
Illawarra District, Australia, March 23, 2013.
The Damascus Scribe.
Subject: “Guilt and ‘Self-flagellation’.”

Received by George Barnard.

The Damascus Scribe: “At any time, day or night, I am available to you, and much more so than my being a Teacher, I am your Friend. Much more so than my being informed about what goes on around you, I am acutely aware of all happenings pertaining to the Progress Contingent. In leading the very Ruler of Nebadon, I declared the progressive characteristics of my personalized self yet unrealized. My task now is to contribute in any way possible to bring forward the unstoppable tide of Light and Life. Yes, I am the Damascus Scribe.

“We will discuss guilt and self-flagellation as distinct from clear analysis of the self, most determined resolve to improve the self, and tranquility of mind as a result. It is so often forgotten that the evolutionary worlds are the spawning grounds for one of the grand universe’s most important species – humans, mortals – those made of the elements of the planet. It is so often overlooked, not by us, but by you, that you will fail to be perfect in every way, every day, and that you will feel guilt to the point of endearing self-flagellation.

“It (self-flagellation) is no longer such a favorite way of telling the self and others that one was born in sin and may never grow to gain the Creator’s acceptance! Happily the custom is dying out, slowly, yet the mental attitude has hardly improved. There is so much guilt and self-deprecation among you! And this belies the friendly universe you live in. Evolutionary worlds are the training grounds for future emissaries to the outer universes now forming. Mortal men and women will be the true and tested representatives of the Gods.

“We so eagerly want to see you to be accepting of yourself in your weaker moments, seeing your world as a large remedial classroom where great curative powers are unleashed. Perfection is to be attained through learning right from wrong and thereafter defining which path to travel, doggedly, unwavering. So much is lost through clinging to regrets of a past that cannot be altered, and so much is gained by living in the now with a focus on the future! Yes! What roundabout way I have traveled here before getting to the point!

“Here than is my answer for the fearful ones for whom man-made religions of crowd control have painted a God to be dreaded. He is a loving Father Creator, instead! It is a rarity for a Thought Adjuster to be so distressed by human ways as to permanently leave him or her. And it is most uncommon for a human soul to lack all redeeming values. More common is it for those ‘reborn’ on Mansonia to view their tasks in rehabilitation as ‘too awesome’ to even contemplate. These, though few, may well decline eternal life, and be made unreal.

“So I admonish you all to know yourself, strive to always do better, and encourage a calm mind through prayer and meditation. I leave you my love. Carry on my friend.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  Financial Support

Your DNA is Unfolding

by lifetapestrycreations

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for



Dear Ones,

Many of you have begged for the new DNA strands prophesied by so many channels. You are of the advance Lightworker branch and wish to complete your transition as quickly as possible - and so you are.

Your new DNA strands are now unfurling slowly, but surely. Of course, you expected such. The surprise is the effect your additional DNA strands will produce. Even though we have used the analogy of new computer software, that analogy is not really an accurate description of what will happen once your DNA is actively participating with your spiritual/physical being.

The first stage of that union is a request from you that your physical and spiritual beings blend into one (see Jonette Crowley's website if you would like free help doing so). Once that blending occurs, your DNA will begin to unfold.

Does that mean you will turn blue or other physical manifestations that prove to you and others that your new DNA strands are fully activated? No. You will probably note little change within your physical being -  other than your interests and discoveries will expand dramatically. You will just know things and find new materials exhilarating. Your expanded DNA strands will broaden your view of life and reality.

Perhaps you are wondering if those expanded DNA strands will encourage you to time travel or dimension hop. Possibly. But this first stage of DNA unfurling is more about discovering the reality of your current life than encouraging you to travel to new worlds. This new earth transition processes from the micro to the macro, from the smallest to the largest. So your newly unfurled DNA will first help you decipher your world - and then encourage you to move beyond your known world.

You will discover more about the unreality of your life by uncovering those pieces that hold you in 3D. Many of you are now declaring that you have uncovered unwanted pieces for months, perhaps years. What we are speaking of is a bit different. For example, you may discover you are angry with someone because they are needlessly affecting a current relationship via past life encounters. You will discover the ties between the "reality" of this life and activities that occurred centuries or even eons ago.

It is difficult to explain in the words we have available, but you will fit puzzle pieces together you never knew were part of your current reality. This process will be different from uncovering fears - more like a "Who done it" mystery. You will probably not feel much emotion, other than "Of course - why didn't I put the pieces together sooner?"

This DNA unfurling - at least in the first stages - expands your inner vision by allowing you to discover the whys of many of your relationships and actions. Again, there will not be a great deal of emotion tied to these discoveries, but instead more of an understanding why you react as you do.

Will that allow you to shift your relationships? Of course, but not necessarily in the way you think. You are perhaps fearing that the emotions you have experienced in the past few months will continue with the addition of new emotions you do not wish to experience. This DNA unfurling is quite different.

You will be more of an observer than a participant. As you uncover pieces of your unreality, you will merely wish you had known those pieces earlier - instead of feeling every nuance of that experience as you have recently.

Perhaps it will help you understand if we were to describe it as putting a puzzle together. If that puzzle were a photo of your mother who had recently died, you would probably feel many emotions including sadness and thoughts of what could have been. But if that puzzle were of a neutral scene that had no memories or feelings attached, you would merely be pleased that you were finding the first difficult corner pieces. So it will be for your unfurling DNA.

Few emotions will be generated. Other than finally understanding why you have reacted as you have knowing that you can now put those pieces aside for they are not part of your current life.

Even though some of you may uncover some emotional feelings, those emotions will be fleeting.

This is more of a discovery process than an opening of old fears and wounds.

You will better understand your physical being's actions and reactions in this lifetime. And by doing so, you will allow yourself to move beyond that which used to upset you in whatever fashion.

Again, you are processing at the pace that is most correct for your physical being. So some you Lightworkers will begin unfurling your DNA today, some tomorrow and some not until next month. But it will happen for indeed this discovery piece is necessary before you use your new skills to traverse the Universes in whatever form from time travel to dimension hopping.

This is a time of increasing joy and love throughout the Universes. Such would not be possible if beings from earth were to time travel or dimension hop with ongoing fears and unknown baggage.

You accepted your new DNA several months ago. But you needed to cleanse your being before opening that DNA - much like planting seeds that grow underneath the soil for weeks before the first green shoots push through the soil.

Your first DNA shoots are ready to push through your dense 3D life and world. They will do so by first helping you understand why so many of your actions are and were based on activities that have little to do with your current life. Such will be your discoveries. Such will be your astounding joy as you realize you have kept yourself in a dark, little box because of something that happened to or by one or more of your silvers eons ago. And that those actions are not repeating in this lifetime.

Will you discover pieces that you may not necessarily like such as you were the instigator of those actions? Probably. Will you feel guilt or pain for such actions? No. For you will finally understand that your enemies were merely part of your play - at your insistence. They meant you no harm and in fact, provided you with valuable information for you to better understand you.

Your DNA will probably start unfurling in the next few days. Glory in the information you receive. And apply that information to your current life so that you eradicate those pieces of your being that were once important, but are no longer. So you cleanse yourself of those pieces - like a hang nail that is uncomfortable but not life threatening. So be it. Amen.

Chicago, US of A, March 2, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Evolution.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “Evolution is a means by which the Gods ‘print their design’ onto space-time creation. Indeed, it is not the only way by which creation appears in the Universes. There is creation by fiat, by generation and by evolution. Urantia’s evolution of life started with the life formulation by the Life Carriers, and it will go on into the eras of Light and Life through the progressive ‘synthetization’ by the resident Planetary Deity Supreme. Evolution is a complex process which cannot be fully understood, even by the very human beings it produces. Sadly, evolutionary religion does not allow itself to be comprehended, whilst ignorance grossly distorts it.

“The first erroneous concept about evolution on Urantia is the affirmation that life evolution is purely a result of chance. Nothing in the Universes is purely random. God exists and leaves nothing to chance. Even when he gives free choice to personal beings, the very finiteness and limitations of these beings, and the established divine order make their choices to eventually fall within the ultimate plans of the Gods. Evolution has no beginning, neither has conducted randomness. It originates from space energies, is manipulated by highly endowed Celestial Beings, and is developed under close supervision by Celestial Administrators until personality manifests in a particular species.

“Another wrong idea about evolution is the assumption of transitional links between the species. There are mutations within species, but a new species is born fully fledged, with distinct characteristics from its ancestors. Each species has a mutation limit and what comes next is always new. However, when personality manifests in a greatly evolved species, no other species will later manifest personality. That is why from the Primates, only the species which evolved to be human beings, are endowed with personality. The reason why paleontologists can’t find the ‘missing link’ in evolution, is because it never existed. This shows you that an intelligent (divine) design is clearly at work.

“One last wrong idea about evolution is the want to explain everything in terms of evolution. Evolution is pretty well done with on Urantia, especially in human beings. Evolution will not produce a different species more intelligent than human beings. The progress in human civilization is caused by increasing knowledge of biological and physical sciences that is acquired, improved and passed on to new generations. Evolution is a biological process and it is not meant to be a philosophical system to explain everything. Evolution does not explain God, or faith, or moral values in humans; only personality – a treasured gift from God – can explain these concepts.

“Therefore, my pupil, evolution reflects the design of God to bring forth beings that are suited to receive their personality from the Father, and even host the marvelous Fragments of God, the Thought Adjusters. Some religionists cannot accept the reality of evolution because its explanation comes mainly from Science that cannot account for the existence and operation of God in the Universes. Nonetheless, evolution has its own testimony in the geologic history of Urantia, even if mistakenly interpreted by many biased scientists. Only blind religiosity can deny evolution, just as arrogant science denies God. I am Prolotheos. Peace to all.” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source  ABC-22, January 1972. 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4512 When You Feel Heartbroken [I], April 2, 2013 

God said: 

Sometimes you feel abandoned in life. Know I do not abandon you. It is you who abandons belief in Me, for you become discouraged for one reason or another. You can always find a reason, My beloved. Life isn’t adding up the way you thought life would. There is a setback. Life isn’t turning out the way you thought it would, and you take it personally, very personally. You have been let down. There is something you thought you had to have, and, if you do not have it, you feel desolate. You may feel that all is lost. You have an expectation that did not fulfill itself. In your mind and in your heart, you thought it had to. Because you thought it had to, you are bereft now. Now you feel that all is lost. Now you feel that I have let you down.

Beloved, you tied yourself up too tight in something. You had an expectation, and it didn’t come true. You felt your dream had to come true. When it did not, you felt let down. You felt I let you down. I repeat: You felt I had let you down. It’s hard for you to get over this.

A fact of life is that life doesn’t always go your way – it doesn’t always go the way you think it’s supposed to, and when it doesn’t, when your expectation is not fulfilled, when it may be the opposite, when you feel your heart is torn apart, you may turn Me into your fall guy. You feel that I, God, let you down. You feel that I, God, dropped you off somewhere instead of rallying behind you. It sure looks that way to you.

Sometimes, beloveds, life has a life of its own that doesn’t seem to include your wishes. Sometimes, not always, you are better off with some wishes unfulfilled. You can’t see how at the time, and yet it is so. You shake your head. How can it be that I, God, take away from you a treasure from your reach. There are some events, a broken heart, the loss of a child, how can you come to terms with it when something wonderful is taken from your grasp? How can you?

Sometimes there is no good explanation for it, and your heart cannot be assuaged. Despite all your love, despite all your belief, despite all your goodness, a treasure was removed from you. It was already yours and taken from your grasp, or it was almost yours and it was snatched away, and now you feel desolate.

You are unable to access how a God of Love can take away that which means the most in life to you, sometimes really does, and sometimes so it seems.

When life is hard, when life, from everything you know, is heartless, your heart is broken, and you feel separated from Me, God, and you also feel split from yourself. Something happened that wasn’t supposed to happen, or something didn’t happen that was supposed to, and you are racked with pain, and you are racked with disillusion. The all-powerful God let you down. You have a heartache that you are sure that, if God loved you, He would never allow to happen. But it happened. God allowed it to happen. And you are not the only one.

You can see no point to it. You don’t know how I could have allowed this. What God of Love would take away a child or a dream or great happiness from you? Even as you know that what you see as tragedy occurred, and it can’t possibly be supposed to happen. To your heart and mind, it may feel like betrayal. The God you loved let you down. There was a war. There was a death. There was a blow to your heart.

And, yet, beloved, what choice do you have but to come to terms, to get past the heartbreak, to get up, to live and love even when you thought life threw you a curve?
