My children
of LIGHT, this is your Mother Nebadonia! You are radiant LIGHT at the core of your being as the Indwelling Spirit of
the Creator lives within you. You have access to this light as you increasingly turnyour attention and focus inwardly and learn to quiet the currents of thoughts running through your mind.
Now as spiritual LIGHT bathes your world, upstepping your ability to connect with
light, your bodies are adjusting to the circuitry that will help you become more peaceful and peace seeking, more loving and
altruistically oriented. Know that all of this is what we have intended for you to help you heal yourselves and your
world. Grow in LIGHT, my children, and you shall flourish in more of your divine nature.
The co-creative relationship you have with your Indwelling Spirit will help you understand
cosmic principles and divine ways that are infused within the LIGHT. As you learn these new concepts you will increasingly
become enamored of following the will of your Spirit as you trust that it comes from your Creator-Source Parent. Going
within to make contact with your Spirit, therefore, is of the highest priority for your lives at this time. Ensure
that you spend the time you need in the stillness to enable the LIGHT to reach you and for the WILL of Spirit to guide you.
Know that all you need to live successfully is contained within, my beloveds, and grow, grow, grow a little
more each day in the LIGHT!
Dear Ones. When you take the time to connect
with All That Is, your life flows smoother. Many of you feel you do not have time to make this commitment. However, if you
take the time each and every day, you receive the benefit of feeling better, being calmer, able to handle your daily stresses
better. You also benefit from the time you spend in connection with source, since the remnants of this stay with you and improve
your interactions with others. It is as if the connection to the light starts removing some of the "debris" you have gained
over time. It is like cleaning your windows, things become clearer. So, take time to connect with All That Is and receive
the blessings from this. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with
25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist
you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides
- and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!" *