Hair-Pin Turns

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Archangel Michael: Hair-Pin Turns in July
3.)  Be the Little Dandelion
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Council of 12 July Message: Healing the Waters, Healing the World

Isis' Message of the Day -
Violence against one is violence against All and violence against All is violence against myself.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Blessings to all. We wish to remind you of the power of a blessing. Many of you have seen the pictures of blessed water and the power of words when placed on a bottle of water. A blessing is bringing in grace energy or divine energy. When you bring in or allow grace energy (blessing) to grace your body, miracles occur. When you open to the divine state of being, and feel grace flow through you, direct it to the parts of your body in need of healing. Do this daily or multiple times a day if needed. Then allow it to unfold at its natural pace. In this way, you see the power of a blessing. Bless your heart.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Archangel Michael: Hair-Pin Turns in July
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Telepathic Transmission 1 July 2010
It's July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your "future" incarnation of self in the emerging NOW of the 5D is the focus of the coming months, especially July.  The incoming solar waves will be strong and blow through; clearing much that is clutter, distraction and a distortion of your field out!  This is challenging to say the least and depending on the role each of you is playing in the ascension drama . . . which is what it feels like lately {Smile! . . . hang in there} . . .  your experience will be different.
Oriented to the moment of unfolding is the nearly tireless and seemingly endless energy of your ascended masters and the transition team from the heavens, the Council of Light and the Council of Michael, the Cosmic Christ Council and the many Galactic teams who stand holding open energy vortexes, supporting and amplifying the new holographic framework and making themselves available to you as needed for inspiration, clarity and support.  Ground upward and tap into this amazing array of your star family assembled for this incredibly counting down of the timelines and the aligning of the geometries within you and your sphere which are accelerating and moving forward the key aspects of Gaia's ascension.
Normalizing this process will be a challenge for the emerging new is not the norm, nor has it been.  Meaning: what is emerging as the new is continually changing; influx and not stable for any period of time which is especially noticeable for you increasingly plugged into the earth grid as your chakra system and your DNA system are aligning, reconnected and flowing the collective energies of the unified field. Although you may look out your window and see the same street, trees and cars drive by as though all is the same, more and more of you know this is not the case. And as you are plugged in to the unified field energetically and structurally, not just by joining unified consciousness with your focus, but physically experiencing the structural changes in your bodies, the awakening of your cellular memories which are revealing and activating awareness of the confluencing timelines, this process is becoming more disorienting rather than blissful!  Bliss being your prior experience with Unity Consciousness. . . and it will be again, but understand that as you tap into the essence . . . which is ALL that will be going through the portal between the 8th and the 9th octaves of creation, you are feeling the journey from an increasingly un-buffered, vulnerable state and your experience reflects that.
This is nothing to be afraid of, it's like you got out of a luxury vehicle-a car like a Cadillac, or a Lexus that drives like it is floating above the road, and into a Porsche or another highly tuned roadster that is low to the ground and as your drive becomes one with the road. You and the road have merged and you feel this, and there is too a loss of control you experience as though the gas pedal was not under your control, there is really and truly no brakes and the road is unpredictable.  Exciting, stimulating and full of surprises and something that at this pace can be quite exhausting and tiring . . . I think I've mentioned the idea before, but I'll say it again: view the whole thing as a roller coaster.  Put your hands up in the air, feel the wind in your face and trust that the whole thing is safe and try to enjoy yourselves.
Once the ride is over, you'll stand up again, feet on the ground and you can even be still if you want!  A little wobbly from being turned entirely upside down and everything being dumped out of your pockets, but feeling wildly alive and likely a little hungry and ready for a feast.
Sit down with your closest friends, look at "pictures of your faces" and remember all the ways you felt and feel delighted with yourself for not hesitating to get on the ride and give it a go.  After all . . . life is supposed to be fun; an adventure!  Right?  And you are going for the ride of your lives.
Okay, so you've had enough?  We hear you. Oh my beloved ones hang in there. The journey is long, but you are no longer alone and living in your private, secluded caves as you were during the time up until the beginning of 2010.  You have come together and are sharing the experience more and more and these meetings are moving past the internet and into phone calls and physical get-togethers and more and more you feel part of different tribes who are soul-groups reassembling for the work at hand and the activation of your collective memories.
You will find yourself drawn to certain experiences and memories, books, messages, people, places, and the resonance will lead you to connect the dots as more and more of the parallel realities in which key versions of yourself reside bleed-through into this experience as we approach the narrow opening into infinity and emerge whole within the new holographic framework, the thought-form of the New Gaia, Terra Nova that we co-created together.  You will find physical changes in your bodies which amaze you no less than the emergence of cultures and places you imagined only to exist in the past or in another dimension; as diversification and the elevated frequency of the earth make in-habitation possible for many who long to return or to be here in that NOW.
Standing alongside you are legions of light filled beings; transmitting LOVE and carrying for you whatever you are not yet ready to carry yourselves.  As your bodies evolve you anchor and integrate more and more.  All of this is part of the journey.  And anchoring more often involves releasing more first-as though it's creating space, but truly it is more that that which is out of alignment with your rapidly ascending and stabilizing and ascending and stabilizing frequency gets dropped from your energy and thus your perspective.
It is a credit truly to your willingness to go with the flow that the current times are so challenging; for it is simply because of your willing-ness to open, release, re-align and transform that you are taking in such large quantities of light = information that you experience these trying and we KNOW exhausting moments and the physical and emotional pain of feeling you are being stripped bare of all that you know, trust and love.  Be not afraid.
It's a lot to metamorphosize, as anyone who understands what happens to the caterpillar once he follows his inner urgings and spins himself into that vessel into which he dissolves, merges, becomes one with and then ultimately pops out of well understands, and you might reflect on this.  And remember, the caterpillar then emerges: specific and unique once again, and totally transformed and, need we say it?  With wings. {Smile!}
It is a cliché it is such a well-used metaphor, but we remind you in this situation the comparison is well, a bit more LITERAL.  It is there-fore fitting to remind you of the beauty of that journey, and that your own biological-physical-energetic-emotional-conceptual-heart-centered journey is no less.  And collectively, far more influential. {Smile}
I hope I got you to smile a little bit!
Take more baths.  Nap more. Eat ice cream on the 4th of July-all you Americans . . . and anyone else who feels like a little treat.  Just be  nice to yourselves.  This is a gristly moment of the journey and recognize it as such and just hang on!  Or rather: let go. . .
I AM the Archangel Michael and I protect you; so know that the mechanics who care for your vessel are trustworthy and you are safe . . . and may I remind you how profoundly loved you each eternally ARE.
Meredith Murphy
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova (new land) Council.  Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. *  © 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  email:   *   

The Masters of Light
As Received by Ruth Ryden
July 2010
Masters we have a lot of questions: Reports of air pollution over the Gulf states coming from the oil spill are getting stronger and sound to be really a danger to health and life. Do you see this as becoming something that will cause fatalities and/or risks for cancer, etc.? I am aware that there have been a number of such oil leakages all around the world, not well reported by the media.. How is this affecting the atmosphere and our weather? Predictors are screaming about an economic collapse this year. What do you pick up about it – can it be avoided? Jobs in some sectors seem to be picking up again, and many people are bringing new life to their own futures.
MASTERS: This is a time to feel, think, and make good decisions. When/if air pollution becomes a danger and a problem, there will be local alerts about it very quickly. Listen and act accordingly. If that means going somewhere where it is safe to breathe, do so. Yes, there are toxic gases forming from some of the oil spills, but most dissipate quickly, unless the air layers are very heavy. The odor is very moderate, but it would be wise to be aware of the possible danger for the next two months.

Around the world governments are thrashing about, trying to keep their economies from becoming a laughing stock. China has realized the danger and is working on solutions. European nations are hanging on for dear life, and are realizing that cooperation between nations is imperative. The U.S. has been in a squeeze situation for many years and now more than ever, trying to help its citizens keep their standard of living, while paying out millions to other countries and paying the expenses of the current war in the Middle East. Your President is working very hard to handle all of the problems that are being hurled at him, doing the best he can while being handcuffed most of the time by the people’s Representatives. Yes, he certainly does need your prayers, for that energy will help him immensely. At this point in time, we do not see an economic collapse this year or the next. Humanity is waking up and realizing that greed and unwise spending does not make for a healthy financial situation at home or around the world. It will be a time before the U.S. returns to the years of plenty and high-living, for the back of the economy has been severely strained. Planning and using your money and resources wisely now is imperative, not just for the government, but for all of you. Investments are still very important for the business world, but jumping into them without a lot of investigation as to the stock’s reliability is not wise, at any time.. Setting up personal “piggy banks” is still a good idea. Common sense (that is what they call inner guidance) will finally prevail in time.

Planet Earth continues to be buffeted by the frequencies and pressures of its journey toward the 2012 conjunction in space. The continuous movements of the plates are causing continents and islands to shudder and sometimes feel quakes of varying degrees. For the time being, really hard earthquakes are not in sight, but in the coming months and years, they are to be expected. In the meantime, quakes of low frequencies that have already been occurring on the west coasts of the North American Continent and where pressures are already being observed will continue during July. Atmospheric pressures will continue to vary around the world and cause strong storms, flooding, and still some tornadoes for a time yet, even in odd places on all the continents. Eruptions of well-known volcanoes will fill the news probably near the end of July, but continue sending ash into the air in many places. The Pacific Island groups will be hit the hardest when this does happen and tsunamis will not be unusual.

Temperatures will also continue to vary in large degrees around the globe; seasonal records will be broken, both up and down. July in the States will see temperatures in the northern states that will cause some crops to dry out, as water supplies fall below normal. Between rain storms and swirling winds, the Mid- West will enjoy moderate days, but with more wind than normal. The Southeast will swelter as the increase in rainfall will bring the humidity up to nasty levels. The Southwestern occupants will wait for their monsoon another week later than normal, but then will find themselves swimming in downpours. Prepare for flash floods, especially at the desert crossings. The Northwest will be much warmer than usual, but enjoy cool breezes and fewer amounts of rain, at least for the time being.

We, who are the energies who monitor and watch over humanity on your world, want to impress that even though Earth is going through tremendous changes every day, you are not alone. As you study history, it will become more evident that the Creator has set into motion the evolution of your Solar System for very good reasons; the cycle of evolution in the present century is very important for future generations to become more intelligent, more inventive, and more in tune with the universe. Yes, many people will pass back into the spiritual realm as they have planned to do, and souls are even now grouping for the next large journey into matter on Earth to bring forth new ways of thinking and bringing into being a new path for humanity. The cruelty and greed that extends around the world is on its last legs, so to speak, for human beings are waking up and rebelling against such thinking. The next ten years will bring wonders of knowledge and kindness back to the consciousness of humankind. Live each day to its fullest now and know that the good you do will expand like rivers of light to those whom you touch and love. We are with you constantly – seek us out and ask our help when there is need.
Ruth Ryden
From : Digest #31 from Ruth and the Masters of Light
Access Ruth Ryden's latest channelings on weather predictions and Earth changes. Read answers to her questions to The Masters of Light regarding current events and pertinent issues in the world today. Ruth also provides a series of special feature articles channeled on specific subjects of interest. Ruth is renowned for the quality and accuracy of her channeling. *  * She can be reached at: Ruth Ryden  *  2806 N. Apple Lane, Whispering Pines, Payson, Arizona 85541-7328 USA  *  (928) 474-3515  *  *   

HEAVEN #3508
Be the Little Dandelion
July 3, 2010
God said:
You have seen a dandelion grow in a crack in the sidewalk. It reaches for the sun. The dandelion never tells itself, “It’s too hard. I can’t do it.” The dandelion says, “I see the sun. It shines on me. It is right within my grasp.” And the dandelion makes come true what it surmises; A dandelion doesn’t contemplate defeat. A dandelion knows he is to reach the sun, and not even concrete will stand in the dandelion's way. How brave and stalwart is a dandelion as it reaches for the sun with determination; No dandelion defeats itself before it starts. A tiny seedling grows wherever he finds himself.
My children on Earth also make true what they surmise. What they think comes true. Only too often they think of what might stand in their way. Often they think of discouraging words. All of Earth is meant to be a place where a discouraging word is not heard. Do not hear discouraging words, beloveds. Do not listen to them. Certainly, don’t whisper them to yourself. Flick away discouraging thoughts. You don’t need them. No one needs them.
If you were creating a car, would you stop before you put the tires on? If you were creating a car that runs on air, I would ask you to see it through. I would ask you not to say, “Naw, that won’t work.”
You are creating a life on Earth, would you give up before the sun sets? Yet, sometimes, too often, My children give up before they try. They sigh. They stop themselves. Perhaps you might even say to yourself: “How can I think I could ever succeed?” And so you cannot fail that which you do not try. Nor can you succeed in traveling a path you don’t go down.
What is this posit, that you must succeed? What is the matter with not succeeding? I request that you try some not succeeding. Try it on, this not succeeding. Try on the hat that says: “I gave it all I was worth.” Try on the hat that says, “If I want it, I can make it happen.”
Be the little dandelion who, despite all odds, reaches for the sun, and is blessed by the sun.
Do you perhaps think that you have to be perfect in the eyes of the world? Are you looking for applause from the world, or are you looking to reach the sun?
Make the stamina of a dandelion your own. Certainly, you are no less Mine than a dandelion. Certainly, you can accomplish what a dandelion can. You can accomplish far more. What would a dandelion do if he had your mind and your arms and legs? What is there that a dandelion would not do?
Without all the opportunity that you have, a dandelion nevertheless forges ahead. A dandelion keeps his eye on the sun, and he follows it. Your task is the same. Your task is to simply follow the sun. The sun is as much yours as it is the dandelion’s. The sun is as close to you as it is to the dandelion. What is the difference between you and a dandelion? What is the difference really?
Can you not climb as high as a dandelion?
A dandelion cannot read. It has no inventions at its disposal. He doesn’t watch National Geographic. A dandelion has no education, doesn’t figure things out, doesn’t perform tests, does not measure. A dandelion has a target, and he lets not even concrete stand in its way. It is so simple for a dandelion.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Every one of the brothers and sisters in this day and time is struggling with something. Everyone is looking for love. It has been thus for eons of time. And that which you seek is to be found within. As you allow that deep breath, as you allow the smile on the face, as you allow yourself to feel that life can be lighter, you find that there is love being put forth in that moment, and you find that it is healing to any situation.
Visit our website:  *  

Council of 12 July Message:
Healing the Waters, Healing the World
through Selacia
Note from Selacia:  "This message came from The Council of 12 in response to what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill and its devastation for life forms in and near those waters is a wake up call for humanity. The waters of the Earth are pivotal to life here, and they are connected to all other ecosystems and beings on the planet. What is occurring is a spiritual crisis. In this message, The Council of 12 provides their guidance of how to view what is occurring and what each person can do right now to be a part of positive solutions. A global healing for the Gulf and other waters of the planet will be included in the July 10 worldwide Council of 12 channeling event. You and your friends across the world are most welcome to join us!" 6/30/10 
To have sight without vision leaves you in a precarious state. This is true for you and also for humanity. It is not enough to simply see the tragedies occurring in the world--including in the Gulf of Mexico. See these things, but then also create a vision of healing to address the underlying causes. Problems caused by humans can be resolved by humans, especially when people such as you recognize their true role as Divine Changemakers.

As you walk the path of the Divine Changemaker, you discover how to live in balance with the forces of nature and to respect all life including your own. You see that spirit is in everyone and everything. When spirit becomes the source of your vision, the happenstance of your life is no longer ordinary. The conventional is transformed into the Divine.

For example, you recognize the spiritual forces of the elements. Water is a basic element now taking the world spotlight because of the oil spill in the Gulf. Not only is water integral to life itself, it is representative of gentleness, peace, and joy. It also relates to the feminine principle and the power of the Divine feminine in the overall balance of power on Earth. The new Earth you desire to create and inhabit cannot come into being until humanity embraces and integrates the Divine feminine.

When humanity rediscovers how to incorporate both Divine feminine and Divine masculine into all cultures, and these forces are balanced, you will no longer witness abuses of power and disrespect for nature. Situations like oil spills--with their complex and long-lasting consequences-will become things of the past.

People of ancient cultures understood the healing properties of water, and its ability to help with cleansing, purification, and creating a sense of comfort. They understood on an experiential level the sacredness of all life, including elements such as water that make life possible.
When you visit a body of water or bathe in water, you are able to connect with feelings of stability, relaxation, and ease. This is because of the underlying spiritual qualities of water. Connecting with the water reminds you of the eternal and of the creative force itself-always in motion and creating new pathways while it nourishes and nurtures. Water is a symbol of new life, and of the quality of reflection. Water is sacred.

When people lose touch with the sacred, they lose touch with their essence and the knowing that all of life is connected. The Earth, with its weather patterns and responses to human made actions, is showing humanity that it's time to wake up and remember the sacred. Wake up calls for transformation are everywhere-from the Gulf to inside your body as your DNA is reconfigured to hold more light.

Wake up calls are being catalyzed by the Earth itself, as well as by the higher selves of people like you across the planet. There would be no need for a wake up call if everything was in balance. Likewise, there would be no need for a wake up call if humanity's destiny was predetermined.

Humanity is waking up, remembering universal truths about what it means to be spirit in human form. As more people expand their consciousness and realize it is they who direct what happens next, the Earth's destiny shifts. Mass extinctions, like your ancestors experienced, can be eliminated. Self-directed evolution can replace centuries of victimhood. Divine Changemakers can be pivotal players in the Earth's dance of transformation, helping to shift the balance back into light through their choices and consciousness.

You are one of these pivotal players. Your energy counts. Don't be concerned with the "how," or with the final result as you put in motion your unique energies as a Divine Changemaker. How you can help right now may look different from how you imagined. It may look different from how others are helping. Let go of comparisons. Let go of self-criticism about whether you are doing enough or doing things right. When you are unsure about how to best help, tune into your heart. It will be your heart's wisdom, based on love, which will guide you and keep you steady. It will provide you with all the validation that you need to take the next step.

The balance that you want to create on Earth is really very simple--the source is love. When love is not present, there is a disturbance of the intricate connections that facilitate balance. This is what is happening in the Gulf now. Love is the answer to restore the connections. It is the spiritual solution to the world's crisis.

Physical Healing for Waters in the Gulf of Mexico

On a physical level, the solution to the oil spill in the Gulf must go beyond surface appearances and band aids. The true solutions will be found when enough people with the power to act become conscious of how the waters and other life forms of the planet are connected. There will need to be an understanding of how vital water really is for sustaining life. Especially in Western countries where water is often taken for granted, people will need to learn to respect the gift that water is.
The ancient peoples knew these things and much more that has been forgotten. They knew that they were like cells in the larger body that is planet Earth. Understanding that, they realized that their consciousness could choose to participate positively or negatively.
In simple terms, that meant they had the option of choosing to be a part of positive evolution for the whole of humanity. When they made that choice, they also personally advanced in a positive direction. The choice spoken of here was not made once, but continuously throughout life in response to circumstances.

The choice to create in positive ways involves conscious awareness and thought. It also involves action.

When there is a crisis of large proportions like the oil spill in the Gulf, people like you on the path of awakening naturally feel a call to act. You want to do more than simply observe on the sidelines, wondering what those in charge will do next. The part of you in touch with your Divine Changemaker role knows that it's not in your true nature to be a bystander.  There's no sense of authentic power there.

Below is a checklist of things you can do right now. These things can have wide reaching impact--in your own life, in your interactions with others, and in the physical world you call home.

Checklist of Helpful Actions

1. Set your intention to avoid adding to the world's negativity with your thoughts, words, and actions. As an example, you don't want to waste your precious energy complaining about a disaster or blaming a person or company for a problem. When you complain or blame, nothing is resolved. As you broadcast the energies of complaining or blaming, you send your personal energy into a downward spiral. As you then sit in a lower energetic frequency, your next thoughts and feelings are clouded and lack creativity.

2. Focus your mind regularly on visions of healing for the waters and beings of the Earth. Do this even when the media stops focusing on the Gulf. Imagine that the waters everywhere are sacred pools of nectar, and that any contaminated water becomes pure and alive once again. Visualize life forms in the waters, and those that depend upon the waters, receiving the assistance needed for healing and restoration. As part of your visualization, imagine that people who interact with the waters--including those in businesses--wake up to their responsibility as caretakers of the Earth. Imagine these people becoming aware of the sacredness and interconnectedness of all life forms.

3. Seek to find and connect with other Divine Changemakers. Spend time with these other people who are also on the path of light, so that you can resource and share a higher frequency experience. Allow your time with other light workers to help remind you of what is truly important. Allow your time together to be a refueling, but also an opportunity for reciprocity and holding space for one another. Practice listening deeply to what others are saying. Be as present as you can. Decide to make these potent connections with others even when you feel that you cannot make time to do it. Time, after all, isn't something that you make. Time is something you discover how to utilize to the fullest.

4. Ask yourself regularly what you can do with your personal energy to help facilitate spiritual transformation. This is your own transformation, of course, but it is also the shift occurring all around you. Adopt a habit of being flexible about your optimal role. Know that your success will come from flexibility and from discovering how to be where you need to be, when you need to be there. As you are becoming skilled in this more fluid way of being, be kind to yourself and others. Being harsh with yourself won't get you to your goals any faster. Being harsh with others will build a wall that you don't want to have. Successful relationships are built with bridges.  Build those instead, with kindness. 
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.
We are The Council of 12
Copyright 2010 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12, * All Rights Reserved *  *  *
*  * Selacia & The Council of 12 on Facebook:  and Twitter:   * *
Selacia: A channel for The Council of 12, is internationally known for her work in the inspirational/ transformation field. In her forthcoming 2012 book, readers will receive an understanding of their options during Earth’s pivotal years.  Selacia provides private sessions by phone to clients worldwide, helping them to navigate the 2012 window changes and to move into more clarity, joy, and empowerment. Known throughout the world for her work with The Council of 12, Selacia in 2000 brought the Council of 12's wisdom to the UNSRC's Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations. She offers ongoing writings and teachings focused on healing and spiritual transformation. A gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, she offers regular seminars, DNA workshops, teleclasses and group channelings. Join Selacia’s mailing list at her website to be informed of seminars, worldwide call-in teleclasses, and global Council of 12 channeling events including the annual Wesak. To schedule a private session with Selacia:  Tel: 310.915.2884, E-mail: Web site:    *    

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