New Years. mid





Deep rest is bliss and bliss is the understanding that only God exists.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4785 The Dreamer and the Dream, December 31, 2013 

God said: 

What is love but inspiration? What is inspiration but that which lifts you higher? When you feel inspired, you love yourself more. Loving yourself more is acceding to all possibilities. Inspired, you aspire to greater heights, and you have only just begun. Once the world was a little place to you, and now the world extends and extends, and there is more to Creation than you had ever dreamed of. Although dreams are great, Vastness is greater than a dream. Have in mind that a dream you aspire to is also real. Dreams are real, and you have a real one.

Consider a dream a seed you plant, and now you wait, and now you watch the seed sprout, and then your dream is right before you. Dreams come true. Just be sure you dream big enough. Then you may just have an inkling of all the power you do fuel with your dreams.

Where do dreams come from, beloveds? I am speaking of ideas you have and not the dreams that come with sleep, not that sleep dreams are limited either.

Your waking dreams are not to be bounded. Dream your dreams, and dream some more. You have to see an apple tree before you can pick apples from it. Dreams are your visions, beloveds. Be sure you dream big enough in My eyes. My children often dream of great monetary fortunes. Understandable, yet, even dreams of great fortunes are limited dreams.

Beloveds, life is your Great Fortune. I am your Great Fortune. Love is your Great Fortune. The love in your heart is your Great Fortune. And you, yes, you, you may be the world’s Great Fortune.

What did the Great Spiritual Ones dream of? What were their dreams? They made their dreams a Reality. Or, were their dreams theirs, or were their dreams Mine? Who is the Dreamer, and what is the difference between the Dreamer and the Dream, if any?

Aspire to have big dreams. It is as easy for a big dream to manifest as it is to find an apple in your refrigerator. Propel your dreams forward. Hail to dreams. How fortunate when you hold a dream in your heart. A dream you dream of, by your very dreaming of it, is planted. That which is planted grows. May your dreams grow to encompass all of humanity and, yea, the galaxies beyond. May you dream big dreams, for dreams are a blessing. Any way you slice it, dreams are a reality. They don’t have to come true, and, still, they are a reality.

Your thoughts are real, beloveds. What you think exists. It exists somewhere and, not necessarily, over the rainbow. Thoughts are real, and thoughts are powerful. You don’t begin to know the power of your thoughts. Well, you are beginning to know. Catch up to your dreams, beloveds, for your dreams may very well be Mine, just as you are Mine. I don’t own you, yet, still you are Mine. You are My dream bearing fruit. I sent My dream to Earth, and I blessed it, and told it to multiply. Multiply My dream. Multiply My dream of you. My dreams are big. I never thought small. Of course, in My mansion, there is only Greatness. Small does not exist. Of course not. I am a God of Greatness, and you are a ramification of Greatness.

At the same time, even a blade of grass is great. Even one pebble is great. One grain of sand. One smile. One tear. One grace. One blessing. One of Us. One is Greatness. All is Greatness. Nothing but Greatness exists.


Urantia, December, 2013 (date of transcription). 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “I Am Always Available.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “It is not always easy for humans to know what the Will of God is. Some mortals think that the doing of God’s Will means to sacrifice all things that give them pleasure. This is most definitely not the case. The doing of God’s Will has been badly misunderstood in the past. It is true that there is sacrifice involved, but that is only in the process of subduing the baser self in you. 

“Doing God’s Will means overcoming the lower instincts through self-discipline to self-mastery. This path is not easy, but it builds a strong character, which can withstand temptations, and is not easily swayed by the sophistries of others. God’s Will simply means, seeking the way with the most love in it, and with respect to all others. In short, it means living the golden rule, as in doing unto others as you yourself, would like to be treated. 

“Jesus lived an exemplary life on earth by living according to the golden rule and thereby always being obedient to the Will of the Father in Heaven. The golden rule is to be found in all religions, and, much is the pity that it is not practiced to the extent that it could be practiced. Jesus always exhorted His followers to ‘love one another’. Well, look around you! 

“Wars have not ceased. Even among families and neighbors this blight carries on, for the cave-mentality has not been subdued and overcome, especially because material tendencies and greed have outstripped and replaced religion. 

“More value ought to be placed in the cultivation and training of true character building ways. Sadly, fewer and fewer humans pay attention to the Still Small Voice of God within them. Sure, lip-service is being paid when people dutifully trot off to their churches, synagogues, mosques, tabernacles, or any other temple of worship, pay their penance and dues and think that this is enough and all is fine in their world. Meanwhile they don’t search within themselves, to seek the Glory of God and the meaning and purpose of life. It is so much easier to have ‘the better educated’ do their thinking for them. 

“The time has now come for each person to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions, ask what God’s will is, and how to surrender the self-will. It will be a path filled with love and goodwill towards all others. One person at a time, that’s how the world will be changed, as the benign virus of love will be spread all over the planet. 

“Ponder how you will do God’s Will today, and then act on it with an open and honest heart. You can always ask for My Help. I am always available.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


As we flip the calendar, we need to keep flipping
our mind as well. Often, our diaries are full with memories. See that you don’t
fill your future dates with past events. Allow the space for creativity to
dawn. Celebration of the New Year allows you to be wise. Learn and unlearn from
the past, and move on.

In the past year, how many days were you in sanyas? How many days were you
struggling, being caught in maya? Turn back and remember the whole year. Do not
run away from anything. Do not reject anything. Do not go away from anything.
At the same time, let your attention be on the self. This is a delicate
balance. That balance is yoga.

A poor man celebrates the New Year once a year. A rich man celebrates each day.
But the richest man celebrates every moment.

How rich are you? If you celebrate every moment, you are the Lord of Creation.
Review the year while you celebrate. This is your homework. Compare your
performance in the year before last and smile.- Sri Sri

