke of Hamlet, the play written by William Shakespeare. Was indeed that play, and that entire canon of work--there’s thirty-five plays--written by one William Shakespeare, a glover’s son?
(The mystery of genius)
Michael: Well, my son, you have to realize that part of the genius of Shakespeare was, as you know, with a lot of his plays, the plot and some of the characters appeared in many plays before him. And so some of his genius was in picking and utilizing everything of his age. This does not in any way detract from the final version in the latest folios. Also, as you know, as he put on his plays, a lot of times the audiences and even the actors of those days would make up lines; or, why don’t you do this? I mean, a lot of the times the audiences would get involved and definitely Shakespeare was brilliant enough to keep all the good lines no matter where they came from. I don’t think you need to get into the composition of where all these things came from, but…
Student: No, no, no. My question was just, you know, there are so many theories… Oh, it was…  Well, I can’t think of who now, but, you know, there were many--Mark Twain, William James?--Henry James? It might have been Harry James, the trumpet player, who said this man, this William Shakespeare, could not possibly have written these plays. It had to be someone of the noble caste. And it’s a theory that has gone on for hundreds of years. They say that someone, brought up as William Shakespeare, the actor who has been to whom the plays have been attributed; many people say they could not have been written by this one person. It had to be--some say Francis Beacon wrote those plays. I’m asking: did William Shakespeare write those plays?
Michael: Oh, certainly.
Student: Okay. Good.
Michael: My son, this again is part of the perplexity of the mystery of genius. This is something where, with other folks--whether it be Mark Twain, or whoever is facing the enormity of his work--look at all his sonnets and things like that--it’s inexplicable even in your modern day. Yet here too, now, you have writers who have singlehandedly created whole entire universes of folks, some of it realistic, and some of it definitely mystical or magical.
So there’s no accounting for genius--as someone put it one time. But most everything that is attributed to Shakespeare was, like I say, not always of origin in his mind, but he made that critical editorial decision of what to keep and what to throw away. And as with his plays, even now somebody writes a play and before they introduce it to Broadway, they put it out on the road for a while. They introduce it in other small theatres before it goes on Broadway. Similarly, Shakespeare was constantly--as you look through his folios--was constantly improving his plays. But, you know, that’s just the same mystery of genius, of creativity, that you experience in your own mind.
Student: Yes. Great. Thank you very much for taking that tangent with me.
(Meaning and value)
Michael: Certainly. Well, my children, now that this question has been raised, let me bring up the point that your own creativity is also somewhat of a mystery to you. It’s because you are a creative being. It’s what distinguishes you as a human being, your co-creativity. And it’s so total for you. We’ve given so many lessons on: half of what you perceive, even though it looks right out there--the chair you’re sitting on, the room surrounding you as you listen to me or read these later--the fact is that you are co-creating all of that. Not the physical reality of it. Not even the physical reality of your own body, but the meaning of it, the value of it: this is your doing.
And this is why there can be what I gave a lesson on last time--suicide, where all of a sudden--for various reasons, all of a sudden the meaning and value can seem to drain out of a person’s reality. Their life becomes so bereft of anything of importance that it’s almost unbearable, and actually is unbearable for some.
(Hope, anticipation, creativity)
It’s hard to get a hold, then, on how much your own hope is giving motivation to your life because it is, for most of you, it is so seamless. And because it is so strong--your own hope, your own anticipation, your own creativity--it’s hard to convince folks what they themselves are doing! Just by being a personal being, they’re endowed by God with this creative ability. It only becomes enormously apparent, sometimes, when, rather inexplicably, you have a single individual--whether it’s in the realm of the plastic arts of painting or sculpting, or whether it’s in the mental realm of writing, creating endless characters--they themselves wonder: where’s it coming from?
Ask the writers themselves who are handling a situation of a dozen people moving around in some room and talking and interacting: where’s all that coming from? They’re not even certain. It just happens, and it’s a matter of, as I taught tonight, how to go along with this, and how to initiate it. How to take that first step, especially a difficult step in doing the right thing that you know well of, but have, as yet, been incapable of initiating.
One small step at a time. One small step that holds is so much greater than the most grandiose notions that start only to fail. So: have courage. Know that the Holy Spirit of Mother Spirit, her very being, is in you giving you life and augmenting your courage to step off and at least try something. I’ll be there with you too, with every step you take.
So be in my love, and be in my peace, my dear ones. We’re here for you and we’re here with you. You are so much a part of our lives, I thank you. Good evening.

Start Over
When you've trusted God and walked His way
When you've felt His hand lead you day by day
But your steps now take you another way...

When you've made your plans and they've gone awry
When you've tried your best and there's no more try
When you've failed yourself and you don't know why...

When you've told your friends what you plan to do
When you've trusted them and they didn't come through.
And you're all alone and it's up to you...

When you've failed your kids and they're grown and gone.
When you've done your best but it's turned out wrong.
And now your grandchildren come along...

When you've prayed to God so you'll know His will
When you've prayed and prayed and you don't know still.
When you want to stop 'cause you've had your fill...


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4704 The Concept of Mourning, October 11, 2013 

God said: 

Remember that being confused is a good thing. Knowing everything is not such a momentous thing. Yes, I understand it’s comfortable to know or to think you know, yet it’s less bounded to not know or not know you know. You are not meant to be an encyclopedia. You are not meant to be what the world may coax you to be. You are not meant to be anything but what you are.
Wisdom and knowledge may be two different things. What’s the matter with knowing less rather than more?
Certainly, the body affects the mind, and the mind affects the body. Certainly, everything affects everything else. There are no one-way streets, beloveds.
Intention and action may be two different things.
This is the whole thing about life in the relative world. It sprouts in many directions all at once. Who cannot be confused? Or, if you don’t like the word confused, you can say perplexed or pensive for your pleasure.
Life in the world is not clear-cut. Who said it had to be or is supposed to be? When was life predictable? When is there only one route to travel or one road to take? Whatever road you are on at the moment has to be the right road for you so long as it is – until it changes. Even when you are on the bumpiest road, who can say it’s not the right one right now?
Who can say with certainty that there is not good in everything? Are My children looking for the wheat or for the chaff?
Who said that life is supposed to be easy? Well, I have. Would not life be easy for you if you did not struggle against it? If you could accept life as it comes, what would be hard about it?
When did sense of loss begin to take over human life? Why was that idea instituted? And why did so many of My children accept this institution of loss? Who said that when a loved one comes to Heaven that you are to mourn and feel a loss? Cannot you be happy for your loved one that he or she is now in Heaven and right beside Me in his or her awareness? Why isn’t this a cause for rejoicing? I may hear you say: “It just isn’t. I feel loss.”
The concept of mourning has been institutionalized. Why not be happy? Why not be happy anyway?
Do you have the idea that you owe your loved ones suffering or it means you do not love? Do you see suffering as dues you are obligated to pay? Are you less if you don’t stop to suffer agony in perceived loss? Are you a better person who suffers than if you do not? Who says that? Society? The past? Ego? Who on Earth decides these things?
If you know better, how come you give obeisance to the old? Is tradition always better?
Many traditions are man-made. Do you believe everything you read or hear? What if you did not mourn? Would you be wrong? Would you be insensitive, or would you be of greater understanding?
Must you follow in the world’s footsteps? Why not follow in Mine? Do I mourn? Do I question?
Ah, do I love? Do I love Infinitely and Eternally? Do I love you? Do I love all? Is not everyone My child? Cannot all then be your brothers? What is meant by the expression – the milk of human kindness? The point is that love is intelligent. Love is the way to go. Remember, I don’t mean gushing love but love intelligent.

Cosmic Awareness on September 21

We found this channeling of "Cosmic Awareness" worth reading (or listening to). I've personally followed the channeler, Will Berlinghof, for some years now and I think he's one of the purest channels. Here he speaks about the paradigm shift that will take place tomorrow, September 21. This is exactly 9 months after the famous date of December 21, 2012, passed by without much happening for most of us. "Cosmic Awareness" says that it takes some time for an old paradigm to die completely and a new one to kick in.

Tomorrow will be the day that the new paradigm takes over for good, he says. The most remarkable property of these new energies is "instant karma". In other words: when you focus on something, it will manifest much faster than before. It's important to realise this, so that you don't spend your time on fear mongering news and such. Visualise positive and beautiful things!

In Love and Light - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com

The audio file of the live channeling can be found
here, the transcript is here:

The September 21 Transition

Welcome Awareness. Thank you for being with us for the Rainbow-Phoenix session of September 16, 2013. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter for your messages, Joan Mills as Questioner and Energizer. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Is there an opening message or current event you wish to discuss prior to moving into the questions at this time please?

That this Awareness does have indeed an opening message for one and all. That this Awareness would state that event of great importance is quickly moving towards the planet, towards the collective human consciousness. That this event is that event this Awareness has been speaking of for several months now. The event of the completion of the nine-month cycle and that which was a pause in the fabric of time and space as seen from those levels of conscious awareness beyond that which is human awareness.

This Awareness has spoken of this period of time as an important state of inner reflection, of working within to achieve a level of comprehension and preparedness for the events that are ready to begin. It would be erroneous to think that this means nothing has been happening during the last nine-month period. Indeed much has occurred both on the personal level for many as well as the collective level for the planet itself, the collective level of human consciousness.

That the world events do show that things are indeed progressing forward and for many who are not aware, who do not understand the importance of this last nine-month period, it would seem to them that only the events of the external have been moving forward.

But for those who have consciously worked towards inner awareness and understanding, of preparing themselves for the shift that is coming, many have indeed seen personal change and personal events of a nature that has shown them that indeed something was happening at those levels of comprehension and understanding that are the base behind and upon which human consciousness is built and individual consciousness as well.

Now the period of the nine months is drawing to conclusion and that the date September 21st has been spoken of by this Awareness as that end point to the nine-month period of preparation.

This Awareness wishes to discuss this day more fully at this time. It wishes first to state that it is the end of the paradigm of belief and consciousness that has been dominant on the old planet AB, and that as the ending of the paradigm what is inferred is that new paradigms of belief and understanding are in the process of being formed and the 21st will mark the ending of the old paradigm so that the new paradigms can begin. That many are hoping that the 21st of September will be a radical event whereby the world once known will disappear, and that they are now in that new container of the planet A variety.

That this Awareness would say at this time that as far as radical events occurring on the day, it will not be so for the majority. That for the majority, even those who have been preparing themselves and are ready for the ending of the old paradigm so that the new paradigms can begin, this day may not be different than the day before. What is important is to realize that this day is simply the birth day of a new paradigm that will now move into actualization. That the birth itself will be monumental, but it will still require an energy of understanding that has grown, that has expanded. That this being so for those who have worked at the inner levels, both consciously and unconsciously, that what will become quickly apparent is that events and circumstances will actualize themselves far more quickly than ever before.

For this reason, it is imperative to understand that when one puts one's focus and attention in a certain direction, the likelihood of this occurring will be greatly expanded to what once was. That there is that concept that is known as instant karma. That when one has engaged in a thought process or an action, that there is an immediate result due to the thought or action. That this will be indeed the case for many and they will truly begin to see how it is that when they put their focus in a certain direction, they will quickly experience the consequences of their choices and their focus. Knowing this will be of great assistance to the many who have been working so hard at clearing their own personal agendas, of releasing the karma, not only from this lifetime but from many lifetimes.

Many will think they have not done any work of this nature, but this Awareness would quickly state that many have been working at unconscious levels, that which could be understood as the dream state, and even though in the everyday workings of their lives they may not see results of this work, nonetheless this work has been undertaken by the many who have as their intent and desire a shift in consciousness.

Therefore the 21st of September will mark the conclusion of the old realm of thinking and thought and beliefs that have so long dominated planet Earth, the old AB model. That as a birth is but the new beginning, it would be erroneous to think that upon the day itself all will shift drastically and one will be launched into the New World and the old world will simply disappear.

When a child is born, that infant cannot immediately tap dance. That infant cannot immediately express itself at high levels. That infant cannot do that which will be possible when that infant has grown and reached maturity. This has two applications. That on the personal level, one is not to anticipate that one can immediately do magic of the highest order, but do not discount the possibility of doing magic of the highest order. Simply be patient, understand that you are newborn into this new paradigm of beliefs that has just emerged and that it will require a time for the growing and maturing into a higher state of actualization.

Be also aware that as you think, so shall it be, and for those who understand this, they will also understand the great responsibility that will go along with this: the responsibility of ownership of one's thoughts and one's beliefs. Many have been working towards this and thus this step, this interlude between thought and action, will be more apparent and will be more doable for them. But many will not understand this and will continue in the old vein of being subject to their thoughts, that they have not realized and have not governed and have not taken responsibility for.

This leads this Awareness to the second manifestation of the new order of belief and projection: this being on the collective level. That the new paradigm will be such that the collective will not immediately understand or realize what is now possible, what is available, and that they will continue to live as they have always lived, entertain the same thoughts and the beliefs that they have always entertained; and that this is a time of transition.

That karma is such that many come onto this planet with the soul purpose of dealing with the soul’s karma, and the individual will have experiences of the karma throughout their life, moving towards the elimination of karma and the introduction of Dharma. Dharma is that state of a blank slate upon which anything can be written, whereas a karmic state is a state where the slate is written upon already and one must go through the checklist of karma and deal with the karma, eliminating the karma so that the blank slate of Dharma can be created. Once one has dealt with the karma of the soul, as so many have taken on in this life, a state between karma and Dharma could be understood to exist.When one is used to doing something a certain way and suddenly is not obligated to do it this way any longer, it does not always follow that one has the realization that this is so. Therefore many who are in a karma-free state will continue to act as if karma still exists in their life and thus, even though they are no longer governed by karma, their actions, their way of thinking and responding may be of the old nature until they recognize this is no longer needed and it is no longer the case.

At that point they can indeed move into their Dharma and begin to put upon the slate that list of their own making and their own creation. But this period of time between the ending of the old karmic patterns and the full actualization into the new way, where one works with their Dharma and from a Dharmic state will take some time. This applies on the personal level but it most definitely applies on the collective level as well.

Therefore, even though September 21st will mark the ending of the old paradigm, it may take the collective some time to fully understand and appreciate the new status of belief and consciousness. In this period of time many will still look to the external to prove what they wish to prove or to verify what they believe or think. It may indeed be time indeed for this to fully be understood: that as long as one puts one's attentions toward something, even if they are in a Dharmic state, they will still experience it as if karma was still in play or that the old paradigm still had power.

It will take civilization an extended period of time for that understanding to fully ground itself. Therefore, do not expect on the 21st of September that a new world will suddenly appear and the old world will disappear. Do understand that the procession of the soul is a continuum, is a steady movement forward. Thus as one understands this, one will not be disappointed, as many were on December 21st, 2012 when planet A did not suddenly appear for them and they were suddenly upon planet A. Understanding this will help those who will see events still moving along as if nothing has changed.

Everything has indeed changed, but it may take a while for the individual to fully comprehend and understand this and thus implement it. It will take civilization, the collective human consciousness, a time to realize these changes. It is for this reason that many who are advanced in their understanding and have offered themselves to be of service during this crucial time, will be of critical importance. Many who have sought the higher levels of consciousness and have grounded them strongly within their own being will find themselves in situations where more are finally paying attention to them, to what they have spoken, for there will be that shift that does occur even if at an unconscious level in the collective consciousness of humanity.

But as one must be patient with the infant, not expecting the infant to tap dance immediately upon birth, but allowing the growth and development of the body and the consciousness of the infant, so must it be for humanity itself. It will be newborn but will not realize this. It will take those who have committed themselves to teach and guide and heal, to be of a higher awareness and higher patience, to see that while things may not instantaneously change, that change towards the higher perception and consciousness will be underway.

Individuals who have reached that higher place of conscious awareness will begin to see how quickly things move in their own lives first and foremost, for this must always still remain the focus of attention, one's own individual journey, but one will begin to see how the energies are changing, how they are moving, and with this awareness they will see that September 21st was indeed that birth date of the new paradigm in conscious belief and conscious focus.

It will be an auspicious day but not one that necessarily will provide all the brave new world that they so desperately yearn. Indeed they who understand this will truly begin to build this brave new world, will allow civilization to move at its own pace, more than once was but not as much as some would wish. This patience will be required so one does not become frustrated, so one does not dismiss that which has occurred, but rather can be open truly to the high magic of the Divine, that will be available.

That this Awareness is complete at this time.

Thank you Awareness, that was very, very encouraging. Thank you.

Channeler: Will Berlinghof


Illawarra District, Australia, September 15, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “One Government and Light and Life.” 

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “OK, I’m back. And you have a mug of black coffee now to awaken your drowsy mind. Here we are ready to continue, and we have more questions than we had before. We will have a world government on our planet, and likely it will come about as it does on most other planets. A suitable world government is a function of the maturing processes of the diverse groups or nations that make up the total world population prepared to claim the right to having a voice. 

“From a Celestial viewpoint the circumstances are weighed and Angels and Teachers do their best to educate their students towards the goal of cooperation, mediation and or arbitration. And from the Father Creator’s side the right personalities with the most experienced Thought Adjusters will appear in the right corners to encourage and lead the populace. Even then a plan can come ‘unstuck’, for it takes only one saboteur to wrong-foot a hundred wise men. 

“You are the recipients of a grand gift, remember? You are the beneficiaries of free will to do what you like, and free will is pivotal in your achieving something great, or ‘messing up’ royally. Without free will you would be marionettes, the Gods your puppeteers. Endowed with free will you can choose to progress on your pilgrim’s path to eternal life, yet that same grand gift can be instrumental in a failure to form a world government, for no minds think alike. 

“So, think of what you need to make progress toward a one-world government. You need knowledge of who ‘the others’ are. You need to understand their past, their mores, their minds, their plans. Interestingly, likely you’ll find that they just want to be moms and dads when they grow up, and care for their families. Get to know the language they speak. Those who can best afford the time and money to learn another language expect all other nations to do so. 

“We, I say, are somewhat last in a long row of planets with little about our credentials to excite me, or anyone, about the nearness of the awaited event that will allow a world government to be declared. We will need a fair monetary system, with a global currency, a hard currency or a currency based on something precious, not debt. There will need to be a judicial system that is fair to all, statesmen and women chosen for their contributions, not their glib lies. 

“In short, there needs to be empathy, care, concern, love, and when you tally that all up, you’re not yet close, but you’ll get there. Your wars of piracy and slavery will be of the past. Most important of all, there will come a time when those of sundry religions will see eye to eye, but those of spirituality and enlightenment will lead men, women and children into that grand new era you will call the Age of Light and Life, born of love, not force. I leave you now, Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

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