Greetings From The Galactic Federation {Channeled}


Isis' Message of the Day -
"By meditation upon light and upon radiance, knowledge of the spirit can be reached and thus peace can be achieved."

~ Patanjali ~
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. It is with great pleasure that we converse with you. Love is the answer. It is such a trite phrase. You feel it is over used. But nothing else in your language even begins to convey the degree of what we want to say. Love Is the Answer. Learn to love those in your families. At times it seems hard. They often irritate you. However, they are divine beings of God/Creator/All that Is. When you are able to love your family, branch out to those around you. This is the way you begin to bring peace to the world. You cannot expect peace in the world when you cannot get along with those around you. See the divine spark in everyone. See the divine spark grow in those around you. In this way, you teach only love. Bless your hearts.
Channeled by Cynthia Lee Shelton    

Greetings from the Galactic Federation:
Channeled by Wanderer of the Skies
December 4, 2011
We have been in council of late discussing your human condition. You know that we are not perfect, as you are not. We are not gods. We have trouble from time to time understanding your human thoughts and emotions. We feel them nonetheless. We know your frustrations for they are ours. We have discussed how best to approach your turning away and the anger and frustration that has driven you to this precipice. We have come to no easy solutions. We therefore have agreed that the best approach is to simply allow you to work out for yourselves where you want to be now and in the future. Your mind set is your own and there is nothing we can or will do that would change this. Your decisions must be your own.
We will come regardless of your thoughts, your emotions or your feelings towards us. That is part of our contract not with you, but with the Divine. We have an agreement from which we cannot walk away. Unlike you, we cannot exercise a free will choice on our calling. It is what we have given up in exchange for connection to the Divine Source. It is part of a higher order of being. We will come, regardless. That much is so.
There are many among you who have decided to mock and turn away from all that we have been discussing for so long. Some of you do this to “hedge a bet” against that which you feel would be peer “shame” over what you have chosen to believe as compared to those who exist in the “real world” of everyday life--paying bills, earning a living, eating, drinking and socializing. In contrast to that, we are “out on limb” and everything we stand for puts you in a category of being crazy. We recognize this stigma and have admired you for a very long time in your willingness to undertake this burden for what to you is only belief. The vast majority of you have had no contact with us, have not seen our ships, have no way of knowing if this true, but for your belief. You have only recently been awakening to your ability to discern from your heart instead of your head.
We now have come to our own crossroads as well. Our divine mission stands on the precipice of reality. And while we are not of your time, we know your time. We understand the terms you have become frustrated with that we have used for so long. We tell you these have been used to raise your vibrational frequencies because it is that much easier for us to communicate with you personally in this mode. Your density otherwise is too difficult for us to accept. It is not so much that we cannot “get through” to you as it is painful for us to be in the presence of this level of unfocused thoughts and negativity, even on a small scale. Such is the likes of higher dimensional existence. We have tried to explain this to you, but you have chosen to interpret it in third dimensional terms and this cannot give you a true picture of the level of this difficulty.
The problem exists for you in expecting massive shifts in consciousness, in the way your reality is, and in all aspects of your life, as if we will “swoop down” and wave a magic wand. The changes are gradual, and sometimes difficult to see, but they are going on around you all the time, even as you read these words. What we intend are the changes we have been talking to you about. Look for them in smaller doses and you may not find yourselves so disappointed.
Our time together is coming, we assure you. Stand fast in your principles and your convictions. And know that we are with you in love and gratitude for our mutual alliance.
Be at peace. 

Message from Sekhmet and JFK
Given through Susan Leland
- 11-22-11 teleconference -
Sekhmet: ...we have a guest speaker, who is most honored, most revered, and yes, in some part misunderstood, in some parts sensationalized for events, or parts, of his life that really were not the gifts that he came here to give. And so it is that we invite him to step forward, and to bless us, and greet us with the Light of the Age that is Golden, the Age of Christ Consciousness, the Age of Awakening, powered or empowered even more than in his previous visits by the energies which have been coming in and continue, and by the great shifts and the awakenings of the consciousness of Planet Earth. 
And make no mistake, his words shall be heard by all of us who are listening in this group, and they shall move out Worldwide and beyond, because as the words are spoken, they are carried on the waves - the waves of Love and the waves of Truth. And so I, Sekhmet, shall return for the Exercise, but I am most honored to move aside, so that the one that you know and honor, as President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, may come forward and share his message with all. I shall return!
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy: My fellow citizens of the World, and yes, of the Galaxy and beyond, because it is time for you to start reaching beyond the scope of Planet Earth, and to see what I see, which is Citizens of the Galaxy, and beyond. I know it is difficult with all that is happening upon Planet Earth right now. If you follow the mainstream news media, it seems as though there are war zones on practically every street corner of some kind or other. 
The World has become most violent, and this is a part of the shaking up which is going on. It isn't that these things have not gone on before - it is just that they are happening more. Some people are so out of balance that when these energies come, they respond in a war-like manner. 
Some people, beings who are not very Light, and who do not want to be beings of Light, are responding in panic, and they are trying to tighten their grip, even as their grip is literally being pried loose by the white hats, the White Knights, the various dedicated groups, whether their focus is environment, or clean energy, or healing, or simply just having enough food - and good food, uncontaminated, non-toxic food for the World. 
All, all of these are absolutely necessary to focus upon and more, because the clean-up job is immense, but it is in progress, and that is the good news, and we have so many helpers! I myself have been in residence in a higher dimension upon not just one, but more than one of the ships, and I came there because it was seen what was to happen on that day in 1963, of November twenty-second. 
There had been already a major sharing of technologies from the Grays and others, primarily with the governments and controlling ones, dark hats - military, secret governments as they are called - and this had been going on for years. And when President Eisenhower left his office we had an opportunity to converse, and he told me things that were most chilling. 
Here I was young, enthusiastic - I made quite a reputation for myself as a thinker, a doer, and a bringer of fresh ideas. 'Happy Days,' that's what I was bringing. And I and my family moved into the White House, and as I was preparing to move there and before my inauguration, I had an opportunity to find out something of what was going on behind the scenes, and I formulated some plans.
But, I had to proceed slowly, just as President Obama does today - and make no mistake, he is of the Light, he always has been. There are those who are trying to instill fear in the hearts of the people about him, and they are lying. There are those who are spending a lot of money to get others to tell the lies. And this is being balanced out even as I speak, because injustice cannot prevail forever. It is against the higher laws of the Universe, and it certainly has to be balanced out before the Ascension of the Consciousness of this Planet takes place. 
So there is pandemonium, there is chaos, there is panic, there is fear. And there is great awakening, and great Love pouring forth, so much so, so much so, that it is lighting up even the darkest corners of this Planet!  
So as I was saying, I came into the Office of the President of the United States knowing more at the beginning of that presidency than I had known during my campaign days. And even though - yes, I was young, and somewhat adventurous, and somewhat of a personality, which let us just say I was very creative, and I was very operational in my creative centers in all respects of my lifestyle - I had deep abiding Love for this country, and for the World. And I saw, as did St. Germain, the opportunity for this country to be the leader in turning things around, because things were already spiraling out of balance rapidly. There was a war going on in Vietnam. There was greed on the part of the bankers and others who had been exercising control. 
And those who were actually putting themselves in seats of control over the governments of the countries, were wanting to do things, such as open up drug trade, which they did do in Southeast Asia, and then in South America, and in other countries Worldwide. They took what had been going on anyway, and made it blossom into a Worldwide, most destructive business. 
I knew about that, and I knew that the war in Vietnam needed to stop, and I knew that I was there to direct all of my efforts into Peace, and keeping the Peace, and I knew that in order to do I must dis-empower the ones who were controlling things. And of course, then as now, money was the major instrument by which they were able to exercise such control, and I promise you the control that they had then is nothing compared to what they have enjoyed since then, but nevertheless it was powerful. 
Now they thought that in me they had a playboy, born into wealth and privilege, with political savvy, the ability to write and publish. I would have been most likely a professor of history, and I would have written prolifically about historical figures, because that was what I was most interested in as far as my pastimes, passionate pastimes, were concerned, my fields of interest. But I came from a family which had the drive, the ambition, and the money, to have a son as president. 
That was my brother Joe, but when he passed, it fell to me, and so I was groomed for the Presidency of the United States, and I have to say that it was not entirely against my will. In fact, I had enthusiasm for it, and I had the support of my younger brothers and sisters - my sisters and their husbands. I had the support of family, and it all seemed like a fairy tale come true, until I got into the office, and I realized the enormity of what needed to be done. And yes, I made some mistakes, some errors in judgment. I believed I had a passion for Freedom, and I honestly believed that I was going to help Cuba to throw off a dictator, who had thrown off a dictator, but who was himself quite cruel to his own people in some respects.
And I gave orders which resulted in people being killed, but I quickly saw that I needed to take a different track, a track of Peace, a track of strengthening Peace. And to do that, I signed an executive order to end the Federal Reserve Bank - and thus the control of the banking families - and to put the United States dollar back on the gold standard, which I felt would help not only the United States, but would lead the World into more stable economies, and when you have stable economy, you have not just happy people, but you have Freedom -Freedom for people to live as they choose, to get educations, to enjoy life. You have freedom for people to express their thoughts! 
And if you recall, there was the 'cold war' going on at the time, where the opposite of Freedom was epitomized by what was called communism. Well it turns out that there were hands behind the scenes, running the capitalist countries and the communist countries. I was not able to stay in the Presidency long enough to do all that I and my brothers and my sisters and their families were committed to. Yes, there are still Kennedys visible today. 
When my son, John Jr. - who had risen to some prominence as his own identity when he was a publisher of a magazine which had influence - was going to run for the United States Senate from the State of New York, his plane was shot down by those who did not want to see him rise to any prominence, or position of empowerment within the government, because he would have been a candidate for President. 
When my brother, Robert - who knew and had to work with the ones who were behind my assassination attempt, and others in the government and beyond - who knew everything that I knew, looked as though he might have an opportunity to win the Presidency, well you know what happened to him. 
But on that day of November twenty-second, as I mentioned earlier, the technology from the, shall we say more scientifically advanced civilizations, had been shared with enough on Planet Earth, enough of the residents of Planet Earth, and among this technology was the science, or art of cloning, and a clone was put in my place. But, of course, I had to disappear."So I am coming through now to tell you that I have been in observation. I have been in meetings, secret meetings with some, including Obama. l have been educating myself, and looking forward with a knowing - a certainness, a belief if you will - that all of you would become such bright Lights, would amplify your Lights so much, that you would be as those candles in the darkness, and that eventually you would be so bright that all of these situations and events, and all of this greed that has driven these ones, these dark ones, to such lengths to commit such atrocities, would end! 
I know as I have known always, that it is within the humans of Planet Earth - well, human Star Seeds - to rise above, to light your Lights, and to bring about a raise in the consciousness which would literally propel you into the homecoming that is so deserved, and has been so long awaited! I honor you, Beloved Fellow Citizens, and I salute you for your Courage, your Persistence, and your Perseverance in carrying on, and in bringing forth even more than I dared to dream. With the Love of the Divine Ones We All Are, we shall move even farther into the Light, which is Love, and we shall be united, not just in a moment here or there, but for all time as One - One Great Heart, One Great Mind, One Great Love!!!
So, I say to you, thank you, thank you infinitely and beyond mere words, for coming together on this great day. Let your Hearts express the Courage that is there. Let your Hearts be open to share the Oneness, and the Love that We All Are. And remember that I am with you in my Heart, in my Mind, and in all that I Am, still in service, walking with you along this great path. And so it is for all time. Thank you!" 
Sekhmet: Well! Did you feel the connection? And what was not said was that those who conspired to do this deed are now finding - whether they are still in body or not - they are finding that the lid has come off. There is more Truth to be told. And yes, there will names to be named, because some of them are still in body, but that matters not! Forgive all! 
Thank this man of Courage, and thank all who were involved in any way in his lifetime. And the Truth that we have to share is the Truth of Oneness. There are sometimes events in the World which are so horrific, that even though there is tragedy, cruelty, and evidence, very, very, compelling that somebody is wanting to harm, to intimidate, to control, and to create fear - here is evidence which has been mentioned before that when these events occur, what happens to the consciousness of Planet Earth is that it is raised. It is raised into a high vibration of Oneness. It is on the same wavelength so to speak. Great despair and grief can do that for an entire Planet, so much so that the overwhelming majority of beings upon the Planet come together in that Oneness. And from there they co-create a higher vibration for the entire Planet, and all of the Kingdoms! 
Fortunately these events of such proportion, of such empowerment as this, do not come often, but when they do, there is a result which is truly the opposite of those who have created these events -the opposite of what they have wanted to create. And you can view these events such as November twenty-second,1963, such as nine-eleven, 2011, and others such as the weather catastrophes and disasters - where many, many, lives have been lost - and you can take this as the sun shining through the clouds, if you wish, as the candles being lit in the dark. 
It is no accident that upon the grave of the one known as President JFK that there is a flame that was lit that burns today, because that, Beloved Ones, was divinely inspired as a message to the World. You cannot put out that kind of Love - you can dim it at times when there is so much disaster and despair in the World - you cannot put it out, because the Light of Love is eternal!!! And so it is!"
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
You have much of turmoil that is going on right now. Many are suffering, for their houses are crumbling; sometimes the physical houses, sometimes the financial foundation of the house. But their dwelling places are crumbling, and this is good because they have to now look for a new dwelling place. I do not speak here of a physical dwelling place. I speak here of a dwelling place within the heart, within the consciousness, that is willing to change, to look for a new dwelling place.

HEAVEN #4029
A Beautiful Chorus of Flowers
December 6, 2011
God said:
You are a flower that issued from My heart. You know that flowers are beautiful. You are always struck by their beauty. Imagine the miracle of a flower. How beautifully it raises itself up. A flower rises to the sun. It knows its destiny and offers itself fully to the Sun and Me and you.
I look at the children of My heart, the myriad reflections of My heart, and I see a field of flowers. I am an Artist, and I painted a world filled with a garden of souls in the form of flowering human beings. Can you imagine the immensity of the joy I feel when I look out into My garden? It is beautiful, the flowers that grow. This is a changing field of flowers, this world of human beings. I see such happiness, such joy in your blooming, blossoming, expanding, and My garden bursts into joy, and the garden sings a song that overflows My heart, sings a song and dances to it.
What are you but My flowers who can dance in the silence of love proclaimed? A breeze moves the flowers in My garden. A breeze moves you, and you also seemingly move yourself. You are not firmly planted in the ground and, like beautiful daisies, sway, a beautiful chorus of flowers.
Yet you can float anywhere and everywhere, and take your song with you.
Isn't it amazing that you sometimes feel alone? You, who are in a phenomenal chorus, feel you are doing a solo, a solo that is unheard and often unseen. You are like a flower with the web of a spider covering you up. Ah, yet it is you who has to see your own beauty. You do not need to stand on a hill in order to view yourself. Wherever you are, view yourself as love in bloom as I do view you.
When you see yourself in the beauty you are, so will you see all the other flowers of humanity the same. You do see others as you see yourself. See yourself from a new vantage, and you will see others the same. If you want to know how you think of yourself, look at how you see others.
You have picked a few flowers from the flower garden of the world and held them to your bosom. Look again, and tell Me which flower should not have your love? Pick a whole bouquet and come back for more. Luscious is this field of flowering human beings. Some stand straight, some bend, some fall all the way over and seem underfoot. Love the flowers all, for I planted them for you.
Every human being is someone I created. I created each flower of humanity to give and receive love, and that includes you, and that includes every single flower in My garden. Abstain not from love. That a flower of mine is dried out, wilted, astray does not qualify it to be left out of your bouquet. With your love, your universal emanation of love, a flower will regain its composure. It will regain its standing up. It will blossom again. Never step on a flower in My garden. Remember what you are looking at. You are looking at the flowers I planted in My garden. I planted with love. What I love is yours to love. Look with eyes of love. Look with a mind of love. Look with a heart of love. From your heart of love, issue love. And from the hearts of others, see into their love. Bring out their love by seeing as I do see, and see Me.

The Most Important Key Of All
by Neale Donald Walsch
December 2, 2011
Hello my wonderful friends...
We continue this week our ongoing series on The Holy Experience. As I said last week, the second step in creating the Holy Experience is understanding that you are worthy of having it. This understanding is born of the clarity that God finds us whole, complete, and perfect just as we are, in this moment, for we are not judged by God in any way.
Yet even if we accept that God will never judge us and never has, there is still the question of our own self-judgment--the harshest judgment of all. And so a major process for us, a huge portion of our internal work and of our personal preparation for the Holy Experience, and what we termed the most important key of all, has to do with self-forgiveness.
Almost always it is easier for people to embrace the idea that God forgives them than it is for them to forgive themselves. We have a whole list of "wrongs" we imagine ourselves to have done in our lives, and we can't forget them.
We, and only we, know the inner workings of our mind, the quiet scheming of our heart, the sad assessment of our very human conscience, as we look at our lives and give ourselves a grade.
The trick here is not to try to forget our misdeeds, but to do just the opposite. Remember them, and remember them vividly - for it is what you resist that persists, and what you look at that disappears. That is, it ceases to have its illusory form.
Remember all of your alleged wrong-doings, then do two things at once: (a) agree with yourself never to repeat those behaviors again, and (b) allow yourself to let go of any guilt you have about them, replacing all guilt with regret.
Guilt and fear are the only enemies of man. Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross used to say that (it was one of her most oft-spoken wisdoms), and she was profoundly right. So get over your guilt about what you've done in the past. Just get over it. Get over it.
All of us have made mistakes --- and for some of us they have been some pretty big whoppers --- but that has nothing to do with your worthiness to see God, to be loved by God, and to have the Holy Experience.
Indeed, part of the Holy Experience is understanding this.

Hugs and love,
